Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD

This commit is contained in:
Tristan Ravitch 2018-04-24 09:07:39 -07:00
commit bd686c3c2e
9 changed files with 196 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ install:
- travis_wait stack --no-terminal --skip-ghc-check setup
- cd x86/tests
- stack build macaw-x86
- stack build macaw-x86 macaw-x86-symbolic
- stack test macaw-x86
- cd ../..
# - cabal check

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@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ addUpperBound v u bnds
BVValue _ c | c <= u -> Right bnds
| otherwise -> Left "Constant given upper bound that is statically less than given bounds"
RelocatableValue{} -> Left "Relocatable value does not have upper bounds."
SymbolValue{} -> Left "Symbol value does not have upper bounds."
AssignedValue a ->
case assignRhs a of
EvalApp (UExt x _) -> addUpperBound x u bnds

View File

@ -42,9 +42,10 @@ refineProcState :: RefineConstraints arch
-> AbsValue (ArchAddrWidth arch) tp -- ^ Abstract value to assign value.
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
-> AbsProcessorState (ArchReg arch) ids
refineProcState (BoolValue _) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinment for literal values
refineProcState (BVValue _n _val) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinment for literal values
refineProcState (RelocatableValue _ _) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinment for relocatable values
refineProcState (BoolValue _) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinement for literal values
refineProcState (BVValue _n _val) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinement for literal values
refineProcState (RelocatableValue _ _) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinement for relocatable values
refineProcState (SymbolValue _ _) _av regs = regs -- Skip refinement for this case.
refineProcState (Initial r) av regs =
regs & (absInitialRegs . boundValue r) %~ flip meet av
refineProcState (AssignedValue (Assignment a_id rhs)) av regs

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@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.STRef

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@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ import GHC.TypeLits
import Numeric (showHex)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>), (<>))
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.Permissions as Perm
@ -158,6 +159,17 @@ data AddrWidthRepr w
| (w ~ 64) => Addr64
-- ^ A 64-bit address
instance TestEquality AddrWidthRepr where
testEquality Addr32 Addr32 = Just Refl
testEquality Addr64 Addr64 = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing
instance OrdF AddrWidthRepr where
compareF Addr32 Addr32 = EQF
compareF Addr32 Addr64 = LTF
compareF Addr64 Addr32 = GTF
compareF Addr64 Addr64 = EQF
-- | The nat representation of this address.
addrWidthNatRepr :: AddrWidthRepr w -> NatRepr w
addrWidthNatRepr Addr32 = knownNat

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@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
--import qualified Data.Set as Set
--import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Word
import qualified Lang.Crucible.Analysis.Postdom as C
import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as C
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.MemOps
data MacawSimulatorState sym = MacawSimulatorState
mkMemSegmentBinding :: (1 <= w)
=> C.HandleAllocator s
-> NatRepr w
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ mkMemBaseVarMap halloc mem = do
, M.segmentBase seg /= 0
Map.fromList <$> traverse (mkMemSegmentBinding halloc (M.memWidth mem)) (Set.toList baseIndices)
-- | Create a Crucible CFG from a list of blocks
mkCrucCFG :: forall s arch ids
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ evalMacawExprExtension sym _iTypes _logFn f e0 =
PtrToBits w x -> doPtrToBits sym w =<< f x
BitsToPtr _w x -> MM.llvmPointer_bv sym =<< f x
MacawNullPtr w | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w -> MM.mkNullPointer sym w
MacawNullPtr w | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w -> MM.mkNullPointer sym (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
type EvalStmtFunc f p sym ext =
forall rtp blocks r ctx tp'.
