2016-03-31 20:16:09 +03:00
module Cases.MultiThreaded where
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2017-03-04 05:58:27 +03:00
import Control.Exception (ArithException(..))
2017-09-06 18:03:28 +03:00
import Control.Monad (void, unless)
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
import Test.DejaFu (Failure(..), gives, gives')
import Test.Framework (Test)
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2017-05-04 01:09:56 +03:00
import Control.Concurrent.Classy hiding (newQSemN, signalQSemN, waitQSemN)
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
import Test.DejaFu.Conc (ConcT, subconcurrency)
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2017-03-04 05:58:27 +03:00
import Utils
2017-05-04 01:09:56 +03:00
import QSemN
2017-03-04 05:58:27 +03:00
2015-12-01 07:11:44 +03:00
tests :: [Test]
tests =
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
[ tg "Threading"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "child thread ID" threadId1 $ gives' [True]
, T "parent thread ID" threadId2 $ gives' [True]
, T "no wait" threadNoWait $ gives' [Nothing, Just ()]
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "MVar"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "deadlock" cvarLock $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right 0]
, T "race" cvarRace $ gives' [0,1]
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "CRef"
2017-09-06 18:03:28 +03:00
[ T "race" crefRace $ gives' [0,1]
, T "cas modify" crefCASModify $ gives' [0,1]
, T "cas race" crefCASRace $ gives' [(True, 2), (False, 2)]
, T "cas race (redo)" crefCASRaceRedo $ gives' [(True, 1), (True, 2)]
, T "cas tickets" crefCASTickets $ gives' [(True, False, 1), (False, True, 2)]
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "STM"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "atomicity" stmAtomic $ gives' [0,2]
, T "left retry" stmLeftRetry $ gives' [()]
, T "right retry" stmRightRetry $ gives' [()]
, T "issue 55" stmIssue55 $ gives' [True]
2017-09-01 15:53:16 +03:00
, T "issue 111" stmIssue111 $ gives' [1]
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "Killing Threads"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "no masking" threadKill $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, T "masked" threadKillMask $ gives' [()]
2017-03-04 08:36:32 +03:00
, T "masked (uninterruptible)" threadKillUninterruptibleMask $ gives [Left Deadlock]
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
, T "unmasked" threadKillUmask $ gives [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
2017-03-04 05:58:27 +03:00
, T "throw to main (uncaught)" threadKillToMain1 $ gives [Left UncaughtException]
, T "throw to main (caught)" threadKillToMain2 $ gives' [()]
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "Daemons"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "schedule daemon" schedDaemon $ gives' [0,1]
2017-05-27 18:43:14 +03:00
, tg "Subconcurrency"
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
[ T "deadlock1" scDeadlock1 $ gives' [Left Deadlock, Right ()]
, T "deadlock2" scDeadlock2 $ gives' [(Left Deadlock, ()), (Right (), ())]
, T "success" scSuccess $ gives' [Right ()]
, T "illegal" scIllegal $ gives [Left IllegalSubconcurrency]
2017-02-25 09:01:38 +03:00
, T "issue 71" scIssue71 $ gives' [()]
2017-05-04 01:09:56 +03:00
, T "issue 81" scIssue81 $ gives' [(Right (),0)]
2017-02-20 07:41:36 +03:00
2015-12-01 07:11:44 +03:00
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- Threading
-- | Fork reports the good @ThreadId@.
threadId1 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
threadId1 = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
var <- newEmptyMVar
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
tid <- fork $ myThreadId >>= putMVar var
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
(tid ==) <$> readMVar var
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- | A child and parent thread have different @ThreadId@s.
threadId2 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
threadId2 = do
tid <- spawn myThreadId
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
(/=) <$> myThreadId <*> readMVar tid
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- | A parent thread doesn't wait for child threads before
-- terminating.
threadNoWait :: MonadConc m => m (Maybe ())
threadNoWait = do
x <- newCRef Nothing
void . fork . writeCRef x $ Just ()
readCRef x
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
-- @MVar@s
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- | Deadlocks sometimes due to order of acquision of locks.
