- Improved txt2vid so its now possible to generate high resolution images with less VRAM than before.
- Added condition to ensure that the pipe model from txt2vid is removed from memory when switching from the txt2vid tab to txt2img and viceversa.
- Fixed several issues with wrong variable being used on multiple places.
- Addd option to toggle some extra option from the config file for when the model is loading on the txt2vid tab.
The list of modules is as follow:
- webuit_streamlit.py: contains the main layout as well as the functions that load the css which is needed by the layout.
- webui_streamlit_old.py: contains the code for the previous version of the WebUI. Will be removed once the new UI code starts to get used and if everything works as it should.
- txt2img.py: contains the code for the txt2img tab.
- img2img.py: contains the code for the img2img tab.
- txt2vid.py: contains the code for the txt2vid tab.
- sd_utils.py: contains utility functions used by more than one module, any function that meets such condition should be placed here.
- ModelManager.py: contains the code for the Model Manager page on the sidebar menu.
- Settings.py: contains the code for the Settings page on the sidebar menu.
- home.py: contains the code for the Home tab, history and gallery implemented by @devilismyfriend.
- imglab.py: contains the code for the Image Lab tab implemented by @devilismyfriend