mirror of https://github.com/anoma/juvix.git synced 2024-12-03 09:41:10 +03:00

Add non-dependent default values to the new typechecking algorithm (#2516)

This pr adds default values (that don't depend on previous default
values) under the new `--new-typechecker` flag.
This commit is contained in:
Jan Mas Rovira 2023-11-23 11:42:58 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1c1a5b7117
commit f610518449
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 295 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ inductiveTypeVarsAssoc def l
vars :: [VarName]
vars = def ^.. inductiveParameters . each . inductiveParamName
substitutionApp :: forall r. (Member NameIdGen r) => (Maybe Name, Expression) -> Expression -> Sem r Expression
substitutionApp :: forall r expr. (Member NameIdGen r, HasExpressions expr) => (Maybe Name, Expression) -> expr -> Sem r expr
substitutionApp (mv, ty) = case mv of
Nothing -> return
Just v -> substitutionE (HashMap.singleton v ty)
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ substitutionApp (mv, ty) = case mv of
localsToSubsE :: LocalVars -> Subs
localsToSubsE l = ExpressionIden . IdenVar <$> l ^. localTyMap
substitutionE :: forall r. (Member NameIdGen r) => Subs -> Expression -> Sem r Expression
substitutionE :: forall r expr. (Member NameIdGen r, HasExpressions expr) => Subs -> expr -> Sem r expr
substitutionE m = leafExpressions goLeaf
goLeaf :: Expression -> Sem r Expression

View File

@ -331,6 +331,16 @@ instance PrettyCode Module where
instance PrettyCode Interval where
ppCode = return . annotate AnnCode . pretty
instance PrettyCode New.ArgId where
ppCode a = case a ^. New.argIdName . unIrrelevant of
Nothing -> do
f' <- ppCode (a ^. New.argIdFunctionName)
return (ordinal (a ^. New.argIdIx) <+> "argument of" <+> f')
Just n -> do
n' <- ppCode n
loc' <- ppCode (getLoc n)
return (n' <+> "at" <+> loc')
instance PrettyCode New.ArityParameter where
ppCode = return . pretty

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Juvix.Compiler.Builtins.Effect
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Highlight.Input
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Data.Cast
@ -33,13 +34,35 @@ import Juvix.Prelude hiding (fromEither)
type MCache = Cache ModuleIndex Module
data FunctionDefault = FunctionDefault
{ _functionDefaultLeft :: FunctionParameter,
_functionDefaultDefault :: Maybe (ArgId, Expression),
_functionDefaultRight :: BuilderType
-- TODO better name
data BuilderType
= BuilderTypeNoDefaults Expression
| BuilderTypeDefaults FunctionDefault
data IsDefault
= ItIsDefault ArgId
| ItIsNotDefault
data AppBuilderArg = AppBuilderArg
{ _appBuilderArgIsDefault :: IsDefault,
_appBuilderArg :: ApplicationArg
data AppBuilder = AppBuilder
{ _appBuilder :: Expression,
_appBuilderType :: Expression,
_appBuilderArgs :: [ApplicationArg]
_appBuilderType :: BuilderType,
_appBuilderArgs :: [AppBuilderArg]
makeLenses ''AppBuilder
makeLenses ''AppBuilderArg
makeLenses ''FunctionDefault
registerConstructor :: (Members '[HighlightBuilder, State TypesTable, Reader InfoTable] r) => ConstructorDef -> Sem r ()
registerConstructor ctr = do
@ -78,7 +101,7 @@ checkModuleNoCache ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, MCache, Termination] r) =>
ModuleIndex ->
Sem r Module
checkModuleNoCache (ModuleIndex Module {..}) = do
checkModuleNoCache (ModuleIndex Module {..}) = runReader (mempty @InsertedArgsStack) $ do
_moduleBody' <-
evalState (mempty :: NegativeTypeParameters)
. checkModuleBody
@ -93,7 +116,7 @@ checkModuleNoCache (ModuleIndex Module {..}) = do
checkModuleBody ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, MCache, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, MCache, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
ModuleBody ->
Sem r ModuleBody
checkModuleBody ModuleBody {..} = do
@ -112,14 +135,14 @@ checkImport ::
checkImport = traverseOf importModule checkModuleIndex
checkMutualBlock ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
MutualBlock ->
Sem r MutualBlock
checkMutualBlock s = runReader emptyLocalVars (checkTopMutualBlock s)
checkInductiveDef ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State NegativeTypeParameters, Output Example, Builtins, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader LocalVars] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader EntryPoint, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State NegativeTypeParameters, Output Example, Builtins, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack, Reader LocalVars] r) =>
InductiveDef ->
Sem r InductiveDef
checkInductiveDef InductiveDef {..} = runInferenceDef $ do
