mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 13:42:04 +03:00
Add C code generation backend (#68)
* [cbackend] Adds an AST for C This should cover enough C to implement the microjuvix backend. * [cbackend] Add C serializer using language-c library We may decide to write our own serializer for the C AST but this demonstrates that the C AST is sufficient at least. * [cbackend] Declarations will always be typed * [cbackend] Add CPP support to AST * [cbackend] Rename some names for clarity * [cbackend] Add translation of InductiveDef to C * [cbackend] Add CLI for C backend * [cbackend] Add stdbool.h to file header * [cbackend] Allow Cpp and Verbatim code inline * [cbackend] Add a newline after printing C * [cbackend] Support foreign blocks * [cbackend] Add support for axioms * [cbackend] Remove code examples * [cbackend] wip FunctionDef including Expressions * [parser] Support esacping '}' inside a foreign block * [cbackend] Add support for patterns in functions * [cbackend] Add foreign C support to HelloWorld.mjuvix * hlint fixes * More hlint fixes not picked up by pre-commit * [cbackend] Remove CompileStatement from MonoJuvix * [cbackend] Add support for compile blocks * [cbackend] Move compileInfo extraction to MonoJuvixResult * [minihaskell] Fix compile block support * [chore] Remove ununsed isBackendSupported function * [chore] Remove unused imports * [cbackend] Use a Reader for pattern bindings * [cbackend] Fix compiler warnings * [cbackend] Add support for nested patterns * [cbackend] Use functions to instantiate argument names * [cbackend] Add non-exhaustive pattern error message * [cbackend] Adds test for c to WASM compile and execution * [cbackend] Add links to test dependencies in quickstart * [cbackend] Add test with inductive types and patterns * [cbackend] Fix indentation * [cbackend] Remove ExpressionTyped case https://github.com/heliaxdev/minijuvix/issues/79 * [lexer] Fix lexing of \ inside a foreign block * [cbackend] PR review fixes * [chore] Remove unused import * [cbackend] Rename CJuvix to MiniC * [cbackend] Rename MonoJuvixToC to MonoJuvixToMiniC * [cbackend] Add test for polymorphic function * [cbackend] Add module for string literals
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: main
- name: Setup Emscripten
uses: mymindstorm/setup-emsdk@v11
- name: Setup Wasmer
uses: wasmerio/setup-wasmer@v1
- name: Test suite
id: test
run: |
@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ clean-full:
stack test --fast --jobs $(THREADS)
.PHONY : test-skip-slow
stack test --fast --jobs $(THREADS) --ta '-p "! /slow tests/"'
.PHONY : test-watch
stack test --fast --jobs $(THREADS) --file-watch
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ If the installation succeeds, you must be able to run the =minijuvix=
command from any location. To get the complete list of commands, please
run =minijuvix --help=.
- To test everything works correctly, you can run the following command:
- To test everything works correctly, you can run the following command. You will need to have [[https://emscripten.org][emscripten]] and [[https://wasmer.io][wasmer]] installed.
#+begin_src shell
$ stack test
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Commands.MiniC where
import Commands.Extra
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Doc)
import Options.Applicative
newtype MiniCOptions = MiniCOptions
{ _miniCInputFile :: FilePath
parseMiniC :: Parser MiniCOptions
parseMiniC = do
_miniCInputFile <- parseInputFile
pure MiniCOptions {..}
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Main (main) where
import Commands.Extra
import Commands.MicroJuvix
import Commands.MiniC
import Commands.MiniHaskell
import Commands.MonoJuvix
import Commands.Termination as Termination
@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as MicroTyped
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Pretty qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Pretty qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Termination qualified as Termination
import MiniJuvix.Termination.CallGraph qualified as Termination
import MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
import MiniJuvix.Utils.Version (runDisplayVersion)
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ data Command
| Html HtmlOptions
| Termination TerminationCommand
| MiniHaskell MiniHaskellOptions
| MiniC MiniCOptions
| MicroJuvix MicroJuvixCommand
| MonoJuvix MonoJuvixOptions
| DisplayVersion
@ -209,6 +211,7 @@ parseCommand =
@ -240,6 +243,15 @@ parseCommand =
(MiniHaskell <$> parseMiniHaskell)
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MiniHaskell")
commandMiniC :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandMiniC = command "minic" minfo
minfo :: ParserInfo Command
minfo =
(MiniC <$> parseMiniC)
(progDesc "Translate a MiniJuvix file to MiniC")
commandHighlight :: Mod CommandFields Command
commandHighlight = command "highlight" minfo
@ -349,6 +361,9 @@ instance HasEntryPoint MonoJuvixOptions where
instance HasEntryPoint MiniHaskellOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _mhaskellInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint MiniCOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _miniCInputFile
instance HasEntryPoint CallsOptions where
getEntryPoint root = EntryPoint root . pure . _callsInputFile
@ -433,6 +448,9 @@ runCLI cli = do
MiniHaskell o -> do
minihaskell <- head . (^. MiniHaskell.resultModules) <$> runIO (upToMiniHaskell (getEntryPoint root o))
renderStdOutMini (MiniHaskell.ppOutDefault minihaskell)
MiniC o -> do
miniC <- (^. MiniC.resultCCode) <$> runIO (upToMiniC (getEntryPoint root o))
putStrLn miniC
Termination (Calls opts@CallsOptions {..}) -> do
results <- runIO (upToAbstract (getEntryPoint root opts))
let topModule = head (results ^. Abstract.resultModules)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ dependencies:
- filepath == 1.4.*
- gitrev == 1.3.*
- hashable == 1.4.*
- language-c == 0.9.*
- megaparsec == 9.2.*
- microlens-platform == 0.4.*
- parser-combinators == 1.3.*
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ dependencies:
- polysemy-plugin == 0.4.*
- prettyprinter == 1.7.*
- prettyprinter-ansi-terminal == 1.1.*
- pretty == 1.1.*
- process == 1.6.*
- safe == 0.3.*
- semirings == 0.6.*
@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ ghc = "ghc"
agda :: IsString s => s
agda = "agda"
cBackend :: IsString s => s
cBackend = "c"
terminating :: IsString s => s
terminating = "terminating"
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.TypeChecker qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.AbstractToMicroJuvix qualified as MicroJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as MonoJuvix
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC qualified as MiniC
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell qualified as MiniHaskell
import MiniJuvix.Translation.ScopedToAbstract qualified as Abstract
@ -75,6 +76,10 @@ upToMiniHaskell ::
Members '[Files, NameIdGen, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
