
990 B

Setting up a development environment on macOS


This installation guide assumes that you have Homebrew and Xcode installed. You need to open Xcode atleast once for it to install the required tools.

Before you build, you must set your command line tools to Xcode's tools instead of the ones installed via Homebrew:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

Make sure you also have all the following dependencies installed:

# core
brew install coreutils e2fsprogs qemu bash gcc@11 imagemagick ninja cmake ccache rsync

# (option 1) fuse + ext2
brew install m4 autoconf automake libtool
brew install --cask osxfuse

# (option 2) genext2fs
brew install genext2fs


  • Installing osxfuse for the first time requires enabling its system extension in System Preferences and then restarting your machine. The output from installing osxfuse with brew says this, but it's easy to miss.