2015-07-17 00:32:30 +03:00
-- | Internal utilities and types for BPOR.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
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import Data.List (foldl', nub, partition, sortBy)
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import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- * BPOR state
-- | One step of the execution, including information for backtracking
-- purposes. This backtracking information is used to generate new
-- schedules.
data BacktrackStep = BacktrackStep
{ _decision :: (Decision, ThreadAction)
-- ^ What happened at this step.
, _runnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ The threads runnable at this step
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, _backtrack :: [(ThreadId, Bool)]
-- ^ The list of alternative threads to run, and whether those
-- alternatives were added conservatively due to the bound.
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} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData BacktrackStep where
rnf b = rnf (_decision b, _runnable b, _backtrack b)
-- | BPOR execution is represented as a tree of states, characterised
-- by the decisions that lead to that state.
data BPOR = BPOR
{ _brunnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ What threads are runnable at this step.
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, _btodo :: [(ThreadId, Bool)]
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make, and whether that decision
-- was added conservatively due to the bound.
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, _bignore :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ Follow-on decisions never to make, because they will result in
-- the chosen thread immediately blocking without achieving
-- anything, which can't have any effect on the result of the
-- program.
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, _bdone :: Map ThreadId BPOR
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-- ^ Follow-on decisions that have been made.
, _bsleep :: [(ThreadId, ThreadAction)]
-- ^ Transitions to ignore (in this node and children) until a
-- dependent transition happens.
, _btaken :: [(ThreadId, ThreadAction)]
-- ^ Transitions which have been taken, excluding
-- conservatively-added ones, in the (reverse) order that they were
-- taken, as the 'Map' doesn't preserve insertion order. This is
-- used in implementing sleep sets.
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-- | Initial BPOR state.
initialState :: BPOR
initialState = BPOR
{ _brunnable = [0]
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, _btodo = [(0, False)]
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, _bignore = []
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, _bdone = M.empty
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, _bsleep = []
, _btaken = []
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-- | Produce a new schedule from a BPOR tree. If there are no new
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-- schedules remaining, return 'Nothing'. Also returns whether the
-- decision made was added conservatively.
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-- This returns the longest prefix, on the assumption that this will
-- lead to lots of backtracking points being identified before
-- higher-up decisions are reconsidered, so enlarging the sleep sets.
next :: BPOR -> Maybe ([ThreadId], Bool, BPOR)
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next = go 0 where
go tid bpor =
-- All the possible prefix traces from this point, with
-- updated BPOR subtrees if taken from the done list.
let prefixes = [Left t | t <- _btodo bpor] ++ mapMaybe go' (M.toList $ _bdone bpor)
-- Sort by number of preemptions, in descending order.
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sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (\(a,_) -> [a]) (\(a,_,_) -> a)) prefixes
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in case sorted of
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-- If the prefix with the most preemptions is from the done list, update that.
(Right (ts@(t:_), c, b):_) -> Just (ts, c, bpor { _bdone = M.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
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-- If from the todo list, remove it.
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(Left (t,c):_) -> Just ([t], c, bpor { _btodo = filter (/=(t,c)) $ _btodo bpor })
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_ -> Nothing
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go' (tid, bpor) = (\(ts,c,b) -> Right (tid:ts, c, b)) <$> next bpor
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preEmps tid bpor (t:ts) =
let rest = preEmps t (fromJust . M.lookup t $ _bdone bpor) ts
in if tid /= t && tid `elem` _brunnable bpor then 1 + rest else rest
preEmps _ _ [] = 0::Int
-- | Produce a list of new backtracking points from an execution
-- trace.
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findBacktrack :: ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
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-> [(NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction'), [ThreadId])]
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-> Trace'
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-> [BacktrackStep]
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findBacktrack backtrack = go [] where
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go bs ((e,i):is) ((d,_,a):ts) =
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let this = BacktrackStep { _decision = (d, a), _runnable = map fst . toList $ e, _backtrack = map (\i' -> (i', False)) i }
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bs' = doBacktrack (toList e) bs
in go (bs' ++ [this]) is ts
go bs _ _ = bs
doBacktrack enabledThreads bs =
let idxs = [ (maximum is, u)
| (u, n) <- enabledThreads
, v <- allThreads bs
, u /= v
, let is = [ i
| (i, (t, b)) <- zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs
, t == v
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, dependent' (snd $ _decision b) (u, n)
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, not $ null is] :: [(Int, ThreadId)]
in foldl' (\bs (i, u) -> backtrack bs i u) bs idxs
allThreads = nub . concatMap _runnable
-- | Add a new trace to the tree, creating a new subtree.