cvarLock :: MonadConc m => m Int
cvarLock = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
a <- newEmptyMVar
b <- newEmptyMVar
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
c <- newMVar 0
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-04-03 08:29:54 +03:00
let lock m = putMVar m ()
let unlock = takeMVar
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
j1 <- spawn $ lock a >> lock b >> modifyMVar_ c (return . succ) >> unlock b >> unlock a
j2 <- spawn $ lock b >> lock a >> modifyMVar_ c (return . pred) >> unlock a >> unlock b
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
takeMVar j1
takeMVar j2
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
takeMVar c
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
-- | When racing two @putMVar@s, one of them will win.
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
cvarRace :: MonadConc m => m Int
cvarRace = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
x <- newEmptyMVar
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
void . fork $ putMVar x 0
void . fork $ putMVar x 1
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar x
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- @CRef@s
-- | When racing two @writeCRef@s, one of them will win.
crefRace :: MonadConc m => m Int
crefRace = do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
j1 <- spawn $ writeCRef x 0
j2 <- spawn $ writeCRef x 1
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
takeMVar j1
takeMVar j2
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
readCRef x
2017-03-04 08:09:30 +03:00
-- | Modify CAS works.
crefCASModify :: MonadConc m => m Int
crefCASModify = do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
fork $ modifyCRefCAS x (\_ -> (1, ()))
readCRef x
-- | CAS with two threads is racey.
crefCASRace :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Int)
crefCASRace = do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
j <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1
writeCRef x 2
b <- fst <$> readMVar j
v <- readCRef x
pure (b, v)
2017-09-06 18:03:28 +03:00
-- | Failed CAS can use the new ticket to succeed.
crefCASRaceRedo :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Int)
crefCASRaceRedo = do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
v <- newEmptyMVar
j <- spawn $ do
o@(f, t') <- casCRef x t 1
takeMVar v
if f then pure o else casCRef x t' 1
writeCRef x 2
putMVar v ()
b <- fst <$> readMVar j
v <- readCRef x
pure (b, v)
2017-03-04 08:09:30 +03:00
-- | A ticket is only good for one CAS.
crefCASTickets :: MonadConc m => m (Bool, Bool, Int)
crefCASTickets = do
x <- newCRef (0::Int)
t <- readForCAS x
j1 <- spawn $ casCRef x t 1
j2 <- spawn $ casCRef x t 2
b1 <- fst <$> readMVar j1
b2 <- fst <$> readMVar j2
v <- readCRef x
pure (b1, b2, v)
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- STM
-- | Transactions are atomic.
stmAtomic :: MonadConc m => m Int
stmAtomic = do
2016-03-23 06:27:51 +03:00
x <- atomically $ newTVar (0::Int)
void . fork . atomically $ writeTVar x 1 >> writeTVar x 2
atomically $ readTVar x
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:47:37 +03:00
-- | 'retry' is the left identity of 'orElse'.
stmLeftRetry :: MonadConc m => m ()
stmLeftRetry = do
x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var
fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just ()
atomically $ retry `orElse` readJust x
-- | 'retry' is the right identity of 'orElse'.
stmRightRetry :: MonadConc m => m ()
stmRightRetry = do
x <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
let readJust var = maybe retry pure =<< readTVar var
fork . atomically . writeTVar x $ Just ()
atomically $ readJust x `orElse` retry
-- | Test case from issue #55.
stmIssue55 :: MonadConc m => m Bool
stmIssue55 = do
a <- atomically $ newTQueue
b <- atomically $ newTQueue
fork . atomically $ writeTQueue b True
let both a b = readTQueue a `orElse` readTQueue b `orElse` retry
atomically $ both a b
2017-09-01 15:53:16 +03:00
-- | Test case from issue #111
stmIssue111 :: MonadConc m => m Int
stmIssue111 = do
v <- atomically $ newTVar 1
fork . atomically $ do
writeTVar v 2
writeTVar v 3
atomically $ readTVar v
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- Exceptions
-- | Cause a deadlock sometimes by killing a thread.
