
5.2 KiB

Set up

Attention: to use RoboSats you do not need to run the stack, simply visit the website and that's it! This setup guide is intended for developer contributors and coordinator operators.

Frontend Development Only

Running the full stack is not easy, since RoboSats needs of many services. However, contributing to the frontend development can be done with a minimal setup!

With Docker

You can develop frontend-only features using the mainnet backend of the platform by simply running the sorverign node app locally and the npm-dev container. The orchestration in /nodeapp/docker-compose.yml will run a Tor proxy and torify all requests, as well as, watch for changes to the frontend source files, build it, and place it in the right /static/

cd nodeapp
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
# Press Ctrl+C to exit the process
# Check out on your browser

You can edit the frontend code in /frontend/src/ to make the changes you want. Within a few seconds, the npm-dev container process will pack the code into the local main.js. Visit and you will see your changes on the frontend.

Without Docker

Set up time ~10 min. Tested in Firefox in Ubuntu. (Does not work in Chromium)

  1. git clone {robosats-project}

  2. cd robosats/frontend

  3. npm install

  4. npm run dev (leave it running)

  5. On another terminal npm install -g http-server

  6. Then run http-server "robosats/frontend/static/

  7. Install Requestly extension in your browser, it's a lightweight proxy. We want to use it so our browser grabs our local main.js instead of the remote. There are many alternatives to Requestly (be aware that Requestly might not respect your privacy. Didn't research it).

  8. Pick a RoboSats backend to test the new frontend: e.g. "", or "". You can also use the onion services also if you are using Brave or Tor Browser (untested!)

  9. Open Requestly extension and add a new redirect rule. Make "{robosats-site}/static/frontend/main.js" redirect to "" and save the changes.

You are ready to go! Edit the frontend code in /frontend/src/ to make the changes you want. Within a few seconds, the npm run dev process will pack the code into the local main.js. Visit your selected {robosats-site} and you will see your new awesome frontend! :)

Every time you save changes to files in /frontend/src you will be able to see them in your browser after a few seconds using force refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R).

If you need to edit CSS or other static files in /frontend/static, simply add them to Requestly in the same way.

i.e: index.css Make "{robosats-site}/static/css/index.css" redirect to ""

Documentation Jekyll Site Only

Simply run the de docker-compose within /docs/ in order to watch files, build and serve the Learn RoboSats site locally.

cd docs
docker-compose up
# press Ctrl+C to exit the process

Then visit on your browser. Once you save changes on a file it will take around 10s for the site to update (press <Ctrl+Shift+R> to force-refresh your browser).

Full Stack Development

The Easy Way: Docker-compose (-dev containers running on testnet)

*Set up time, anywhere between ~45 min and 1 full day (depending on experience, whether you have a copy of the testnet blockchain, etc). Tested in Ubuntu.

Spinning up docker for the first time

docker-compose build --no-cache
# Install LND python dependencies into local repository
docker run --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/usr/src/robosats backend sh
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it django-dev python3 makemigrations api control chat
docker exec -it django-dev python3 migrate
docker exec -it django-dev python3 createsuperuser
# Once requested for the new superuser name, make sure to use the same name you have in the .env-sample variable ESCROW_USERNAME. By default 'admin'.
docker-compose restart

Copy the .env-sample file into .env and check the environmental variables are right for your development.

All set!

Commands you will need to startup:

  • Spinning up the docker orchestration: docker-compose up -d

  • Then monitor in a terminal the Django dev docker service docker attach django-dev

  • And the NPM dev docker service docker attach npm-dev

  • You could also just check all services logs docker-compose logs -f

You will need these commands also often or eventually:

  • Use unlock or create your lnd node docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli unlock

  • Create p2wkh addresses docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet newaddress p2wkh

  • Wallet balance docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet walletbalance

  • Connect to peer docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet connect node_id@ip:9735

  • Open channel docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli --network=testnet openchannel node_id --local_amt LOCAL_AMT --push_amt PUSH_AMT

  • Lock a bond from your own lnd-dev node docker exec -it lnd-dev lncli -network=testnet payinvoice <BOLT_11_INVOICE> --allow_self_payment

RoboSats development site should be accessible on