Added Select Page

This commit is contained in:
Lucas Payr 2021-06-04 08:47:59 +02:00
parent 4d40ecbe5d
commit 1ac6a0ac2e
8 changed files with 411 additions and 232 deletions

View File

@ -15794,6 +15794,8 @@ var $author$project$Internal$Material$TextInput$textInput = function (palette) {
@ -19675,7 +19677,9 @@ var $author$project$Internal$Material$PasswordInput$passwordInput = function (pa
@ -19791,17 +19795,19 @@ var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetPasswordInput = function (a) {
var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$view = F2(
function (_v0, model) {
var palette = _v0.palette;
return {
attributes: _List_Nil,
body: A2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Try autofill to fill out this field'),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Try fill out these fields using autofill'),
@ -19819,21 +19825,9 @@ var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$view = F2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Current Password')),
{label: 'Chips', onChange: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetPasswordInput, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, show: false, text: model.passwordInput})))
{label: 'Chips', onChange: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetPasswordInput, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, show: false, text: model.passwordInput})
@ -19852,21 +19846,9 @@ var $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$view = F2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('New Password')),
{label: 'Chips', onChange: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetNewPasswordInput, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, show: false, text: model.newInput})))
{label: 'Chips', onChange: $author$project$Page$PasswordInput$SetNewPasswordInput, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, show: false, text: model.newInput})
((model.newInput !== '') && _Utils_eq(model.newInput, model.passwordInput)) ? 'Yeay, the two passwords match!' : '')

View File

@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ module Main exposing (main)
import Element
import Page.Button
import Page.PasswordInput
import Page.Select
import UIExplorer
pages =
UIExplorer.firstPage "Button"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Select"
|> UIExplorer.nextPage "Password Input"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Page exposing (create, viewTile)
module Page exposing (create, demo, viewTile)
import Element exposing (Element)
import UIExplorer exposing (Page)
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Group, Tile, TileMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Group, Position, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget.Material as Material exposing (Palette)
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ create :
, demo : Tile model msg ()
-> Page ( ( ( (), () ), ( StorySelectorModel, () ) ), model ) (TileMsg (TileMsg (TileMsg () msg1) (TileMsg StorySelectorMsg ())) msg) ()
create { title, description, book, demo } =
create config =
Tile.static []
(\_ _ ->
[ title |> Element.text |> Element.el Typography.h3
, description |> Element.text |> List.singleton |> Element.paragraph []
[ config.title |> Element.text |> Element.el Typography.h3
, config.description |> Element.text |> List.singleton |> Element.paragraph []
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 32 ]
|> Tile.first
|> Tile.nextGroup book
|> demo
|> Tile.nextGroup
|> config.demo
@ -59,3 +59,21 @@ viewTile title content =
, content
demo :
(Context -> model -> Element msg)
-> model
-> { title : Maybe String, position : Position, attributes : List b, body : Element msg }
demo fun context model =
fun context model
|> (\body ->
{ title = Just "Interactive Demo"
, position = Tile.FullWidthTile
, attributes = []
, body = body

