• Joined on 2024-03-04
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/255/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 08:56:48 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/506/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 08:56:48 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to main at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/264/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
1da99f4003 Implement focus-follows-mouse max-scroll-amount
120eaa6c56 wiki: Fix repeat since annotation
fb636ef98d Refactor and simplify new view offset calculation
Compare 5 commits »
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/417/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/453/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/461/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/504/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/506/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/520/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-07 00:46:31 +03:00
e394a7ff20 Implement on-demand layer-shell keyboard focus
921ed63204 Add LayerSurface to PointerFocus
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YaLTeR synced commits to main at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/417/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/461/head at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
dbd066f91c bump smithay
60143a8236 bump smithay
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/461/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
dbd066f91c bump smithay
60143a8236 bump smithay
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
Compare 4 commits »
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/504/head at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
758b68d19d Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main'
3aedbf7232 reconfiguring fro css in
fe2bcc66a5 Merge branch 'YaLTeR:main' into main
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
Compare 4 commits »
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/504/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
758b68d19d Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main'
3aedbf7232 reconfiguring fro css in
fe2bcc66a5 Merge branch 'YaLTeR:main' into main
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
Compare 5 commits »
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/520/head at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
60143a8236 bump smithay
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/520/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 16:36:35 +03:00
60143a8236 bump smithay
77dafb819f Fix screenshot UI selection pointer clamping
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YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/504/head at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 00:17:30 +03:00
711cad75e1 Merge branch 'YaLTeR:main' into main
1da99f4003 Implement focus-follows-mouse max-scroll-amount
120eaa6c56 wiki: Fix repeat since annotation
fb636ef98d Refactor and simplify new view offset calculation
Compare 4 commits »
YaLTeR synced commits to refs/pull/504/merge at YaLTeR/niri from mirror 2024-07-06 00:17:30 +03:00
711cad75e1 Merge branch 'YaLTeR:main' into main
1da99f4003 Implement focus-follows-mouse max-scroll-amount
120eaa6c56 wiki: Fix repeat since annotation
fb636ef98d Refactor and simplify new view offset calculation
Compare 5 commits »