Ilan Cosman 8b4201cbdf Add go item (#174)
Co-authored-by: Dr. Stephan Heuer <dshr153@gmail.com>
2021-07-14 09:10:09 -07:00

12 KiB


v5.0.0 (???)


  • git item improvements
    • Display git tag when available (#154)
    • Add special characters to indicate git tags and shas (#154)
    • Add git icon (#154)
    • Add changing background color in rainbow style (#163)
  • Improve variable naming scheme, and renamed some items (#105)
  • Run pwd after all other items, which allows it to precisely react to prompt length (#131)
  • Add shlvl item (#156 - @kidonng)
  • Display pipenv virtual environments better in virtual_env item.
  • Add go item ([#174][] - @dr-emacs)
  • Performance improvements

Bug fixes

  • Check for python3 in addition to python before removing virtual_env item (#162)
  • Don't set fish_term24bit, which was messing up colors

v4.3.4 (Apr 14 2021)

  • Git item now works correctly in bare git repositories (#145)
  • Git item now actually works in .git directory, and added tests to make sure
  • Made tide bug-report more powerful and also check for oh-my-fish on the user's machine

v4.3.3 (Apr 11 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Git item now works correctly in .git directory and in submodules (#138)
  • Vi mode prompt char will display correct $status (#126)
  • alt+arrow directory switching will work as before (#139)
  • Avoid killing user's background jobs

v4.3.2 (Mar 26 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where git staged/dirty counters wouldn't display
  • Use $status instead of $pipestatus[-1] to account for the not command.
  • Safer fix for the commandline not highlighting bug (#130)

v4.3.1 (Mar 24 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the commandline wouldn't highlight on startup (#130)

v4.3.0 (Mar 22 2021)


  • Remove on startup items that the user doesn't have a required tool for
  • Always add a space after the prompt, even without prompt_char item (#129)

Bug fixes

  • Fix pwd markers which had been broken for a while
  • Don't error when the left prompt is too long (#121 - @mfossen)
  • Fix multi-line prompt when there are no items on the second line


  • Use mega-linter instead of super-linter
  • Fix bug in release action

v4.2.0 (Mar 04 2021)


  • Add PHP item (#91)
  • Add chruby item (#100)

Bug fixes

  • Load fish_prompt only if session is interactive (#107 - @chvolkmann)
  • Make virtual_env item smarter in avoiding generic names (#97)


  • Updated code for Fish 3.2.0
  • Refactor printing logic, much faster now (#111)
  • Use builtin disown instead of function, small speed increase
  • Don't even create fish_mode_prompt function, tiny speed improvement


  • Add syntax checking for Fish
  • Add format checking for Fish
  • Add PHP item tests
  • Add chruby item tests

v4.1.1 (Feb 22 2021)


  • Tide v4.1.1 will be the last version to support Fish 3.1.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where cmd_duration and context items were being removed from the user's items list
  • Support toor and Administrator in context item


  • Moved the documentation back to the Wiki
  • Added an FAQ (#96)
  • Added a Custom Items guide

v4.1.0 (Feb 20 2021)


  • Add tide bug-report --clean option for debugging
  • All items are now enabled by default. Items for tools that aren't installed are automatically removed.

Bug fixes

  • Avoid parsing directories as flags (#88)
  • Don't error if in .git directory of git repo


  • Add new release action to reduce manual labor
  • Add nvm, git, and time item tests
  • Add truncate to unique and markers to PWD test

v4.0.0 (Feb 03 2021)


  • Add native git solution; 15 to 50% faster than fish_git_prompt. The git_prompt item has been renamed to git. (#75)
  • Remove Pure style, redundant now that Tide is async (#77)
  • Add 16 color option. Lets users customize Tide's colors through the terminal palette, which was one of the attractions of Pure style. (#79)

Bug fixes

  • Remove seq, fixes errors when in macOS root


  • Use Littlecheck instead of Fishtape
  • Test on macOS as well as Ubuntu


  • The menu code is significantly shorter
  • A bunch of other small improvements, mostly because we removed fish_git_prompt
  • Moved the resources directory into a separate repo, makes installing/updating Tide much faster.

