chore: Move some examples to test/produces-output (#989)

* chore: Moved examples that work more as tests to folder 'test/produces-output'

* fix: Corrections to the release script

* fix: Correct filename on Windows

* fix: Move more files around

* fix: Remove check-malloc example

* fix: Apparently unicode example does not work

* chore: Move nested_lambdas.carp back to examples

* chore: Remove .DS_Store files

* fix: Bring back unicode test

* test: Make sure benchmark compile (had to remove mandelbrot and n-bodies)

* fix: Replacement implementation of clock_gettime on Windows

* chore: Trigger CI

* fix: Define CLOCK_REALTIME

Co-authored-by: Erik Svedang <erik@Eriks-iMac.local>
This commit is contained in:
Erik Svedäng 2020-11-23 06:30:43 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8e9f7bfd90
commit a873099640
No known key found for this signature in database
34 changed files with 101 additions and 680 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,70 @@
#if defined _WIN32
// The function 'clock_gettime' is not available on Windows.
// Our replacement implementation was taken from Stack overflow:
#include <windows.h>
s.wYear = 1970;
s.wMonth = 1;
s.wDay = 1;
s.wHour = 0;
s.wMinute = 0;
s.wSecond = 0;
s.wMilliseconds = 0;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&s, &f);
t.QuadPart = f.dwHighDateTime;
t.QuadPart <<= 32;
t.QuadPart |= f.dwLowDateTime;
return (t);
int clock_gettime(int X, struct timeval *tv) {
double microseconds;
static LARGE_INTEGER offset;
static double frequencyToMicroseconds;
static int initialized = 0;
static BOOL usePerformanceCounter = 0;
if (!initialized) {
LARGE_INTEGER performanceFrequency;
initialized = 1;
usePerformanceCounter = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&performanceFrequency);
if (usePerformanceCounter) {
frequencyToMicroseconds = (double)performanceFrequency.QuadPart / 1000000.;
} else {
offset = getFILETIMEoffset();
frequencyToMicroseconds = 10.;
if (usePerformanceCounter) QueryPerformanceCounter(&t);
else {
t.QuadPart = f.dwHighDateTime;
t.QuadPart <<= 32;
t.QuadPart |= f.dwLowDateTime;
t.QuadPart -= offset.QuadPart;
microseconds = (double)t.QuadPart / frequencyToMicroseconds;
t.QuadPart = microseconds;
tv->tv_sec = t.QuadPart / 1000000;
tv->tv_usec = t.QuadPart % 1000000;
return (0);
double get_time_elapsed() {
struct timespec tv;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tv);

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
(use Array)
(use String)
(defn ex1 []
(let [a (Array.allocate 2)
b (Array.aset a 0 (fn [] @"Hello"))
c (Array.aset b 1 (fn [] @"World"))
(println* (@(Array.unsafe-nth &c 0)))
(println* (@(Array.unsafe-nth &c 1))))))
(defn ex2 []
(let [a (Array.allocate 2)
b (Array.aset a 0 (fn [x] (String.append "Hello" x)))
c (Array.aset b 1 (fn [s] (String.append s "World")))
(println* (@(Array.unsafe-nth &c 0) " World"))
(println* (@(Array.unsafe-nth &c 1) "Hello ")))))
(defn main []

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
;;; Taken from
(add-cflag "-Wall -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native")
(use Double)
(use Int)
(use String)
(use IO)
(def w 16000.0)
(def h 16000.0)
(system-include "stdio.h")
(register-type FILE)
(register stdout FILE)
(register putc (Fn [Int FILE] ()))
(defn main []
(print &(str* @"P4\n" (str w) @" " (str h) @"\n"))
(let [iter 50
limit 2.0
byte_acc 0
bit_num 0]
(for [y 0 (to-int h)]
(for [x 0 (to-int w)]
(let [Zr 0.0
Zi 0.0
Tr 0.0
Ti 0.0
Cr (- (/ (* 2.0 (from-int x)) w) 1.5)
Ci (- (/ (* 2.0 (from-int y)) w) 1.0)]
(let [i 0]
(while (and (< i iter)
(<= (+ Tr Ti) (* limit limit)))
(set! Zi (+ (* 2.0 (* Zr Zi)) Ci))
(set! Zr (+ (- Tr Ti) Cr))
(set! Tr (* Zr Zr))
(set! Ti (* Zi Zi))
(set! i (inc i)))))
(set! byte_acc (* 2 byte_acc))
(when (<= (+ Tr Ti) (* limit limit))
(set! byte_acc (bit-or byte_acc 1)))
(set! bit_num (inc bit_num))
(if (= bit_num 8)
(putc byte_acc stdout)
(set! byte_acc 0)
(set! bit_num 0))
(if (= x (- (to-int w) 1))
(set! byte_acc
(bit-shift-left byte_acc (- 8 (mod (to-int w) 8))))
(putc byte_acc stdout)
(set! byte_acc 0)
(set! bit_num 0))
;;; (build)

