2024-06-19 09:52:55 -03:00

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this is a WIP based on Builtins.bend.

Built-in Types and Functions

Bend built-in types and functions, this document serves as a reference guide. Read more at


type String = (Cons head ~tail) | (Nil)
  • Nil: Represents an empty string.
  • Cons head ~tail: Represents a string with a head character and a tail string.


A String literal is surrounded with ". Accepts the same values as characters literals.

"Hello, World!"


type List = (Cons head ~tail) | (Nil)
  • Nil: Represents an empty list.
  • Cons head ~tail: Represents a list with a head element and a tail list.


A List of values can be written using [ ], it can have multiple values inside, using , you can divide its value in a list of multiple elements.

["This", "List", "Has", "Multiple", "Values"]


type Tree:
  Node { ~left, ~right }
  Leaf { value }

Tree represents a tree with values stored in the leaves. Trees are a structure that naturally lends itself to parallel recursion, so writing your problem in terms of trees is a good first approach to parallelize your code.

  • Node { ~left ~right }: Represents a tree node with left and right subtrees.
  • Leaf { value }: Represents one of the ends of the tree, storing value.


Bend provides the ![] operator to create tree branches and the ! operator to create a tree leaf.

# ![a, b] => Equivalent to Tree/Node { left: a, right: b }
# !x      => Equivalent to Tree/Leaf { value: x }
tree = ![![!1, !2],![!3, !4]]

Technically your trees don't need to end with leaves, but if you don't, your program will be very hard to reason about.


type Map:
  Node { value ~left ~right }

Map represents a tree with values stored in the branches. It is meant to be used as an efficient map data structure with integer keys and O(log n) read and write operations.

  • Node { value ~left ~right }: Represents a map node with a value and left and right subtrees. Empty nodes have * stored in the value field.
  • Leaf: Represents an unwritten, empty portion of the map.


Here's how you create a new Map with some initial values.:

{ 0: 4, `hi`: "bye", 'c': 2 + 3 }

The keys must be U24 numbers, and can be given as literals or any other expression that evaluates to a U24.

The values can be anything, but storing data of different types in a Map will make it harder for you to reason about it.

You can read and write a value of a map with the [] operator:

map = { 0: "zero", 1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three" }
map[0] = "not zero"
map[1] = 2
map[2] = 3
map[3] = map[1] + map[map[1]]

Here, map must be the name of the Map variable, and the keys inside [] can be any expression that evaluates to a U24.

Map functions


Initializes an empty map.

Map/empty = Map/Leaf


Retrieves a value from the map based on the key. Returns a tuple with the value and the map unchanged.

Map/get map key =
  match map {
    Map/Leaf: (*, map)
      switch _ = (== 0 key) {
        0: switch _ = (% key 2) {
            let (got, rest) = (Map/get map.left (/ key 2))
            (got, (Map/Node map.value rest map.right))
            let (got, rest) = (Map/get map.right (/ key 2))
            (got, (Map/Node map.value map.left rest))
        _: (map.value, map)


Considering the following map

{ 0: "hello", 1: "bye", 2: "maybe", 3: "yes"}

The get function can be written as

return x[0]  # Gets the value of the key 0

And the value resultant from the get function would be:



Sets a value in the map at the specified key. Returns the map with the new value.

Map/set map key value =
  match map {
      switch _ = (== 0 key) {
        0: switch _ = (% key 2) {
          0: (Map/Node map.value (Map/set map.left (/ key 2) value) map.right)
          _: (Map/Node map.value map.left (Map/set map.right (/ key 2) value))
        _: (Map/Node value map.left map.right)
      switch _ = (== 0 key) {
        0: switch _ = (% key 2) {
          0: (Map/Node * (Map/set Map/Leaf (/ key 2) value) Map/Leaf)
          _: (Map/Node * Map/Leaf (Map/set Map/Leaf (/ key 2) value))
        _: (Map/Node value Map/Leaf Map/Leaf)


Considering the following tree

{ 0: "hello", 1: "bye", 2: "maybe", 3: "yes"}

The set function can be written as

x[0] = "swapped"     # Assigns the key 0 to the value "swapped"

And the value resultant from the get function would be:

{ 0: "swapped", 1: "bye", 2: "maybe", 3: "yes"}

If there's no matching key in the tree, it would add a new branch to that tree with the value set

x[4] = "added"     # Assigns the key 4 to the value "added"

The new tree

{ 0: "swapped", 1: "bye", 2: "maybe", 3: "yes", 4: "added"}


Applies a function to a value in the map. Returns the map with the value mapped.

