add more info about the API

This commit is contained in:
Geoffroy Couprie 2019-03-06 16:33:07 +01:00
parent a731f0b875
commit 76c5dedefa

View File

@ -198,9 +198,30 @@ caveat4 = resource(#ambient, X?) | prefix(X?, "/folder/") // prefix or suffix ma
## Implementation
A biscuit token has the following operations:
- token = create(authority_facts, authority_rules, root_private_key)
- new_token = append(token, local_facts, caveats, current_public_key)
- verify(token, ambient_facts, verifier_queries, root_public_key)
Token {
create(authority: Block, root: PrivateKey) -> Token
append(&self, block: Block, key: PrivateKey) -> Token
deserialize(data: [u8], root: PublicKey) -> Result<Token, String>
deserialize_sealed(data: [u8], secret: SymmetricKey) -> Result<Token, String>
serialize(&self) -> [u8]
serialize_sealed(&self, secret: SymmetricKey) -> [u8]
Verifier {
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_rule(&mut self, rule: Rule)
add_caveat(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
verify(&self, token: Token) -> Result<(), Vec<String>> // errors are aggregated strings indicating which caveats failed
Block {
create(index: u32, base_symbols: SymbolTable) -> Block
add_symbol(&mut self, s: string) -> Symbol
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_rule(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
### Caveat creation API
@ -208,6 +229,51 @@ Rights and attenuation could be written directly as datalog rules,
but it would be useful to provide a high level API that defines
some usual facts and rules without errors.
Token {
create_block(&self) -> BlockBuilder
BlockBuilder {
create(index: u32, base_symbols: SymbolTable) -> Block
add_symbol(&mut self, s: string) -> Symbol
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_rule(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
add_right(&mut self, resource: string, right: string)
check_right(&mut self, right: string)
resource_prefix(&mut self, prefix: string)
resource_suffix(&mut self, suffix: string)
expiration_date(&mut self, expires_on: date)
revocation_id(&mut self, id: i64)
- `add_right(&mut self, resource: string, right: string)` will generate the fact: `right(#authority, resource, right)`
- `check_right(&mut self, right: string)` will generate the caveat:
`check_right(X?) <- resource(#ambient, Y?), operation(#ambient, X?), right(#authority, Y?, X?)`
- `resource_prefix(&mut self, prefix: string)` will generate the caveat:
`prefix(X?) <- resource(#ambient, X?) | prefix_constraint(X?, prefix)
- `resource_suffix(&mut self, suffix: string)` will generate the caveat:
`suffix(X?) <- resource(#ambient, X?) | suffix_constraint(X?, prefix)
- `expiration_date(&mut self, expires_on: date)` will generate the caveat:
`expiration(X?) <- time(#ambient, X?) | before_constraint(X?, expires_on)
- `revocation_id(&mut self, id: i64)` will generate the fact: `revocation_id(id)`
Verifier {
resource(&mut self, resource: string)
operation(&mut self, operation: string)
time(&mut self)
revocation_check(&mut self, set: [i64])
- `resource(&mut self, resource: string)` will generate the fact: `resource(#ambient, resource)`
- `operation(&mut self, operation: string)` will generate the fact: `operation(#ambient, operation)`
- `time(&mut self)` will calculate the current time `now` and generate the fact: `time(#ambient, now)`
- `revocation_check(&mut self, set: [i64])` will add the verifier specific caveat as follows:
`revocation_check(X?) <- revocation_id(X?) | X? not in set`
### Format
A Biscuit token relies on [packed CBOR (Compact Binary Object Representation)](