@ -185,7 +208,7 @@ withEmptyVars :: Sem (Reader LocalVars ': r) a -> Sem r a
withEmptyVars = runReader emptyLocalVars
checkTopMutualBlock ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader EntryPoint, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader EntryPoint, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
MutualBlock ->
Sem r MutualBlock
checkTopMutualBlock (MutualBlock ds) =
@ -193,7 +216,7 @@ checkTopMutualBlock (MutualBlock ds) =
resolveCastHoles ::
forall a r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Sem (Output CastHole ': r) a ->
Sem r a
resolveCastHoles s = do
@ -222,7 +245,7 @@ resolveCastHoles s = do
getNatTy = mkBuiltinInductive BuiltinNat
checkMutualStatement ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader EntryPoint, Inference, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, State NegativeTypeParameters, Reader EntryPoint, Inference, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
MutualStatement ->
Sem r MutualStatement
checkMutualStatement = \case
@ -250,7 +273,7 @@ unfoldFunType' e = do
checkFunctionDef ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Inference, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, State TypesTable, State FunctionsTable, Output Example, Builtins, Inference, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
FunctionDef ->
Sem r FunctionDef
checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
@ -300,7 +323,7 @@ checkFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
withLocalTypeMaybe (p ^. paramName) (p ^. paramType) (go rest)
checkIsType ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Interval ->
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
@ -308,7 +331,7 @@ checkIsType = checkExpression . smallUniverseE
checkDefType ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
checkDefType ty = checkIsType loc ty
@ -388,7 +411,7 @@ checkCoercionType FunctionDef {..} = case mi of
ImplicitInstance -> throw (ErrWrongCoercionArgument (WrongCoercionArgument fp))
checkExample ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Example ->
Sem r Example
checkExample e = do
@ -398,7 +421,7 @@ checkExample e = do
checkExpression ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, Termination, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, Termination, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Expression ->
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
@ -425,7 +448,7 @@ checkExpression expectedTy e = do
resolveInstanceHoles ::
forall a r.
(HasExpressions a) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, Builtins, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Sem (Output TypedHole ': r) a ->
Sem r a
resolveInstanceHoles s = do
@ -443,7 +466,7 @@ resolveInstanceHoles s = do
$ checkExpression _typedHoleType t
checkFunctionParameter ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
FunctionParameter ->
Sem r FunctionParameter
checkFunctionParameter FunctionParameter {..} = do
@ -460,7 +483,7 @@ checkFunctionParameter FunctionParameter {..} = do
inferExpression ::
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Reader LocalVars, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
-- | type hint
Maybe Expression ->
Expression ->
@ -475,7 +498,7 @@ lookupVar v = do
err = error $ "internal error: could not find var " <> ppTrace v <> " at " <> ppTrace (getLoc v)
checkFunctionBody ::
(Members '[Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, NameIdGen, Error TypeCheckerError, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, State HighlightInput, State FunctionsTable, Builtins, Inference, Termination, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[Reader LocalVars, Reader InfoTable, NameIdGen, Error TypeCheckerError, Output Example, Output TypedHole, State TypesTable, State HighlightInput, State FunctionsTable, Builtins, Inference, Termination, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Expression ->
Expression ->
Sem r Expression
@ -501,7 +524,7 @@ checkFunctionBody expectedTy body =
-- | helper function for lambda functions and case branches
checkClause ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Builtins, Output Example, State TypesTable, Termination, Output TypedHole, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Interval ->
-- | Type
Expression ->
@ -754,7 +777,7 @@ checkPattern = go
inferExpression' ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Maybe Expression ->
Expression ->
Sem r TypedExpression
@ -763,7 +786,7 @@ inferExpression' = holesHelper
-- | Checks anything but an Application. Does not insert holes
inferLeftAppExpression ::
forall r.
