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# Awesome Functional Programming Jobs
A curated list of awesome functional programming jobs.
**Table Of Contents**
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- [Purely Functional](#purely-functional)
- [Companies](#companies)
- [Forums](#forums)
- [Newsletters](#newsletters)
- [Job Boards](#job-boards)
- [Impure / Multi-Paradigm](#impure--multi-paradigm)
- [Companies](#companies-1)
- [Forums](#forums-1)
- [Newsletters](#newsletters-1)
- [Job Boards](#job-boards-1)
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## Purely Functional
- [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/)
- [Elm](https://elm-lang.org/)
- [PureScript](https://www.purescript.org/)
- [Ur](http://impredicative.com/ur/)
- [Nix Language](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/index.html)
This is basically a merger of the following lists:
- [github.com/jah2488/elm-companies][elm-companies]
- [github.com/erkmos/haskell-companies][haskell-companies]
- [github.com/ajnsit/purescript-companies][purescript-companies]
- [github.com/ad-si/nix-companies][nix-companies]
[elm-companies]: https://github.com/jah2488/elm-companies
[haskell-companies]: https://github.com/erkmos/haskell-companies
[purescript-companies]: https://github.com/ajnsit/purescript-companies
[nix-companies]: https://github.com/ad-si/nix-companies
Following programming languages should be included.
Let me know if there are any companies hiring for these languages.
- [Agda](https://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/agda/pmwiki.php)
- [Coq](https://coq.inria.fr/)
- [Futhark](https://futhark-lang.org/)
- [Gleam](https://gleam.run/)
- [Idris](https://www.idris-lang.org/)
- [Lean](https://lean-lang.org/)
- [Roc](https://www.roc-lang.org/)
- [Unison](https://www.unison-lang.org)
### Companies
Name (Link to Career Page) | HQ Location | Languages
[Anduril] | USA, California | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Arista] | USA | Haskell, Nix
[Artificial] | UK | Haskell, Nix
[Avetta] | USA | Elm, Scala
[ByteAlly] | India, Tamil Nadu | Haskell
[CarbonCloud] | Sweden, Göteborg | Haskell, Elm
[Channable] | Netherlands, Utrecht | Haskell
[CircuitHub] | UK | Haskell, Elm, Nix
[Dfinity] | Switzerland, Zürich | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Digitalasset] | USA, New York | Haskell
[Feeld] | UK | Haskell
[Feram] | Germany, Frankfurt | Haskell, Elm, Rust, Nix
[FPComplete] | USA | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Galois] | USA | Haskell, Rust
[Generation Lambda] | Estonia, Tallinn | Haskell
[Hasura] | India, Bangalore | Haskell, Rust
[Heilmann Software] | Germany | Haskell, Nix
[Hercules CI] | Netherlands | Nix, Haskell
[IO Global] | USA, Wyoming | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Juspay] | India | Haskell, PureScript
[Mercury Media] | Germany | Elm
[Mercury] | USA, California | Haskell, Nix
[Mlabs] | UK | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Nectry] | USA | Ur
[Nix.How] | USA | Nix
[Obsidian Systems] | USA, New York | Haskell, Nix
[Oxford Abstracts] | UK | PureScript
[Platonic Systems] | USA | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Nix
[Relex] | Finland, Helsinki | Haskell, Elixir, Scala
[Replit] | USA, California | Nix
[Scarf] | USA | Haskell, Nix
[Serokell] | USA | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Stack Builders] | USA | Haskell, Ruby, Nix
[TextQL] | USA | Haskell, Nix
[Tweag] | USA | Haskell, Rust, Nix
[Typeable] | USA | Haskell, Nix
[Unison] | USA | Haskell, Unison
[Well-Typed] | USA | Haskell, Nix
### Forums
Forums that include job postings:
- [Elm Slack](https://elmlang.slack.com) - `#jobs` and `#jobs-fp` channels.
- [Haskell Forum](https://discourse.haskell.org/c/jobs/9)
- [PureScript Forum](https://discourse.purescript.org/c/jobs/10)
### Newsletters
Newsletters that include job postings:
- [Elm Weekly](https://www.elmweekly.nl/archive)
- [Haskell Weekly](https://haskellweekly.news/newsletter.html)
### Job Boards
- [Functional Works]
[Functional Works]: https://functional.works-hub.com/jobs/search
## Impure / Multi-Paradigm
- [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/)
- [F#](https://fsharp.org/)
- [OCaml](https://ocaml.org/)
- [ReasonML](https://reasonml.github.io/)
- [ReScript](https://rescript-lang.org/)
- [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/)
- [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/)
This is basically a merger of the following lists:
- [github.com/beam-community/elixir-companies][elixir-companies]
- [github.com/fsprojects/fsharp-companies][fsharp-companies]
- [ocaml.org/industrial-users][ocaml-companies]
- [github.com/omarabid/rust-companies][rust-companies]
- [github.com/elamje/FunctionalProgrammingCompanies][FPC]
[elixir-companies]: https://github.com/beam-community/elixir-companies
[fsharp-companies]: https://github.com/fsprojects/fsharp-companies
[ocaml-companies]: https://ocaml.org/industrial-users
[FPC]: https://github.com/elamje/FunctionalProgrammingCompanies
[rust-companies]: https://github.com/omarabid/rust-companies
