2023-05-09 18:13:39 -03:00

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<div align="center">
**Kind** is a **pure functional programming language** and **proof assistant**.
[Getting started](#getting-started) •
[Examples](#examples) •
# Getting started
It is a complete rewrite of [Kind1](, based on
[HVM](, a **lazy**, **non-garbage-collected** and **massively parallel** virtual
machine. In [our benchmarks](, its type-checker outperforms every
alternative proof assistant by a far margin, and its programs can offer exponential speedups over Haskell's GHC. Kind2
unleashes the [inherent parallelism of the Lambda
Calculus]( to become the ultimate programming language of
the next century.
<div align="center"><b>Welcome to the inevitable parallel, functional future of computers! </b></div>
## Examples
Pure functions are defined via equations, as in [Haskell](
// Applies a function to every element of a list
Map <a> <b> (list: List a) (f: a -> b) : List b
Map a b Nil f = Nil
Map a b (Cons head tail) f = Cons (f head) (Map tail f)
Theorems can be proved inductively, as in [Agda]( and [Idris](
// Black Friday Theorem. Proof that, for every Nat n: n * 2 / 2 == n.
BlackFridayTheorem (n: Nat) : Equal Nat (Nat.half (Nat.double n)) n
BlackFridayTheorem = Equal.refl
BlackFridayTheorem (Nat.succ n) = Equal.apply (x => Nat.succ x) (BlackFridayTheorem n)
For more examples, check the [Kindex](
# Installation
First, install [Rust]( first, then enter:
cargo +nightly install kind2
Then, use any of the commands below:
Command | Usage | Note
---------- | ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------
Check | `kind2 check file.kind2` | Checks all definitions.
Eval | `kind2 eval file.kind2` | Runs using the type-checker's evaluator.
Run | `kind2 run file.kind2` | Runs using HVM's evaluator, on Rust-mode.
To-HVM | `kind2 to-hvm file.kind2` | Generates a [.hvm]( file. Can then be compiled to a rust crate using HVM.
To-KDL | `kind2 to-kdl file.kind2` | Generates a [.kdl]( file. Can then be deployed to [Kindelia](
The rust crate can be generated via HVM:
kind2 to-hvm file.kind2 > file.hvm
hvm compile file.hvm
- If you need support related to Kind, email [](
- For Feedbacks, email [](
- To ask questions and join our community, check our [Discord Server](
[banner]: ./img/banner.png