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole] r) =>
(Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) =>
Maybe Expression ->
Expression ->
Sem r TypedExpression
@ -991,7 +1014,7 @@ inferLeftAppExpression mhint e = case e of
return (TypedExpression kind (ExpressionIden i))
-- | The hint is used for trailing holes only
holesHelper :: forall r. (Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole] r) => Maybe Expression -> Expression -> Sem r TypedExpression
holesHelper :: forall r. (Members '[HighlightBuilder, Reader InfoTable, State FunctionsTable, State TypesTable, Reader LocalVars, Error TypeCheckerError, NameIdGen, Inference, Output Example, Output TypedHole, Builtins, Termination, Output CastHole, Reader InsertedArgsStack] r) => Maybe Expression -> Expression -> Sem r TypedExpression
holesHelper mhint expr = do
let (f, args) = unfoldExpressionApp expr
@ -999,19 +1022,78 @@ holesHelper mhint expr = do
| otherwise = Nothing
arityCheckBuiltins f args
fTy <- inferLeftAppExpression hint f
let iniBuilder =
iniBuilderType <- mkInitBuilderType fTy
let iniArg :: ApplicationArg -> AppBuilderArg
iniArg a =
{ _appBuilderArgIsDefault = ItIsNotDefault,
_appBuilderArg = a
iniBuilder =
{ _appBuilder = fTy ^. typedExpression,
_appBuilderType = fTy ^. typedType,
_appBuilderArgs = args
_appBuilderType = iniBuilderType,
_appBuilderArgs = map iniArg args
st' <- execState iniBuilder goArgs
let ty' = mkFinalBuilderType (st' ^. appBuilderType)
{ _typedType = st' ^. appBuilderType,
{ _typedType = ty',
_typedExpression = st' ^. appBuilder
mkFinalBuilderType :: BuilderType -> Expression
mkFinalBuilderType = \case
BuilderTypeNoDefaults e -> e
BuilderTypeDefaults f ->
{ _functionLeft = f ^. functionDefaultLeft,
_functionRight = mkFinalBuilderType (f ^. functionDefaultRight)
getFunctionName :: Expression -> Maybe Name
getFunctionName = \case
ExpressionIden (IdenFunction fun) -> Just fun
_ -> Nothing
mkInitBuilderType :: TypedExpression -> Sem r BuilderType
mkInitBuilderType fTy = do
let ty = fTy ^. typedType
case getFunctionName (fTy ^. typedExpression) of
Just fun -> do
infos <- (^. functionInfoDef . funDefArgsInfo) <$> lookupFunction fun
return $ toFunctionDefaultMay fun ty infos
Nothing -> return (BuilderTypeNoDefaults ty)
toFunctionDefaultMay :: Name -> Expression -> [ArgInfo] -> BuilderType
toFunctionDefaultMay funName ty infos =
let ixInfos = nonEmpty (indexFrom 0 infos)
in maybe (BuilderTypeNoDefaults ty) (BuilderTypeDefaults . toFunctionDefault funName ty) ixInfos
toFunctionDefault :: Name -> Expression -> NonEmpty (Indexed ArgInfo) -> FunctionDefault
toFunctionDefault _argIdFunctionName e (Indexed _argIdIx a :| as) = case e of
ExpressionFunction f ->
{ _functionDefaultLeft = f ^. functionLeft,
_functionDefaultRight =
(f ^. functionRight)
(map (^. indexedThing) as),
_functionDefaultDefault =
let uid =
{ _argIdDefinitionLoc = Irrelevant (getLoc f),
_argIdName = Irrelevant (a ^. argInfoName),
in (uid,) <$> a ^. argInfoDefault
_ -> impossible
arityCheckBuiltins :: Expression -> [ApplicationArg] -> Sem r ()
arityCheckBuiltins f args = do
case f of
@ -1060,57 +1142,121 @@ holesHelper mhint expr = do
insertTrailingHoles hintTy = do
builderTy <- gets (^. appBuilderType)
ariHint <- typeArity hintTy
ariExpr <- typeArity builderTy
(defaults, restExprTy) <- peelDefault builderTy
restExprAri <- typeArity restExprTy
let preImplicits :: Arity -> [IsImplicit]
preImplicits = takeWhile isImplicitOrInstance . map (^. arityParameterImplicit) . unfoldArity
preAriExpr = preImplicits ariExpr
preImplicitsTypeRest = preImplicits restExprAri
preAriHint = preImplicits ariHint
preImplicitsInType =
( takeWhile
