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Bend in X minutes - the ultimate guide!

Note: you shouldn't be here, you sneaky dev! This is a WIP. Get out!

Bend is a high-level, massively parallel programming language. That means it feels like Python, but scales like CUDA. It runs on CPUs and GPUs, and you don't have to do anything to make it parallel - as long as your code isn't "helplessly sequential", it will use 1000's of threads! In a single thread, it is still not very fast. HVM2's compiler is very, very immature (even against HVM1, let alone SOTA compilers) - but it will quickly improve over time.

It is important to keep in mind Bend isn't perfect, and we made an early release in order to iteratively evolve the tech with the community (join our Discord!). So, if you understand that, and is willing to be an early adopter of this tech - then, this guide will teach you how to apply Bend in practice to build parallel programs in a whole new way!

If you'd like to have a more in-depth technical dive, check HVM2's paper. If you'd like an entertaining, intuitive explanation of how this is possible, check HVM1's classic But if you just want to dive straight into action - this guide is for you. Let's go!


To use Bend, first, install Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Then, install Bend itself with:

cargo install bend

To test if it worked, type:

bend --help

For any help, reach us in our Discord!

Hello, World!

As we said, Bend feels like Python - in some ways. It is high-level, you can easily create objects and lists, there are ifs and loops. In some ways, it is different: there is some Haskell in it, in the sense algebraic datatypes, pattern-matching and recursion play an important role. You can think of it as the midway through the goal of compiling modern languages to HVM. And Bend was made from scratch to fully use HVM's potential. Here is the "Hello, world!":

def main():
  return "Hello, world!"

Wait - there is something strange there. Why return, not print? Well, for now (you'll read these words a lot), Bend doesn't have IO yet. We plan to introduce it the upcoming weeks. So, for now, all you can do is perform computations, and see a result. Run the program above as:

bend run main.bend

If all goes well, you should see "Hello, world!". The bend run command uses the reference interpreter, which is slow, but reliable. In a few moments, we'll teach you how to compile code to run on parallel CPUs and GPUs. For now, let's focus in learning some fundamentals!

Basic Functions and Datatypes

In Bend, functions are pure: they receive something, and they return something. That's all. Here is a function that tells you how old you are:

def am_i_old(age):
  if age < 18:
    return "you're a kid"
    return "you're an adult"

def main():
  return am_i_old(32)

That is simple enough, isn't it? Here is one that returns the distance between two points:

def distance(ax, ay, bx, by):
  dx = bx - ax
  dy = by - ay
  return sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

This isn't so pretty. Could we use tuples instead? Yes:

def distance(a, b):
  (ax, ay) = a
  (bx, by) = b
  dx = b_x - a_x
  dy = b_y - a_y
  return sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

So far, this does look like Python, doesn't it? What about objects? Well - here, we have a difference. In Python, you have classes. In Bend, we just have the objects, without the "methods". This is how we create a 2D vector:

object V2 { x, y }

def distance(a, b):
  open V2: a
  open V2: b
  dx = b.x - a.x
  dy = b.y - a.y
  return sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

This doesn't look too different, does it? What is that open thing, though? It just tells Bend to consume the vector, a, "splitting" it into its components, a.x and a.y.

Is that really necessary? Actually, no - not really. But, for now, it is. This has to do with the fact Bend is an affine language, but... we'll not get too deep into that. In the future, we'll get rid of that noise. For now, just remember that accessing the fields of an object requires you to open it.

Other than objects, Bend has a last way to encode data: algebraic datatypes (ADTs). If that sounds scary, don't worry: it just means "an object with a tag". That's all there is to it. A classic example of this is a "shape", which can be either a circle or a rectangle. Here's how you can define it in Bend:

type Shape:
  Circle { radius }
  Rectangle { width, height }

def area(shape):
  match shape:
    case Shape/Circle:
      return 3.14 * shape.radius ** 2
    case Shape/Rectangle:
      return shape.width * shape.height

In this example, Shape is an ADT with two variants: Circle and Rectangle. The area function uses pattern matching to handle each variant appropriately. Note that, just like the open syntax "consumes" an object, giving us access to its fields, the match syntax "consumes" a datatype, giving us access to the correct fields, on each respective branch.