View File

@ -5,22 +5,17 @@ module Page.Button exposing (page)
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Font
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Position, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon exposing (Icon)
import Widget.Icon as Icon
import Widget.Material as Material
( Palette
, containedButton
, darkPalette
, defaultPalette
( containedButton
, outlinedButton
, textButton
@ -55,7 +50,7 @@ viewFunctions =
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.button"
viewTextButton button text icon onPress { palette } () =
viewTextButton button text _ onPress { palette } () =
(button palette
|> Customize.elementButton
@ -98,10 +93,9 @@ book =
--Adding a option for different styles.
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Style"
[ ( "contained", containedButton )
, ( "outlined", outlinedButton )
, ( "text", textButton )
( "Contained", containedButton )
[ ( "Outlined", outlinedButton )
, ( "Text", textButton )
--Changing the text of the label
@ -111,15 +105,12 @@ book =
--Change the Icon
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Icon"
(Story.boolStory "With Icon"
( MaterialIcons.done
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, always Element.none
[ ( "done"
, MaterialIcons.done
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
--Should an event be triggered when pressing the button?
|> Story.addStory
@ -188,7 +179,7 @@ subscriptions _ =
view : Context -> Int -> { title : Maybe String, position : Position, attributes : List b, body : Element Msg }
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view { palette } model =
style =
@ -201,98 +192,93 @@ view { palette } model =
, cardColumn = Material.cardColumn palette
{ title = Just "Interactive Demo"
, position = Tile.FullWidthTile
, attributes = []
, body =
[ model
|> String.fromInt
|> Element.text
|> Element.el
++ [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ]
|> List.singleton
|> Widget.column
|> Customize.elementColumn
[ Element.centerX
, Element.width <| Element.px 128
[ model
|> String.fromInt
|> Element.text
|> Element.el
++ [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ]
|> List.singleton
|> Widget.column
|> Customize.elementColumn
[ Element.centerX
, Element.width <| Element.px 128
, Element.height <| Element.px 128
, Widget.iconButton style.iconButton
{ text = "+2"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
Increase 2
|> Just
|> Element.el [ Element.alignRight ]
|> Element.inFront
|> Customize.mapContent
[ Element.width <| Element.px 128
, Element.height <| Element.px 128
, Widget.iconButton style.iconButton
{ text = "+2"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
Increase 2
|> Just
|> Element.el [ Element.alignRight ]
|> Element.inFront
, Material.defaultPalette.secondary
|> MaterialColor.fromColor
|> Background.color
|> Customize.mapContent
[ Element.width <| Element.px 128
, Element.height <| Element.px 128
, Material.defaultPalette.secondary
|> MaterialColor.fromColor
|> Background.color
, [ [ Widget.textButton style.textButton
{ text = "Reset"
, onPress =
, [ [ Widget.textButton style.textButton
{ text = "Reset"
, onPress =
|> Just
, Widget.button style.outlinedButton
{ text = "Decrease"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
if model > 0 then
Decrease 1
|> Just
, Widget.button style.outlinedButton
{ text = "Decrease"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
if model > 0 then
Decrease 1
|> Just
|> Widget.row (style.row |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.alignRight ])
, [ Widget.button style.containedButton
{ text = "Increase"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
Increase 1
|> Just
|> Widget.row (style.row |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.alignLeft ])
|> Widget.row
|> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
|> Customize.mapContent (Customize.element [ Element.width <| Element.fill ])
|> Widget.column
|> Customize.elementColumn [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
|> Customize.mapContent (Customize.element [ Element.width <| Element.fill ])
|> Widget.row (style.row |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.alignRight ])
, [ Widget.button style.containedButton
{ text = "Increase"
, icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, onPress =
Increase 1
|> Just
|> Widget.row (style.row |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.alignLeft ])
|> Widget.row
|> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
|> Customize.mapContent (Customize.element [ Element.width <| Element.fill ])
|> Widget.column
|> Customize.elementColumn [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
|> Customize.mapContent (Customize.element [ Element.width <| Element.fill ])
demo : Tile Model Msg ()
demo =
{ init = always init
, update = update
, view = view
, view = Page.demo view
, subscriptions = subscriptions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,17 @@
module Page.PasswordInput exposing (Model, Msg, init, page, subscriptions, update, view)
import Browser
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import Set exposing (Set)
import UIExplorer exposing (Page)
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Group, Position, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle, ColumnStyle, PasswordInputStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon exposing (Icon)
import UIExplorer.Story as Story
import UIExplorer.Tile exposing (Context, Tile)
import Widget
import Widget.Material as Material
( Palette
, containedButton
, darkPalette
( darkPalette
, defaultPalette
, outlinedButton
, textButton
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page
@ -46,7 +32,7 @@ description =
viewFunctions =
viewCurrentPassword palette text placeholder label _ _ =
viewCurrentPassword text placeholder label { palette } () =
Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = text
, placeholder = placeholder
@ -57,7 +43,7 @@ viewFunctions =
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.currentPasswordInput"
viewNewPassword palette text placeholder label _ _ =
viewNewPassword text placeholder label { palette } () =
Widget.newPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = text
, placeholder = placeholder
@ -76,28 +62,19 @@ viewFunctions =
book = (Just "Options")
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Palette"
[ ( "dark", darkPalette )
, ( "default", defaultPalette )
|> Story.addStory
(Story.textStory "Text"
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Placeholder"
[ ( "Yes"
, "password"