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grow :: Bool -> Trace' -> BPOR -> BPOR
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grow conservative = grow' initialCVState 0 where
grow' cvstate tid trc@((d, _, a):rest) bpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
cvstate' = updateCVState cvstate a
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in case M.lookup tid' $ _bdone bpor of
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Just bpor' -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (grow' cvstate' tid' rest bpor') $ _bdone bpor }
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Nothing -> bpor { _btaken = if conservative then _btaken bpor else (tid', a) : _btaken bpor
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, _bdone = M.insert tid' (subtree cvstate' tid' (_bsleep bpor ++ _btaken bpor) trc) $ _bdone bpor }
grow' _ _ [] bpor = bpor
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2015-07-20 17:19:51 +03:00
subtree cvstate tid sleep ((d, ts, a):rest) =
let cvstate' = updateCVState cvstate a
sleep' = filter (not . dependent a) sleep
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{ _brunnable = tids tid d a ts
, _btodo = []
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, _bignore = [tidOf tid d | (d,as) <- ts, willBlockSafely cvstate' $ toList as]
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, _bdone = M.fromList $ case rest of
((d', _, _):_) ->
let tid' = tidOf tid d'
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in [(tid', subtree cvstate' tid' sleep' rest)]
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[] -> []
, _bsleep = sleep'
, _btaken = case rest of
((d', _, a'):_) -> [(tidOf tid d', a')]
[] -> []
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tids tid d (Fork t) ts = tidOf tid d : t : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedPut _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedRead _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedTake _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ BlockedSTM ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ (BlockedThrowTo _) ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid _ Stop ts = map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
tids tid d _ ts = tidOf tid d : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
-- | Add new backtracking points, if they have not already been
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-- visited, fit into the bound, and aren't in the sleep set.
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todo :: ([Decision] -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
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todo bv = step where
step bs bpor =
let (bpor', bs') = go 0 [] Nothing bs bpor
in if all (null . _backtrack) bs'
then bpor'
else step bs' bpor'
go tid pref lastb (b:bs) bpor =
let (bpor', blocked) = backtrack pref b bpor
tid' = tidOf tid . fst $ _decision b
(child, blocked') = go tid' (pref++[fst $ _decision b]) (Just b) bs . fromJust $ M.lookup tid' (_bdone bpor)
bpor'' = bpor' { _bdone = M.insert tid' child $ _bdone bpor' }
in case lastb of
Just b' -> (bpor'', b' { _backtrack = blocked } : blocked')
Nothing -> (bpor'', blocked')
go _ _ (Just b') _ bpor = (bpor, [b' { _backtrack = [] }])
go _ _ Nothing _ bpor = (bpor, [])
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backtrack pref b bpor =
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let todo' = [ (t,c)
| (t,c) <- _backtrack b
, bv $ pref ++ [decisionOf (Just $ activeTid pref) (_brunnable bpor) t]
, t `notElem` M.keys (_bdone bpor)
, c || t `notElem` map fst (_bsleep bpor)
(blocked, next) = partition (\(t,_) -> t `elem` _bignore bpor) todo'
in (bpor { _btodo = nub $ _btodo bpor ++ next }, blocked)
2015-07-17 00:32:30 +03:00
-- * Utilities
-- | Get the resultant 'ThreadId' of a 'Decision', with a default case
-- for 'Continue'.
tidOf :: ThreadId -> Decision -> ThreadId
tidOf _ (Start t) = t
tidOf _ (SwitchTo t) = t
tidOf tid Continue = tid
-- | Tag a list of items encapsulating 'Decision's with 'ThreadId's,
-- with an initial default case for 'Continue'.
tidTag :: (a -> Decision) -> ThreadId -> [a] -> [(ThreadId, a)]
tidTag df = go where
go t (a:as) =
let t' = tidOf t $ df a
in (t', a) : go t' as
go _ [] = []
-- | Get the 'Decision' that would have resulted in this 'ThreadId',
-- given a prior 'ThreadId' (if any) and list of runnable threds.
decisionOf :: Maybe ThreadId -> [ThreadId] -> ThreadId -> Decision
decisionOf prior runnable chosen
| prior == Just chosen = Continue
| prior `elem` map Just runnable = SwitchTo chosen
| otherwise = Start chosen
-- | Get the tid of the currently active thread after executing a
-- series of decisions. The list MUST begin with a 'Start'.
activeTid :: [Decision] -> ThreadId
activeTid = foldl' go 0 where
go _ (Start t) = t
go _ (SwitchTo t) = t
go t Continue = t
-- | Count the number of preemptions in a schedule
preEmpCount :: [Decision] -> Int
preEmpCount (SwitchTo _:ds) = 1 + preEmpCount ds
preEmpCount (_:ds) = preEmpCount ds
preEmpCount [] = 0
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another, assumes the actions
-- are from different threads (two actions in the same thread are
-- always dependent).