upToMiniHaskell = upToMonoJuvix >=> pipelineMiniHaskell
upToMiniC ::
Members '[Files, NameIdGen, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r MiniC.MiniCResult
upToMiniC = upToMonoJuvix >=> pipelineMiniC
pipelineParser :: Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r => EntryPoint -> Sem r Parser.ParserResult
@ -112,3 +117,9 @@ pipelineMiniHaskell ::
MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult ->
Sem r MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
pipelineMiniHaskell = mapError (toAJuvixError @Text) . MiniHaskell.entryMiniHaskell
pipelineMiniC ::
Members '[Files, Error AJuvixError] r =>
MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult ->
Sem r MiniC.MiniCResult
pipelineMiniC = mapError (toAJuvixError @Text) . MiniC.entryMiniC
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
data Backend = BackendGhc | BackendAgda
data Backend = BackendGhc | BackendAgda | BackendC
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable Backend
@ -16,7 +16,3 @@ data BackendItem = BackendItem
instance Hashable BackendItem
makeLenses ''BackendItem
isBackendSupported :: Backend -> Bool
isBackendSupported BackendGhc = True
isBackendSupported BackendAgda = False
@ -46,10 +46,9 @@ integer = do
Nothing -> return nat
_ -> return (-nat)
-- | TODO allow escaping { inside the string using \{
bracedString :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
bracedString :: forall e m. MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
bracedString =
Text.strip . unIndent . pack <$> (char '{' >> manyTill anySingle (char '}'))
Text.strip . unIndent . pack <$> (char '{' >> manyTill (P.try escaped <|> anySingle) (char '}'))
unIndent :: Text -> Text
unIndent t = Text.unlines (Text.drop (fromMaybe 0 (indentIdx t)) <$> Text.lines t)
@ -57,6 +56,10 @@ bracedString =
indentIdx = minimumMay . mapMaybe firstNonBlankChar . Text.lines
firstNonBlankChar :: Text -> Maybe Int
firstNonBlankChar = Text.findIndex (not . isSpace)
escaped :: m Char
escaped = do
void (char '\\')
char '}'
string :: MonadParsec e Text m => m Text
string = pack <$> (char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"'))
@ -274,3 +277,6 @@ ghc = keyword Str.ghc
agda :: Member InfoTableBuilder r => ParsecS r ()
agda = keyword Str.agda
cBackend :: Member InfoTableBuilder r => ParsecS r ()
cBackend = keyword Str.cBackend
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ backend :: Member InfoTableBuilder r => ParsecS r Backend
backend =
ghc $> BackendGhc
<|> agda $> BackendAgda
<|> cBackend $> BackendC
foreignBlock :: Member InfoTableBuilder r => ParsecS r ForeignBlock
foreignBlock = do
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Base
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Text qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Internal.Strings qualified as Str
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language
@ -64,6 +65,9 @@ kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwC :: Doc Ann
kwC = keyword Str.cBackend
kwWhere :: Doc Ann
kwWhere = keyword Str.where_
@ -285,6 +289,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
BackendC -> return kwC
instance SingI s => PrettyCode (Compile s) where
ppCode Compile {..} = do
@ -297,9 +302,12 @@ instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
_foreignBackend' <- ppCode _foreignBackend
return $
kwForeign <+> _foreignBackend' <+> lbrace <> line
<> pretty _foreignCode
<> pretty (escape _foreignCode)
<> line
<> rbrace
escape :: Text -> Text
escape = T.replace "}" "\\}"
instance PrettyCode BackendItem where
ppCode BackendItem {..} = do
@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ kwCompile = keyword Str.compile
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwC :: Doc Ann
kwC = keyword Str.cBackend
kwGhc :: Doc Ann
kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
@ -245,6 +248,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
BackendC -> return kwC
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude hiding (Enum)
newtype CCodeUnit = CCodeUnit
{ _ccodeCode :: [CCode]
data CCode
= ExternalDecl Declaration
| ExternalFunc Function
| ExternalMacro Cpp
| Verbatim Text
-- Prepreocessor Directives
data Cpp
= CppIncludeFile Text
| CppIncludeSystem Text
| CppDefine Define
data Define = Define
{ _defineName :: Text,
_defineBody :: Text
-- Declaration
data Declaration = Declaration
{ _declType :: DeclType,
_declIsPtr :: Bool,
_declName :: Maybe Text,
_declInitializer :: Maybe Initializer
data Initializer
= ExprInitializer Expression
| DesignatorInitializer [DesigInit]
data DesigInit = DesigInit
{ _desigDesignator :: Text,
_desigInitializer :: Initializer
-- Function
data Function = Function
{ _funcReturnType :: DeclType,
_funcIsPtr :: Bool,
_funcQualifier :: Qualifier,
_funcName :: Text,
_funcArgs :: [Declaration],
_funcBody :: [BodyItem]
data BodyItem
= BodyStatement Statement
| BodyDecl Declaration
data Qualifier
= StaticInline
| None
deriving stock (Eq)
-- Types
data DeclType
= DeclTypeDefType Text
| DeclStructUnion StructUnion
| DeclTypeDef DeclType
| DeclEnum Enum
| BoolType
data StructUnion = StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag :: StructUnionTag,
_structUnionName :: Maybe Text,
_structMembers :: Maybe [Declaration]
data StructUnionTag
= StructTag
| UnionTag
data Enum = Enum
{ _enumName :: Maybe Text,
_enumMembers :: Maybe [Text]
data CDeclType = CDeclType
{ _typeDeclType :: DeclType,
_typeIsPtr :: Bool
-- Expressions
data Expression
= ExpressionAssign Assign
| ExpressionCast Cast
| ExpressionCall Call
| ExpressionLiteral Literal
| ExpressionVar Text
| ExpressionBinary Binary
| ExpressionUnary Unary
| ExpressionMember MemberAccess
data Assign = Assign
{ _assignLeft :: Expression,
_assignRight :: Expression
data Cast = Cast
{ _castDecl :: Declaration,
_castExpression :: Expression
data Call = Call
{ _callCallee :: Expression,
_callArgs :: [Expression]
data Literal
= LiteralInt Integer
| LiteralChar Char
| LiteralString Text
data BinaryOp
= Eq
| Neq
| And
| Or
data Binary = Binary
{ _binaryOp :: BinaryOp,
_binaryLeft :: Expression,
_binaryRight :: Expression
data UnaryOp
= Address
| Indirection
| Negation
data Unary = Unary
{ _unaryOp :: UnaryOp,
_unarySubject :: Expression
data MemberAccessOp
= Object
| Pointer
deriving stock (Eq)
data MemberAccess = MemberAccess
{ _memberSubject :: Expression,
_memberField :: Text,
_memberOp :: MemberAccessOp
-- Statements
data Statement
= StatementReturn (Maybe Expression)
| StatementIf If
| StatementExpr Expression
| StatementCompound [Statement]
data If = If
{ _ifCondition :: Expression,
_ifThen :: Statement,
_ifElse :: Maybe Statement
-- Constructions
functionCall :: Expression -> [Expression] -> Expression
functionCall fExpr args =
( Call
{ _callCallee = fExpr,
_callArgs = args
ptrType :: DeclType -> Text -> Declaration
ptrType typ n =
{ _declType = typ,
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just n,
_declInitializer = Nothing
typeDefType :: Text -> Text -> Declaration
typeDefType typName declName =
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType typName,
