mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 06:53:33 +03:00
Nockma backend: translate trace
to %puts
hints (#3053)
* Closes #3022 * Requires https://github.com/anoma/anoma/pull/861
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Error
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Options
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Evaluator.Storage
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Nockma.Pretty
import Juvix.Prelude hiding (Atom, Path)
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
newtype OpCounts = OpCounts
{ _opCountsMap :: HashMap NockOp Int
@ -358,7 +358,6 @@ evalProfile inistack initerm =
OpReplace -> goOpReplace
OpHint -> goOpHint
OpScry -> goOpScry
OpTrace -> goOpTrace
crumb crumbTag =
EvalCrumbOperator $
@ -388,20 +387,19 @@ evalProfile inistack initerm =
TermCell {} -> nockTrue
TermAtom {} -> nockFalse
goOpTrace :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpTrace = do
Cell' tr a _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
tr' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack tr
output tr'
evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack a
goOpHint :: Sem r (Term a)
goOpHint = do
Cell' l r _ <- withCrumb (crumb crumbDecodeFirst) (asCell (c ^. operatorCellTerm))
case l of
TAtom {} -> evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack r
TCell _t1 t2 -> do
void (evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack t2)
TCell t1 t2 -> do
t2' <- evalArg crumbEvalFirst stack t2
putsHint <- fromNatural (nockHintValue NockHintPuts)
case t1 of
TAtom a
| a == putsHint ->
output t2'
_ -> return ()
evalArg crumbEvalSecond stack r
goOpPush :: Sem r (Term a)
@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ data NockOp
| OpReplace
| OpHint
| OpScry
| OpTrace
deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable NockOp
@ -164,7 +163,9 @@ instance Pretty NockOp where
OpReplace -> "replace"
OpHint -> "hint"
OpScry -> "scry"
OpTrace -> "trace"
data NockHint = NockHintPuts
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
textToStdlibFunctionMap :: HashMap Text StdlibFunction
textToStdlibFunctionMap =
@ -267,7 +268,6 @@ serializeOp = \case
OpReplace -> 10
OpHint -> 11
OpScry -> 12
OpTrace -> 100
class (NockmaEq a) => NockNatural a where
type ErrNockNatural a :: Type
@ -325,6 +325,22 @@ nockBoolLiteral b
| b = nockTrueLiteral
| otherwise = nockFalseLiteral
nockHintName :: NockHint -> Text
nockHintName = \case
NockHintPuts -> "puts"
nockHintValue :: NockHint -> Natural
nockHintValue = \case
NockHintPuts -> 0x73747570
nockHintAtom :: NockHint -> Term Natural
nockHintAtom hint =
{ _atomInfo = emptyAtomInfo,
_atom = nockHintValue hint
instance NockNatural Natural where
type ErrNockNatural Natural = NockNaturalNaturalError
nockNatural a = return (a ^. atom)
@ -151,10 +151,18 @@ atomStringLiteral = do
return (Atom (textToNatural s) info)
atomNockHint :: Maybe Tag -> Parser (Atom Natural)
atomNockHint mtag = do
symbol Str.percent
let hints :: [NockHint] = enumerate
val <- choice (map (\hnt -> symbol (nockHintName hnt) >> return (nockHintValue hnt)) hints)
return (Atom val emptyAtomInfo {_atomInfoTag = mtag})
patom :: Parser (Atom Natural)
patom = do
mtag <- optional pTag
atomOp mtag
<|> atomNockHint mtag
<|> atomNat mtag
<|> atomPath mtag
<|> atomBool
@ -94,14 +94,11 @@ data BuiltinFunctionId
instance Hashable BuiltinFunctionId
newtype CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions
{_compilerOptionsEnableTrace :: Bool}
data CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions
fromEntryPoint :: EntryPoint -> CompilerOptions
fromEntryPoint EntryPoint {..} =
fromEntryPoint EntryPoint {} =
{ _compilerOptionsEnableTrace = _entryPointDebug
data FunctionInfo = FunctionInfo
{ _functionInfoPath :: Path,
@ -115,8 +112,7 @@ newtype FunctionCtx = FunctionCtx
data CompilerCtx = CompilerCtx
{ _compilerFunctionInfos :: HashMap FunctionId FunctionInfo,
_compilerConstructorInfos :: ConstructorInfos,
_compilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
_compilerConstructorInfos :: ConstructorInfos