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dependent :: ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> Bool
dependent Lift (_, Lift) = True
dependent (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
cref = Just True == ((\(r1, w1) (r2, w2) -> r1 == r2 && (w1 || w2)) <$> cref' d1 <*> cref' d2)
cref' (ReadRef r) = Just (r, False)
cref' (ModRef r) = Just (r, True)
cref' _ = Nothing
cvar = Just True == ((==) <$> cvar' d1 <*> cvar' d2)
cvar' (BlockedPut _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedRead _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedTake _) = Nothing
cvar' (TryPut c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (TryTake c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (Put c _) = Just c
cvar' (Read c) = Just c
cvar' (Take c _) = Just c
cvar' _ = Nothing
ctvar = ctvar' d1 && ctvar' d2
ctvar' (STM _) = True
ctvar' BlockedSTM = False
ctvar' _ = False
-- | Variant of 'dependent' to handle 'ThreadAction''s
dependent' :: ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> Bool
dependent' Lift (_, Lift') = True
dependent' (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent' d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
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cref = Just True == ((\(r1, w1) (r2, w2) -> r1 == r2 && (w1 || w2)) <$> cref' d1 <*> cref'' d2)
cref' (ReadRef r) = Just (r, False)
cref' (ModRef r) = Just (r, True)
cref' _ = Nothing
cref'' (ReadRef' r) = Just (r, False)
cref'' (ModRef' r) = Just (r, True)
cref'' _ = Nothing
cvar = Just True == ((==) <$> cvar' d1 <*> cvar'' d2)
cvar' (BlockedPut _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedRead _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedTake _) = Nothing
cvar' (TryPut c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (TryTake c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (Put c _) = Just c
cvar' (Read c) = Just c
cvar' (Take c _) = Just c
cvar' _ = Nothing
cvar'' (TryPut' c) = Just c
cvar'' (TryTake' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Put' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Read' c) = Just c
cvar'' (Take' c) = Just c
cvar'' _ = Nothing
ctvar = ctvar' d1 && ctvar'' d2
ctvar' (STM _) = True
ctvar' BlockedSTM = False
ctvar' _ = False
ctvar'' STM' = True
ctvar'' _ = False
2015-07-20 17:19:51 +03:00
-- * Keeping track of 'CVar' full/empty states
-- | Initial global 'CVar' state
initialCVState :: [(CVarId, Bool)]
initialCVState = []
-- | Update the 'CVar' state with the action that has just happened.
updateCVState :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> ThreadAction -> [(CVarId, Bool)]
updateCVState cvstate (Put c _) = (c,True) : filter (/=(c,False)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (Take c _) = (c,False) : filter (/=(c,True)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryPut c True _) = (c,True) : filter (/=(c,False)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate (TryTake c True _) = (c,False) : filter (/=(c,True)) cvstate
updateCVState cvstate _ = cvstate
-- | Check if an action will block.
willBlock :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> ThreadAction' -> Bool
willBlock cvstate (Put' c) = (c, True) `elem` cvstate
willBlock cvstate (Take' c) = (c, False) `elem` cvstate
willBlock _ _ = False
2015-07-20 20:43:37 +03:00
-- | Check if a list of actions will block safely (without modifying
-- any global state). This allows further lookahead at, say, the
-- 'spawn' of a thread (which always starts with 'KnowsAbout'.
willBlockSafely :: [(CVarId, Bool)] -> [ThreadAction'] -> Bool
willBlockSafely cvstate (KnowsAbout':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as
willBlockSafely cvstate (Forgets':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as
willBlockSafely cvstate (AllKnown':as) = willBlockSafely cvstate as
willBlockSafely cvstate (Put' c:_) = willBlock cvstate (Put' c)
willBlockSafely cvstate (Take' c:_) = willBlock cvstate (Take' c)
willBlockSafely _ _ = False