|> Element.text
|> Input.placeholder []
|> Just
, ( "No", Nothing )
(Story.boolStory "Placeholder"
( "password"
|> Element.text
|> Input.placeholder []
|> Just
, Nothing
|> Story.addStory
(Story.textStory "Label"
@ -148,52 +125,48 @@ subscriptions _ =
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view { palette } model =
{ title = Just "Interactive Demo"
, position = Tile.FullWidthTile
, attributes = []
, body =
[ "Try fill out these fields using autofill" |> Element.text
, [ "Current Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.passwordInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, [ "New Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.newPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.newInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetNewPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, Element.text <|
if (model.newInput /= "") && (model.newInput == model.passwordInput) then
"Yeay, the two passwords match!"
[ "Try fill out these fields using autofill" |> Element.text
, [ "Current Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.currentPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.passwordInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, [ "New Password"
|> Element.text
|> Element.el [ Element.width <| Element.fill ]
, Widget.newPasswordInput (Material.passwordInput palette)
{ text = model.newInput
, placeholder = Nothing
, label = "Chips"
, onChange = SetNewPasswordInput
, show = False
|> Element.row [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spaceEvenly ]
, Element.text <|
if (model.newInput /= "") && (model.newInput == model.passwordInput) then
"Yeay, the two passwords match!"
|> Element.column [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spacing 8 ]
|> Element.column [ Element.width <| Element.fill, Element.spacing 8 ]
demo : Tile Model Msg ()
demo =
{ init = always init
, update = update
, view = view
, view = Page.demo view
, subscriptions = subscriptions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
module Page.Select exposing (page)
{-| This is an example Page. If you want to add your own pages, simple copy and modify this one.
import Element exposing (Element)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Font
import Material.Icons as MaterialIcons exposing (offline_bolt)
import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..))
import Page
import UIExplorer
import UIExplorer.Story as Story exposing (StorySelectorModel, StorySelectorMsg)
import UIExplorer.Tile as Tile exposing (Context, Position, Tile, TileMsg)
import Widget exposing (ButtonStyle)
import Widget.Customize as Customize
import Widget.Icon as Icon exposing (Icon)
import Widget.Material as Material exposing (Palette)
import Widget.Material.Color as MaterialColor
import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography
{-| The title of this page
title : String
title =
{-| The description. I've taken this description directly from the [Material-UI-Specification](
description : String
description =
"Select buttons group a set of actions using layout and spacing."
{-| List of view functions. Essentially, anything that takes a Button as input.
viewFunctions =
viewSelectButtonRow style selected options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = selected
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
|> Widget.buttonRow
{ elementRow = Material.buttonRow
, content = style palette
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.buttonRow with Material.buttonRow"
viewSelectRow style selected options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = selected
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
|> Widget.buttonRow
{ elementRow = Material.row
, content = style palette
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.buttonRow with Material.row"
viewSelectColumn style selected options onSelect { palette } () =
{ selected = selected
, options = options
, onSelect = onSelect
|> Widget.buttonColumn
{ elementColumn = Material.column
, content = style palette
--Don't forget to change the title
|> Page.viewTile "Widget.buttonColumn"
[ viewSelectButtonRow, viewSelectRow, viewSelectColumn ]
|> List.foldl Story.addTile
{-| Let's you play around with the options.
Note that the order of these stories must follow the order of the arguments from the view functions.
book : Tile.Group ( StorySelectorModel, () ) (TileMsg StorySelectorMsg ()) ()
book = (Just "Options")
--Adding a option for different styles.
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Style"
( "Contained", Material.containedButton )
[ ( "Outlined", Material.outlinedButton )
, ( "Text", Material.textButton )
, ( "Toggle", Material.toggleButton )
--Changing the text of the label
|> Story.addStory
(Story.optionListStory "Selected"
( "Third", Just 2 )
[ ( "Second", Just 1 )
, ( "First", Just 0 )
, ( "Nothing or Invalid", Nothing )
--Change the Icon
|> Story.addStory
default =
[ { icon = always Element.none, text = "42" }
, { icon =
|> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color
, text = ""
Story.optionListStory "Options"
( "3 Option"
, [ { icon = always Element.none, text = "42" }
, { icon = MaterialIcons.done |> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color, text = "" }
, { icon = MaterialIcons.done |> Icon.elmMaterialIcons Color, text = "42" }
[ ( "2 Option", default )
, ( "1 Option", [ { icon = always Element.none, text = "Apples" } ] )
--Should an event be triggered when pressing the button?
|> Story.addStory
(Story.boolStory "with event handler"
( always <| Just (), always Nothing )
-- Interactive Demonstration
{- This section here is essentially just a normal Elm program. -}
type Model
= Selected (Maybe Int)
type Msg
= ChangedSelected Int
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( Selected Nothing
, Cmd.none
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg _ =
case msg of
ChangedSelected int ->
( Selected <| Just int
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
{-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below.
view : Context -> Model -> Element Msg
view { palette } (Selected selected) =
{ selected = selected
, options =
[ 1, 2, 42 ]
(\int ->
{ text = String.fromInt int
, icon = always Element.none
, onSelect = ChangedSelected >> Just
|> Widget.buttonRow
{ elementRow = Material.buttonRow
, content = Material.toggleButton palette
demo =
{ init = always init
, view = Page.demo view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
page =
{ title = title
, description = description
, book = book
, demo = demo

