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2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
module Examples.Modal exposing (Msg, State, example)
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
@docs Msg, State, example
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
2019-08-17 01:47:21 +03:00
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html, div, h3, h4, p, span, text)
2020-06-19 23:41:28 +03:00
import AtomicDesignType exposing (AtomicDesignType(..))
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Category exposing (Category(..))
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
import Css exposing (..)
2020-09-02 23:44:39 +03:00
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html as Root
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..))
2020-01-29 04:10:20 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
2019-06-11 00:28:38 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 as Checkbox
import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.FocusTrap.V1 as FocusTrap exposing (FocusTrap(..))
2020-09-02 20:12:59 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V11 as Modal
2019-08-17 01:47:21 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text
import Task
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
{-| -}
type alias State =
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
{ state : Modal.Model
, attributes : Control (List Modal.Attribute)
, settings : Control ViewSettings
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ state = Modal.init
, attributes = controlAttributes
, settings = initViewSettings
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
controlAttributes : Control (List Modal.Attribute)
controlAttributes =
Control.record (\a b c -> a :: b :: c :: [])
|> Control.field "Theme" controlTheme
|> Control.field "Title visibility" controlTitleVisibility
|> Control.field "Custom css" controlCss
type alias ViewSettings =
{ title : String
2019-06-11 00:53:38 +03:00
, showX : Bool
2019-06-11 03:12:35 +03:00
, showContinue : Bool
2019-06-11 04:32:54 +03:00
, showSecondary : Bool
2019-06-11 21:26:24 +03:00
, dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick : Bool
2020-09-02 23:59:02 +03:00
, content : String
2019-06-11 00:28:38 +03:00
initViewSettings : Control ViewSettings
initViewSettings =
Control.record ViewSettings
|> Control.field "Modal title" (Control.string "Modal Title")
|> Control.field "X button" (Control.bool True)
|> Control.field "Continue button" (Control.bool True)
|> Control.field "Close button" (Control.bool True)
2020-09-02 23:44:39 +03:00
|> Control.field "dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick" (Control.bool True)
|> Control.field "Content"
2020-09-02 23:59:02 +03:00
(Control.stringTextarea <|
String.join "\n\n"
[ "Generally, you'll want to pair the Modal.warning theme with the Button.danger theme and the theme with the Button.primary theme."
, "Muffin liquorice powder liquorice jujubes biscuit cookie candy canes lemon drops. Liquorice powder carrot cake dragée icing tootsie roll apple pie lemon drops lemon drops. Jujubes danish bear claw cotton candy. Dragée apple pie tiramisu. Sugar plum dessert pastry marzipan chocolate cake dragée sesame snaps. Marshmallow gingerbread lemon drops. Brownie chocolate fruitcake pastry. Powder jelly beans jujubes. Croissant macaroon dessert cookie candy canes jelly jujubes. Muffin liquorice ice cream wafer donut danish soufflé dragée chocolate bar. Candy croissant candy wafer toffee lemon drops croissant danish sugar plum. Cookie cake candy canes. Pastry powder muffin soufflé tootsie roll sweet cookie tiramisu."
, "Candy cake danish gingerbread. Caramels toffee cupcake toffee sweet. Gummi bears candy cheesecake sweet. Pie gingerbread sugar plum halvah muffin icing marzipan wafer icing. Candy fruitcake gummies icing marzipan. Halvah jelly beans candy candy canes biscuit bonbon sesame snaps. Biscuit carrot cake croissant cake chocolate lollipop candy biscuit croissant. Topping jujubes apple pie croissant chocolate cake. Liquorice cookie dragée gummies cotton candy fruitcake lemon drops candy canes. Apple pie lemon drops gummies cake chocolate bar cake jelly-o tiramisu. Chocolate bar icing pudding marshmallow cake soufflé soufflé muffin. Powder lemon drops biscuit sugar plum cupcake carrot cake powder cake dragée. Bear claw gummi bears liquorice sweet roll."