To test all these functions, we can just print them. Here's a full example:

object V2 { x, y }

def distance(a, b):
  open V2: a
  open V2: b
  dx = b.x - a.x
  dy = b.y - a.y
  return sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)

def main():
  with IO:
    a = V2 { x: 10.0, y: 10.0 }
    b = V2 { x: 20.0, y: 20.0 }
    d = distance(a, b)
    print("Distance is: " ++ V2/show(a, b))

Parallel Algorithms

Now, let's get straight to the fun part: how do we implement parallel algorithms with Bend? Well, actually not. Before we get there, we must talk. You might have noticed we have avoided loops, and mutating variables, so far. That's because, in these situations, Bend diverges from Python in some ways. For example, a Python developer might try expect to be able to write:

def parity(x):
  result = "odd"
  if x % 2 == 0:
    result = "even"
  return result

But this is actually not valid in Bend. First, because local variables are immutable - we can't mutate them. Second, because ifs and matches are expressions, not statements. A valid program would be, instead:

def is_even(x):
  if x % 2 == 0:
    return "even"
    return "odd"

This may sound annoying - and it is. But Bend does provide a series of tools to amend this problem, and, in many cases, we can emulate a "mutable" style that makes it feel just like Python. For example, the program below is valid Bend:

def foo():
  obj = V2 { x: 10.0, y: 10.0 }
  obj.x += 5.0
  obj.y -= 3.0
  return obj

We'll elaborate on this in a moment. For now, let's focus in another subject we've not covered: loops. How do we loop in bend? If Bend is pure and all variables are immutable, then, loops would be pretty useless; after all, the point of a loop is to either change local variables or do effects. But that's not the only problem of loops: the fact they're sequential (0, then 1, then 2, then 3...) is really, really bad for parallelism.

So, to simplify and reinforce the design of algorithms that are actually parallel-friendly, Bend has banned loops entirely. I know, that sounds scary, but, don't worry: it does replace these with some things that are equivalently powerful. It is a little bit less intuitive. But it is also extremely general, and getting comfortable with it will be rewarding. These things are two syntax: the fold, and the bend.

Trees, Folds and Bends

In Python, the most flexible container is the list, which allows you to store a bunch of elements in sequence. In Bend, the flagship structure is the tree:

type Tree:
  Node { lft, rgt }
  Leaf { val }

A Tree is an ADT with two variants: Node and Leaf. By combining layers of nodes and leaves, we can store elements just like lists... except that, instead of being a linear sequence, they form a hierarchical structure: For example, to store the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, we could use the following tree:

nums = Node { lft: 1, rgt: Node { lft: 2, rgt: Node { lft: 3, rgt: 4 }}}

Eh - that's quite ugly, isn't it? Of course, there is a syntax for it:

nums = ![1, ![2, ![3, 4]]]

That's prettier... but how is that better than a list? The difference is that, using trees, we can actually balance it, in a way that decreases the maximum depth. For example, the same set could be represented as:

nums = ![![1,2], ![3,4]]

And, as it turns out, this branching-like structure makes a huge difference for parallelism. Just like Python provides for-loops to create and consume lists, Bend provides constructs to create and consume trees.

Fold: consuming a tree

The principle of a fold is that it replaces every ![fst,snd] of a tree by a function F(fst,snd) of your choice, and every leave val of a tree by a function F(val) of your choice too. For example, consider the function below:

def sum(tree):
  fold tree:
    case Node:
      return tree.lft + tree.rgt
    case Leaf:
      return tree.val * 2

To visualize how it works, remember the following tree:

nums = ![![1,2], ![3,4]]

Based on the fold's code, it should replace every ![lft,rgt] on that tree by (lft+rgt), and we should replace every val by val*2. The result becomes:

nums = ((1*2 + 2*2) + (3*2 + 4*4))

Notice how the tree of data has been transformed in a tree of operations. Since these operations are independent, HVM will compute them in parallel, like this:

nums = ((2 + 4) + (6 + 16))
nums = (8 + 22)
nums = 30

Notice how (2 + 4) and (6 + 16) were executed at the same time, in parallel. If the tree wasn't balanced, that wouldn't be possible. For example:

nums = (2 + (4 + (6 + 16)))
nums = (2 + (4 + 22))
nums = (2 + 26)
nums = 28

In this case, all operations happened one after the other, sequentially.

In Bend, fold is the primary mechanism to consume a structure, computing a result from it in parallel. It doesn't work just for this specific tree: it works for any ADT you create. And the result doesn't need to be a single number: it can be anything. For example, you can use a fold to convert a quadtree (format used to represent game maps) to a JSON (which is also a tree!), and store it to persist the game state. If you try hard enough, everything can be turned into a tree!