(map fst defaults ++ preImplicitsTypeRest)
loc <- getLoc <$> gets (^. appBuilder)
let toBeInserted :: [IsImplicit] = take (length preAriExpr - length preAriHint) preAriExpr
mkHoleArg :: IsImplicit -> Sem r' ApplicationArg
mkHoleArg i =
ApplicationArg i <$> case i of
let numberOfExtraHoles = preImplicitsInType - length preAriHint
toBeInserted :: [(IsImplicit, Maybe (ArgId, Expression))] =
take numberOfExtraHoles (defaults <> (map (,Nothing) preImplicitsTypeRest))
mkHoleArg :: (IsImplicit, Maybe (ArgId, Expression)) -> Sem r' AppBuilderArg
mkHoleArg (i, mdef) = do
(_appArg, _appBuilderArgIsDefault) <- case i of
Explicit -> impossible
Implicit -> newHoleImplicit loc
ImplicitInstance -> newHoleInstance loc
Implicit -> case mdef of
Nothing -> (,ItIsNotDefault) <$> newHoleImplicit loc
Just (uid, def) -> return (def, ItIsDefault uid)
ImplicitInstance -> (,ItIsNotDefault) <$> newHoleInstance loc
{ _appBuilderArg =
{ _appArgIsImplicit = i,
trailingHoles <- mapM mkHoleArg toBeInserted
mapM_ addTrailingHole trailingHoles
addTrailingHole :: ApplicationArg -> Sem r' ()
addTrailingHole a = do
fun <- peekFunctionType (a ^. appArgIsImplicit)
modify' (over appBuilderArgs (a :))
checkMatchingArg a fun
peelDefault :: BuilderType -> Sem r' ([(IsImplicit, Maybe (ArgId, Expression))], Expression)
peelDefault bty = runOutputList (go bty)
go :: BuilderType -> Sem (Output (IsImplicit, Maybe (ArgId, Expression)) ': r') Expression
go = \case
BuilderTypeNoDefaults e -> return e
BuilderTypeDefaults d -> do
let impl = d ^. functionDefaultLeft . paramImplicit
output (impl, d ^. functionDefaultDefault)
go (d ^. functionDefaultRight)
checkMatchingArg :: ApplicationArg -> Function -> Sem r' ()
addTrailingHole :: AppBuilderArg -> Sem r' ()
addTrailingHole holeArg = do
fun <- peekFunctionType (holeArg ^. appBuilderArg . appArgIsImplicit)
modify' (over appBuilderArgs (holeArg :))
checkMatchingArg holeArg fun
checkLoop :: AppBuilderArg -> Sem r' ()
checkLoop arg = case arg ^. appBuilderArgIsDefault of
ItIsNotDefault -> return ()
ItIsDefault uid -> do
st <- asks (^. insertedArgsStack)
case span (/= uid) st of
(_, []) -> return ()
(c, _) ->
let cyc = NonEmpty.reverse (uid :| c)
in throw (ErrDefaultArgLoop (DefaultArgLoop cyc))
checkMatchingArg :: AppBuilderArg -> FunctionDefault -> Sem r' ()
checkMatchingArg arg fun = do
let funParam = fun ^. functionLeft
let funParam = fun ^. functionDefaultLeft
funL = funParam ^. paramType
funR = fun ^. functionRight
arg' <- checkExpression funL (arg ^. appArg)
let subs :: Expression -> Sem r' Expression = substitutionApp (funParam ^. paramName, arg')
funR = fun ^. functionDefaultRight
checkLeft :: Sem r' Expression
checkLeft = do
checkLoop arg
let adjustCtx = case fun ^. functionDefaultDefault of
Nothing -> id
Just (uid, _) -> local (over insertedArgsStack (uid :))
adjustCtx (checkExpression funL (arg ^. appBuilderArg . appArg))
arg' <- checkLeft
let subsE :: (HasExpressions expr) => expr -> Sem r' expr
subsE = substitutionApp (funParam ^. paramName, arg')
subsBuilderType :: BuilderType -> Sem r' BuilderType = \case
BuilderTypeNoDefaults e -> BuilderTypeNoDefaults <$> subsE e
BuilderTypeDefaults FunctionDefault {..} -> do
def' <- mapM (secondM subsE) _functionDefaultDefault
l' <- subsE _functionDefaultLeft
r' <- subsBuilderType _functionDefaultRight
( BuilderTypeDefaults
{ _functionDefaultLeft = l',
_functionDefaultDefault = def',
_functionDefaultRight = r'
applyArg :: Expression -> Expression
applyArg l =
{ _appLeft = l,
_appRight = arg',
_appImplicit = arg ^. appArgIsImplicit
_appImplicit = arg ^. appBuilderArg . appArgIsImplicit
funR' <- subs funR
funR' <- subsBuilderType funR