2020-09-02 23:53:40 +03:00
2020-09-03 00:04:06 +03:00
controlTitleVisibility : Control Modal.Attribute
controlTitleVisibility =
[ ( "showTitle", Control.value Modal.showTitle )
, ( "hideTitle", Control.value Modal.hideTitle )
2020-09-02 23:53:40 +03:00
controlTheme : Control Modal.Attribute
controlTheme =
[ ( "info", Control.value )
, ( "warning", Control.value Modal.warning )
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
controlCss : Control Modal.Attribute
controlCss = Modal.css <|
[ ( "[]", Control.value [] )
, ( "[ Css.borderRadius ]", Control.value [ Css.borderRadius ] )
, ( "[ Css.width (Css.px 900) ]", Control.value [ Css.width (Css.px 900) ] )
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
{-| -}
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
example : Example State Msg
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
example =
2020-09-02 20:12:59 +03:00
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V11"
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, categories = [ Modals ]
2020-06-20 00:16:10 +03:00
, atomicDesignType = Organism
2020-09-03 00:19:41 +03:00
, keyboardSupport =
[ { keys = [ KeyboardSupport.Tab ]
, result = "Moves focus to the next button within the modal or wraps back to the first element within the modal."
, { keys = [ KeyboardSupport.Tab, KeyboardSupport.Shift ]
, result = "Moves focus to the previous button within the modal or wraps back to the last element within the modal."
, { keys = [ KeyboardSupport.Esc ]
, result = "If 'dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick' is set to true, closes the modal. Else, does nothing."
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, state = init
, update = update
2020-03-31 22:48:26 +03:00
, subscriptions = subscriptions
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, view =
\state ->
2020-09-02 23:44:39 +03:00
settings =
Control.currentValue state.settings
[ div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.justifyContent Css.spaceAround ] ]
[ Control.view UpdateAttributes state.attributes
|> Html.fromUnstyled
, Control.view UpdateSettings state.settings
|> Html.fromUnstyled
, launchModalButton settings
, let
{ title, wrapMsg, content, footer, focusTrap } =
modalSettings settings
{ title = title
, wrapMsg = wrapMsg
, content = content
, footer = footer
, focus = Focus
(List.concatMap identity
[ case focusTrap of
Nothing ->
Just focusTrap_ ->
[ Modal.focusTrap focusTrap_ ]
2020-09-05 02:59:02 +03:00
, if settings.showX then
[ Modal.closeButton ]
, Control.currentValue state.attributes
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
launchModalButton : ViewSettings -> Html Msg
launchModalButton settings =
launchId =
startFocusId =
if settings.showContinue then
Just continueButtonId
else if settings.showX then
Just Modal.closeButtonId
else if settings.showSecondary then
Just closeClickableTextId
Button.button "Launch Modal"
[ case startFocusId of
Just autofocusElementId ->
{ startFocusOn = autofocusElementId
, returnFocusTo = launchId
Nothing ->
, Button.custom [ launchId ]
, Button.secondary
modalSettings :
{ title : String
, wrapMsg : Modal.Msg -> Msg
, content : List (Html Msg)
, footer : List (Html Msg)
, focusTrap : Maybe FocusTrap
modalSettings settings =
default =
{ title = settings.title
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, content = []
, footer = []
, focusTrap = Nothing
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
case ( settings.showX, settings.showContinue, settings.showSecondary ) of
( True, True, True ) ->
{ default
2020-09-05 02:59:02 +03:00
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
, footer = [ continueButton, closeClickableText ]
, focusTrap =
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
--🐛 Currently, this is:
-- 1. focuses the "Continue button" to start
-- 2. tabbing to the X (this is wrong, because we are skipping the "close" clickabletext)
{ firstId = Modal.closeButtonId
, lastId = closeClickableTextId
( True, False, True ) ->
{ default
2020-09-05 02:59:02 +03:00
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
, footer = [ closeClickableText ]
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
--✨ This works great!
-- 1. focuses the X button
-- 2. tabbing wraps
{ firstId = Modal.closeButtonId
, lastId = closeClickableTextId
( True, False, False ) ->
{ default
2020-09-05 02:59:02 +03:00
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
2020-09-05 03:01:49 +03:00
--✨ works!
