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Brainstorm about lanes
It's time to model more things:
- multiple driving lanes, with possibly individual turn restrictions
- dedicated bus lanes
- lanes with parked cars
- bike lanes
- sidewalks
Each lane needs some geometry:
- center lines to draw agents on
- for sidewalks, use center line to to draw agents on the left and right sides?
- polygons to draw the lane and mouseover
Open questions:
- Can we assume all lanes are the same width?
- Seems wrong for many sidewalks especially
- Could be wrong for bike lanes, but could just assume it's a bike lane with a buffer
- Some lanes are immutable
- Sidewalks can't be changed to other types; they're raised with a curb
Some modeling questions:
- Where should expansion of roads into lanes happen?
- initial OSM conversion, adding more stuff to the proto?
- initial map_model::new loading, at least for development convenience
- same reason that turns aren't (yet) serialized
- Is it useful to model the entire road?
- the parent/child relation may be hard to maintain
- but lanes need to know their siblings
- maintaining directional sanity could be useful
- what's the UI for changing lane types?
- it's a bit arbitrary which lane should draw the yellow center lines
Initial design:
- "Road" becomes "Lane" with a type
- don't need to know sibling lanes yet
- arbitrarily, one lane might have extra bits/geometry for yellow center line markings
- ideally, get rid of one-wayness and original center points, and plumb along pre-shifted lines
- but due to the polyline problem (affecting both geom center line layer that agents follow, and polygons for drawing), can't do this. encapsulate the messiness at least.
- so, store one way and orig points and index, but have an accessor
- as a compromise, dont interpet OSM points on a one-way road as the center, but as the edge? this is proving hard to do.
Thinking about a new design:
- Much more general "Land" primitive that's just a nice polygon boundary for drawing/selection and one (or more, for sidewalks?) center lines for how to cross the space, with a notion of turns. It's what road is now, but way simpler data.
- Maybe the GeomRoad / DrawRoad split is a little confusing after all, since the layering just isn't perfect. figure out the polygon and centerline up-front, then ditch the other intermediate gunk.
- also ideally make one polygon for the road, not a bunch of individual pieces? but then we'd have to go triangulate later for opengl anyway
- enforce that all the polygons are nonoverlapping
The polyline problem:
Will lengths change? Is this a problem?
Drawing cars as rectangles is funky, because if their front is aligned to a new line segment, their back juts into the center of the road
Seemingly: line intersection of shifted lines yields the new joint point, which looks good.
- Length increases or increases depending on the original angle and the side of the road, but of course it does.
- Width of the road varies wildly in the joint
For drawing, round caps works nicely.
the transition is hard:
- who should be responsible for shoving road lines back to not hit intersection?
- intersection and road association is done by points... gps or not?
- also need to retain other_side only temporarily for map construction.
- organize map_model lib more; map construction is now very interesting
- arguably, we could do two-phase map construction and serialize more stuff. map model is serializable because of rust magic!
- map model kind of acts as the graph/connection layer. keep the construction more separated.
- should all GPS stuff be converted to screen at loading time? (it'd be nice to use pt2d for screen space only)
- dependency hell most easily resolved by putting polyline stuff in map_model
so really do this in two parts:
- current structure with weird intermediate stuff, but new geometry libs
- careful reorg
wait slow down even more -- before any of this change, lanes on adjacent roads smoosh into each other. main road doesnt, but other parts do.
at every intersection, find corresponding lanes and trim back center lines
do we need to do this at the level of the polygons?!
follow aorta's multi phase map construction better.
length epsilon thing broke
rm old thick line stuff
THEN: express the proto -> runtime map loading as a sequence of phases
- keep doing the current road trimming for the moment
- later, this could be the same as the OSM conversion. just like aorta's map make. but instead, be able to restart from any point, by the magic of easy serialization.
- get rid of the protobuf
- figure out how to do dynamicish updates as we edit the map!
MORE CLEANUP: do we really need to hash pt2d's often? Should maybe settle and use Vec2d more
MORE CLEANUP: Line type that's just a pair of pt2d's with length and fmt display
line trimming
- just replacing the last pt might not always work. especially with old center lines!
an mvp release could just be producing high-quality, reusable geometry for seattle
- with an editor to quickly fiddle with where sidewalks/different lanes are