modify' (set appBuilderType funR')
modify' (over appBuilder applyArg)
goNextArg :: ApplicationArg -> Sem r' ()
goNextArg :: AppBuilderArg -> Sem r' ()
goNextArg arg = do
let i = arg ^. appArgIsImplicit
let i = arg ^. appBuilderArg . appArgIsImplicit
fun <- peekFunctionType i
insertMiddleHoleOrCheck fun i
insertMiddleHoleOrCheck :: Function -> IsImplicit -> Sem r' ()
insertMiddleHoleOrCheck :: FunctionDefault -> IsImplicit -> Sem r' ()
insertMiddleHoleOrCheck fun argImpl =
let funParam = fun ^. functionLeft
let funParam = fun ^. functionDefaultLeft
funImpl = funParam ^. paramImplicit
checkThisArg = checkMatchingArg arg fun >> goArgs
in case (argImpl, funImpl) of
@ -1128,11 +1274,18 @@ holesHelper mhint expr = do
insertMiddleHole impl = do
l <- gets (^. appBuilder)
let loc = getLoc l
h <- case impl of
Implicit -> newHoleImplicit loc
ImplicitInstance -> newHoleInstance loc
(h, _appBuilderArgIsDefault) <- case impl of
ImplicitInstance -> (,ItIsNotDefault) <$> newHoleInstance loc
Explicit -> impossible
modify' (over appBuilderArgs (ApplicationArg impl h :))
Implicit -> case fun ^. functionDefaultDefault of
Nothing -> (,ItIsNotDefault) <$> newHoleImplicit loc
Just (uid, e) -> return (e, ItIsDefault uid)
let a =
{ _appBuilderArg = ApplicationArg impl h,
modify' (over appBuilderArgs (a :))
throwExpectedExplicit :: Sem r' a
@ -1146,32 +1299,46 @@ holesHelper mhint expr = do
_expectedExplicitArgumentIx = error "FIXME"
peekFunctionType :: IsImplicit -> Sem r' Function
peekFunctionType :: IsImplicit -> Sem r' FunctionDefault
peekFunctionType impl = do
ty <- gets (^. appBuilderType) >>= weakNormalize
case ty of
ExpressionFunction f -> return f
ExpressionHole h -> holeRefineToFunction impl h
_ -> throwExpectedFunTy
throwExpectedFunTy :: Sem r' a
throwExpectedFunTy = do
l <- gets (^. appBuilder)
builderTy <- gets (^. appBuilderType)
args <- gets (^. appBuilderArgs)
let a :: Expression = foldApplication l args
throw $
{ _expectedFunctionTypeExpression = a,
_expectedFunctionTypeLeft = l,
_expectedFunctionTypeType = builderTy
bty <- gets (^. appBuilderType)
case bty of
BuilderTypeNoDefaults ty -> fromNoDefault <$> peekFunctionNoDefaults ty
BuilderTypeDefaults s -> return s
fromNoDefault :: Function -> FunctionDefault
fromNoDefault f =
{ _functionDefaultLeft = f ^. functionLeft,
_functionDefaultDefault = Nothing,
_functionDefaultRight = BuilderTypeNoDefaults (f ^. functionRight)
peekFunctionNoDefaults :: Expression -> Sem r' Function
peekFunctionNoDefaults ty0 = do
ty <- weakNormalize ty0
case ty of
ExpressionFunction f -> return f
ExpressionHole h -> holeRefineToFunction impl h
_ -> throwExpectedFunTy
throwExpectedFunTy :: Sem r' a
throwExpectedFunTy = do
l <- gets (^. appBuilder)
builderTy <- gets (^. appBuilderType)
args <- gets (^. appBuilderArgs)
let a :: Expression = foldApplication l (map (^. appBuilderArg) args)
throw $
{ _expectedFunctionTypeExpression = a,
_expectedFunctionTypeLeft = l,
_expectedFunctionTypeType = (mkFinalBuilderType builderTy)
dropArg :: Sem r' ()
dropArg = modify' (over appBuilderArgs (drop 1))
peekArg :: Sem r' (Maybe ApplicationArg)
peekArg :: Sem r' (Maybe AppBuilderArg)
peekArg = do
b <- get
return (head <$> nonEmpty (b ^. appBuilderArgs))

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@ -4,9 +4,17 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Extra
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
data ArgId = ArgId
{ _argIdFunctionName :: Name,
_argIdIx :: Int,
_argIdDefinitionLoc :: Irrelevant Interval,
_argIdName :: Irrelevant (Maybe Name)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
-- | Used to detect of cycles of default arguments in the arity checker.