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just declName,
_declInitializer = Nothing
equals :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
equals e1 e2 =
( Binary
{ _binaryOp = Eq,
_binaryLeft = e1,
_binaryRight = e2
memberAccess :: MemberAccessOp -> Expression -> Text -> Expression
memberAccess op e fieldName =
( MemberAccess
{ _memberSubject = e,
_memberField = fieldName,
_memberOp = op
staticInlineFunc :: DeclType -> Bool -> Text -> [Declaration] -> [BodyItem] -> Function
staticInlineFunc t isPtr name args body =
{ _funcReturnType = t,
_funcIsPtr = isPtr,
_funcQualifier = StaticInline,
_funcName = name,
_funcArgs = args,
_funcBody = body
typeDefWrap :: Text -> DeclType -> Declaration
typeDefWrap typeDefName typ =
{ _declType = DeclTypeDef typ,
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just typeDefName,
_declInitializer = Nothing
returnStatement :: Expression -> BodyItem
returnStatement e =
BodyStatement (StatementReturn (Just e))
makeLenses ''CCodeUnit
makeLenses ''Declaration
makeLenses ''CDeclType
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Serialization where
import Language.C qualified as C
import Language.C.Data.Ident qualified as C
import Language.C.Pretty qualified as P
import Language.C.Syntax
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ qualified as HP
encAngles :: HP.Doc -> HP.Doc
encAngles p = HP.char '<' HP.<> p HP.<> HP.char '>'
prettyText :: Text -> HP.Doc
prettyText = HP.text . unpack
prettyCpp :: Cpp -> HP.Doc
prettyCpp = \case
CppIncludeFile i -> "#include" HP.<+> HP.doubleQuotes (prettyText i)
CppIncludeSystem i -> "#include" HP.<+> encAngles (prettyText i)
CppDefine Define {..} -> "#define" HP.<+> (prettyText _defineName HP.<+> prettyText _defineBody)
prettyCCode :: CCode -> HP.Doc
prettyCCode = \case
ExternalDecl decl -> P.pretty (CDeclExt (mkCDecl decl))
ExternalFunc fun -> P.pretty (CFDefExt (mkCFunDef fun))
ExternalMacro m -> prettyCpp m
Verbatim t -> prettyText t
serialize :: CCodeUnit -> Text
serialize = show . codeUnitDoc
codeUnitDoc :: CCodeUnit -> HP.Doc
codeUnitDoc c = HP.vcat (map prettyCCode (c ^. ccodeCode))
mkCDecl :: Declaration -> CDecl
mkCDecl Declaration {..} =
(mkDeclSpecifier _declType)
[(Just declrName, initializer, Nothing)]
declrName :: CDeclr
declrName = CDeclr (mkIdent <$> _declName) ptrDeclr Nothing [] C.undefNode
ptrDeclr :: [CDerivedDeclarator C.NodeInfo]
ptrDeclr = [CPtrDeclr [] C.undefNode | _declIsPtr]
initializer :: Maybe CInit
initializer = mkCInit <$> _declInitializer
mkCInit :: Initializer -> CInit
mkCInit = \case
ExprInitializer e -> CInitExpr (mkCExpr e) C.undefNode
DesignatorInitializer ds -> CInitList (f <$> ds) C.undefNode
f :: DesigInit -> ([CDesignator], CInit)
f DesigInit {..} = ([CMemberDesig (mkIdent _desigDesignator) C.undefNode], mkCInit _desigInitializer)
mkCFunDef :: Function -> CFunDef
mkCFunDef Function {..} =
CFunDef declSpec declr [] statement C.undefNode
declr :: CDeclr
declr = CDeclr (Just (mkIdent _funcName)) derivedDeclr Nothing [] C.undefNode
declSpec :: [CDeclSpec]
declSpec = qualifier <> mkDeclSpecifier _funcReturnType
qualifier :: [CDeclSpec]
qualifier = if _funcQualifier == StaticInline then [CStorageSpec (CStatic C.undefNode), CFunSpec (CInlineQual C.undefNode)] else []
derivedDeclr :: [CDerivedDeclr]
derivedDeclr = funDerDeclr <> ptrDeclr
ptrDeclr :: [CDerivedDeclr]
ptrDeclr = [CPtrDeclr [] C.undefNode | _funcIsPtr]
funDerDeclr :: [CDerivedDeclr]
funDerDeclr = [CFunDeclr (Right (funArgs, False)) [] C.undefNode]
funArgs :: [CDecl]
funArgs = mkCDecl <$> _funcArgs
statement :: CStat
statement = CCompound [] block C.undefNode
block :: [CBlockItem]
block = mkBlockItem <$> _funcBody
mkBlockItem :: BodyItem -> CBlockItem
mkBlockItem = \case
BodyStatement s -> CBlockStmt (mkCStat s)
BodyDecl d -> CBlockDecl (mkCDecl d)
mkCExpr :: Expression -> CExpr
mkCExpr = \case
ExpressionAssign Assign {..} -> CAssign CAssignOp (mkCExpr _assignLeft) (mkCExpr _assignRight) C.undefNode
ExpressionCast Cast {..} -> CCast (mkCDecl _castDecl) (mkCExpr _castExpression) C.undefNode
ExpressionCall Call {..} -> CCall (mkCExpr _callCallee) (mkCExpr <$> _callArgs) C.undefNode
ExpressionLiteral l -> case l of
LiteralInt i -> CConst (CIntConst (cInteger i) C.undefNode)
LiteralChar c -> CConst (CCharConst (cChar c) C.undefNode)
LiteralString s -> CConst (CStrConst (cString (unpack s)) C.undefNode)
ExpressionVar n -> CVar (mkIdent n) C.undefNode
ExpressionBinary Binary {..} ->
CBinary (mkBinaryOp _binaryOp) (mkCExpr _binaryLeft) (mkCExpr _binaryRight) C.undefNode
ExpressionUnary Unary {..} ->
CUnary (mkUnaryOp _unaryOp) (mkCExpr _unarySubject) C.undefNode
ExpressionMember MemberAccess {..} ->
CMember (mkCExpr _memberSubject) (mkIdent _memberField) (_memberOp == Pointer) C.undefNode
mkCStat :: Statement -> CStat
mkCStat = \case
StatementReturn me -> CReturn (mkCExpr <$> me) C.undefNode
StatementIf If {..} ->
CIf (mkCExpr _ifCondition) (mkCStat _ifThen) (mkCStat <$> _ifElse) C.undefNode
StatementExpr e -> CExpr (Just (mkCExpr e)) C.undefNode
StatementCompound ss -> CCompound [] (CBlockStmt . mkCStat <$> ss) C.undefNode
mkBinaryOp :: BinaryOp -> CBinaryOp
mkBinaryOp = \case
Eq -> CEqOp
Neq -> CNeqOp
And -> CLndOp
Or -> CLorOp
mkUnaryOp :: UnaryOp -> CUnaryOp
mkUnaryOp = \case
Address -> CAdrOp
Indirection -> CIndOp
Negation -> CNegOp
mkDeclSpecifier :: DeclType -> [CDeclSpec]
mkDeclSpecifier = \case
DeclTypeDefType typeDefName -> mkTypeDefTypeSpec typeDefName
DeclTypeDef typ -> CStorageSpec (CTypedef C.undefNode) : mkDeclSpecifier typ
DeclStructUnion StructUnion {..} -> mkStructUnionTypeSpec _structUnionTag _structUnionName _structMembers
DeclEnum Enum {..} -> mkEnumSpec _enumName _enumMembers
BoolType -> [CTypeSpec (CBoolType C.undefNode)]
mkEnumSpec :: Maybe Text -> Maybe [Text] -> [CDeclSpec]
mkEnumSpec name members = [CTypeSpec (CEnumType enum C.undefNode)]
enum :: CEnum
enum = CEnum (mkIdent <$> name) (fmap (map (\m -> (mkIdent m, Nothing))) members) [] C.undefNode
mkTypeDefTypeSpec :: Text -> [CDeclSpec]
mkTypeDefTypeSpec name = [CTypeSpec (CTypeDef (mkIdent name) C.undefNode)]
mkStructUnionTypeSpec :: StructUnionTag -> Maybe Text -> Maybe [Declaration] -> [CDeclSpec]
mkStructUnionTypeSpec tag name members = [CTypeSpec (CSUType struct C.undefNode)]
struct :: CStructUnion
struct = CStruct cStructTag (mkIdent <$> name) memberDecls [] C.undefNode
memberDecls :: Maybe [CDecl]
memberDecls = fmap (map mkCDecl) members
cStructTag = case tag of
StructTag -> CStructTag
UnionTag -> CUnionTag
mkIdent :: Text -> C.Ident
mkIdent t = C.Ident (unpack t) 0 C.undefNode
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
@ -18,15 +17,10 @@ newtype AxiomInfo = AxiomInfo
{ _axiomInfoType :: Type
newtype CompileInfo = CompileInfo
{ _compileInfoBackendItems :: [BackendItem]
data InfoTable = InfoTable
{ _infoConstructors :: HashMap Name ConstructorInfo,
_infoAxioms :: HashMap Name AxiomInfo,
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo,
_infoCompilationRules :: HashMap Name CompileInfo
_infoFunctions :: HashMap Name FunctionInfo
-- TODO temporary function.