threadKill :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKill = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
x <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ putMVar x ()
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
killThread tid
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar x
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- | Never deadlock by masking a thread.
threadKillMask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillMask = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
2016-05-26 15:54:13 +03:00
tid <- fork $ mask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> putMVar y ()
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar x
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
killThread tid
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar y
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
2017-03-04 08:36:32 +03:00
-- | Deadlock trying to throw an exception to an
-- uninterruptibly-masked thread.
threadKillUninterruptibleMask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillUninterruptibleMask = do
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- fork $ uninterruptibleMask $ \_ -> putMVar x () >> takeMVar y
readMVar x
killThread tid
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
-- | Sometimes deadlock by killing a thread.
threadKillUmask :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillUmask = do
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
x <- newEmptyMVar
y <- newEmptyMVar
2016-05-26 15:54:13 +03:00
tid <- fork $ mask $ \umask -> putMVar x () >> umask (putMVar y ())
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar x
2015-11-16 05:48:54 +03:00
killThread tid
2016-03-23 06:36:07 +03:00
readMVar y
2016-06-05 18:28:47 +03:00
2017-03-04 05:58:27 +03:00
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', without a
-- handler.
threadKillToMain1 :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillToMain1 = do
tid <- myThreadId
j <- spawn $ throwTo tid Overflow
readMVar j
-- | Throw an exception to the main thread with 'throwTo', with a
-- handler.
threadKillToMain2 :: MonadConc m => m ()
threadKillToMain2 = do
tid <- myThreadId
catchArithException (spawn (throwTo tid Overflow) >>= readMVar)
(\_ -> pure ())
2016-06-05 18:28:47 +03:00
-- Daemon threads
-- | Fork off a thread where the first action has no dependency with
-- anything the initial thread does, but which has a later action
-- which does. This exhibits issue #40.
schedDaemon :: MonadConc m => m Int
schedDaemon = do
x <- newCRef 0
_ <- fork $ myThreadId >> writeCRef x 1
readCRef x
2017-02-02 15:26:40 +03:00
-- Subconcurrency
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes.
2017-02-26 06:02:54 +03:00
scDeadlock1 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
2017-02-02 15:26:40 +03:00
scDeadlock1 = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
-- | Subcomputation deadlocks sometimes, and action after it still
-- happens.
2017-02-26 06:02:54 +03:00
scDeadlock2 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure (), ())
2017-02-02 15:26:40 +03:00
scDeadlock2 = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
res <- subconcurrency $ do
void . fork $ putMVar var ()
putMVar var ()
(,) <$> pure res <*> readMVar var
-- | Subcomputation successfully completes.
2017-02-26 06:02:54 +03:00
scSuccess :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure ())
2017-02-02 15:26:40 +03:00
scSuccess = do
var <- newMVar ()
subconcurrency $ do
out <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ takeMVar var >>= putMVar out
takeMVar out
-- | Illegal usage
2017-02-26 06:02:54 +03:00
scIllegal :: Monad n => ConcT r n ()
2017-02-02 15:26:40 +03:00
scIllegal = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
void . fork $ readMVar var
void . subconcurrency $ pure ()
2017-02-25 09:01:38 +03:00
-- | Test case from issue 71. This won't fail if the bug is
-- reintroduced, it will just hang.
2017-02-26 06:02:54 +03:00
scIssue71 :: Monad n => ConcT r n ()
2017-02-25 09:01:38 +03:00
scIssue71 = do
let ma ||| mb = do { j1 <- spawn ma; j2 <- spawn mb; takeMVar j1; takeMVar j2; pure () }
s <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- subconcurrency (takeMVar s ||| pure ())
pure ()
2017-05-04 01:09:56 +03:00
-- | Test case from issue 81.
scIssue81 :: Monad n => ConcT r n (Either Failure (), Int)
scIssue81 = do
s <- newQSemN 0
let interfere = waitQSemN s 0 >> signalQSemN s 0
x <- subconcurrency (signalQSemN s 0 ||| waitQSemN s 0 ||| interfere)
o <- remainingQSemN s
pure (x, o)