Add control structures

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Adam Brenecki 2013-06-30 18:57:40 +09:30
parent 3b8ece9932
commit 8a870cab44

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@ -119,8 +119,20 @@ someOtherVar = 10
// Variables declared without being assigned to are set to undefined.
var someThirdVar // = undefined
// There's shorthand for performing math operations on variables:
someVar += 5 // equivalent to someVar = someVar + 5; someVar is 10 now
someVar *= 10 // now someVar is 100
// and an even-shorter-hand for adding or subtracting 1
someVar++ // now someVar is 101
someVar-- // back to 100
// Arrays are ordered lists of values, of any type.
["Hello", 45, true]
var myArray = ["Hello", 45, true]
// Their members can be accessed using the square-brackets subscript syntax.
// Array indices start at zero.
myArray[1] // = 45
// JavaScript's objects are equivalent to 'dictionaries' or 'maps' in other
// languages: an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
@ -130,7 +142,7 @@ var someThirdVar // = undefined
// JavaScript identifier. Values can be any type.
var myObj = {myKey: "myValue", "my other key": 4}
// Object attributes can be accessed using the 'subscript' syntax,
// Object attributes can also be accessed using the subscript syntax,
myObj["my other key"] // = 4
// ... or using the dot syntax, provided the key is a valid identifier.
@ -143,9 +155,46 @@ myObj.myThirdKey = true
myObj.myFourthKey // = undefined
* 3. Control Structures
* 3. Logic and Control Structures
// The if structure works as you'd expect.
var count = 1
if (count == 3){
// evaluated if count is 3
} else if (count == 4) {
// evaluated if count is 4
} else {
// evaluated if it's not either
// As does while.
while (true) {
// An infinite loop!
// Do-while loops are like while loops, except they always run at least once.
var input
do {
input = getInput()
} while (!isValid(input))
// the for loop is the same as C and Java: initialisation; test; iteration.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
// will run 5 times
// && is logical and, || is logical or
if (house.size == "big" && house.colour == "blue"){
house.contains = "bear"
if (colour == "red" || colour == "blue"){
// colour is either red or blue
// && and || "short circuit", which is useful for setting default values...
var name = otherName || "default";
* 5. Functions, Scope and Closures
@ -278,3 +327,8 @@ Network]( provides
excellent documentation for JavaScript as it's used in browsers. Plus, it's a
wiki, so as you learn more you can help others out by sharing your own
In addition to direct contributors to this article, some content is adapted
from Louie Dinh's Python tutorial on this site, and the [JS
on the Mozilla Developer Network.