@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ execMacawStmtExtension archStmtFn mvar globs callH s0 st =
MacawCondReadMem w mr p x d -> doCondReadMem st mvar globs w mr p x d
MacawWriteMem w mr x v -> doWriteMem st mvar globs w mr x v
MacawGlobalPtr addr -> doGetGlobal st mvar globs addr
MacawGlobalPtr w addr -> M.addrWidthClass w $ doGetGlobal st mvar globs addr
MacawFreshSymbolic t -> -- XXX: user freshValue
do nm <- case userSymbol "macawFresh" of

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@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen
, valueToCrucible
, evalArchStmt
, MemSegmentMap
, lemma1_16
-- * Additional exports
, runCrucGen
, setMachineRegs
, addTermStmt
, parsedBlockLabel
, ArchAddrWidthRepr
, addrWidthIsPos
) where
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty, (:>))
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.ST
import GHC.TypeLits(KnownNat)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Macaw.CFG as M
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableF
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TH.GADT as U
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -105,6 +106,8 @@ type ArchAddrCrucibleType arch = MM.LLVMPointerType (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
type MacawFunctionArgs arch = EmptyCtx ::> ArchRegStruct arch
type MacawFunctionResult arch = ArchRegStruct arch
type ArchAddrWidthRepr arch = M.AddrWidthRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
type family MacawArchStmtExtension (arch :: *) :: (C.CrucibleType -> *) -> C.CrucibleType -> *
type MacawArchConstraints arch =
@ -113,14 +116,11 @@ type MacawArchConstraints arch =
, C.PrettyApp (MacawArchStmtExtension arch)
, M.MemWidth (M.RegAddrWidth (M.ArchReg arch))
, M.PrettyF (M.ArchReg arch)
, KnownNat (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)
, 16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch
-- CrucPersistentState
-- | Architecture-specific information needed to translate from Macaw to Crucible
data MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
= MacawSymbolicArchFunctions
@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ data MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch
-- ^ Generate crucible for architecture-specific terminal statement.
crucGenAddrWidth :: MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch -> ArchAddrWidthRepr arch
crucGenAddrWidth fns =
crucGenArchConstraints fns $ M.addrWidthRepr Proxy
-- | Return types of registers in Crucible
crucArchRegTypes ::
MacawSymbolicArchFunctions arch ->
@ -167,8 +171,7 @@ type ArchNatRepr a = NatRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth a)
data MacawExprExtension (arch :: *)
(f :: C.CrucibleType -> *)
(tp :: C.CrucibleType)
(tp :: C.CrucibleType) where
MacawOverflows :: (1 <= w)
=> !MacawOverflowOp
-> !(NatRepr w)
@ -178,11 +181,11 @@ data MacawExprExtension (arch :: *)
-> MacawExprExtension arch f C.BoolType
-- | Treat a pointer as a number.
PtrToBits ::
(1 <= w) =>
!(NatRepr w) ->
!(f (MM.LLVMPointerType w)) ->
MacawExprExtension arch f (C.BVType w)
:: (1 <= w)
=> !(NatRepr w)
-> !(f (MM.LLVMPointerType w))
-> MacawExprExtension arch f (C.BVType w)
-- | Treat a number as a pointer.
-- We can never read from this pointer.
@ -193,11 +196,9 @@ data MacawExprExtension (arch :: *)
MacawExprExtension arch f (MM.LLVMPointerType w)
-- | A null pointer.
MacawNullPtr ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
MacawExprExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
:: !(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch)
-> MacawExprExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
instance C.PrettyApp (MacawExprExtension arch) where
ppApp f a0 =
@ -211,13 +212,17 @@ instance C.PrettyApp (MacawExprExtension arch) where
MacawNullPtr _ -> sexpr "null_ptr" []
addrWidthIsPos :: M.AddrWidthRepr w -> LeqProof 1 w
addrWidthIsPos M.Addr32 = LeqProof
addrWidthIsPos M.Addr64 = LeqProof
instance C.TypeApp (MacawExprExtension arch) where
appType x =
case x of
MacawOverflows {} -> C.knownRepr
PtrToBits w _ -> C.BVRepr w
BitsToPtr w _ -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
MacawNullPtr w | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
MacawOverflows {} -> C.knownRepr
PtrToBits w _ -> C.BVRepr w
BitsToPtr w _ -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
MacawNullPtr w | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w -> MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
@ -230,9 +235,7 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *)
-- | Read from memory.
MacawReadMem ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
-- Info about memory (endianness, size)
!(M.MemRepr tp) ->
@ -245,44 +248,37 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *)
-- | Read from memory, if the condition is True.
-- Otherwise, just return the given value.
MacawCondReadMem ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
:: !(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch)
-- Info about memory (endianness, size)
!(M.MemRepr tp) ->
-> !(M.MemRepr tp)
-- Condition
!(f C.BoolType) ->
-> !(f C.BoolType)
-- Pointer to read from
!(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch)) ->
-> !(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch))
-- Default value, returned if the condition is False.