View File

@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ type alias Story a =
optionListStory : String -> a -> List ( String, a ) -> Story a
optionListStory label default options =
{ info = OptionListStory label <| Tuple.first options
optionListStory : String -> ( String, a ) -> List ( String, a ) -> Story a
optionListStory label first options =
{ info = OptionListStory label <| Tuple.first (first :: options)
, toValue =
\optLabel ->
(first :: options)
|> List.foldl
(\( key, optvalue ) res ->
case ( res, optLabel == key ) of
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ optionListStory label default options =
|> Maybe.withDefault default
|> Maybe.withDefault (first |> Tuple.second)
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ storyView : Context -> StoryModel -> Element StorySelectorMsg
storyView context model =
case model of
RangeStoryModel label { unit, min, max, value } ->
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8 ]
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8, Element.width Element.fill ]
[ label
++ " ("
++ String.fromInt value
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ storyView context model =
TextStoryModel label value ->
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8 ]
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8, Element.width Element.fill ]
[ Element.text label |> Element.el Typography.caption
, Widget.textInput (Material.textInput context.palette)
{ chips = []
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ storyView context model =
OptionListStoryModel label options ->
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8 ]
Element.column [ Element.spacing 8, Element.width Element.fill ]
[ Element.text label |> Element.el Typography.caption
, { selected =
Just <| SelectList.index options
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ storyTile title stories storiesToValue =
, body =
|> (storyView context)
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 8 ]
|> Element.column [ Element.spacing 8, Element.width Element.fill ]

View File

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ layoutView palette _ view =
Just string ->
[ string
|> Widget.headerItem (Material.fullBleedHeader palette)
, view.body |> Widget.asItem
, view.body |> Element.el [ Element.width Element.fill ] |> Widget.asItem
|> Widget.itemList (Material.cardColumn palette)
@ -323,9 +323,7 @@ layoutRowView palette row =
(layoutView palette
[ Element.height Element.fill ]
(layoutView palette [ Element.height Element.fill ])
List.reverse right