@ -54,16 +48,9 @@ buildTable m = InfoTable {..}
[ (d ^. axiomName, AxiomInfo (d ^. axiomType))
| StatementAxiom d <- ss
_infoCompilationRules :: HashMap Name CompileInfo
_infoCompilationRules =
[ (d ^. compileName, CompileInfo (d ^. compileBackendItems))
| StatementCompile d <- ss
ss = m ^. (moduleBody . moduleStatements)
makeLenses ''InfoTable
makeLenses ''FunctionInfo
makeLenses ''ConstructorInfo
makeLenses ''AxiomInfo
makeLenses ''CompileInfo
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language qualified as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name (NameId (..))
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name.NameKind
@ -63,14 +62,8 @@ data Statement
= StatementInductive InductiveDef
| StatementFunction FunctionDef
| StatementForeign ForeignBlock
| StatementCompile Compile
| StatementAxiom AxiomDef
data Compile = Compile
{ _compileName :: Name,
_compileBackendItems :: [BackendItem]
data AxiomDef = AxiomDef
{ _axiomName :: AxiomName,
_axiomType :: Type
@ -159,7 +152,6 @@ makeLenses ''ModuleBody
makeLenses ''Application
makeLenses ''InductiveConstructorDef
makeLenses ''ConstructorApp
makeLenses ''Compile
instance HasAtomicity Application where
atomicity = const (Aggregate appFixity)
@ -4,14 +4,35 @@ module MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Abstract.AbstractResult qualified as A
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Name qualified as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixResult qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MicroJuvix.MicroJuvixTypedResult qualified as Micro
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language
type CompileInfoTable = HashMap S.NameId S.CompileInfo
data MonoJuvixResult = MonoJuvixResult
{ _resultMicroTyped :: Micro.MicroJuvixTypedResult,
_resultModules :: NonEmpty Module
makeLenses ''MonoJuvixResult
compileInfoTable :: MonoJuvixResult -> CompileInfoTable
compileInfoTable r =
(^. S.nameId)
( r
^. resultMicroTyped
. Micro.resultMicroJuvixResult
. Micro.resultAbstract
. A.resultScoper
. Scoper.resultScoperTable
. S.infoCompilationRules
@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ kwCompile = keyword Str.compile
kwAgda :: Doc Ann
kwAgda = keyword Str.agda
kwC :: Doc Ann
kwC = keyword Str.cBackend
kwGhc :: Doc Ann
kwGhc = keyword Str.ghc
@ -197,6 +200,7 @@ instance PrettyCode Backend where
ppCode = \case
BackendGhc -> return kwGhc
BackendAgda -> return kwAgda
BackendC -> return kwC
instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
ppCode ForeignBlock {..} = do
@ -207,12 +211,6 @@ instance PrettyCode ForeignBlock where
<> line
<> rbrace
instance PrettyCode Compile where
ppCode Compile {..} = do
compileName' <- ppCode _compileName
compileBackendItems' <- ppBlock _compileBackendItems
return $ kwCompile <+> compileName' <+> compileBackendItems'
instance PrettyCode AxiomDef where
ppCode AxiomDef {..} = do
axiomName' <- ppCode _axiomName
@ -225,7 +223,6 @@ instance PrettyCode Statement where
StatementFunction f -> ppCode f
StatementInductive f -> ppCode f
StatementAxiom f -> ppCode f
StatementCompile f -> ppCode f
instance PrettyCode ModuleBody where
ppCode m = do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Language qualified as C
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniC.Serialization
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.NameId
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MicroJuvixToMonoJuvix qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Strings
newtype MiniCResult = MiniCResult
{ _resultCCode :: Text
makeLenses ''MiniCResult
entryMiniC ::
Mono.MonoJuvixResult ->
Sem r MiniCResult
entryMiniC i = return (MiniCResult (serialize cunitResult))
compileInfo :: Mono.CompileInfoTable
compileInfo = Mono.compileInfoTable i
cunitResult :: CCodeUnit
cunitResult =
{ _ccodeCode = cheader <> cmodules
cheader :: [CCode]
cheader =
[ CppIncludeSystem stdlib,
CppIncludeSystem stdbool,
CppIncludeSystem stdio
cmodules :: [CCode]
cmodules = toList (i ^. Mono.resultModules) >>= (run . runReader compileInfo . goModule)
type Err = Text
unsupported :: Err -> a
unsupported msg = error (msg <> " Mono to C: not yet supported")
goModule ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Mono.Module ->
Sem r [CCode]
goModule Mono.Module {..} = goModuleBody _moduleBody
goModuleBody ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Mono.ModuleBody ->
Sem r [CCode]
goModuleBody Mono.ModuleBody {..} =
concatMapM goStatement _moduleStatements
goStatement ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Mono.Statement ->
Sem r [CCode]
goStatement = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> return (goInductiveDef d)
Mono.StatementFunction d -> return (goFunctionDef d)
Mono.StatementForeign d -> return (goForeign d)
Mono.StatementAxiom d -> goAxiom d
type CTypeName = Text
asStruct :: Text -> Text
asStruct n = n <> "_s"
asTypeDef :: Text -> Text
asTypeDef n = n <> "_t"
asTag :: Text -> Text
asTag n = n <> "_tag"
asNew :: Text -> Text
asNew n = "new_" <> n
asCast :: Text -> Text
asCast n = "as_" <> n
asIs :: Text -> Text
asIs n = "is_" <> n
asFunArg :: Text -> Text
asFunArg n = "fa" <> n
asCtorArg :: Text -> Text
asCtorArg n = "ca" <> n
mkArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [Text]
mkArgs f = map (f . show) [0 :: Integer ..]