Bend: creating a tree

The bend is the opposite of the fold: instead of consuming something, it creates something. The way it works is, in some ways, similar to a while loop, but, admittedly, a little bit more bureaucratic, in 3 ways:

  1. You must explicit an initial state.

  2. You're allowed to mutate ONE local variable: the thing you're building.

  3. Instead of being sequential, it can branch arbitrarily.

Here is how you create a perfect binary tree with copies of the number 7:

def main():

  bend x = 0:
    when x < 3:
      tree = ![go(x + 1), go(x + 1)]
      tree = 7

  do IO:

The program above should print:

![![![![7,7], ![7,7]], ![![![7,7], ![7,7]]]]]

Now, let's be honest: this is the least familiar syntax so far. But it is not too hard, we promise. So, how does it work? Two ways to explain. First, with a full example.

When the bend begins, the x value will be initialized as 0. Then, as long as x < 3, bend will create a node (#[_,_]), and repeat this operation with x + 1, on each side. When x == 3, we stop, and just place a 7 in that position. Like this:

tree = go(0)
tree = ![go(1), go(1)]
tree = ![![go(2),go(2)], ![go(2),go(2)]]
tree = ![![![go(3),go(3)], ![go(3),go(3)]], ![![go(3),go(3)], ![go(3),go(3)]]]
tree = ![![![7,7], ![7,7]], ![![7,7], ![7,7]]]

You can kind of think of this as if x was a living cell that was duplicating itself, forming a tree of descendants. In the end, you have a complete tree!

The second way to explain is for the devs offended by this ultra simplified example: yes, bend is just a syntax-sugar for creating a recursive function, immediately calling it, and assigning the result to a variable. In other words, the program above is equivalent to:

def go(x):
  if x < 3:
    return ![go(x + 1), go(x + 1)]
    return 7

def main():
  tree = go(0)
  do IO:

Since this is operation is so common on Bend, we have a syntax for it! By adding more states, we can create arbitrary trees that way. In fact, we can even emulate loops. For example, consider the following Python loop:

sum = 0
idx = 0
while idx < 10:
  sum = idx + sum
  idx = idx + 1

It could be emulated with a bend in the following manner:

bend idx = 0:
  when idx < 10:
    sum = idx + go(idx + 1)
    sum = 0

Of course, if you do it, Bend's devs will be very disappointed with you.

Example: Parallel Tree Sum

def gen(d, x):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return x
    case _:
      return (gen(d-1, x * 2 + 1), gen(d-1, x * 2))

def sum(d, t):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return t
    case _:
      (t.a, t.b) = t
      return sum(d-1, t.a) + sum(d-1, t.b)

def main:
  return sum(20, gen(20, 0))

TODO: explain

TODO: use bend/fold syntaxes


  • 15.01s / 178 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 1 thread)
  • 1.35s / 1970 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 16 threads) - 11x speedup
  • 0.23s / 11823 MIPS (NVIDIA RTX 4090, 16k threads) - 65x speedup

Example: Parallel Bitonic Sort

def swap(s, a, b):
  switch s:
    case 0:
      return (a,b)
    case _:
      return (b,a)

def warp(d, s, a, b):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return swap(s + (a > b), a, b)
    case _:
      (a.a,a.b) = a
      (b.a,b.b) = b
      (A.a,A.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.a, b.a)
      (B.a,B.b) = warp(d-1, s, a.b, b.b)
      return ((A.a,B.a),(A.b,B.b))

def flow(d, s, t):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return t
    case _:
      (t.a, t.b) = t
      return down(d, s, warp(d-1, s, t.a, t.b))

def down(d,s,t):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return t
    case _:
      (t.a, t.b) = t
      return (flow(d-1, s, t.a), flow(d-1, s, t.b))

def sort(d, s, t):
  switch d:
    case 0:
      return t
    case _:
      (t.a, t.b) = t
      return flow(d, s, sort(d-1, 0, t.a), sort(d-1, 1, t.b))

TODO: explain TODO: use fold/bend syntaxes TODO: should run with N=20 (2x higher CUDA MIPS), but 1-thread OOM's TODO: this requires editing the CUDA file to use 7x7 instead of 8x7 Benchmarks:

  • 12.33s / 102 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 1 thread)
  • 0.96s / 1315 MIPS (Apple M3 Max, 16 threads) - 12x speedup
  • 0.24s / 5334 MIPS (NVIDIA RTX 4090, 16k threads) - 51x speedup


TODO: cover IO and so many other aspects :')