newtype InsertedArgsStack = InsertedArgsStack
{ _insertedArgsStack :: [Name]
{ _insertedArgsStack :: [ArgId]
deriving newtype (Monoid, Semigroup)
@ -20,9 +28,6 @@ data InsertedArg = InsertedArg
_insertedArgDefault :: Bool
-- pattern ArityParam :: IsImplicit -> ArityParameter
-- pattern ArityParam impl <- ArityParameter {_arityParameterImplicit = impl}
data Blocking
= BlockingVar VarName
| BlockingHole Hole
@ -65,11 +70,15 @@ instance Eq ArityParameter where
(ari, impl) == (ari', impl')
makeLenses ''UnfoldedArity
makeLenses ''ArgId
makeLenses ''FunctionArity
makeLenses ''InsertedArg
makeLenses ''ArityParameter
makeLenses ''InsertedArgsStack
instance HasLoc ArgId where
getLoc = (^. argIdDefinitionLoc . unIrrelevant)
arityParameterName :: Lens' ArityParameter (Maybe Name)
arityParameterName = arityParameterInfo . argInfoName

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ data TypeCheckerError
| ErrExplicitInstanceArgument ExplicitInstanceArgument
| ErrTraitNotTerminating TraitNotTerminating
| ErrArityCheckerError ArityCheckerError
| ErrDefaultArgLoop DefaultArgLoop
instance ToGenericError TypeCheckerError where
genericError :: (Member (Reader GenericOptions) r) => TypeCheckerError -> Sem r GenericError
@ -62,3 +63,4 @@ instance ToGenericError TypeCheckerError where
ErrExplicitInstanceArgument e -> genericError e
ErrTraitNotTerminating e -> genericError e
ErrArityCheckerError e -> genericError e
ErrDefaultArgLoop e -> genericError e

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.TypeChecking.Er
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Data.InstanceInfo
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Language
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Pretty (fromGenericOptions)
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.TypeChecking.CheckerNew.Arity
import Juvix.Compiler.Internal.Translation.FromInternal.Analysis.TypeChecking.Error.Pretty
import Juvix.Data.PPOutput
import Juvix.Prelude
@ -620,3 +621,27 @@ instance ToGenericError TraitNotTerminating where
<+> ppCode opts' (e ^. traitNotTerminating)
<> line
<> "Each parameter of a trait in an instance argument must be structurally smaller than some parameter of the trait in the instance target"
newtype DefaultArgLoop = DefaultArgLoop
{ _defaultArgLoop :: NonEmpty ArgId
makeLenses ''DefaultArgLoop
instance ToGenericError DefaultArgLoop where
genericError e = ask >>= generr
generr opts =
{ _genericErrorLoc = i,
_genericErrorMessage = ppOutput msg,
_genericErrorIntervals = [i]
opts' = fromGenericOptions opts
i = getLoc (head (e ^. defaultArgLoop))
msg :: Doc Ann =
"Inserting default arguments caused a loop. The involved arguments are:"
<> line
<> itemize (ppCode opts' <$> e ^. defaultArgLoop)

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@ -56,10 +56,7 @@ extraTests =
ignored :: HashSet String
ignored =
[ "Test066: Import function with a function call in default argument",
"Test068: Dependent default values inserted in the arity checker",
"Test069: Dependent default values for Ord trait",
"Test070: Nested default values and named arguments",
[ "Test070: Nested default values and named arguments",
"Test071: Named application",
-- This test does not pass with the new hole insertion algorithm
"Test046: Polymorphic type arguments"