funArgs :: [Text]
funArgs = mkArgs asFunArg
ctorArgs :: [Text]
ctorArgs = mkArgs asCtorArg
mkName :: Mono.Name -> Text
mkName n =
adaptFirstLetter lexeme <> nameTextSuffix
| T.null lexeme' = "v"
| otherwise = lexeme'
lexeme' = T.filter isValidChar (n ^. Mono.nameText)
isValidChar :: Char -> Bool
isValidChar c = isLetter c && isAscii c
adaptFirstLetter :: Text -> Text
adaptFirstLetter t = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> impossible
Just (h, r) -> T.cons (capitalize h) r
capitalize :: Char -> Char
| capital = toUpper
| otherwise = toLower
capital = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameConstructor -> True
Mono.KNameInductive -> True
Mono.KNameTopModule -> True
Mono.KNameLocalModule -> True
_ -> False
nameTextSuffix :: Text
nameTextSuffix = case n ^. Mono.nameKind of
Mono.KNameTopModule -> mempty
Mono.KNameFunction ->
if n ^. Mono.nameText == main then mempty else idSuffix
_ -> idSuffix
idSuffix :: Text
idSuffix = "_" <> show (n ^. Mono.nameId . unNameId)
goFunctionDef :: Mono.FunctionDef -> [CCode]
goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} =
[ ExternalFunc
( Function
{ _funcReturnType = funReturnType ^. typeDeclType,
_funcIsPtr = funReturnType ^. typeIsPtr,
_funcQualifier = None,
_funcName = mkName _funDefName,
_funcArgs = namedArgs asFunArg funArgTypes,
_funcBody = maybeToList (BodyStatement <$> mkBody (goFunctionClause <$> toList _funDefClauses))
mkBody :: [(Maybe Expression, Statement)] -> Maybe Statement
mkBody cs = do
let lastBranch = const fallback . head <$> nonEmpty cs
foldr mkIf lastBranch cs
mkIf :: (Maybe Expression, Statement) -> Maybe Statement -> Maybe Statement
mkIf (mcondition, thenBranch) elseBranch = case mcondition of
Nothing -> Just thenBranch
Just condition ->
( StatementIf
( If
{ _ifCondition = condition,
_ifThen = thenBranch,
_ifElse = elseBranch
funArgTypes :: [CDeclType]
funArgTypes = fst funType
funReturnType :: CDeclType
funReturnType = snd funType
funType :: ([CDeclType], CDeclType)
funType = unfoldFunType _funDefType
unfoldFunType :: Mono.Type -> ([CDeclType], CDeclType)
unfoldFunType = \case
Mono.TypeFunction (Mono.Function l r) ->
first (goType l :) (unfoldFunType r)
t -> ([], goType t)
fallback :: Statement
fallback =
[ StatementExpr
( functionCall
(ExpressionVar fprintf)
[ ExpressionVar stderr_,
ExpressionLiteral (LiteralString "Error: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive in %s\n"),
ExpressionLiteral (LiteralString (_funDefName ^. Mono.nameText))
( functionCall
(ExpressionVar exit)
[ ExpressionVar exitFailure_
type PatternBindings = HashMap Text Expression
goFunctionClause :: Mono.FunctionClause -> (Maybe Expression, Statement)
goFunctionClause Mono.FunctionClause {..} = (clauseCondition, returnStmt)
conditions :: [Expression]
conditions = do
(p, arg) <- zip _clausePatterns funArgs
patternCondition (ExpressionVar arg) p
patternCondition :: Expression -> Mono.Pattern -> [Expression]
patternCondition arg = \case
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
isCtor : subConditions
ctorName :: Text
ctorName = mkName _constrAppConstructor
isCtor :: Expression
isCtor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asIs ctorName)) [arg]
asCtor :: Expression
asCtor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asCast ctorName)) [arg]
subConditions :: [Expression]
subConditions = do
let subArgs = map (memberAccess Object asCtor) ctorArgs
(p, subArg) <- zip _constrAppParameters subArgs
patternCondition subArg p
Mono.PatternVariable {} -> []
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> []
clauseCondition :: Maybe Expression
clauseCondition = fmap (foldr1 f) (nonEmpty conditions)
f :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression
f e1 e2 =
( Binary
{ _binaryOp = And,
_binaryLeft = e1,
_binaryRight = e2
patternBindings :: PatternBindings
patternBindings = HashMap.fromList patternVars
patternVars :: [(Text, Expression)]
patternVars = do
(p, arg) <- zipWith (curry (second ExpressionVar)) _clausePatterns funArgs
case p of
Mono.PatternVariable v -> [(v ^. Mono.nameText, arg)]
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp arg _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> []
returnStmt :: Statement
returnStmt = StatementReturn (Just (run (runReader patternBindings (goExpression False _clauseBody))))
goConstructorApp :: Expression -> Mono.Name -> [Mono.Pattern] -> [(Text, Expression)]
goConstructorApp arg n ps = do
(p, field) <- zip ps ctorArgs
let ctorField = memberAccess Object asConstructor field
case p of
Mono.PatternVariable v -> [(v ^. Mono.nameText, ctorField)]
Mono.PatternConstructorApp Mono.ConstructorApp {..} ->
goConstructorApp ctorField _constrAppConstructor _constrAppParameters
Mono.PatternWildcard {} -> []
asConstructor :: Expression
asConstructor = functionCall (ExpressionVar (asCast (mkName n))) [arg]
goExpression :: Member (Reader PatternBindings) r => Bool -> Mono.Expression -> Sem r Expression
goExpression fromApplication = \case
Mono.ExpressionIden i -> goIden fromApplication i
Mono.ExpressionApplication a -> goApplication a
Mono.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral (goLiteral l))
goIden :: Member (Reader PatternBindings) r => Bool -> Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden fromApplication = \case
Mono.IdenFunction n
| fromApplication -> return e
| otherwise -> return (functionCall e [])
e :: Expression
e = ExpressionVar (mkName n)
Mono.IdenConstructor n
| fromApplication -> return newCtor
| otherwise -> return (functionCall newCtor [])
newCtor :: Expression
newCtor = ExpressionVar (asNew (mkName n))
Mono.IdenVar n -> HashMap.lookupDefault impossible (n ^. Mono.nameText) <$> ask
Mono.IdenAxiom n -> return (ExpressionVar (mkName n))
goApplication :: forall r. Member (Reader PatternBindings) r => Mono.Application -> Sem r Expression
goApplication a = do
(fName, fArgs) <- f
return (functionCall fName (reverse fArgs))
f :: Sem r (Expression, [Expression])
f = unfoldApp a
unfoldApp :: Mono.Application -> Sem r (Expression, [Expression])
unfoldApp Mono.Application {..} = case _appLeft of
Mono.ExpressionApplication x -> do
fName <- goExpression False _appRight
uf <- unfoldApp x
return (second (fName :) uf)
_ -> do
fName <- goExpression True _appLeft
fArg <- goExpression False _appRight
return (fName, [fArg])
goLiteral :: C.LiteralLoc -> Literal
goLiteral C.LiteralLoc {..} = case _literalLocLiteral of
C.LitString s -> LiteralString s
C.LitInteger i -> LiteralInt i
goAxiom ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
Mono.AxiomDef ->
Sem r [CCode]
goAxiom a = do
backends <- lookupBackends (axiomName ^. Mono.nameId)
case firstJust getCode backends of
Nothing -> error ("C backend does not support this axiom:" <> show (axiomName ^. Mono.nameText))
Just defineBody ->
[ ExternalMacro
( CppDefine
( Define
{ _defineName = defineName,
_defineBody = defineBody
axiomName :: Mono.Name
axiomName = a ^. Mono.axiomName
defineName :: Text
defineName = mkName axiomName
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
getCode b =
guard (BackendC == b ^. backendItemBackend)
$> b ^. backendItemCode
lookupBackends ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
NameId ->
Sem r [BackendItem]
lookupBackends f = (^. S.compileInfoBackendItems) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> ask
goForeign :: ForeignBlock -> [CCode]
goForeign b = case b ^. foreignBackend of
BackendC -> [Verbatim (b ^. foreignCode)]
_ -> []
mkInductiveName :: Mono.InductiveDef -> Text
mkInductiveName i = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
mkInductiveConstructorNames :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [Text]
mkInductiveConstructorNames i = mkName . view Mono.constructorName <$> i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors
goInductiveDef :: Mono.InductiveDef -> [CCode]
goInductiveDef i =
[ ExternalDecl structTypeDef,
ExternalDecl tagsType
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorDef)
<> [ExternalDecl inductiveDecl]
<> (i ^. Mono.inductiveConstructors >>= goInductiveConstructorNew i)
<> (ExternalFunc . isFunction <$> constructorNames)
<> (ExternalFunc . asFunction <$> constructorNames)
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (i ^. Mono.inductiveName)
constructorNames :: [Text]
constructorNames = mkInductiveConstructorNames i
structTypeDef :: Declaration
structTypeDef =
(asTypeDef baseName)
( DeclStructUnion
( StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag = StructTag,
_structUnionName = Just (asStruct baseName),
_structMembers = Nothing
tagsType :: Declaration
tagsType =
(asTag baseName)
( DeclEnum
( Enum
{ _enumName = Nothing,
_enumMembers = Just (asTag <$> constructorNames)
inductiveDecl :: Declaration
inductiveDecl =
{ _declType = inductiveStruct,
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Nothing,
_declInitializer = Nothing
inductiveStruct :: DeclType
inductiveStruct =
( StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag = StructTag,
_structUnionName = Just (asStruct baseName),
_structMembers =
[ typeDefType (asTag baseName) tag,
{ _declType = unionMembers,
