Domen Kožar ad977f7248 Add reset
2023-12-21 12:11:07 +00:00

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Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept. Hackage CI status

A retry Haskell library for humans:

  • Exponential backoff with jitter between retries.
  • Limit the attempts of retries and total time.
  • Stamina.HTTP for retrying retriable Network.HTTP.Client exceptions.
  • Introspectable retry state for logging using RetryStatus.
  • Support resetting the retry state when the action is long-running and an attempt works.


import Control.Exception (Exception, Handler)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Time.Clock (DiffTime)

defaults :: RetrySettings

data RetryStatus = RetryStatus
  { attempts :: Int,
    delay :: DiffTime,
    totalDelay :: DiffTime,
    reset :: IO ()

-- Retry on all sync exceptions
retry :: MonadIO m 
      => RetrySettings 
      -> (RetryStatus -> m a)
      -> m a

-- Retry on specific exceptions
retryOnExceptions :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) 
                  => RetrySettings 
                  -> [Handler RetryAction] 
                  -> (RetryStatus -> m a)
                  -> m a

data RetryAction = 
   Skip -- Propagate the exception.
 | Retry  -- Retry with the delay according to the settings.
 | RetryDelay DiffTime -- Retry after the given delay.


import qualified Stamina

main :: IO ()
main = do
    Stamina.retry Stamina.defaults $ \retryStatus -> do
        ... monadic logic that raises exceptions


  1. Install

  2. devenv shell

  3. stack build