!(f (ToCrucibleType tp)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
-> !(f (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
-- | Write to memory
MacawWriteMem ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(M.MemRepr tp) ->
!(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch)) ->
!(f (ToCrucibleType tp)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f C.UnitType
:: !(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch)
-> !(M.MemRepr tp)
-> !(f (ArchAddrCrucibleType arch))
-> !(f (ToCrucibleType tp))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f C.UnitType
-- | Get the pointer associated with the given global address.
MacawGlobalPtr ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch, M.MemWidth (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)) =>
!(M.MemAddr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
:: !(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch)
-> !(M.MemAddr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch))
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
-- | Generate a fresh symbolic variable of the given type.
MacawFreshSymbolic ::
!(M.TypeRepr tp) -> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
:: !(M.TypeRepr tp)
-> MacawStmtExtension arch f (ToCrucibleType tp)
-- | Call a function.
MacawCall ::
@ -310,32 +306,28 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *)
-- | Equality for pointer or bit-vector.
PtrEq ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f C.BoolType
-- | Unsigned comparison for pointer/bit-vector.
PtrLeq ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f C.BoolType
-- | Unsigned comparison for pointer/bit-vector.
PtrLt ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f C.BoolType
-- | Mux for pointers or bit-vectors.
PtrMux ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f C.BoolType) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
@ -343,16 +335,14 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *)
-- | Add a pointer to a bit-vector, or two bit-vectors.
PtrAdd ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
-- | Subtract two pointers, two bit-vectors, or bit-vector from a pointer.
PtrSub ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
@ -361,8 +351,7 @@ data MacawStmtExtension (arch :: *)
-- but sometimes we need to support "and"-ing a pointer with a constant,
-- which happens when trying to align a pointer.
PtrAnd ::
(16 <= M.ArchAddrWidth arch) =>
!(ArchNatRepr arch) ->
!(ArchAddrWidthRepr arch) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
!(f (BVPtr arch)) ->
MacawStmtExtension arch f (BVPtr arch)
@ -391,7 +380,7 @@ instance (C.PrettyApp (MacawArchStmtExtension arch),
MacawReadMem _ r a -> sexpr "macawReadMem" [pretty r, f a]
MacawCondReadMem _ r c a d -> sexpr "macawCondReadMem" [pretty r, f c, f a, f d ]
MacawWriteMem _ r a v -> sexpr "macawWriteMem" [pretty r, f a, f v]
MacawGlobalPtr x -> sexpr "global" [ text (show x) ]
MacawGlobalPtr _ x -> sexpr "global" [ text (show x) ]
MacawFreshSymbolic r -> sexpr "macawFreshSymbolic" [ text (show r) ]
MacawCall _ regs -> sexpr "macawCall" [ f regs ]
@ -416,9 +405,8 @@ instance C.TypeApp (MacawArchStmtExtension arch)
appType (MacawReadMem _ r _) = memReprToCrucible r
appType (MacawCondReadMem _ r _ _ _) = memReprToCrucible r
appType (MacawWriteMem _ _ _ _) = C.knownRepr
appType (MacawGlobalPtr a)
| let w = M.addrWidthNatRepr (M.addrWidthRepr a)
, LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
appType (MacawGlobalPtr w _)
| LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
appType (MacawFreshSymbolic r) = typeToCrucible r
appType (MacawCall regTypes _) = C.StructRepr regTypes
appType (MacawArchStmtExtension f) = C.appType f
@ -426,16 +414,10 @@ instance C.TypeApp (MacawArchStmtExtension arch)
appType PtrEq {} = C.knownRepr
appType PtrLt {} = C.knownRepr
appType PtrLeq {} = C.knownRepr
appType (PtrAdd w _ _) | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
appType (PtrAnd w _ _) | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
appType (PtrSub w _ _) | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
appType (PtrMux w _ _ _) | LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr w
lemma1_16 :: (16 <= w) => p w -> LeqProof 1 w
lemma1_16 w = leqTrans p (leqProof knownNat w)
p :: LeqProof 1 16
p = leqProof knownNat knownNat
appType (PtrAdd w _ _) | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
appType (PtrAnd w _ _) | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
appType (PtrSub w _ _) | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
appType (PtrMux w _ _ _) | LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w = MM.LLVMPointerRepr (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
-- MacawExt
@ -514,10 +496,8 @@ instance MonadState (CrucGenState arch ids s) (CrucGen arch ids s) where
put s = CrucGen $ \_ cont -> cont s ()
-- | A NatRepr corresponding to the architecture width.
