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# Back-translation
Translate monolingual data (extracted from various wikimedia sources) to create synthetic training data.
## Overview
Relevant makefiles:
* [Makefile](Makefile)
* [lib/config.mk](https://github.com/Helsinki-NLP/OPUS-MT-train/blob/master/lib/config.mk)
Main recipes:
* `all`: translate wiki data for the specified language
* `get-data`:
* `extract-text`:
* `extract-doc`:
* `prepare-model`:
* `prepare-data`:
* `translate`:
* `check-length`:
* `print-names`:
* `print-modelname`:
Recipes for fetching data and pre-processing batch jobs:
* `index.html`:
* `all-wikitext`:
* `all-wikilangs`:
* `all-wikilangs-fast`:
* `all-wikis-all-langs`:
* `all-wikidocs-all-langs`:
* `wiki-iso639`: link (shuffled) wikisources to iso639-3 conform language labels
* `wiki-iso639-doc`: same as above but for non-shuffled wikisources with document boundaries
Recipes for translating wiki data:
* `translate-all-parts`:
* `translate-all-wikis`:
* `translate-all-wikiparts`:
* `translate-all-parts-jobs`:
* `translate-all-wikis-jobs`:
* `translate-all-wikiparts-jobs`:
Recipes for Sami languages:
* `sami-corp`:
* `translate-sami`:
* `translate-sami-corp`:
* `translate-sami-wiki`:
* `translate-sami-xx-wiki`:
* `translate-sami-xx-corp`:
* `translate-xx-sami-wiki`:
Recipes for Celtic languages:
* `fetch-celtic`:
* `translate-celtic-english`:
* `translate-english-celtic`:
* `breton`:
Recipes for Nordic and Uralic languages:
* `finland-focus-wikis`:
* `translate-thl`:
* `all-nordic-wikidocs`:
* `uralic-wiki-texts`:
* `uralic-wikis`:
Other task-specific recipes:
* `xnli-wikidocs`:
* `small-romance`:
* `wikimedia-focus-wikis`:
Parameters / variables:
* `SRC`:
* `TRG`:
* `PART`:
## Detailed information
Use Wiki data:
* json processor: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
* wiki JSON dumps: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/cirrussearch/current/
NOTE: this only works for SentencePiece models
* download base models from ObjectStorage
* DONE? make it work with multilingual models (need to adjust preprocess-scripts for those models)