### Companies
Name (Link to Carreer Page) | HQ Location | Languages
[Anduril] | USA, California | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[Astral] | USA | Rust, Python
[Climatiq] | USA | Rust
[Cloudflare] | USA, San Francisco | Rust
[Determinate Systems] | USA | Rust, Nix
[Dfinity] | Switzerland, Zürich | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[EPFL] | Switzerland | Scala
[Flox] | USA | Rust, Nix
[Fly.io] | USA | Rust
[FPComplete] | USA | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[Groq] | USA, California | Haskell
[Hasura] | India, Bangalore | Rust, Haskell
[Jane Street] | USA | OCaml
[Lightbend] | USA | Scala
[Lunatech] | Netherlands | Scala
[Mainmatter] | Germany | Rust
[Mlabs] | UK | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[Mozilla] | USA | Rust
[Numtide] | Switzerland | Rust, Nix
[Oxide] | USA | Rust
[Quadratic] | USA, CO, Boulder | Rust
[Rerun] | USA | Rust
[Routine] | Paris | Ocaml
[Scala Center] | Switzerland | Scala
[Serokell] | USA | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[Spotify] | Sweden | Scala
[Svix] | USA | Rust
[Tarides] | USA | OCaml
[Tweag] | USA | Rust, Haskell, Nix
[Tweede Golf] | Netherlands | Rust
[Typst] | Germany, Berlin | Rust, Typst
[Valora] | Switzerland | F#
[VirtusLab] | Poland | Scala
[Xebia] | India | Scala
[Zoo] | USA | Rust, TypeScript, Python
### Forums
Forums that include job postings:
- [Elixir Forum](https://elixirforum.com/c/work/elixir-jobs/16)
- [F# Slack](https://fsharp.slack.com)
- [ReScript Forum](https://forum.rescript-lang.org/c/jobs/5)
- [OCaml Forum](https://discuss.ocaml.org/c/community/jobs/14)
### Newsletters
Newsletters that include job postings:
- [This Week in Rust](https://this-week-in-rust.org/)
### Job Boards
- [Functional Jobs]
- [Functional Works]
- [OCaml Jobs]
- [Rust - Who's Hiring?]
- [Rust Jobs]
[OCaml Jobs]: https://ocaml.org/jobs
[Rust - Who's Hiring?]: https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/?rdt=0
[Rust Jobs]: https://rustjobs.dev/
<!-- Career page links -->
[Anduril]: https://www.anduril.com/open-roles/
[Arista]: https://www.arista.com/en/careers
[Artificial]: https://artificial.io/careers/
[Astral]: https://astral.sh/about
[Avetta]: https://www.avetta.com/careers#openings
[ByteAlly]: https://byteally.zohorecruit.com/careers
[CarbonCloud]: https://careers.carboncloud.com/#jobs
[Channable]: https://jobs.channable.com/
[CircuitHub]: https://careers.circuithub.com/
[Climatiq]: https://www.climatiq.io/about#jobs
[Cloudflare]: https://www.cloudflare.com/en-ca/careers/
[Determinate Systems]: https://determinate.systems/careers/
[Dfinity]: https://dfinity.org/about/#jobs
[Digitalasset]: https://www.digitalasset.com/careers
[EPFL]: https://www.epfl.ch/about/working/
[Feeld]: https://apply.workable.com/feeldco/
[Feram]: https://www.feram.io/jobs/
[Flox]: https://flox.dev/careers
[Fly.io]: https://fly.io/jobs/
[FPComplete]: https://www.fpcomplete.com/jobs/
[Galois]: https://galois.com/careers/
[Generation Lambda]: https://www.linkedin.com/company/genlambda/jobs/
[Hasura]: https://hasura.io/careers/?departmentName=Engineering
[Heilmann Software]: https://www.heilmannsoftware.com/de/jobs/
[Hercules CI]: https://hercules-ci.com/
[IO Global]: https://apply.workable.com/io-global/
[Jane Street]: https://www.janestreet.com/join-jane-street/open-roles/?type=experienced-candidates&location=all-locations&department=technology
[Juspay]: https://juspay.in/careers
[Lightbend]: https://www.lightbend.com/company/careers
[Lunatech]: https://recruitment.lunatech.com
[Mainmatter]: https://weworkremotely.com/company/mainmatter
[Mercury Media]: https://www.mercurymediatechnology.com/de/karierre/
[Mercury]: https://mercury.com
[Mlabs]: https://apply.workable.com/mlabs/
[Mozilla]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/careers/listings/
[Nectry]: https://nectry.com/
[Nix.How]: https://nix.how/
[Numtide]: https://numtide.com
[Obsidian Systems]: https://obsidian.systems/jobs
[Oxford Abstracts]: https://oxfordabstracts.com/company/careers/
[Oxide]: https://oxide.computer/careers/
[Platonic Systems]: https://www.linkedin.com/company/platonic-systems/jobs/
[Quadratic]: https://careers.quadratichq.com
[Relex]: https://www.relexsolutions.com/careers/
[Replit]: https://replit.com/site/careers
[Rerun]: https://careers.rerun.io/
[Routine]: https://base.routine.co/jobs
[Scala Center]: https://scala.epfl.ch/jobs.html
[Scarf]: https://about.scarf.sh/careers
[Serokell]: https://serokell.io/jobs
[Spotify]: https://www.lifeatspotify.com/jobs
[Stack Builders]: https://www.stackbuilders.com/join-us/
[Svix]: https://www.svix.com/careers/
[Tarides]: https://tarides.com/careers/
[TextQL]: https://www.textql.com/careers
[Tweag]: https://boards.greenhouse.io/tweag
[Tweede Golf]: https://tweedegolf.nl/en/vacancies
[Typeable]: https://typeable.io/careers
[Typst]: https://typst.app/jobs/
[Unison]: https://www.unison-lang.org/jobs/
[Valora]: https://en.valora.career/
[VirtusLab]: https://careers.virtuslab.com/
[Well-Typed]: https://well-typed.com/blog/tags/jobs/
[Xebia]: https://xebia.com/careers/
[Zoo]: https://zoo.dev/careers