archAddrWidth :: CrucGen arch ids s (NatRepr (M.ArchAddrWidth arch))
archAddrWidth =
do archFns <- translateFns <$> get
crucGenArchConstraints archFns (return knownRepr)
archAddrWidth :: CrucGen arch ids s (ArchAddrWidthRepr arch)
archAddrWidth = crucGenAddrWidth . translateFns <$> get
-- | Get current position
getPos :: CrucGen arch ids s C.Position
@ -676,8 +656,8 @@ appToCrucible app = do
M.BoolTypeRepr -> appAtom (C.BaseIsEq C.BaseBoolRepr xv yv)
M.BVTypeRepr n ->
do rW <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality n rW of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrEq n xv yv)
case testEquality n (M.addrWidthNatRepr rW) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrEq rW xv yv)
Nothing ->
appAtom =<< C.BVEq n <$> toBits n xv <*> toBits n yv
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Equality on tuples not yet done."
@ -691,8 +671,8 @@ appToCrucible app = do
M.BoolTypeRepr -> appAtom (C.BaseIte C.BaseBoolRepr cond tv fv)
M.BVTypeRepr n ->
do rW <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality n rW of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrMux n cond tv fv)
case testEquality n (M.addrWidthNatRepr rW) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrMux rW cond tv fv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom n =<<
C.BVIte cond n <$> toBits n tv <*> toBits n fv
M.TupleTypeRepr _ -> fail "XXX: Mux on tuples not yet done."
@ -728,8 +708,8 @@ appToCrucible app = do
do xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
aw <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality w aw of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrAdd w xv yv)
case testEquality w (M.addrWidthNatRepr aw) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrAdd aw xv yv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom w =<< C.BVAdd w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
-- Here we assume that this does not make sense for pointers.
@ -744,8 +724,8 @@ appToCrucible app = do
do xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
aw <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality w aw of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrSub w xv yv)
case testEquality w (M.addrWidthNatRepr aw) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrSub aw xv yv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom w =<< C.BVSub w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVSbb w x y c -> do
@ -758,23 +738,23 @@ appToCrucible app = do
M.BVMul w x y -> bitOp2 w (C.BVMul w) x y
M.BVUnsignedLe x y ->
do let w = M.typeWidth x
ptrW <- archAddrWidth
xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
case testEquality w ptrW of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrLeq w xv yv)
Nothing -> appAtom =<< C.BVUle w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVUnsignedLe x y -> do
let w = M.typeWidth x
ptrW <- archAddrWidth
xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
case testEquality w (M.addrWidthNatRepr ptrW) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrLeq ptrW xv yv)
Nothing -> appAtom =<< C.BVUle w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVUnsignedLt x y ->
do let w = M.typeWidth x
ptrW <- archAddrWidth
xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
case testEquality w ptrW of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrLt w xv yv)
Nothing -> appAtom =<< C.BVUlt w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVUnsignedLt x y -> do
let w = M.typeWidth x
ptrW <- archAddrWidth
xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
case testEquality w (M.addrWidthNatRepr ptrW) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrLt ptrW xv yv)
Nothing -> appAtom =<< C.BVUlt w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVSignedLe x y ->
do let w = M.typeWidth x
@ -797,13 +777,13 @@ appToCrucible app = do
M.BVComplement w x -> appBVAtom w =<< C.BVNot w <$> v2c' w x
M.BVAnd w x y ->
do xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
aw <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality w aw of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrAnd w xv yv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom w =<< C.BVAnd w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVAnd w x y -> do
xv <- v2c x
yv <- v2c y
aw <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality w (M.addrWidthNatRepr aw) of
Just Refl -> evalMacawStmt (PtrAnd aw xv yv)
Nothing -> appBVAtom w =<< C.BVAnd w <$> toBits w xv <*> toBits w yv
M.BVOr w x y -> bitOp2 w (C.BVOr w) x y
M.BVXor w x y -> bitOp2 w (C.BVXor w) x y
@ -836,8 +816,6 @@ appToCrucible app = do
M.Bsr w x -> do
undefined w x
valueToCrucible :: M.Value arch ids tp
-> CrucGen arch ids s (CR.Atom s (ToCrucibleType tp))
valueToCrucible v = do
@ -847,20 +825,12 @@ valueToCrucible v = do
M.BVValue w c -> fromBits w =<< bvLit w c
M.BoolValue b -> crucibleValue (C.BoolLit b)
M.RelocatableValue w addr ->
do rW <- archAddrWidth
case testEquality w rW of
Just Refl
| M.addrBase addr == 0 && M.addrOffset addr == 0 ->
evalMacawExt (MacawNullPtr w)
| otherwise -> evalMacawStmt (MacawGlobalPtr addr)
Nothing ->
fail $ unlines [ "Unexpected relocatable value width"
, "*** Expected: " ++ show rW
, "*** Width: " ++ show w
, "*** Base: " ++ show (M.addrBase addr)
, "*** Offset: " ++ show (M.addrOffset addr)
M.RelocatableValue w addr
| M.addrBase addr == 0 && M.addrOffset addr == 0 ->
evalMacawExt (MacawNullPtr w)
| otherwise -> evalMacawStmt (MacawGlobalPtr w addr)
M.SymbolValue{} -> do
error "macaw-symbolic does not yet support symbol values."