v3.2.0 (Jan 12 2021)


  • New pwd features:
    • Markers - If a directory contains these files/directories, it will be anchored
    • Truncate to unique - Truncate directories to their shortest unique identifier, i.e no other directories match

Bug fixes

  • Fix _tide_decolor for linux and tmux TERMs (#66)
  • Close stdout in background process, prompt feels super smooth now
  • Ensure prompt variables are erased after uninstall (#69)
  • Don't error if detect_os file doesn't have the specified key

v3.1.0 (Dec 31 2020)

Bug fixes

  • Remove prompt cancel handling. It helped on Linux but hurt on MacOS.
  • Refresh prompt when right prompt changes (#59)
  • Set color to normal at end of prompt (#63 - @peng1999)
  • Allow for installation into non-standard locations (#65 - @vamega)

v3.0.0 (Dec 22 2020)


  • Prompt now renders asynchronously (#15)
  • Prompt now redraws accurately when the line is cancelled (#53)

v2.5.0 (Nov 19 2020)


  • Switched installation method to fisher
  • Added an icons menu to the configuration wizard (#20)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed tide install --unattended erroring 404 (#30)
  • Fixed tab selection menu occasionally being colorized (#33)
  • Fixed os detection erroring if /etc/lsb-release did not exist (#40 - @Shadow53)
  • Switched to mktemp instead of assuming that /tmp will exist (#41 - @Shadow53)
  • Erase all _tide_* "private" functions on uninstall (#43 - @jorgebucaran)
  • Moved fish_right_prompt to it's own file to prevent errors after uninstall (#45 - @jorgebucaran)


  • Added a brief explanation for how to modify variables (#29 - @Epse)
  • Fixed a broken link to the fish_git_prompt documentation (#32 - @PatrickF1)


  • Minor improvements to CI
  • Improved test suite
    • Added function mocking
    • Added rust item test

v2.4.0 (Sep 21 2020)


  • Added number of jobs option (#5)
  • Added nvm item (#23)
  • Added support for lsb-release in detect_os for non systemd distros (#24)
  • Added vi_mode item and prompt_char_vi variables for vi keybindings users (#26)

Bug fixes

  • Added git dirty state to pure style (#18)
  • Fixed bug when pwd started with / (#25)

v2.3.0 (Aug 20 2020)

  • Add question issue template
  • Combine CI workflows
  • Lots of new unit tests
  • Add context_always_display option
  • Add Rust item

v2.2.0 (Aug 02 2020)

v2.1.0 (Jul 29 2020)

  • Fix bug with basename on macOS
  • Minor edits to README
  • New os item
    • Displays a 1 character icon representing your os/distro
    • Falls back to a similar distro of linux if yours isn't recognized

v2.0.0 (Jul 26 2020)

  • Add Powerline support!
    • Item separators
    • Background colors
  • Add continuous integration
  • Update documentation
    • Move configuration to wiki
    • Beautify the readme

v1.5.0 (Jun 28 2020)

  • Many more pure prompt menus
  • Add stash state to pure
  • Add virtual_env item

v1.4.0 (Jun 17 2020)

  • Add pure support

v1.3.2 (Jun 13 2020)

  • Fix / not showing at start of pwd

v1.3.1 (Jun 08 2020)

  • Fix pwd not displaying in unwritable directories

v1.3.0 (Jun 06 2020)

  • Massive speed increase
    • Greater than 2x in most cases
    • Run code only when relevant variables change

v1.2.0 (Jun 05 2020)

  • Add pwd anchors
    • Bold directories that don't get truncated
    • Options: first, last, and git
  • Add recommended font to readme
  • Add contributing guide and code of conduct

v1.1.2 (May 24 2020)

  • Fix tide configure making fish_prompt larger and larger

v1.1.1 (May 24 2020)

  • tide configure now also resets fish_prompt to default

v1.1.0 (May 24 2020)

  • Pwd adds a second letter when truncating a directory with a dot in front
  • Wizard restores default configuration of variables
  • Tide command now has completions for subcommands
  • Readme now uses a git.io vanity link

v1.0.0 (May 20 2020)

  • First release