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synced 2024-12-18 19:11:37 +03:00
Implement sleep sets for BPOR.
This further improves performance in all cases, although it's still far worse on some of the included tests, and I have yet to figure out why. See also: "Partial-Order Methods for the Verication of Concurrent Systems" [Godefroid 1996]
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,17 +35,11 @@ module Test.DejaFu.SCT
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..), force)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic
import Test.DejaFu.Deterministic.IO (ConcIO, runConcIO)
import Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- * Pre-emption bounding
-- | An SCT runner using a pre-emption bounding scheduler.
@ -65,14 +59,14 @@ pbBv pb ds = preEmpCount ds <= pb
-- the same state being reached multiple times, but is needed because
-- of the artificial dependency imposed by the bound.
pbBacktrack :: [BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep]
pbBacktrack bs i tid = backtrack (backtrack bs i tid) (maximum js) tid where
js = 0:[j | ((_,t1), (j,t2)) <- (zip <*> tail) . zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs, t1 /= t2, j < i]
pbBacktrack bs i tid = backtrack True (backtrack False bs i tid) (maximum js) tid where
js = 0:[j | ((_,(t1,_)), (j,(t2,_))) <- (zip <*> tail) . zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs, t1 /= t2, j < i]
backtrack (b:bs) 0 t
| t `elem` _runnable b = b { _backtrack = nub $ t : _backtrack b } : bs
| otherwise = b { _backtrack = _runnable b } : bs
backtrack (b:bs) n t = b : backtrack bs (n-1) t
backtrack [] _ _ = error "Ran out of schedule whilst backtracking!"
backtrack c (b:bs) 0 t
| t `elem` _runnable b = b { _backtrack = (if any ((==t) . fst) $ _backtrack b then id else (++[(t,c)])) $ _backtrack b } : bs
| otherwise = b { _backtrack = [(t,c) | t <- _runnable b] } : bs
backtrack c (b:bs) n t = b : backtrack c bs (n-1) t
backtrack _ [] _ _ = error "Ran out of schedule whilst backtracking!"
-- | Pick a new thread to run. Choose the current thread if available,
-- otherwise add all runnable threads.
@ -109,13 +103,13 @@ sctBounded :: ([Decision] -> Bool)
-> (forall t. Conc t a) -> [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctBounded bv backtrack initialise c = go initialState where
go bpor = case next bpor of
Just (sched, bpor') ->
Just (sched, conservative, bpor') ->
-- Run the computation
let (res, (_, bs), trace) = runConc (bporSched initialise) (sched, []) c
-- Identify the backtracking points
bpoints = findBacktrack False backtrack bs trace
bpoints = findBacktrack backtrack bs trace
-- Add new nodes to the tree
bpor'' = grow trace bpor'
bpor'' = grow conservative trace bpor'
-- Add new backtracking information
bpor''' = todo bv bpoints bpor''
-- Loop
@ -130,11 +124,11 @@ sctBoundedIO :: ([Decision] -> Bool)
-> (forall t. ConcIO t a) -> IO [(Either Failure a, Trace)]
sctBoundedIO bv backtrack initialise c = go initialState where
go bpor = case next bpor of
Just (sched, bpor') -> do
Just (sched, conservative, bpor') -> do
(res, (_, bs), trace) <- runConcIO (bporSched initialise) (sched, []) c
let bpoints = findBacktrack True backtrack bs trace
let bpor'' = grow trace bpor'
let bpoints = findBacktrack backtrack bs trace
let bpor'' = grow conservative trace bpor'
let bpor''' = todo bv bpoints bpor''
((res, trace):) <$> go bpor'''
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.List (foldl', nub, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
@ -22,8 +21,9 @@ data BacktrackStep = BacktrackStep
-- ^ What happened at this step.
, _runnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ The threads runnable at this step
, _backtrack :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ The list of alternative threads to run.
, _backtrack :: [(ThreadId, Bool)]
-- ^ The list of alternative threads to run, and whether those
-- alternatives were added conservatively due to the bound.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData BacktrackStep where
@ -34,43 +34,56 @@ instance NFData BacktrackStep where
data BPOR = BPOR
{ _brunnable :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ What threads are runnable at this step.
, _btodo :: [ThreadId]
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make.
, _btodo :: [(ThreadId, Bool)]
-- ^ Follow-on decisions still to make, and whether that decision
-- was added conservatively due to the bound.
