[−][src]Crate abstutil
The contents of this crate need to be organized better:
- Timer (a mix of logging, profiling, and even parallel execution)
- IO utilities, some of which have web equivalents using include_dir
- Utilities to find A/B Street-specific data
- true utility functions (collections, prettyprinting, CLI parsing
abst_data | |
abst_paths | Generate paths for different A/B Street files |
cli | |
collections | |
io | |
io_native | Normal file IO using the filesystem |
serde | |
time | |
utils |
CmdArgs | |
Counter | |
Entry | A single file |
FileWithProgress | |
FixedMap | A drop-in replacement for |
Manifest | A list of all canonical data files for A/B Street that're uploaded somewhere. The file formats are tied to the latest version of the git repo. Players use the updater crate to sync these files with local copies. |
MultiMap | |
Tags | Convenience functions around a string->string map |
Timer | Hierarchial magic |
VecMap | Use when your key is just PartialEq, not Ord or Hash. |
Parallelism |
IndexableKey | Use with |
TimerSink |
basename | |
clamp | |
contains_duplicates | |
delete_file | Idempotent |
deserialize_btreemap | |
deserialize_multimap | |
deserialize_usize | |
elapsed_seconds | |
file_exists | |
find_next_file | |
find_prev_file | Keeps file extensions |
from_binary | |
from_json | |
list_all_objects | Just list all things from a directory, return sorted by name, with file extension removed. |
list_dir | Returns full paths |
load_all_objects | Load all serialized things from a directory, return sorted by name, with file extension removed. Detects JSON or binary. Filters out broken files. |
maybe_read_binary | |
maybe_read_json | |
parent_path | |
path | |
path_all_edits | |
path_all_maps | |
path_all_raw_maps | |
path_all_saves | |
path_all_scenarios | |
path_camera_state | |
path_edits | |
path_map | |
path_popdat | |
path_prebaked_results | |
path_raw_map | |
path_save | |
path_scenario | |
plain_list_names | |
prettyprint_time | |
prettyprint_usize | |
read_binary | |
read_json | |
read_object | |
retain_btreemap | |
retain_btreeset | |
serialize_btreemap | |
serialize_multimap | |
serialize_usize | |
serialized_size_bytes | |
slurp_file | |
to_json | |
to_json_terse | |
wraparound_get | |
write_binary | |
write_json |