M.Initial r ->
getRegValue r
@ -1207,7 +1177,7 @@ instance TestEqualityFC (MacawExprExtension arch) where
$(U.structuralTypeEquality [t|MacawExprExtension|]
[ (U.DataArg 1 `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|f|])
, (U.ConType [t|NatRepr |] `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|testEquality|])
, (U.ConType [t|ArchAddrWidthRepr|] `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|testEquality|])
instance OrdFC (MacawExprExtension arch) where
@ -1216,7 +1186,7 @@ instance OrdFC (MacawExprExtension arch) where
[ (U.DataArg 1 `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|f|])
, (U.ConType [t|NatRepr|] `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|compareF|])
, (U.ConType [t|ArchNatRepr|] `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|compareF|])
, (U.ConType [t|ArchAddrWidthRepr|] `U.TypeApp` U.AnyType, [|compareF|])
instance FunctorFC (MacawExprExtension arch) where

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Generic(ppPtr)
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.DataLayout(EndianForm(..))
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Bytes(toBytes)
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen(lemma1_16)
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.CrucGen (addrWidthIsPos)
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.PersistentState(ToCrucibleType)
import Data.Macaw.CFG.Core(MemRepr(BVMemRepr))
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory as M
@ -105,8 +105,12 @@ doMakeCall k st mvar regs =
addrWidthAtLeast16 :: M.AddrWidthRepr w -> LeqProof 16 w
addrWidthAtLeast16 M.Addr32 = LeqProof
addrWidthAtLeast16 M.Addr64 = LeqProof
doGetGlobal ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= w, M.MemWidth w) =>
(IsSymInterface sym, M.MemWidth w) =>
CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx {- ^ Simulator state -} ->
GlobalVar Mem {- ^ Model of memory -} ->
Map M.RegionIndex (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w)) {- ^ Region ptrs -} ->
@ -124,10 +128,11 @@ doGetGlobal st mvar globs addr =
Just region ->
do mem <- getMem st mvar
let sym = stateSymInterface st
let w = M.addrWidthNatRepr (M.addrWidthRepr addr)
off <- bvLit sym w (M.memWordInteger (M.addrOffset addr))
res <- let ?ptrWidth = w
in doPtrAddOffset sym mem region off
let w = M.addrWidthRepr addr
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthAtLeast16 w
let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
off <- bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (M.memWordInteger (M.addrOffset addr))
res <- doPtrAddOffset sym mem region off
return (res, st)
@ -137,10 +142,10 @@ doGetGlobal st mvar globs addr =
-- state, we don't actually do it.
type PtrOp sym w a =
forall s ext rtp blocks r ctx.
