2020-08-09 15:43:08 -07:00

2.8 KiB


🌊 Thank you for contributing to Tide! 🌊

Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.

If you have any questions that aren't addressed in this document, please don't hesitate to open an issue!

Code Conventions

Style Guide

  • if > and or or
  • test > [...]
  • printf > echo
  • Long forms of flags > short forms
    • Exceptions: set, set_color, function foo -a, "common knowledge" options for commands like rm -r
  • Piping > command substitution (only when convenient, i.e no extra commands)

Naming Conventions

Local variables should be named in camelCase.

  • set -l numberOfNewlines

Anything exposed to the shell or user--functions, global/universal variables, and files--should be named in snake_case, beginning with tide_. Prepend an underscore if the user in not meant to interact directly with it.

  • set -g _tide_left_prompt_height
  • set -U tide_right_prompt_items
  • _tide_count_left_prompt_height.fish
  • _tide_right_prompt
  • tide_install

Specific Naming Conventions

  • Items begin with _tide_item_
  • Subcommands begin with _tide_sub_


tide test runs tests from the $_tide_dir/tests folder using fishtape. You can quickly install fisher and fishtape using tide test -i.


tide test status

You can run the full test suite with the -a/--all flag.

tide test -a


Code linting is done via fish --no-execute.

Markdown and Yaml linting is done via the Super-Linter action, which uses Markdownlint and Yamllint.


Code formatting is done via fish_indent.

Markdown and Yaml formatting is done via Prettier.

Documentation Conventions

All links should be in the reference style, with references at the bottom of the document in alphabetical order.


Tide does not use strict semantic versioning but instead whatever feels appropriate at the time.

For example Tide might:

  • Bump the major version number for a large feature even if it's backwards compatible
  • Make small non-backwards compatible changes in a minor version bump
  • Not bump the patch version number for ultra minor fixes