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First class modules with self types

Sometimes, heterogeneous data types are desirable, even in a strongly typed language. For example, first-class modules could be represented as maps from strings to functions. The problem is, the type of these functions may vary:

IntLib.add(a: Int, b: Int): Int
  a + b

IntLib.neg(a: Int): Int
  0 - a

IntLib: Module
    "add":!(IntLib.add) // Int -> Int -> Int
    "neg":!(IntLib.neg) // Int -> Int

five: Int
  Module.value_of(IntLib, "add")(+2, +3)

So how can we represent the Module type? Neither Map<Int -> Int -> Int> nor Map<Int -> Int> would work, since add and neg have different types. Creating a sum type with every possible type of function wouldn't be viable, either. There is no escape: sometimes we just need a way to talk about dynamic values, even though we're in a statically typed language.

The Dynamic type in Agda

In a dependently typed language, one way to have this is to implement a Dynamic type, which is a pair of type, value:

data Dynamic : Set where
  new : (T : Set) -> (value : T) -> Dynamic

This datatype is like a box that "hides" a value and its type internally, but is itself viewed as a single type, called Dynamic. This, in turn, allows us to create collections of types that vary. For example, we may store ints and strings in the same List Dynamic:

elems : List Dynamic
elems = [new Int 3, new String "foo"]

We can also make functions to extract the type and the value of a Dynamic:

typeOf : Dynamic -> Set
typeOf (new T value) = T

valueOf : (dyn : Dynamic) -> typeOf dyn
valueOf (new T value) = value

And we can use valueOf to recover a typed value from a "static dynamic":

dyn : Dynamic
dyn = new Int 7

num : Int
num = valueOf dyn

Of course, we can only turn a Dynamic into a well-typed value if it has a statically known type. Otherwise, it becomes useless, since we won't be able to do anything with it (after all, Int functions work on Int arguments, not Dynamic arguments, for example). But for first-class modules, Dynamic is very handy, since we're always able to cast module functions to their actual types.

The Dynamic type in Kind, with Self types

If we blindly translate the program above to Kind, this is what we get:

type Dynamic {
  new<T: Type>(value: T)

Dynamic.type_of(dyn: Dynamic): Type
  case dyn {
    new: dyn.T

Dynamic.value_of(dyn: Dynamic): Dynamic.type_of(dyn)
  case dyn {
    new: dyn.value

dyn: Dynamic<Nat>(7)

num: Nat
  case dyn {
    new: dyn.value

Unlike Agda (which does a lot under the hoods), Kind is a more raw language, that desugars the syntax above to a very simple core calculus. Because of that, this program, as is, doesn't type check, since Kind isn't able to tell that the T field of dyn is equal to Nat, even though that's the case, since dyn is a static value. To solve this, we must get our hands dirty and hack the self types directly. First, we use kind <term> --show to recover the Self encoding for the Dynamic type, and its constructor:

$ kind Dynamic --show
Dynamic.Self<P:(:Dynamic) Type> (new:<T:Type> (value:T) P(,value))) P(Dynamic.Self)

$ kind --show
(T) (value) (P) (new) new(T,value)

Then, we replace the type Dynamic { ... } syntax sugar by the terms above:

Dynamic: Type
  self<P: Dynamic -> Type>
  (new: <T: Type> (value: T) P(, value)))
  P(self)<T: Type>(value: T): Dynamic
  (P, new) new(T,value)

I must stress that this program is identical to the previous one, we've just written the Self encoding directly instead of letting the type Dynamic { ... } syntax desugar to it. Now, we hack it by making one small change: we replace value : T in the new constructor by value : type_of(self). That's because T is the first field of self, so both are equivalent:

Dynamic: Type
  self<P: Dynamic -> Type>
  (new: <T: Type> (value: Dynamic.type_of(self)) P(, value)))
  P(self)<T: Type>(value: T): Dynamic
  (P, new) new(T,value)

This should work in any language with self types. Since not every reader is familiar with Kind's syntax, here is the same code in an Agda-like syntax:

Dynamic : Set
Dynamic =
  ∀ self (P : Dynamic -> Set) ->
  ∀ (new : (T : Type) -> (value : typeOf self) -> P (new (typeOf self) value)) ->
  P self

new : (T : Set) -> (value : T) -> Dynamic
new T value = \ P new -> new T value

With this small change, we're now able to extract values of static dynamics just like in Agda. In other words, the following program type-checks just fine:

dyn: Dynamic<Nat>(7)

dyn: Nat
  case dyn {
    new: dyn.value

With this, we're able to represent first-class modules in Kind. The Dynamic and Module modules are already on base. Kind users can already use first-class modules in their codes, and the first snippet in this post works as is!

As a last thought, I wonder if, in a future, we should desugar the type syntax in a way that does this automatically. I see no reason not to, but it would increase the complexity of the desugarer considerably.