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just data_,
_declInitializer = Nothing
unionMembers :: DeclType
unionMembers =
( StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag = UnionTag,
_structUnionName = Nothing,
_structMembers = Just (map (\ctorName -> typeDefType (asTypeDef ctorName) ctorName) constructorNames)
isFunction :: Text -> Function
isFunction ctorName =
{ _funcReturnType = BoolType,
_funcIsPtr = False,
_funcQualifier = StaticInline,
_funcName = asIs ctorName,
_funcArgs = [ptrType (DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef baseName)) funcArg],
_funcBody =
[ returnStatement
( equals
(memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar funcArg) tag)
(ExpressionVar (asTag ctorName))
funcArg :: Text
funcArg = "a"
asFunction :: Text -> Function
asFunction ctorName =
{ _funcReturnType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef ctorName),
_funcIsPtr = False,
_funcQualifier = StaticInline,
_funcName = asCast ctorName,
_funcArgs = [ptrType (DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef baseName)) funcArg],
_funcBody =
[ returnStatement
(memberAccess Object (memberAccess Pointer (ExpressionVar funcArg) data_) ctorName)
funcArg :: Text
funcArg = "a"
goInductiveConstructorNew ::
Mono.InductiveDef ->
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
goInductiveConstructorNew i ctor =
[ExternalFunc ctorNewFun]
ctorNewFun :: Function
ctorNewFun = if null ctorParams then ctorNewNullary else ctorNewNary
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Mono.constructorName)
inductiveName :: Text
inductiveName = mkInductiveName i
ctorParams :: [Mono.Type]
ctorParams = ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters
ctorNewNullary :: Function
ctorNewNullary =
[ BodyDecl allocInductive,
BodyDecl (commonInitDecl (dataInit true_)),
BodyStatement assignPtr,
returnStatement (ExpressionVar tmpPtrName)
ctorNewNary :: Function
ctorNewNary =
[ BodyDecl allocInductive,
BodyDecl ctorStructInit,
BodyDecl (commonInitDecl (dataInit tmpCtorStructName)),
BodyStatement assignPtr,
returnStatement (ExpressionVar tmpPtrName)
ctorDecls :: [Declaration]
ctorDecls = inductiveCtorArgs ctor
ctorInit :: [DesigInit]
-- TODO: _declName is never Nothing by construction, fix the types
ctorInit = map (f . fromJust . _declName) ctorDecls
f :: Text -> DesigInit
f fieldName =
{ _desigDesignator = fieldName,
_desigInitializer = ExprInitializer (ExpressionVar fieldName)
ctorStructInit :: Declaration
ctorStructInit =
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef baseName),
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just tmpCtorStructName,
_declInitializer = Just (DesignatorInitializer ctorInit)
commonFunctionDeclr :: [Declaration] -> [BodyItem] -> Function
commonFunctionDeclr args body =
{ _funcReturnType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef inductiveName),
_funcIsPtr = True,
_funcQualifier = StaticInline,
_funcName = asNew baseName,
_funcArgs = args,
_funcBody = body
commonInitDecl :: Initializer -> Declaration
commonInitDecl di =
( Declaration
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef inductiveName),
_declIsPtr = False,
_declName = Just tmpStructName,
_declInitializer =
( DesignatorInitializer
[ DesigInit
{ _desigDesignator = tag,
_desigInitializer = ExprInitializer (ExpressionVar (asTag baseName))
{ _desigDesignator = data_,
_desigInitializer = di
tmpPtrName :: Text
tmpPtrName = "n"
tmpStructName :: Text
tmpStructName = "m"
tmpCtorStructName :: Text
tmpCtorStructName = "s"
allocInductive :: Declaration
allocInductive =
( Declaration
{ _declType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef inductiveName),
_declIsPtr = True,
_declName = Just tmpPtrName,
_declInitializer = Just (ExprInitializer (mallocSizeOf (asTypeDef inductiveName)))
dataInit :: Text -> Initializer
dataInit varName =
[ DesigInit
{ _desigDesignator = baseName,
_desigInitializer = ExprInitializer (ExpressionVar varName)
assignPtr :: Statement
assignPtr =
( ExpressionAssign
( Assign
{ _assignLeft =
( Unary
{ _unaryOp = Indirection,
_unarySubject = ExpressionVar tmpPtrName
_assignRight = ExpressionVar tmpStructName
namedArgs :: (Text -> Text) -> [CDeclType] -> [Declaration]
namedArgs prefix = zipWith goTypeDecl argLabels
argLabels :: [Text]
argLabels = prefix . show <$> [0 :: Integer ..]
inductiveCtorArgs :: Mono.InductiveConstructorDef -> [Declaration]
inductiveCtorArgs ctor = namedArgs asCtorArg (goType <$> ctorParams)
ctorParams :: [Mono.Type]
ctorParams = ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters
goInductiveConstructorDef ::
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
goInductiveConstructorDef ctor =
[ExternalDecl ctorDecl]
ctorDecl :: Declaration
ctorDecl = if null ctorParams then ctorBool else ctorStruct
baseName :: Text
baseName = mkName (ctor ^. Mono.constructorName)
ctorParams :: [Mono.Type]
ctorParams = ctor ^. Mono.constructorParameters
ctorBool :: Declaration
ctorBool = typeDefWrap (asTypeDef baseName) BoolType
ctorStruct :: Declaration
ctorStruct = typeDefWrap (asTypeDef baseName) struct
struct :: DeclType
struct =
( StructUnion
{ _structUnionTag = StructTag,
_structUnionName = Just (asStruct baseName),
_structMembers = Just (inductiveCtorArgs ctor)
goType :: Mono.Type -> CDeclType
goType = \case
Mono.TypeIden ti -> getMonoType ti
Mono.TypeFunction {} -> unsupported "TypeFunction"
Mono.TypeUniverse {} -> unsupported "TypeUniverse"
Mono.TypeAny {} -> unsupported "TypeAny"
getMonoType :: Mono.TypeIden -> CDeclType
getMonoType = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (asTypeDef (mkName mn)),
_typeIsPtr = True
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom mn ->
{ _typeDeclType = DeclTypeDefType (mkName mn),
_typeIsPtr = False
goTypeDecl :: Text -> CDeclType -> Declaration
goTypeDecl n CDeclType {..} =
{ _declType = _typeDeclType,
_declIsPtr = _typeIsPtr,
_declName = Just n,
_declInitializer = Nothing
mallocSizeOf :: Text -> Expression
mallocSizeOf typeName =
functionCall (ExpressionVar malloc) [functionCall (ExpressionVar sizeof) [ExpressionVar typeName]]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC.Strings where
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
stdlib :: IsString s => s
stdlib = "stdlib.h"
stdbool :: IsString s => s
stdbool = "stdbool.h"
stdio :: IsString s => s
stdio = "stdio.h"
main :: IsString s => s
main = "main"
fprintf :: IsString s => s
fprintf = "fprintf"
stderr_ :: IsString s => s
stderr_ = "stderr"
exit :: IsString s => s
exit = "exit"
exitFailure_ :: IsString s => s
exitFailure_ = "EXIT_FAILURE"
malloc :: IsString s => s
malloc = "malloc"
sizeof :: IsString s => s
sizeof = "sizeof"
true_ :: IsString s => s
true_ = "true"
tag :: IsString s => s
tag = "tag"
data_ :: IsString s => s
data_ = "data"
@ -4,19 +4,18 @@ module MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniHaskell
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Backends
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.InfoTable qualified as S
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.ForeignBlock
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.Language
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MiniHaskell.MiniHaskellResult
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.InfoTable qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.Language qualified as Mono
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.MonoJuvix.MonoJuvixResult qualified as Mono
import Prettyprinter
-- import Base (Members)
entryMiniHaskell ::
Member (Error Err) r =>
Mono.MonoJuvixResult ->
@ -26,18 +25,14 @@ entryMiniHaskell i = do
return MiniHaskellResult {..}
_resultMonoJuvix = i
goModule' m = runReader table (goModule m)
goModule' m = runReader compileTable (goModule m)
table = Mono.buildTable m
translateModule :: Mono.Module -> Either Err Module
translateModule m = run (runError (runReader table (goModule m)))
table = Mono.buildTable m
compileTable :: Mono.CompileInfoTable
compileTable = Mono.compileInfoTable i
type Err = Text
goModule :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r Module
goModule :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Module -> Sem r Module
goModule Mono.Module {..} = do
_moduleBody' <- goModuleBody _moduleBody
@ -50,13 +45,13 @@ unsupported :: Text -> a
unsupported msg = error $ msg <> " not yet supported"
goModuleBody ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
goModuleBody Mono.ModuleBody {..} =
ModuleBody <$> mapMaybeM goStatement _moduleStatements
goStatement :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Statement -> Sem r (Maybe Statement)
goStatement :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Statement -> Sem r (Maybe Statement)
goStatement = \case
Mono.StatementInductive d -> Just . StatementInductive <$> goInductive d
Mono.StatementFunction d -> Just . StatementFunction <$> goFunctionDef d
@ -68,44 +63,32 @@ goForeign b = case b ^. foreignBackend of
BackendGhc -> Just (StatementVerbatim (b ^. foreignCode))
_ -> Nothing
lookupCompile ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Name ->
