2020-09-02 16:35:35 +03:00

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Release packages and storage

This file provides information about cxreating releases and how store work files and released packages. This is mainly for internal use by the OPUS-MT project and is specific to the infrastructure at CSC.


Relevant makefiles:

Main recipes:

  • dist: create a distribution package for the specified NMT model (default location: WORKHOME/models)
  • release: create a release package (in models/)
  • best-dist: scans the work directory of the selected language pair and create a release package from the model with the highest BLEU score
  • upload: upload released models to CSC ObjectStore (allas); requires setup and login to project_2000661 via allas-conf
  • upload-models: upload work models (packages from WORKHOME/models) to development container on CSC ObjectStore
  • store: store the WORKDIR on CSC ObjectStore (for internal use)
  • store-data: store data in WORKHOME/data (raw bitexts) on CSC ObjectStore (for internal use)
  • fetch: fetch work files stored on CSC ObjectStore for specified language pair; does not overwrite (for internal use)
  • fetch-data: fetch WORKHOME/data from CSC ObjectStore; does not overwrite (for internal use)
  • fetch-tiedeman: same as fetch but retrieve data from user tiedeman (for internal use)

Parameters / variables:

  • SRCLANGS: list of source language codes
  • TRGLANGS: list of target language codes
  • WORKHOME: top-level work directory
  • MIN_BLEU_SCORE: BLEU score threshold for release packages (default: 20)
  • MODEL_CONTAINER: name of ObjectStore container (default: OPUS-MT-models)
  • DEV_MODEL_CONTAINER: name of ObjectStore container (default: OPUS-MT-dev)
  • WORK_SRCDIR: top-level work home directory to fetch models from (for store), default: WORKHOME
  • WORK_DESTDIR: top-level work home directory to store models from (for fetcg), default: WORKHOME

Work data on Allas

Work directories can be uploaded to allas to safe scratch space and can be fetched later on to continue working on specific models. The makefiles implement some recipes to store and fetch data files:

  • initialise connection to allas
module load allas

Select project_2002688 (OPUS-MT).

  • store the work dorectory for a specific model:
make SRCLANGS=xx TRGLANGS=yy store

This will pack and upload the work directory work/xx-yy. Note that this overwrites an existing package that might be in the same place! The container will be called OPUS-MT-train_work_<username> (<username> is set by calling whoami).

  • fetch a work directory from allas:
make SRCLANGS=xx TRGLANGS=yy fetch

This retrieves the package from allas (from container OPUS-MT-train_work_<username>) and unpacks it in WORK_DESTDIR. Note that this recipe does NOT overwrite existing files and will fail if the work directory of the corresponding model already exists. Either delete the existing one first or specify a different destination by setting WORK_DESTDIR.

  • store and fetch the raw data files (bitexts) from work/data
make store-data
make fetch-data

store-data overwrites again existing packages on allas but fetch-data does not overwrite and breaks if work/data already exists.

  • fetch work files from user tiedeman
make SRCLANGS=xx TRGLANGS=yy fetch-tiedeman

This is for fetching the work files for the specified model from the container of user tiedeman.