2016-06-23 01:25:37 -07:00

19 KiB

Left-right motions

Status Command Description
🔢 h left (also: CTRL-H, , or key)
🔢 l right (also: or key)
0 to first character in the line (also: key)
^ to first non-blank character in the line
🔢 $ to the last character in the line (N-1 lines lower) (also: key)
g0 to first character in screen line (differs from "0" when lines wrap)
g^ to first non-blank character in screen line (differs from "^" when lines wrap)
🔢 g$ to last character in screen line (differs from "$" when lines wrap)
gm to middle of the screen line
🔢 | to column N (default: 1)
🔢 f{char} to the Nth occurrence of {char} to the right
🔢 F{char} to the Nth occurrence of {char} to the left
🔢 t{char} till before the Nth occurrence of {char} to the right
🔢 T{char} till before the Nth occurrence of {char} to the left
🔢 ; repeat the last "f", "F", "t", or "T" N times
🔢 , repeat the last "f", "F", "t", or "T" N times in opposite direction

Up-down motions

Status Command Description
🔢 k up N lines (also: CTRL-P and )
🔢 j up N lidown N lines (also: CTRL-J, CTRL-N, , and )
🔢 - up N liup N lines, on the first non-blank character
🔢 + up N lidown N lines, on the first non-blank character (also: CTRL-M and )
🔢 _ up N lidown N-1 lines, on the first non-blank character
🔢 G up N ligoto line N (default: last line), on the first non-blank character
🔢 gg up N ligoto line N (default: first line), on the first non-blank character
🔢 % up N ligoto line N percentage down in the file; N must be given, otherwise it is the
🔢 gk up N screen lines (differs from "k" when line wraps)
🔢 gj own N screen lines (differs from "j" when line wraps)

Text object motions

Status Command Description
🔢 w N words forward
🔢 W N blank-separated
🔢 e N words forward to the end of the Nth word
🔢 E N words forward to the end of the Nth blank-separated
🔢 b N words backward
🔢 B N blank-separated
🔢 ge N words backward to the end of the Nth word
🔢 gE N words backward to the end of the Nth blank-separated
🔢 ) N sentences forward
🔢 ( N sentences backward
🔢 } N paragraphs forward
🔢 { N paragraphs backward
🔢 ]] N sections forward, at start of section
🔢 [[ N sections backward, at start of section
🔢 ][ N sections forward, at end of section
🔢 [] N sections backward, at end of section
🔢 [( N times back to unclosed '('
🔢 [{ N times back to unclosed '{'
🔢 [m N times back to start of method (for Java)
🔢 [M N times back to end of method (for Java)
🔢 ]) N times forward to unclosed ')'
🔢 ]} N times forward to unclosed '}'
🔢 ]m N times forward to start of method (for Java)
🔢 ]M N times forward to end of method (for Java)
🔢 [# N times back to unclosed "#if" or "#else"
🔢 ]# N times forward to unclosed "#else" or "#endif"
🔢 [* N times back to start of comment "/*"
🔢 ]* N times forward to end of comment "*/"

Various motions

Status Command Description
% find the next brace, bracket, comment, or "#if"/ "#else"/"#endif" in this line and go to its match
🔢 H go to the Nth line in the window, on the first non-blank
M go to the middle line in the window, on the first non-blank
🔢 L go to the Nth line from the bottom, on the first non-blank
🔢 go go to Nth byte in the buffer
:[range]go[to] [off] go to [off] byte in the buffer

These only work when 'wrap' is off:

Status Command Description
🔢 zh scroll screen N characters to the right
🔢 zl scroll screen N characters to the left
🔢 zH scroll screen half a screenwidth to the right
🔢 zL scroll screen half a screenwidth to the left

Inserting text

Status Command Description
🔢 a append text after the cursor (N times)
🔢 A append text at the end of the line (N times)
🔢 i insert text before the cursor (N times) (also: )
🔢 I insert text before the first non-blank in the line (N times)
🔢 gI insert text in column 1 (N times)
🔢 o open a new line below the current line, append text (N times)
🔢 O open a new line above the current line, append text (N times)

in Visual block mode:

Status Command Description
I insert the same text in front of all the selected lines
A append the same text after all the selected lines

Insert mode keys

leaving Insert mode:

Status Command Description
end Insert mode, back to Normal mode
CTRL-C like , but do not use an abbreviation
CTRL-O {command} execute {command} and return to Insert mode

moving around:

