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synced 2024-12-27 12:53:13 +03:00
no issue - adds [ember-inline-svg](https://github.com/minutebase/ember-inline-svg) addon - configure svg path to `public/assets/icons` so that icons can be accessed directly, eg `{{inline-svg "plane.svg"}}` - configure svg optimization to remove title, dimensions, and xmlns element (not needed for inline svg) - add existing icons as used on Ghost.org
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<svg version="1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M22 12.5c-.694 0-1.306.356-1.664.895l-2.705-1.118c.236-.546.369-1.146.369-1.777 0-1.058-.382-2.019-.995-2.788l3.987-3.996c.296.176.639.284 1.008.284 1.103 0 2-.897 2-2 0-1.102-.897-2-2-2s-2 .898-2 2c0 .37.108.712.284 1.01l-3.986 3.994c-.771-.618-1.736-1.004-2.799-1.004-1.673 0-3.119.929-3.894 2.287l-5.642-2.418c.022-.12.037-.243.037-.369 0-1.102-.898-2-2-2s-2 .898-2 2c0 1.103.897 2 2 2 .617 0 1.163-.287 1.53-.728l5.681 2.435c-.125.412-.212.84-.212 1.293 0 1.065.387 2.032 1.008 2.803l-6.997 6.98c-.298-.175-.64-.283-1.01-.283-1.102 0-2 .898-2 2 0 1.103.897 2 2 2s2-.897 2-2c0-.37-.108-.712-.284-1.01l6.999-6.982c.644.512 1.424.844 2.283.941v5.121c-.86.224-1.5 1-1.5 1.929 0 1.103.898 2 2 2 1.103 0 2-.897 2-2 0-.929-.64-1.705-1.5-1.929v-5.12c1.28-.144 2.395-.813 3.12-1.802l2.896 1.197-.014.155c0 1.103.897 2 2 2s2-.897 2-2c0-1.102-.897-2-2-2zm-20-6c-.552 0-1-.448-1-1s.448-1 1-1 1 .448 1 1-.448 1-1 1zm20-5.5c.552 0 1 .448 1 1s-.448 1-1 1-1-.448-1-1 .448-1 1-1zm-20 22c-.552 0-1-.448-1-1s.448-1 1-1 1 .448 1 1-.448 1-1 1zm12.499-1c0 .552-.448 1-1 1s-1-.448-1-1 .448-1 1-1 1 .448 1 1zm-1-8c-1.93 0-3.5-1.57-3.5-3.5s1.57-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 1.57 3.5 3.5-1.57 3.5-3.5 3.5zm8.501 1.5c-.552 0-1-.448-1-1s.448-1 1-1 1 .448 1 1-.448 1-1 1z"/></svg> |