Map/map (Map/Leaf)                  key f = Map/Leaf
Map/map (Map/Node value left right) key f =
  switch _ = (== 0 key) {
    0: switch _ = (% key 2) {
        (Map/Node value (Map/map left (/ key 2) f) right)
        (Map/Node value left (Map/map right (/ key 2) f))
    _: (Map/Node (f value) left right)


With the same map that we set in the previous section, we can map it's values with @=:

x[0] @= lambda y: String/concat(y, " and mapped")
# x[0] now contains "swapped and mapped"


type Nat = (Succ ~pred) | (Zero)
  • Succ ~pred: Represents a natural number successor.
  • Zero: Represents the natural number zero.


A Natural Number can be written with literals with a # before the literal number.



The basic builtin IO functions are under development and will be stable in the next milestone.

Here is the current list of functions, but be aware that they may change in the near future.

File IO

File open

def IO/FS/open(path, mode)

Opens a file with with path being given as a string and mode being a string with the mode to open the file in. The mode should be one of the following:

  • "r": Read mode
  • "w": Write mode (write at the beginning of the file, overwriting any existing content)
  • "a": Append mode (write at the end of the file)
  • "r+": Read and write mode
  • "w+": Read and write mode
  • "a+": Read and append mode

Returns an U24 with the file descriptor. File descriptors are not necessarily the same as the ones assigned by the operating system, but rather unique identifiers internal to Bend's runtime.

File descriptors for standard files

The standard input/output files are always open and assigned the following file descriptors:

  • IO/FS/STDIN = 0: Standard input
  • IO/FS/STDOUT = 1: Standard output
  • IO/FS/STDERR = 2: Standard error

File close

def IO/FS/close(file)

Closes the file with the given file descriptor.

File read

def IO/FS/read(file, num_bytes)

Reads num_bytes bytes from the file with the given file descriptor.

Returns a list of U24 with each element representing a byte read from the file.

File write

def IO/FS/write(file, bytes)

Writes bytes, a list of U24 with each element representing a byte, to the file with the given file descriptor.

Returns nothing (*).

File seek

def IO/FS/seek(file, offset, mode)

Moves the current position of the file with the given file descriptor to the given offset, an I24 or U24 number, in bytes.

mode can be one of the following:

  • IO/FS/SEEK_SET = 0: Seek from start of file
  • IO/FS/SEEK_CUR = 1: Seek from current position
  • IO/FS/SEEK_END = 2: Seek from end of file

Returns nothing (*).

Numeric operations


def log(x: f24, base: f24) -> f24

Computes the logarithm of x with the specified base.


def atan2(x: f24, y: f24) -> f24

Computes the arctangent of y / x.

Has the same behaviour as atan2f in the C math lib.


def to_f24(x: any number) -> f24

Casts any native number to an f24.


def to_u24(x: any number) -> u24

Casts any native number to a u24.


def to_i24(x: any number) -> i24

Casts any native number to an i24.

Encoding functions


def Bytes/decode_utf8(bytes: [u24]) -> String

Decodes a sequence of bytes to a String using utf-8 encoding.


def Bytes/decode_ascii(bytes: [u24]) -> String

Decodes a sequence of bytes to a String using ascii encoding.


def String/encode_utf8(s: String) -> [u24]

Encodes a String to a sequence of bytes using utf-8 encoding.


def String/encode_ascii(s: String) -> [u24]

Encodes a String to a sequence of bytes using ascii encoding.


def Utf8/decode_character(bytes: [u24]) -> (rune: u24, rest: [u24])

Decodes a utf-8 character, returns a tuple containing the rune and the rest of the byte sequence.