Sem r Mono.CompileInfo
lookupCompile name =
fromMaybe impossible . (^. Mono.infoCompilationRules . at name) <$> ask
lookupAxiom ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Name ->
Sem r Mono.AxiomInfo
lookupAxiom n =
fromMaybe impossible . (^. Mono.infoAxioms . at n) <$> ask
goIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Iden -> Sem r Expression
goIden = \case
Mono.IdenFunction fun -> return (goName' fun)
Mono.IdenConstructor c -> return (goName' c)
Mono.IdenVar v -> return (goName' v)
Mono.IdenAxiom a -> undefined
Mono.IdenAxiom a -> ExpressionVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden a
throwErr :: Member (Error Err) r => Text -> Sem r a
throwErr = throw
goCompile ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Mono.Name ->
Sem r Text
goCompile name = do
backends <- (^. Mono.compileInfoBackendItems) <$> lookupCompile name
goAxiomIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Name -> Sem r Text
goAxiomIden n = do
backends <- lookupBackends (n ^. Mono.nameId)
case firstJust getCode backends of
Nothing -> throwErr ("ghc does not support this primitive:" <> show (pretty name))
Nothing -> throwErr ("ghc does not support this primitive:" <> show (pretty n))
Just t -> return t
getCode :: BackendItem -> Maybe Text
getCode b =
guard (BackendGhc == b ^. backendItemBackend)
$> b ^. backendItemCode
lookupBackends ::
Member (Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable) r =>
NameId ->
Sem r [BackendItem]
lookupBackends f = (^. S.compileInfoBackendItems) . HashMap.lookupDefault impossible f <$> ask
goName' :: Mono.Name -> Expression
goName' = ExpressionIden . goName
@ -154,7 +137,7 @@ goNameText n =
haskellMainName :: Text
haskellMainName = "main"
goFunctionDef :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.FunctionDef -> Sem r FunctionDef
goFunctionDef Mono.FunctionDef {..} = do
_funDefType' <- goType _funDefType
_funDefClauses' <- mapM goFunctionClause _funDefClauses
@ -179,7 +162,7 @@ goConstructorApp c =
goExpression ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Expression ->
Sem r Expression
goExpression = \case
@ -188,7 +171,7 @@ goExpression = \case
Mono.ExpressionLiteral l -> return (ExpressionLiteral l)
goApplication ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.Application ->
Sem r Application
goApplication Mono.Application {..} = do
@ -201,7 +184,7 @@ goApplication Mono.Application {..} = do
goFunctionClause ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.FunctionClause ->
Sem r FunctionClause
goFunctionClause Mono.FunctionClause {..} = do
@ -214,7 +197,7 @@ goFunctionClause Mono.FunctionClause {..} = do
goInductive ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveDef ->
Sem r InductiveDef
goInductive Mono.InductiveDef {..} = do
@ -226,7 +209,7 @@ goInductive Mono.InductiveDef {..} = do
goConstructorDef ::
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r =>
Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r =>
Mono.InductiveConstructorDef ->
Sem r InductiveConstructorDef
goConstructorDef Mono.InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
@ -237,7 +220,7 @@ goConstructorDef Mono.InductiveConstructorDef {..} = do
_constructorParameters = _constructorParameters'
goFunction :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Function -> Sem r Function
goFunction :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Function -> Sem r Function
goFunction Mono.Function {..} = do
_funLeft' <- goType _funLeft
_funRight' <- goType _funRight
@ -247,12 +230,12 @@ goFunction Mono.Function {..} = do
_funRight = _funRight'
goTypeIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.TypeIden -> Sem r Type
goTypeIden :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.TypeIden -> Sem r Type
goTypeIden = \case
Mono.TypeIdenInductive n -> return (TypeIden (TypeIdenInductive (goName n)))
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom _ -> undefined -- TypeVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden n
Mono.TypeIdenAxiom n -> TypeVerbatim <$> goAxiomIden n
goType :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.InfoTable] r => Mono.Type -> Sem r Type
goType :: Members '[Error Err, Reader Mono.CompileInfoTable] r => Mono.Type -> Sem r Type
goType = \case
Mono.TypeIden t -> goTypeIden t
Mono.TypeFunction f -> TypeFunction <$> goFunction f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module BackendC where
import BackendC.Positive qualified as P
import Base
allTests :: TestTree
allTests = testGroup "Backend C tests" [P.allTests]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module BackendC.Positive where
import Base
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
import MiniJuvix.Translation.MonoJuvixToMiniC as MiniC
import System.IO.Extra (withTempDir)
import System.Process qualified as P
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
_relDir :: FilePath
makeLenses ''PosTest
root :: FilePath
root = "tests/positive/MiniC"
mainFile :: FilePath
mainFile = "Input.mjuvix"
testDescr :: PosTest -> TestDescr
testDescr PosTest {..} =
let tRoot = root </> _relDir
in TestDescr
{ _testName = _name,
_testRoot = tRoot,
_testAssertion = Steps $ \step -> do
step "Check emscripten and wasmer are on path"
assertCmdExists "emcc"
assertCmdExists "wasmer"
step "C Generation"
let entryPoint = EntryPoint "." (return "Input.mjuvix")
p :: MiniC.MiniCResult <- runIO (upToMiniC entryPoint)
actual <-
( \dirPath -> do
let cOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.c"
wasmOutputFile = dirPath </> "out.wasm"
TIO.writeFile cOutputFile (p ^. MiniC.resultCCode)
step "WASM generation"
P.callProcess "emcc" ["-o", wasmOutputFile, cOutputFile]
step "WASM execution"
pack <$> P.readProcess "wasmer" [wasmOutputFile] ""
expected <- TIO.readFile "expected.golden"
step "Compare expected and actual program output"
assertEqDiff "check: WASM output = expected.golden" actual expected
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
"Backend C positive tests"
(map (mkTest . testDescr) tests)
tests :: [PosTest]
tests =
[ PosTest "HelloWorld" "HelloWorld",
PosTest "Inductive types and pattern matching" "Nat",
PosTest "Polymorphic types" "Polymorphism"
@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ module Base
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import MiniJuvix.Prelude
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
data AssertionDescr
= Single Assertion
@ -27,3 +30,17 @@ mkTest :: TestDescr -> TestTree
mkTest TestDescr {..} = case _testAssertion of
Single assertion -> testCase _testName $ withCurrentDirectory _testRoot assertion
Steps steps -> testCaseSteps _testName (withCurrentDirectory _testRoot . steps)
assertEqDiff :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiff msg a b
| a == b = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn (pack $ ppDiff (getGroupedDiff pa pb))
putStrLn "End diff"
fail msg
pa = lines $ ppShow a
pb = lines $ ppShow b
assertCmdExists :: FilePath -> Assertion
assertCmdExists cmd = assertBool ("Command: " <> cmd <> " is not present on $PATH") . isJust =<< findExecutable cmd
@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
module Main (main) where
import BackendC qualified
import Base
import MonoJuvix qualified
import Scope qualified
import TypeCheck qualified
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
slowTests :: TestTree
slowTests =
"MiniJuvix tests"
"MiniJuvix slow tests"
fastTests :: TestTree
fastTests =
"MiniJuvix fast tests"
[ Scope.allTests,
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain allTests
main = do
defaultMain (testGroup "MiniJuvix tests" [fastTests, slowTests])
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
module Scope.Positive where
import Base
import Data.Algorithm.Diff
import Data.Algorithm.DiffOutput
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import MiniJuvix.Internal.NameIdGen
import MiniJuvix.Pipeline
@ -10,7 +8,6 @@ import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Parser qualified as Parser
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Pretty.Text qualified as M
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Scoper qualified as Scoper
import MiniJuvix.Syntax.Concrete.Scoped.Utils
import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (Html)
data PosTest = PosTest
{ _name :: String,
@ -76,17 +73,6 @@ testDescr PosTest {..} =
assertEqDiff "check: parse . pretty . parse = parse" pmodules parsedPrettyModules
assertEqDiff :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion
assertEqDiff msg a b
| a == b = return ()
| otherwise = do
putStrLn (pack $ ppDiff (getGroupedDiff pa pb))
putStrLn "End diff"
fail msg
pa = lines $ ppShow a
pb = lines $ ppShow b
allTests :: TestTree
allTests =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
*.golden -text
@ -24,4 +24,14 @@ foreign ghc {
import Foo.Baz
foreign ghc {
data Foo = Foo { _unFoo :: Int \} -- \\ test
foreign ghc {
data Foo = Foo {
_unFoo :: Int
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module HelloWorld;
-- the foreign keyword has two arguments:
-- 1. The name of the backend. Only ghc is available now.
