Dustin Carlino 001aa836d2 Organize assets that're baked into widgetry. They don't belong in the
data/ directory, because they're statically bundled; they're not
actually read from the filesystem. #253

Two SVGs get duplicated between widgetry and abst assets -- dont_walk
and arrow_drop_down.
2020-12-28 10:40:55 -08:00

5 lines
1.6 KiB

<svg width="30" height="16" viewBox="0 0 30 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M22.5 0.5H7.5C3.36 0.5 0 3.86 0 8C0 12.14 3.36 15.5 7.5 15.5H22.5C26.64 15.5 30 12.14 30 8C30 3.86 26.64 0.5 22.5 0.5ZM22.5 12.5C20.01 12.5 18 10.49 18 8C18 5.51 20.01 3.5 22.5 3.5C24.99 3.5 27 5.51 27 8C27 10.49 24.99 12.5 22.5 12.5Z" fill="#F2F2F2"/>
<path d="M5.44434 8.30957C5.44434 7.79199 5.54525 7.3265 5.74707 6.91309C5.95215 6.49967 6.23535 6.18066 6.59668 5.95605C6.96126 5.73145 7.3763 5.61914 7.8418 5.61914C8.5612 5.61914 9.14225 5.86816 9.58496 6.36621C10.0309 6.86426 10.2539 7.52669 10.2539 8.35352V8.41699C10.2539 8.93132 10.1546 9.39355 9.95605 9.80371C9.76074 10.2106 9.47917 10.528 9.11133 10.7559C8.74674 10.9837 8.32682 11.0977 7.85156 11.0977C7.13542 11.0977 6.55436 10.8486 6.1084 10.3506C5.66569 9.85254 5.44434 9.19336 5.44434 8.37305V8.30957ZM6.35254 8.41699C6.35254 9.00293 6.48763 9.47331 6.75781 9.82812C7.03125 10.1829 7.39583 10.3604 7.85156 10.3604C8.31055 10.3604 8.67513 10.1813 8.94531 9.82324C9.21549 9.46191 9.35059 8.95736 9.35059 8.30957C9.35059 7.73014 9.21224 7.26139 8.93555 6.90332C8.66211 6.54199 8.29753 6.36133 7.8418 6.36133C7.39583 6.36133 7.03613 6.53874 6.7627 6.89355C6.48926 7.24837 6.35254 7.75618 6.35254 8.41699ZM12.2412 5.7168L12.2705 6.38086C12.6742 5.87305 13.2015 5.61914 13.8525 5.61914C14.9691 5.61914 15.5322 6.24902 15.542 7.50879V11H14.6387V7.50391C14.6354 7.12305 14.5475 6.84147 14.375 6.65918C14.2057 6.47689 13.9404 6.38574 13.5791 6.38574C13.2861 6.38574 13.029 6.46387 12.8076 6.62012C12.5863 6.77637 12.4137 6.98145 12.29 7.23535V11H11.3867V5.7168H12.2412Z" fill="#666666"/>