2015-09-08 22:32:09 +02:00

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Migration from RxSwift 1.9 to RxSwift 2.0 version

The migration should be pretty straightforward. The changes are mostly cosmetic, so all features are still there.

  • Find replace all >- to .
  • Find replace all "variable" to "shareReplay(1)"
  • Find replace all "catch" to "catchErrorJustReturn"
  • Find replace all "returnElement" to "just"
  • Since we've moved from >- to ., free functions are now methods, so it's .switchLatest(), .distinctUntilChanged(), ... instead of >- switchLatest, >- distinctUntilChanged
  • we've moved from free functions to extensions so it's now [a, b, c].concat(), .merge(), ... instead of concat([a, b, c]), merge(sequences)
  • Now it's subscribe { n in ... }.addDisposableTo(disposeBag) instead of >- disposeBag.addDisposable
  • Method next on Variable is now value setter
  • If you want to use tableViews/collectionViews, this is the basic use case now
            .bindTo(resultsTableView.rx_itemsWithCellIdentifier("WikipediaSearchCell")) { (_, viewModel, cell: WikipediaSearchCell) in
                cell.viewModel = viewModel

If you have any more doubts how to write some concept in RxSwift 2.0 version, check out Example app or playgrounds.