-- 1. The name of the backend.
-- 2. A string. For ease of use, the string is given between braces
-- and can have multiple lines. Space at the beginning and at the end is ignored.
-- The given code is inlined verbatim when compiling to the given backend.
@ -9,26 +9,37 @@ module HelloWorld;
foreign ghc {
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.IO
foreign c {
#include <stdio.h>
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
c ↦ "int";
axiom String : Type;
axiom putStr : String -> Action;
-- the compile keyword has three arguments:
-- 1. The name of the MiniJuvix Axiom.
-- 2. The name of the backend.
-- 3. The thing we should inline when compiling this
-- axiom to the given backend.
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
c ↦ "char*";
axiom putStrLn : String -> Action;
-- main : Action;
-- main := putStr "hello world";
compile putStrLn {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
c ↦ "puts";
main : Action;
main := putStrLn "hello world";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Input;
foreign c {
#include <stdio.h>
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
c ↦ "char*";
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
c ↦ "int";
axiom put-str-ln : String → Action;
compile put-str-ln {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
c ↦ "puts";
main : Action;
main ≔ put-str-ln "hello world!";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
hello world!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
module Input;
foreign c {
#include <stdio.h>
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
c ↦ "char*";
-- IO
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
c ↦ "int";
foreign c {
int sequence(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int putStr(char* s) {
return fputs(s, stdout);
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
ghc ↦ "(>>)";
c ↦ "sequence";
axiom put-str : String → Action;
compile put-str {
ghc ↦ "putStr";
c ↦ "putStr";
axiom put-str-ln : String → Action;
compile put-str-ln {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
c ↦ "puts";
bool-to-str : Bool → String;
bool-to-str true ≔ "True";
bool-to-str false ≔ "False";
-- Integers
axiom Int : Type;
compile Int {
ghc ↦ "Int";
c ↦ "int";
foreign c {
int plus(int l, int r) {
return l + r;
char* intToStr(int i) {
int length = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", i);
char* str = malloc(length + 1);
snprintf(str, length + 1, "%d", i);
return str;
infixl 6 +int;
axiom +int : Int -> Int -> Int;
compile +int {
ghc ↦ "(+)";
c ↦ "plus";
axiom to-str : Int → String;
compile to-str {
ghc ↦ "show";
c ↦ "intToStr";
-- Natural Numbers
inductive Nat {
zero : Nat;
suc : Nat → Nat
infixl 6 +;
+ : Nat → Nat → Nat;
+ zero n ≔ n;
+ (suc m) n ≔ suc (m + n);
is-even : Nat → Bool;
is-even zero ≔ true;
is-even (suc (suc n)) ≔ is-even n;
is-even _ ≔ false;
infix 4 ==Nat;
==Nat : Nat → Nat → Bool;
==Nat zero zero ≔ true;
==Nat (suc n) (suc m) ≔ n ==Nat m;
==Nat _ _ ≔ false;
to-int : Nat → Int;
to-int zero ≔ 0;
to-int (suc n) ≔ 1 +int (to-int n);
nat-to-str : Nat → String;
nat-to-str n ≔ to-str (to-int n);
one : Nat;
one ≔ suc zero;
two : Nat;
two ≔ suc one;
three : Nat;
three ≔ suc two;
-- Main
three-plus-suc-one : Action;
three-plus-suc-one ≔ (put-str "3 + (1 + 1) = ")
>> put-str-ln (nat-to-str (three + (suc one)));
three-eq-suc-two : Action;
three-eq-suc-two ≔ (put-str "3 == 1 + 2 : ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (three ==Nat (one + two)));
three-neq-two : Action;
three-neq-two ≔ (put-str "3 == 2 : ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (three ==Nat two));
three-is-not-even : Action;
three-is-not-even ≔ (put-str "is-even 3 : ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (is-even three));
four-is-even : Action;
four-is-even ≔ (put-str "is-even 4 : ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (is-even (suc three)));
main : Action;
main ≔ three-plus-suc-one
>> three-eq-suc-two
>> three-neq-two
>> three-is-not-even
>> four-is-even
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
3 + (1 + 1) = 5
3 == 1 + 2 : True
3 == 2 : False
is-even 3 : False
is-even 4 : True
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
module Input;
foreign c {
#include <stdio.h>
-- Booleans
inductive Bool {
true : Bool;
false : Bool;
-- Strings
axiom String : Type;
compile String {
ghc ↦ "[Char]";
c ↦ "char*";
-- IO
axiom Action : Type;
compile Action {
ghc ↦ "IO ()";
c ↦ "int";
foreign c {
int sequence(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int putStr(char* s) {
return fputs(s, stdout);
infixl 1 >>;
axiom >> : Action → Action → Action;
compile >> {
ghc ↦ "(>>)";
c ↦ "sequence";
axiom put-str : String → Action;
compile put-str {
ghc ↦ "putStr";
c ↦ "putStr";
axiom put-str-ln : String → Action;
compile put-str-ln {
ghc ↦ "putStrLn";
c ↦ "puts";
bool-to-str : Bool → String;
bool-to-str true ≔ "True";
bool-to-str false ≔ "False";
-- Pair
inductive Pair (A : Type) (B : Type) {
mkPair : A → B → Pair A B;
fst : (A : Type) → (B : Type) → Pair A B → A;
fst _ _ (mkPair a b) ≔ a;
-- Main
fst-of-pair : Action;
fst-of-pair ≔ (put-str "fst (True, False) = ")
>> put-str-ln (bool-to-str (fst Bool Bool (mkPair Bool Bool true false)));
main : Action;
main ≔ fst-of-pair;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
fst (True, False) = True
Reference in New Issue
Block a user