, _bdone :: Map ThreadId BPOR
-- ^ Follow-on decisions that have been made.
, _bsleep :: [(ThreadId, ThreadAction)]
-- ^ Transitions to ignore (in this node and children) until a
-- dependent transition happens.
, _btaken :: [(ThreadId, ThreadAction)]
-- ^ Transitions which have been taken, excluding
-- conservatively-added ones, in the (reverse) order that they were
-- taken, as the 'Map' doesn't preserve insertion order. This is
-- used in implementing sleep sets.
-- | Initial BPOR state.
initialState :: BPOR
initialState = BPOR
{ _brunnable = [0]
, _btodo = [0]
, _btodo = [(0, False)]
, _bdone = M.empty
, _bsleep = []
, _btaken = []
-- | Produce a new schedule from a BPOR tree. If there are no new
-- schedules remaining, return 'Nothing'.
-- schedules remaining, return 'Nothing'. Also returns whether the
-- decision made was added conservatively.
-- This returns the prefix with the most preemptions in, on the
-- assumption that preemptions are likely to exhibit bugs, and so lead
-- to earlier test failures.
next :: BPOR -> Maybe ([ThreadId], BPOR)
-- This returns the longest prefix, on the assumption that this will
-- lead to lots of backtracking points being identified before
-- higher-up decisions are reconsidered, so enlarging the sleep sets.
next :: BPOR -> Maybe ([ThreadId], Bool, BPOR)
next = go 0 where
go tid bpor =
-- All the possible prefix traces from this point, with
-- updated BPOR subtrees if taken from the done list.
let prefixes = [Left t | t <- _btodo bpor] ++ mapMaybe go' (M.toList $ _bdone bpor)
-- Sort by number of preemptions, in descending order.
sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (:[]) fst) prefixes
sorted = sortBy (comparing $ Down . preEmps tid bpor . either (\(a,_) -> [a]) (\(a,_,_) -> a)) prefixes
in case sorted of
-- If the schedule with the most preemptions is from the done list, update that.
(Right (ts@(t:_), b):_) -> Just (ts, bpor { _bdone = M.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
-- If the prefix with the most preemptions is from the done list, update that.
(Right (ts@(t:_), c, b):_) -> Just (ts, c, bpor { _bdone = M.insert t b $ _bdone bpor })
-- If from the todo list, remove it.
(Left t:_) -> Just ([t], bpor { _btodo = filter (/=t) $ _btodo bpor })
(Left (t,c):_) -> Just ([t], c, bpor { _btodo = filter (/=(t,c)) $ _btodo bpor })
_ -> Nothing
go' (tid, bpor) = Right . first (tid:) <$> go tid bpor
go' (tid, bpor) = (\(ts,c,b) -> Right (tid:ts, c, b)) <$> next bpor
preEmps tid bpor (t:ts) =
let rest = preEmps t (fromJust . M.lookup t $ _bdone bpor) ts
@ -79,14 +92,13 @@ next = go 0 where
-- | Produce a list of new backtracking points from an execution
-- trace.
findBacktrack :: Bool
-> ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
findBacktrack :: ([BacktrackStep] -> Int -> ThreadId -> [BacktrackStep])
-> [(NonEmpty (ThreadId, ThreadAction'), [ThreadId])]
-> Trace
-> [BacktrackStep]
findBacktrack deplifts backtrack = go [] where
findBacktrack backtrack = go [] where
go bs ((e,i):is) ((d,_,a):ts) =
let this = BacktrackStep { _decision = (d, a), _runnable = map fst . toList $ e, _backtrack = i }
let this = BacktrackStep { _decision = (d, a), _runnable = map fst . toList $ e, _backtrack = map (\i' -> (i', False)) i }
bs' = doBacktrack (toList e) bs
in go (bs' ++ [this]) is ts
go bs _ _ = bs
@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ findBacktrack deplifts backtrack = go [] where
, let is = [ i
| (i, (t, b)) <- zip [0..] $ tidTag (fst . _decision) 0 bs
, t == v
, dependent deplifts (snd $ _decision b) (u, n)
, dependent' (snd $ _decision b) (u, n)
, not $ null is] :: [(Int, ThreadId)]
in foldl' (\bs (i, u) -> backtrack bs i u) bs idxs
@ -107,22 +119,29 @@ findBacktrack deplifts backtrack = go [] where
allThreads = nub . concatMap _runnable
-- | Add a new trace to the tree, creating a new subtree.