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
;;; Taken from
(add-cflag "-Wall -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native -mfpmath=sse -msse3")
(use IO)
(use Double)
(use Array)
(use Int)
;;; pow(double, double) is 5 times slower for (pow x 3)
; int Int_pow(int x, int y) {
; int r = 1;
; while (y) {
; if (y & 1)
; r *= x;
; y >>= 1;
; x *= x;
; }
; return r;
; }
(defn ipow [x y]
(let-do [r 1.0]
(while (/= y 0)
(when (/= (bit-and y 1) 0)
(set! r (* r x)))
(set! y (/ y 2))
(set! x (* x x))))
(def n 50000000)
(defn solar_mass [] (* (* 4.0 pi) pi)) ;; I cannot #DEFINE, so solar_mass cannot be a `def`
(def days_per_year 365.24)
(deftype Planet
[ x Double y Double z Double
vx Double vy Double vz Double
mass Double ])
; for eg. 1.03e-03
(defn e [d exp]
(* d (pow 10.0 (from-int exp))))
; currying would make this a single line
; + lambdas would make this unneeded
(defn reduce-px [t b] (+ @t (* (Planet.vx b) (Planet.mass b))))
(defn reduce-py [t b] (+ @t (* (Planet.vy b) (Planet.mass b))))
(defn reduce-pz [t b] (+ @t (* (Planet.vz b) (Planet.mass b))))
(defn offset_momentum [bodies]
(let [b (unsafe-nth bodies 0)
px (reduce reduce-px 0.0 bodies)
py (reduce reduce-py 0.0 bodies)
pz (reduce reduce-pz 0.0 bodies)]
(Planet.set-vx! b (/ (neg px) (solar_mass)))
(Planet.set-vy! b (/ (neg py) (solar_mass)))
(Planet.set-vz! b (/ (neg pz) (solar_mass))))))
(defn energy [bodies]
(let-do [e 0.0]
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(let-do [b (unsafe-nth bodies i)]
(set! e (+ e (* 0.5 (* (Planet.mass b)
(+ (ipow (Planet.vx b) 2)
(+ (ipow (Planet.vy b) 2)
(ipow (Planet.vz b) 2)))))))
(for [j (+ i 1) (length bodies)]
(let [b2 (unsafe-nth bodies j)
dx (- (Planet.x b) (Planet.x b2))
dy (- (Planet.y b) (Planet.y b2))
dz (- (Planet.z b) (Planet.z b2))
dist (sqrt (+ (ipow dx 2) (+ (ipow dy 2) (ipow dz 2))))]
(set! e (- e (/ (* (Planet.mass b) (Planet.mass b2)) dist)))))))
(defn update-planet [i bodies dt]
(let [b (unsafe-nth bodies i)]
(Planet.set-x! b (+ (Planet.x b) (* dt (Planet.vx b))))
(Planet.set-y! b (+ (Planet.y b) (* dt (Planet.vy b))))
(Planet.set-z! b (+ (Planet.z b) (* dt (Planet.vz b)))))))
(defn advance [bodies dt]
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(let [b (unsafe-nth bodies i)]
(for [j (+ i 1) (length bodies)]
(let [b2 (unsafe-nth bodies j)
dx (- (Planet.x b) (Planet.x b2))
dy (- (Planet.y b) (Planet.y b2))
dz (- (Planet.z b) (Planet.z b2))
dist (sqrt (+ (ipow dx 2) (+ (ipow dy 2) (ipow dz 2))))
mag (/ dt (ipow dist 3))]
(Planet.set-vx! b (- (Planet.vx b) (* dx (* (Planet.mass b2) mag))))
(Planet.set-vy! b (- (Planet.vy b) (* dy (* (Planet.mass b2) mag))))
(Planet.set-vz! b (- (Planet.vz b) (* dz (* (Planet.mass b2) mag))))
(Planet.set-vx! b2 (+ (Planet.vx b2) (* dx (* (Planet.mass b) mag))))
(Planet.set-vy! b2 (+ (Planet.vy b2) (* dy (* (Planet.mass b) mag))))
(Planet.set-vz! b2 (+ (Planet.vz b2) (* dz (* (Planet.mass b) mag)))))))))
(for [i 0 (length bodies)]
(update-planet i bodies dt))))
; defining bodies outside main (`def`) results in c compile error:
; - solar mass is a function
; - i cannot do eg. 1.01e-03
(defn main []
(let-do [bodies [
(Planet.init 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (solar_mass))
(Planet.init ; jupiter
(e 4.84143144246472090 0)
(e -1.16032004402742839 0)
(e -1.03622044471123109 -1)
(* (e 1.66007664274403694 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e 7.69901118419740425 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e -6.90460016972063023 -5) days_per_year)
(* (e 9.54791938424326609 -4) (solar_mass)))
(Planet.init ; saturn
(e 8.34336671824457987 0)
(e 4.12479856412430479 0)
(e -4.03523417114321381 -1)
(* (e -2.76742510726862411 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e 4.99852801234917238 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e 2.30417297573763929 -5) days_per_year)
(* (e 2.85885980666130812 -4) (solar_mass)))
(Planet.init ; uranus
(e 1.28943695621391310 1)
(e -1.51111514016986312 1)
(e -2.23307578892655734 -1)
(* (e 2.96460137564761618 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e 2.37847173959480950 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e -2.96589568540237556 -5) days_per_year)
(* (e 4.36624404335156298 -5) (solar_mass)))
(Planet.init ; neptune
(e 1.53796971148509165 1)
(e -2.59193146099879641 1)
(e 1.79258772950371181 -1)
(* (e 2.68067772490389322 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e 1.62824170038242295 -3) days_per_year)
(* (e -9.51592254519715870 -5) days_per_year)
(* (e 5.15138902046611451 -5) (solar_mass)))
(offset_momentum &bodies)
(println &(str (energy &bodies))) ; printf %.9f
(for [i 0 n]
(advance &bodies 0.01)))
(println &(str (energy &bodies))))) ;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
(defn main []
(println* &(Array.repeat 10000000 &