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
{ id = Modal.closeButtonId
( True, True, False ) ->
{ default
2020-09-05 02:59:02 +03:00
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
, footer = [ continueButton ]
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
--✨ This works great!
-- 1. focuses the Continue button
-- 2. tabbing wraps
{ firstId = Modal.closeButtonId
, lastId = continueButtonId
( False, True, True ) ->
{ default
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
, footer =
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
[ continueButton
, closeClickableText
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
--🐛 Currently, this is:
-- 1. focuses the "Continue button" to start
-- 2. tabbing stays focused on the "Continue" button
{ firstId = continueButtonId
, lastId = closeClickableTextId
2019-06-11 03:45:21 +03:00
( False, False, True ) ->
{ default
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
, footer = [ closeClickableText ]
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
2020-09-05 03:01:49 +03:00
--✨ works!
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
{ id = closeClickableTextId
( False, True, False ) ->
{ default
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
, footer =
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
[ continueButton
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
, focusTrap =
2020-09-05 03:01:49 +03:00
--✨ works!
2020-09-05 02:47:31 +03:00
{ id = continueButtonId
( False, False, False ) ->
{ default
| content = [ viewModalContent settings.content ]
2019-06-11 03:52:19 +03:00
2020-09-02 23:59:02 +03:00
viewModalContent : String -> Html msg
viewModalContent content =
Text.mediumBody [ span [ css [ whiteSpace preLine ] ] [ text content ] ]
continueButtonId : String
continueButtonId =
2019-08-17 01:47:21 +03:00
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
continueButton : Html Msg
continueButton =
2020-09-03 00:35:35 +03:00
Button.button "Continue"
[ Button.premium
, Button.onClick CloseModal
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
, Button.custom [ continueButtonId ]
2020-09-03 00:35:35 +03:00
, Button.large
closeClickableTextId : String
closeClickableTextId =
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
closeClickableText : Html Msg
closeClickableText =
2020-09-03 00:32:57 +03:00
ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick CloseModal
2020-09-03 00:32:57 +03:00
, ClickableText.large
2020-09-05 02:49:07 +03:00
, ClickableText.custom [ closeClickableTextId ]
2020-09-03 00:32:57 +03:00
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 15) ]
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
{-| -}
2019-06-11 00:28:38 +03:00
type Msg
= OpenModal { startFocusOn : String, returnFocusTo : String }
2020-07-03 01:33:51 +03:00
| ModalMsg Modal.Msg
| CloseModal
| UpdateAttributes (Control (List Modal.Attribute))
| UpdateSettings (Control ViewSettings)
| Focus String
| Focused (Result Dom.Error ())
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
2019-06-12 21:12:37 +03:00
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
settings =
2019-06-12 21:12:37 +03:00
updateConfig =
2020-09-02 23:44:39 +03:00
{ dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick =
(Control.currentValue settings).dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
2019-06-12 21:12:37 +03:00
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
case msg of
OpenModal config ->
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
( newState, cmd ) = config
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
2020-09-02 23:53:40 +03:00
( { state | state = newState }
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
, ModalMsg cmd
2020-07-03 01:33:51 +03:00
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
ModalMsg modalMsg ->
case Modal.update updateConfig modalMsg state.state of
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
( newState, cmd ) ->
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00
( { state | state = newState }
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
, ModalMsg cmd
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
CloseModal ->
2020-09-02 20:34:12 +03:00
( newState, cmd ) =
Modal.close state.state
( { state | state = newState }
, ModalMsg cmd
2019-06-11 03:12:35 +03:00
UpdateAttributes value ->
( { state | attributes = value }, Cmd.none )
2020-09-02 23:44:39 +03:00
UpdateSettings value ->
( { state | settings = value }, Cmd.none )
Focus id ->
( state, Task.attempt Focused (Dom.focus id) )
Focused _ ->
( state, Cmd.none )
2018-08-29 22:09:22 +03:00
{-| -}
subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
2020-07-03 01:09:07 +03:00 ModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions model.state)