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= w) =>
IsSymInterface sym =>
CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx {- ^ Simulator state -} ->
GlobalVar Mem {- ^ Memory model -} ->
NatRepr w {- ^ Width of pointer -} ->
M.AddrWidthRepr w {- ^ Width of pointer -} ->
RegEntry sym (LLVMPointerType w) {- ^ Argument 1 -} ->
RegEntry sym (LLVMPointerType w) {- ^ Argument 2 -} ->
IO (a, CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx)
@ -154,11 +159,18 @@ binOpLabel lab x y =
, "}"
mkUndefinedPtr :: (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) =>
sym -> String -> NatRepr w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
mkUndefinedPtr sym nm w =
do base <- mkUndefined sym ("ptr_base_" ++ nm) BaseNatRepr
off <- mkUndefinedBV sym ("ptr_offset_" ++ nm) w
return (LLVMPointer base off)
doPtrMux :: Pred sym -> PtrOp sym w (LLVMPtr sym w)
doPtrMux c = ptrOp $ \sym _ w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
do both_bits <- andPred sym xBits yBits
both_ptrs <- andPred sym xPtr yPtr
undef <- mkUndefinedPtr sym "ptr_mux" w
undef <- mkUndefinedPtr sym "ptr_mux" (M.addrWidthNatRepr w)
cases sym (binOpLabel "ptr_mux" x y) muxLLVMPtr (Just undef)
[ both_bits ~>
endCase =<< llvmPointer_bv sym =<< bvIte sym c (asBits x) (asBits y)
@ -171,26 +183,27 @@ doPtrAdd = ptrOp $ \sym _ w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
do both_bits <- andPred sym xBits yBits
ptr_bits <- andPred sym xPtr yBits
bits_ptr <- andPred sym xBits yPtr
let nw = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
a <- cases sym (binOpLabel "ptr_add" x y) muxLLVMPtr Nothing
[ both_bits ~>
endCase =<< llvmPointer_bv sym =<< bvAdd sym (asBits x) (asBits y)
, ptr_bits ~> endCase =<< ptrAdd sym w x (asBits y)
, bits_ptr ~> endCase =<< ptrAdd sym w y (asBits x)
, ptr_bits ~> endCase =<< ptrAdd sym nw x (asBits y)
, bits_ptr ~> endCase =<< ptrAdd sym nw y (asBits x)
return a
isValidPtr ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= w) =>
(IsSymInterface sym) =>
sym ->
RegValue sym Mem ->
NatRepr w ->
M.AddrWidthRepr w ->
LLVMPtr sym w ->
IO (Pred sym)
isValidPtr sym mem w p =
do let ?ptrWidth = w
LeqProof <- return (lemma1_16 w)
do LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthIsPos w
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthAtLeast16 w
let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
isValidPointer sym p mem
doPtrSub :: PtrOp sym w (LLVMPtr sym w)
@ -198,12 +211,13 @@ doPtrSub = ptrOp $ \sym mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
do both_bits <- andPred sym xBits yBits
ptr_bits <- andPred sym xPtr yBits
ptr_ptr <- andPred sym xPtr yPtr
let nw = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
cases sym (binOpLabel "ptr_sub" x y) muxLLVMPtr Nothing
[ both_bits ~>
endCase =<< llvmPointer_bv sym =<< bvSub sym (asBits x) (asBits y)
, ptr_bits ~> endCase =<< ptrSub sym w x (asBits y)
, ptr_bits ~> endCase =<< ptrSub sym nw x (asBits y)
, ptr_ptr ~>
do okP1 <- isValidPtr sym mem w x
@ -215,10 +229,11 @@ doPtrSub = ptrOp $ \sym mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
doPtrAnd :: PtrOp sym w (LLVMPtr sym w)
doPtrAnd = ptrOp $ \sym mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
let doPtrAlign amt isP isB v
doPtrAnd = ptrOp $ \sym _mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
let nw = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
doPtrAlign amt isP isB v
| amt == 0 = return v
| amt == natValue w = mkNullPointer sym w
| amt == natValue nw = mkNullPointer sym nw
| Just 0 <- asNat (ptrBase v) = llvmPointer_bv sym =<<
bvAndBits sym (asBits x) (asBits y)
@ -234,26 +249,25 @@ doPtrAnd = ptrOp $ \sym mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
nm <- mkName "align_amount"
least <- freshConstant sym nm (BaseBVRepr n)
Just LeqProof <- return (testLeq n w)
let mostBits = subNat w n
Just LeqProof <- return (testLeq n nw)
let mostBits = subNat nw n
Just LeqProof <- return (testLeq (knownNat @1) mostBits)
most <- bvLit sym mostBits 0
bts <- bvConcat sym most least
Refl <- return (minusPlusCancel w n)
Refl <- return (minusPlusCancel nw n)
endCase =<< ptrSub sym w v bts
endCase =<< ptrSub sym nw v bts
-- We don't check for the validity of the pointer:
-- this is done upon use.