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
@ -652,12 +648,8 @@ compile = \case
goTrace :: Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goTrace arg = do
enabled <- asks (^. compilerOptions . compilerOptionsEnableTrace)
return $
-- TODO: remove duplication of `arg` here
| enabled -> OpTrace # arg # arg
| otherwise -> arg
-- TODO: remove duplication of `arg` here
return $ OpHint # (nockHintAtom NockHintPuts # arg) # arg
goBinop :: Tree.NodeBinop -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goBinop Tree.NodeBinop {..} = do
@ -922,7 +914,7 @@ remakeList :: (Foldable l) => l (Term Natural) -> Term Natural
remakeList ts = foldTerms (toList ts `prependList` pure (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "remakeList"))
runCompilerWith :: CompilerOptions -> ConstructorInfos -> [CompilerFunction] -> CompilerFunction -> AnomaResult
runCompilerWith opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun = makeAnomaFun
runCompilerWith _opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun = makeAnomaFun
libFuns :: [CompilerFunction]
libFuns = moduleFuns ++ (builtinFunction <$> allElements)
@ -934,8 +926,7 @@ runCompilerWith opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun = makeAnomaFun
compilerCtx =
{ _compilerFunctionInfos = functionInfos,
_compilerConstructorInfos = constrs,
_compilerOptions = opts
_compilerConstructorInfos = constrs
mainClosure :: Term Natural
@ -803,6 +803,9 @@ tagTag = "tag@"
stdlibTag :: (IsString s) => s
stdlibTag = "stdlib@"
percent :: (IsString s) => s
percent = "%"
instrSub :: (IsString s) => s
instrSub = "sub"
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ mkAnomaCallTest' enableDebug _testProgramStorage _testName relRoot mainFile args
<$> testDefaultEntryPointIO testRootDir (testRootDir <//> mainFile)
(^. pipelineResult) . snd <$> testRunIO entryPoint upToAnoma
mkAnomaCallTestNoTrace :: Text -> Prelude.Path Rel Dir -> Prelude.Path Rel File -> [Term Natural] -> Check () -> TestTree
mkAnomaCallTestNoTrace = mkAnomaCallTest' False emptyStorage
mkAnomaCallTestNoDebug :: Text -> Prelude.Path Rel Dir -> Prelude.Path Rel File -> [Term Natural] -> Check () -> TestTree
mkAnomaCallTestNoDebug = mkAnomaCallTest' False emptyStorage
mkAnomaCallTest :: Text -> Prelude.Path Rel Dir -> Prelude.Path Rel File -> [Term Natural] -> Check () -> TestTree
mkAnomaCallTest = mkAnomaCallTest' True emptyStorage
@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ allTests =
$(mkRelFile "test003.juvix")
(checkNatOutput [1, 4, 2, 4, 0]),
"Test003: Integer arithmetic - no trace"
"Test003: Integer arithmetic - no debug"
$(mkRelDir ".")
$(mkRelFile "test003.juvix")
(checkNatOutput [0]),
(checkNatOutput [1, 4, 2, 4, 0]),
"Test005: Higher-order functions"
$(mkRelDir ".")
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ anomaTest n mainFun args _testCheck _evalInterceptStdlibCalls =
| _evalInterceptStdlibCalls = n <> " - intercept stdlib"
| otherwise = n
opts = CompilerOptions {_compilerOptionsEnableTrace = False}
opts = CompilerOptions
res :: AnomaResult = runCompilerWith opts mempty [] f
_testProgramSubject = res ^. anomaClosure
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ unitTests =
test "push" [nock| [0 1] |] [nock| [push [[suc [@ L]] [@ S]]] |] (eqNock [nock| [1 0 1] |]),
test "call" [nock| [quote 1] |] [nock| [call [S [@ S]]] |] (eqNock [nock| 1 |]),
test "replace" [nock| [0 1] |] [nock| [replace [[L [quote 1]] [@ S]]] |] (eqNock [nock| [1 1] |]),
test "hint" [nock| [0 1] |] [nock| [hint [nil [trace [quote 2] [quote 3]]] [quote 1]] |] (eqTraces [[nock| 2 |]] >> eqNock [nock| 1 |]),
test "hint" [nock| [0 1] |] [nock| [hint [1937012080 [quote 2]] [quote 1]] |] (eqTraces [[nock| 2 |]] >> eqNock [nock| 1 |]),
testWithStorage [([nock| 111 |], [nock| 222 |])] "scry" [nock| nil |] [nock| [scry [quote nil] [quote 111]] |] (eqNock [nock| 222 |]),
withAssertErrKeyNotInStorage $ testWithStorage [([nock| 333 |], [nock| 222 |]), ([nock| 3 |], [nock| 222 |])] "scry" [nock| nil |] [nock| [scry [quote nil] [quote 111]] |] (eqNock [nock| 222 |])
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