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x0: Using Markdown

Using Markdown

Using standard markdown syntax for documentation means that your docs will be easy to edit and render in many different markdown renderers, such as on GitHub.com.

In addition to the standard markdown syntax, x0 supports front matter and special fenced code blocks that can render as live examples or previews of React components.

Standard markdown links work out of the box. Under the hood, x0 converts relative links to React Router Link components, and absolute URLs are standard <a> tags.

- [Link to another page](about)
- [Link to another site](http://example.com)


Images in the same directory can be included with relative URLs, but we recommend using a CDN and absolute URLs for any images.

![Hubble telescope image of a nebula](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1462331940025-496dfbfc7564?w=2048&q=20)

Note: When using relative URLs, be sure to copy image assets to the dist folder when exporting a site with the x0 build command.

Code Fences

To include a code snippet use a code fence.

npm install @compositor/x0

Live Editor

x0 includes support for special code fence language attributes for rendering live examples of React components. Use the .jsx (note the . prefix) to render a live preview with an editable code editor.


The above code will render as the following (note this is only visible on the documentation site). Try editing the JSX code below the preview.


Using code fences means that your example code will render in any standard markdown renderer, including GitHub.

Important Note: To include custom components in scope for the live preview code fences, you must use the ScopeProvider in a custom App component.


The LiveEditor also supports MDX format. Use the .mdx language attribute to use MDX.

# Hello MDX

# Hello MDX


Live Preview

To render a component preview without the code editor below, use the !jsx (note the ! prefix) language attibute.


The above code will render the following:


Front Matter

All .md, .mdx, and .jsx files in x0 support the use of front-matter for setting default props and page-level metadata.

title: Getting Started


Use the following front-matter options for controlling aspects of how a page renders.

  • ignore: when set to true, x0 will not add the file as a route

HTML Template Options

Front matter will be passed to the HTML template to allow control over the page title, metatags and more.