case (isAlignMask x, isAlignMask y) of
(Just yes, _) -> doPtrAlign yes yPtr yBits y
(_, Just yes) -> doPtrAlign yes xPtr xBits x
_ -> do v1 <- doPtrToBits sym w x
v2 <- doPtrToBits sym w y
llvmPointer_bv sym =<< bvAndBits sym v1 v2
in case (isAlignMask x, isAlignMask y) of
(Just yes, _) -> doPtrAlign yes yPtr yBits y
(_, Just yes) -> doPtrAlign yes xPtr xBits x
_ -> do v1 <- doPtrToBits sym nw x
v2 <- doPtrToBits sym nw y
llvmPointer_bv sym =<< bvAndBits sym v1 v2
@ -290,21 +304,22 @@ doPtrEq = ptrOp $ \sym mem w xPtr xBits yPtr yBits x y ->
do both_bits <- andPred sym xBits yBits
both_ptrs <- andPred sym xPtr yPtr
undef <- mkUndefinedBool sym "ptr_eq"
let nw = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
cases sym (binOpLabel "ptr_eq" x y) itePred (Just undef)
[ both_bits ~> endCase =<< bvEq sym (asBits x) (asBits y)
, both_ptrs ~>
do okP1 <- isValidPtr sym mem w x
okP2 <- isValidPtr sym mem w y
ok <- andPred sym okP1 okP2
endCaseCheck ok "Comparing invalid pointers" =<< ptrEq sym w x y
endCaseCheck ok "Comparing invalid pointers" =<< ptrEq sym nw x y
doReadMem ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= ptrW) =>
IsSymInterface sym =>
CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx {- ^ Simulator state -} ->
GlobalVar Mem ->
Map M.RegionIndex (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW)) {- ^ Region ptrs -} ->
NatRepr ptrW ->
M.AddrWidthRepr ptrW ->
MemRepr ty ->
RegEntry sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW) ->
IO ( RegValue sym (ToCrucibleType ty)
@ -318,16 +333,18 @@ doReadMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) ptr0 =
ty = bitvectorType (toBytes (widthVal bytes))
bitw = natMultiply (knownNat @8) bytes
LeqProof <- return (lemma1_16 w)
LeqProof <- return (leqMulPos (knownNat @8) bytes)
ptr <- tryGlobPtr sym mem globs w (regValue ptr0)
let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
ok <- isValidPtr sym mem w ptr
check sym ok "doReadMem"
$ "Reading through an invalid pointer: " ++ show (ppPtr ptr)
val <- let ?ptrWidth = w in loadRaw sym mem ptr ty
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthIsPos w
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthAtLeast16 w
val <- loadRaw sym mem ptr ty
a <- case valToBits bitw val of
Just a -> return a
Nothing -> fail "[doReadMem] We read an unexpected value"
@ -337,11 +354,11 @@ doReadMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) ptr0 =
doCondReadMem ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= ptrW) =>
IsSymInterface sym =>
CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx {- ^ Simulator state -} ->
GlobalVar Mem {- ^ Memory model -} ->
Map M.RegionIndex (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW)) {- ^ Region ptrs -} ->
NatRepr ptrW {- ^ Width of ptr -} ->
M.AddrWidthRepr ptrW {- ^ Width of ptr -} ->
MemRepr ty {- ^ What/how we are reading -} ->
RegEntry sym BoolType {- ^ Condition -} ->
RegEntry sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW) {- ^ Pointer -} ->
@ -358,7 +375,6 @@ doCondReadMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) cond0 ptr0 def0 =
ty = bitvectorType (toBytes (widthVal bytes))
bitw = natMultiply (knownNat @8) bytes
LeqProof <- return (lemma1_16 w)
LeqProof <- return (leqMulPos (knownNat @8) bytes)
ptr <- tryGlobPtr sym mem globs w (regValue ptr0)
@ -367,7 +383,9 @@ doCondReadMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) cond0 ptr0 def0 =
$ "Conditional read through an invalid pointer: " ++
show (ppPtr ptr)
val <- let ?ptrWidth = w in loadRawWithCondition sym mem ptr ty
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthIsPos w
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthAtLeast16 w
val <- let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w in loadRawWithCondition sym mem ptr ty
let useDefault msg =
do notC <- notPred sym cond