grow :: Trace -> BPOR -> BPOR
grow = grow' 0 where
grow' tid trc@((d, _, _):rest) bpor =
grow :: Bool -> Trace -> BPOR -> BPOR
grow conservative = grow' 0 where
grow' tid trc@((d, _, a):rest) bpor =
let tid' = tidOf tid d
in case M.lookup tid' $ _bdone bpor of
Just bpor' -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (grow' tid' rest bpor') $ _bdone bpor }
Nothing -> bpor { _bdone = M.insert tid' (subtree tid' trc) $ _bdone bpor }
Nothing -> bpor { _btaken = if conservative then _btaken bpor else (tid', a) : _btaken bpor
, _bdone = M.insert tid' (subtree tid' (_bsleep bpor ++ _btaken bpor) trc) $ _bdone bpor }
grow' _ [] bpor = bpor
subtree tid ((d, ts, a):rest) = BPOR
subtree tid sleep ((d, ts, a):rest) =
let sleep' = filter (not . dependent a) sleep
{ _brunnable = tids tid d a ts
, _btodo = []
, _bdone = M.fromList $ case rest of
((d', _, _):_) ->
let tid' = tidOf tid d'
in [(tid', subtree tid' rest)]
in [(tid', subtree tid' sleep' rest)]
[] -> []
, _bsleep = sleep'
, _btaken = case rest of
((d', _, a'):_) -> [(tidOf tid d', a')]
[] -> []
@ -136,7 +155,7 @@ grow = grow' 0 where
tids tid d _ ts = tidOf tid d : map (tidOf tid . fst) ts
-- | Add new backtracking points, if they have not already been
-- visited and fit into the bound.
-- visited, fit into the bound, and aren't in the sleep set.
todo :: ([Decision] -> Bool) -> [BacktrackStep] -> BPOR -> BPOR
todo bv = go 0 [] where
go tid pref (b:bs) bpor =
@ -146,10 +165,11 @@ todo bv = go 0 [] where
go _ _ _ bpor = bpor
backtrack pref b bpor =
let todo' = nub $ _btodo bpor ++ [ t
| t <- _backtrack b
let todo' = nub $ _btodo bpor ++ [ (t,c)
| (t,c) <- _backtrack b
, bv $ pref ++ [decisionOf (Just $ activeTid pref) (_brunnable bpor) t]
, t `notElem` M.keys (_bdone bpor)
, c || t `notElem` map fst (_bsleep bpor)
in bpor { _btodo = todo' }
@ -196,10 +216,36 @@ preEmpCount [] = 0
-- | Check if an action is dependent on another, assumes the actions
-- are from different threads (two actions in the same thread are
-- always dependent).
dependent :: Bool -> ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> Bool
dependent deplifts Lift (_, Lift') = deplifts
dependent _ (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent _ d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
dependent :: ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction) -> Bool
dependent Lift (_, Lift) = True
dependent (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
cref = Just True == ((\(r1, w1) (r2, w2) -> r1 == r2 && (w1 || w2)) <$> cref' d1 <*> cref' d2)
cref' (ReadRef r) = Just (r, False)
cref' (ModRef r) = Just (r, True)
cref' _ = Nothing
cvar = Just True == ((==) <$> cvar' d1 <*> cvar' d2)
cvar' (BlockedPut _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedRead _) = Nothing
cvar' (BlockedTake _) = Nothing
cvar' (TryPut c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (TryTake c _ _) = Just c
cvar' (Put c _) = Just c
cvar' (Read c) = Just c
cvar' (Take c _) = Just c
cvar' _ = Nothing
ctvar = ctvar' d1 && ctvar' d2
ctvar' (STM _) = True
ctvar' BlockedSTM = False
ctvar' _ = False
-- | Variant of 'dependent' to handle 'ThreadAction''s
dependent' :: ThreadAction -> (ThreadId, ThreadAction') -> Bool
dependent' Lift (_, Lift') = True
dependent' (ThrowTo t) (t2, _) = t == t2
dependent' d1 (_, d2) = cref || cvar || ctvar where
cref = Just True == ((\(r1, w1) (r2, w2) -> r1 == r2 && (w1 || w2)) <$> cref' d1 <*> cref'' d2)
cref' (ReadRef r) = Just (r, False)
cref' (ModRef r) = Just (r, True)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user