MaiaVictor 6c5b850cd3 UwU
2021-02-19 20:15:26 -03:00

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Goodbye, JavaScript!

Formality has now received its largest and most important update to date: it is now entirely implemented in itself! Its parser, type-checker, interpreter and so on are all contained in a pure Formality file, That file is then compiled to multiple back-ends, including JavaScript, Haskell and, in a future, Scheme, Clojure and others. That means that:

  1. Your Formality libraries can now be imported inside multiple languages.

  2. Formality itself can be installed using multiple package managers.

Our dependence on JavaScript is finally over and the jump in code quality is unprecedented, since the language is rewritten in a very strongly typed language: itself! That marks the beginning of a new era for Formality, where it moves from being a research project towards becoming a mature, stable and productive language.

Installing Formality from npm or cabal

Usually, Formality is installed from npm, using npm i -g formality-js. This installs a big JavaScript file (formality.js) containing the whole language, and exposes it via the fmjs command. But now we also offer a pure Haskell implementation, which can be installed as:

git clone
cd formality/bin/hs
cabal build
cabal install

This will install the fmhs command in your machine, which is identical to fmjs, except it is pure Haskell. To test it, you can cd into the formality/src directory and type either fmjs Main or fmhs Main. Both commands should output:

Main: IO(Unit)

All terms check.

Thanks to GHC, Formality's type checker won't stack overflow when checking large type-level computations anymore. Moreover, native Haskell HOAS is much faster than JavaScript lambdas, making the type-checker even faster than before. Even better, you can now import Formality from Haskell, if you ever want to check proofs inside your Haskell applications, for whatever reason.

Compiling Formality to Haskell

You can compile Formality functions directly to Haskell, and use them inside your Haskell programs. For example, the file has the following definition:

Example.sum(n: Nat): Nat
  case n {
    zero: 0
    succ: n + Example.sum(n.pred)

It computes the sum of all numbers from 0 to n. You can compile it to Haskell as:

cd formality/src
fmjs Example.sum --hs --module Sum >> Sum.hs

You can then create a Main.hs file, import and use Example.sum:

import Sum

main :: IO ()
main = print (example_sum 100000000)

And then just compile/run as you would expect:

ghc Main.hs -o Main -O2
time ./Main

And it just works!

[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, Main.o )
Linking Main ...

real	0m6.538s
user	0m4.897s
sys	0m1.044s

Since Formality compiles all its terms to λ-encodings, the entire language can be easily embedded inside Haskell, although it does need unsafeCoerce. That's because Formality's type-checker is more expressive than Haskell, and some Formality programs simply can't be translated to it. For example, it is impossible to translate foo(b: Bool): if b then Nat else String to Haskell. unsafeCoerce is unavoidable and harmless, since these programs were already type-checked, but it would still be desirable to decrease its usage in a future, if only to make GHC happier.

What about performance?

It is okay. As you can see, in the example above, the example_sum compiled from Formality to Haskell has added all Integers from 0 to 100m in 6s on my notebook. If we instead wrote it manually:

example_sum :: Integer -> Integer
example_sum 0 = 0
example_sum n = n + example_sum (n - 1)

main :: IO ()
main = print (example_sum 100000000)

It would take exactly the same time with -O2. That's because Formality identifies λ-encoded types and compiles them to native structures, as follows:

Formality Haskell
Nat Integer
U8 Word8
U16 Word16
U32 Word32
U64 Word64
String String
datatypes tagged accessors
lambdas lambdas

By tagged accessors, I mean that, for example, a program like:

type FooBar {
  foo(a: String, b: String)
  bar(n: Nat, m: Nat)

ex0: FooBar"hello", "world")

ex1: FooBar, 20)

Will get compiled to something like:

foo = \a b -> (0, \foo bar -> foo a b)
bar = \n m -> (1, \foo bar -> bar n m)
ex0 = foo "hello" "world"
ex1 = bar 10 20

This is quite fast and, since this is a direct compilation (no wrapper or interpreters), it allows GHC to heavily optimize your Formality programs. Of course, speed will still not be comparable to hand-written Haskell, but it will not be an issue in most common uses. As we compile more Formality types to native Haskell structures, the gap should get smaller. Benchmarks and comparisons would be sweet, though, so, if anyone is wondering how to collaborate, that is a way!


Formality is now less JavaScript and more Haskell than ever. I wish we have moved earlier. Trust me when I say nobody was more annoyed by JavaScript than myself. But now that Formality is written in a strongly typed language (itself), it is free to grow larger and more featureful, something that we avoided to do, because no sane mind wants to maintain a 100k LOC proof language written in JavaScript. Expect Formality to evolve faster than ever!

Now, there is no excuse left. Visit our formal proof tutorial and start proving your own theorems, now! It is written for Haskellers, presenting theorem proving concepts in a easy to follow format with key examples and exercises. Also make sure to visit our Telegram chat room where we answer your questions and post updates. See you there!

Annoying Disclaimers

  1. While the main language is entirely implemented itself (including its parser, type-checker, interpreter and so on), the FormalityCore->Haskell compiler, a 750 LOC file, is still JS-only. That is why we had to use fmjs (and not fmhs) to compile Formality to Haskell. Implementing that in Formality should take a day or two, but I just didn't have time yet. Once I do, the --hs option will be added to fmhs too.

  2. I'm still not sure on how a great module system for Formality should look like. Should I use IPFS, like the proposal I presented on Ethereum's Devcon? Should I do something more like Unison? I don't know yet, so, in order to avoid mistakes, Formality has no module system yet. That means that, in order to use it, you must be on the formality/src directory, which is where all the base libraries (like Nat, String, IO) are. You can use the language without these, but most syntax sugars rely on them. So just do it for now.

  3. Since Formality's type-checker is 100% HOAS, it is extremely fast, but our unifier / hole-filling algorithm still needs improvements. That means that, if you type-check hole-free programs, Formality should beat every other proof language. But its type-checking performance downgrades once you have many holes, specially because Formality re-unifies every term of every dependency you have. That's why type-checking still takes a few seconds. This will be greatly improved soon, once we start chaching filled holes. So expect a huge improvement in type-checking performance in the near future.