Status Command Description
cursor keys move cursor left/right/up/down
shift-left/right one word left/right
shift-up/down one screenful backward/forward
cursor after last character in the line
cursor to first character in the line

Special inserts

Status Command Description
:r [file] insert the contents of [file] below the cursor
:r! {command} insert the standard output of {command} below the cursor

Deleting text

Status Command Description
🔢 x delete N characters under and after the cursor
🔢 delete N characters under and after the cursor
🔢 X delete N characters before the cursor
🔢 d{motion} delete the text that is moved over with {motion}
{visual}d delete the highlighted text
🔢 dd delete N lines
🔢 D delete to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
🔢 J join N-1 lines (delete s)
{visual}J join the highlighted lines
🔢 gJ like "J", but without inserting spaces
{visual}gJ like "{visual}J", but without inserting spaces
:[range]d [x] delete [range] lines [into register x]

Copying and moving text

Status Command Description
"{char} use register {char} for the next delete, yank, or put
:reg show the contents of all registers
:reg {arg} show the contents of registers mentioned in {arg}
🔢 y{motion} yank the text moved over with {motion} into a register
{visual}y yank the highlighted text into a register
🔢 yy yank N lines into a register
🔢 Y yank N lines into a register
🔢 p put a register after the cursor position (N times)
🔢 P put a register before the cursor position (N times)
🔢 ]p like p, but adjust indent to current line
🔢 [p like P, but adjust indent to current line
🔢 gp like p, but leave cursor after the new text
🔢 gP like P, but leave cursor after the new text

Changing text

Status Command Description
⚠️ 🔢 r{char} replace N characters with {char}
🔢 gr{char} replace N characters without affecting layout
🔢 R enter Replace mode (repeat the entered text N times)
🔢 gR enter virtual Replace mode: Like Replace mode but without affecting layout

(change = delete text and enter Insert mode)

Status Command Description
🔢 c{motion} change the text that is moved over with {motion}
{visual}c change the highlighted text
🔢 cc change N lines
🔢 S change N lines
⚠️ 🔢 C change to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
🔢 s change N characters
{visual}c in Visual block mode: Change each of the selected lines with the entered text
{visual}C in Visual block mode: Change each of the selected lines until end-of-line with the entered text
🔢 ~ switch case for N characters and advance cursor
{visual}~ switch case for highlighted text
{visual}u make highlighted text lowercase
{visual}U make highlighted text uppercase
g~{motion} switch case for the text that is moved over with {motion}
gu{motion} make the text that is moved over with {motion} lowercase
gU{motion} make the text that is moved over with {motion} uppercase
{visual}g? perform rot13 encoding on highlighted text
g?{motion} perform rot13 encoding on the text that is moved over with {motion}
| :1234:  CTRL-A	| add N to the number at or after the cursor
| :1234:  CTRL-X	| subtract N from the number at or after the cursor

| 🔢 <{motion} | move the lines that are moved over with {motion} one shiftwidth left | 🔢 << | move N lines one shiftwidth left | 🔢 >{motion} | move the lines that are moved over with {motion} one shiftwidth right | 🔢 >> | move N lines one shiftwidth right | 🔢 gq{motion}| format the lines that are moved over with {motion} to 'textwidth' length | :[range]ce[nter] [width] | center the lines in [range] | :[range]le[ft] [indent] | left-align the lines in [range] (with [indent]) | :[range]ri[ght] [width] | right-align the lines in [range]

Visual mode

Status Command Description
v start highlighting characters
V start highlighting linewise
CTRL-V start highlighting blockwise
o exchange cursor position with start of highlighting
gv start highlighting on previous visual area
v highlight characters or stop highlighting
V highlight linewise or stop highlighting
CTRL-V highlight blockwise or stop highlighting

Text objects (only in Visual mode or after an operator)

Status Command Description
🔢 aw Select "a word"
🔢 iw Select "inner word"
🔢 aW Select "a WORD
🔢 iW Select "inner WORD
🔢 as Select "a sentence"
🔢 is Select "inner sentence"
🔢 ap Select "a paragraph"
🔢 ip Select "inner paragraph"
🔢 ab Select "a block" (from "[(" to "])")
🔢 ib Select "inner block" (from "[(" to "])")
🔢 aB Select "a Block" (from "[{" to "]}")
🔢 iB Select "inner Block" (from "[{" to "]}")
🔢 a> Select "a <> block"
🔢 i> Select "inner <> block"
🔢 at Select "a tag block" (from to )
🔢 it Select "inner tag block" (from to )
🔢 a' Select "a single quoted string"
🔢 i' Select "inner single quoted string"
🔢 a" Select "a double quoted string"
🔢 i" Select "inner double quoted string"
🔢 a` Select "a backward quoted string"
🔢 i` Select "inner backward quoted string"