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// (defn main []
// (let-do [x 123
// f (fn [y] (+ x y))
// g square]
// (f 210)
// (g 3))
// Environment for this particular lambda
typedef struct Env_main_0 {
int x;
} Env_main_0;
// Deleter
void delete_Env_main_0(Env_main_0 *env) {
// no managed members to free in this case
printf("Deleted Env_main_0\n");
typedef struct Closure {
void *callback;
void *env;
void (*delete)(void*);
} Closure;
typedef int (*Fn_CallClosure__Int_Int)(void*, int);
typedef int (*Fn_Int_Int)(int);
// The body of the lambda, but lifted to its own function. Takes the environment as a first argument.
int lifted_lambda_main_0(Env_main_0 *env, int y) {
return env->x + y; // simplified for readability
int square(int x) {
return x * x;
int main() {
// let x
int x = 123;
// let f
Env_main_0 *env_0 = malloc(sizeof(Env_main_0));
env_0->x = x;
Closure f = {
.callback = (void*)lifted_lambda_main_0,
.env = env_0,
.delete = (void*)delete_Env_main_0
//let g
Closure g = {
.callback = square,
.env = NULL,
.delete = NULL
// call f
int _1 = f.env ? ((Fn_CallClosure__Int_Int)f.callback)(f.env, 210) : ((Fn_Int_Int)f.callback)(210);
// delete f
if(f.delete) { f.delete(f.env); }
// call g
int _2 = g.env ? ((Fn_CallClosure__Int_Int)g.callback)(f.env, 3) : ((Fn_Int_Int)g.callback)(3);
// delete g
if(g.delete) { f.delete(f.env); }
printf("_1 = %d\n_2 = %d\n", _1, _2);

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
;; Initial type
(deftype A [])
;; Initial function
(definterface f (λ [x] String))
(defmodule A
(defn f [x]
(str* "It's an A: " &(A.str x))))
;; Add a new function
(definterface g (λ [x] String))
(defmodule A
(defn g [x]
(str* "It's also an A: " &(A.str x))))
;; Add a new type
(deftype B [])
(defmodule B
(defn f [x]
(str* "It's a B: " &(B.str x)))
(defn g [x]
(str* "It's also a B: " &(B.str x))))
;; Run
(defn-do main []
(println* &(f &(A.init)))
(println* &(g &(A.init)))
(println* &(f &(B.init)))
(println* &(g &(B.init))))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(relative-include "banana.h")
(relative-include "headers/banana.h")
(register-type Apple)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(load "SDL.carp")
(load "SDL_ttf.carp")
(Project.config "title" "Fonts")
(def font (the (Ptr TTF_Font) NULL))