@ -387,11 +405,11 @@ doCondReadMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) cond0 ptr0 def0 =
doWriteMem ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= ptrW) =>
IsSymInterface sym =>
CrucibleState s sym ext rtp blocks r ctx {- ^ Simulator state -} ->
GlobalVar Mem {- ^ Memory model -} ->
Map M.RegionIndex (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW)) {- ^ Region ptrs -} ->
NatRepr ptrW {- ^ Width of ptr -} ->
M.AddrWidthRepr ptrW {- ^ Width of ptr -} ->
MemRepr ty {- ^ What/how we are writing -} ->
RegEntry sym (LLVMPointerType ptrW) {- ^ Pointer -} ->
RegEntry sym (ToCrucibleType ty) {- ^ Write this value -} ->
@ -405,7 +423,8 @@ doWriteMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) ptr0 val =
let sym = stateSymInterface st
ty = bitvectorType (toBytes (widthVal bytes))
LeqProof <- return (lemma1_16 w)
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthIsPos w
LeqProof <- pure $ addrWidthAtLeast16 w
LeqProof <- return (leqMulPos (knownNat @8) bytes)
ptr <- tryGlobPtr sym mem globs w (regValue ptr0)
@ -413,16 +432,12 @@ doWriteMem st mvar globs w (BVMemRepr bytes endian) ptr0 val =
check sym ok "doWriteMem"
$ "Write to an invalid location: " ++ show (ppPtr ptr)
let ?ptrWidth = w
let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
let v0 = regValue val
v = LLVMValInt (ptrBase v0) (asBits v0)
mem1 <- storeRaw sym mem ptr ty v
return ((), setMem st mvar mem1)
-- Utilities
@ -455,14 +470,14 @@ ptrOp ::
( (1 <= w) =>
sym ->
RegValue sym Mem ->
NatRepr w ->
M.AddrWidthRepr w ->
Pred sym -> Pred sym -> Pred sym -> Pred sym ->
LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO a
) ->
PtrOp sym w a
ptrOp k st mvar w x0 y0 =
do mem <- getMem st mvar
LeqProof <- return (lemma1_16 w)
LeqProof <- return (addrWidthIsPos w)
let sym = stateSymInterface st
x = regValue x0
y = regValue y0
@ -560,13 +575,6 @@ checkEndian mem endian =
, " *** Read : " ++ show need ]
mkUndefinedPtr :: (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) =>
sym -> String -> NatRepr w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
mkUndefinedPtr sym nm w =
do base <- mkUndefined sym ("ptr_base_" ++ nm) BaseNatRepr
off <- mkUndefinedBV sym ("ptr_offset_" ++ nm) w
return (LLVMPointer base off)
-- | A fresh boolean variable
mkUndefinedBool ::
(IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> String -> IO (RegValue sym BoolType)
@ -608,18 +616,19 @@ which is statically known to be a constant, we consult
the global map to see if we know about a correpsonding
addres.. If so, we use that for the memory operation. -}
tryGlobPtr ::
(IsSymInterface sym, 16 <= w) =>
IsSymInterface sym =>
sym ->
RegValue sym Mem ->
Map M.RegionIndex (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w)) {- ^ Region ptrs -} ->
NatRepr w ->
M.AddrWidthRepr w ->
LLVMPtr sym w ->
IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
tryGlobPtr sym mem globs w val
| Just 0 <- asNat (ptrBase val)
, Just r <- Map.lookup literalAddrRegion globs
, LeqProof <- lemma1_16 w
= let ?ptrWidth = w
, LeqProof <- addrWidthIsPos w
, LeqProof <- addrWidthAtLeast16 w =
let ?ptrWidth = M.addrWidthNatRepr w
in doPtrAddOffset sym mem r (asBits val)
| otherwise = return val
@ -635,6 +644,3 @@ isAlignMask v =
let (zeros,ones) = break (testBit k) (take w [ 0 .. ])
guard (all (testBit k) ones)
return (fromIntegral (length zeros))

View File

@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ getReg ::
forall n t f. (Idx n (ArchRegContext M.X86_64) t) => RegAssign f -> f t
getReg x = x ^. (field @n)
x86RegName :: M.X86Reg tp -> C.SolverSymbol
x86RegName M.X86_IP = C.systemSymbol "!ip"
x86RegName (M.X86_GP r) = C.systemSymbol $ "!" ++ show r
@ -250,4 +248,3 @@ x86_64MacawSymbolicFns =
x86_64MacawEvalFn ::
C.IsSymInterface sym => SymFuns sym -> MacawArchEvalFn sym M.X86_64
x86_64MacawEvalFn fs (X86PrimFn x) s = semantics fs x s