Repeating commands

Status Command Description
🔢 . repeat last change (with count replaced with N)
q{a-z} record typed characters into register {a-z}
q{A-Z} record typed characters, appended to register {a-z}
q stop recording
🔢 @{a-z} execute the contents of register {a-z} (N times)
🔢 @@ repeat previous @{a-z} (N times)
:@{a-z} execute the contents of register {a-z} as an Ex command
:@@ repeat previous :@{a-z}
:[range]g[lobal]/{pattern}/[cmd] execute Ex command [cmd] (default: ":p") on the lines within [range] where {pattern} matches
:[range]g[lobal]!/{pattern}/[cmd] execute Ex command [cmd] (default: ":p") on the lines within [range] where {pattern} does NOT match
:so[urce] {file} read Ex commands from {file}
:so[urce]! {file} read Vim commands from {file}
:sl[eep] [sec] don't do anything for [sec] seconds
🔢 gs goto Sleep for N seconds

Marks and motions

Status Command Description
m{a-zA-Z} mark current position with mark {a-zA-Z}
`{a-z} go to mark {a-z} within current file
`{A-Z} go to mark {A-Z} in any file
`{0-9} go to the position where Vim was previously exited
`` go to the position before the last jump
`" go to the position when last editing this file
`[ go to the start of the previously operated or put text
`] go to the end of the previously operated or put text
`< go to the start of the (previous) Visual area
`> go to the end of the (previous) Visual area
`. go to the position of the last change in this file
'{a-zA-Z0-9[]'"<>.} same as `, but on the first non-blank in the line
:marks print the active marks
🔢 CTRL-O go to Nth older position in jump list
🔢 CTRL-I go to Nth newer position in jump list
:ju[mps] print the jump list

Complex changes

Status Command Description
🔢 !{motion}{command} filter the lines that are moved over through {command}
🔢 !!{command} filter N lines through {command}
{visual}!{command} filter the highlighted lines through {command}
:[range]! {command} filter [range] lines through {command}
🔢 ={motion} filter the lines that are moved over through 'equalprg'
🔢 == filter N lines through 'equalprg'
{visual}= filter the highlighted lines through 'equalprg'
:[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[g][c] substitute {pattern} by {string} in [range] lines; with [g], replace all occurrences of {pattern}; with [c], confirm each replacement
:[range]s[ubstitute] [g][c] repeat previous ":s" with new range and options
& Repeat previous ":s" on current line without options
:[range]ret[ab][!] [tabstop] set 'tabstop' to new value and adjust white space accordingly

Special keys in Insert mode

Status Command Description
CTRL-V {char}.. insert character literally, or enter decimal byte value
or or CTRL-M or CTRL-J begin new line
CTRL-E insert the character from below the cursor
CTRL-Y insert the character from above the cursor
CTRL-A insert previously inserted text
CTRL-@ insert previously inserted text and stop Insert mode
CTRL-R {0-9a-z%#:.-="} insert the contents of a register
CTRL-N insert next match of identifier before the cursor
CTRL-P insert previous match of identifier before the cursor
CTRL-X ... complete the word before the cursor in various ways
or CTRL-H delete the character before the cursor
delete the character under the cursor
CTRL-W delete word before the cursor
CTRL-U delete all entered characters in the current line
CTRL-T insert one shiftwidth of indent in front of the current line
CTRL-D delete one shiftwidth of indent in front of the current line
0 CTRL-D delete all indent in the current line
^ CTRL-D delete all indent in the current line, restore indent in next line


Status Command Description
🔢 CTRL-E window N lines downwards (default: 1)
🔢 CTRL-D window N lines Downwards (default: 1/2 window)
🔢 CTRL-F window N pages Forwards (downwards)
🔢 CTRL-Y window N lines upwards (default: 1)
🔢 CTRL-U window N lines Upwards (default: 1/2 window)
🔢 CTRL-B window N pages Backwards (upwards)
z or zt redraw, current line at top of window
⚠️ z. or zz redraw, current line at center of window
z- or zb redraw, current line at bottom of window