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(use GLFW)
(load "OpenGL.carp")
(Project.config "cflag" "-DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION")
(defn t []
( (get-time)))

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
(Project.config "print-ast" true)
;; Preventing the usage of a reference to a deleted object
;; (defn f []
;; (let-do [x @"DATA"
;; r &x]
;; (delete x)
;; (IO.println r)))
;; Same as above, but deleting the argument
;; (defn g [x]
;; (let-do [r &x]
;; (delete (the String x))
;; (IO.println r)))
;; A function accepting two refs and returning one of them
;; (defn two-refs [x a b]
;; (if x
;; (the (Ref t q) a)
;; (the (Ref t w) b)))
;; Lambdas
;; (defn l []
;; (let [x @"DATA"
;; r &x
;; f (fn [] (IO.println r))]
;; (do
;; (String.delete x)
;; (f))))
;; (defn from-ptr [a]
;; (if (null? a)
;; (Maybe.Nothing)
;; (Maybe.Just @( a))))
;; (defn pair-eq [p1 p2]
;; (and (= (Pair.a p1) (Pair.a p2))
;; (= (Pair.b p1) (Pair.b p2)))
;; )
;; (defn map-put []
;; (fn [b]
;; (let [n &b]
;; ())))
;; (defn f [x y]
;; (let [s @"hej"
;; z 123]
;; (Int.+ x y)))
;; (defn f []
;; &100) ;; TODO: Number literals should create prim var deleter too!
;; use-ref-in-lambda-after-free
;; (defn boo []
;; (let-do [data @"DATA"
;; r &data
;; f (fn []
;; (IO.println (id r)))]
;; ;;(String.delete data)
;; (f)))
;; (defn foo []
;; (let-do [data [10 20 30]
;; r &data
;; f (fn [] (Array.nth r 1))]
;; ;;(Array.delete data)
;; (println* (f))))
;; (defn lam []
;; (let [stuff [100 200 300]
;; ;;r &stuff
;; f (fn []
;; (println* (id &stuff)))]
;; (f)))
;; Problematic order of arguments, the variable 'b' will depend on 'snake', which is consumed first in the call to Snake.set-body
;; (use Array)
;; (deftype Snake [body (Array Int)])
;; (defn grow [snake]
;; (let [b (Snake.body &snake)]
;; (Snake.set-body snake (push-back @b 0))))
;;(unsafe-last b)
;; (defn dangling-1 []
;; (let [b [1 2 3]]
;; &b))
;; (defn dangling-2 []
;; (let [b [1 2 3]
;; r &b]
;; r))
;; (defn unique []
;; (let [r1 (the &String "DATA")
;; r2 (the &String "DATA") ;; should get another lifetime variable than r1
;; r3 "DATA"]
;; ()))
;; (defn fool [s1 s2]
;; (let [r1 (the (Ref String Static) s1)
;; r2 (the (Ref String b) s2)]
;; (do
;; (if (= r1 r2) () ())
;; ;;(delete s1)
;; ;;(= r1 r2)
;; ;;()
;; r2)))
;; This should be detected as an error too:
;; (defn f [s]
;; (let [r &s]
;; r))
;;(f @"hej")
;; (defn magic []
;; (let [s @"DATA"]
;; &s)) ;; shouldn't work either
;; (defn simple-fool []
;; (let [r (magic) ;; 'magic' returns (Ref String a)
;; static (the (Ref String Static) "")]
;; (do
;; (if (= r static) () ()) ;; shouldn't just be possible to trick 'r' that its lifetime is Static
;; ())))
;; (defn first [xs]
;; (Array.nth xs 0))
;;(defn f [x] (fn [] (IO.println x)))
;; (defn g []
;; (let-do [s @"DATA"
;; r &s
;; f (fn [] (IO.println r))]
;; ;;(delete s)
;; ;;(f)
;; f))
;; (defn ok [r]
;; (let-do [f (fn [] (IO.println r))]
;; f))
(deftype Blah [x Int])
(defn trick []
(let[s1 (Blah.init 100)
r1 &s1
g (let [s2 (Blah.init 200)
r2 &s2
f (fn [] (println* r1 r2))]
(g) ;; shouldn't work because 's2' has been deleted and 'r2' is thus a dead reference

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
; this compiles without needing the core libraries (--no-core flag)
;; This compiles without needing the core libraries (--no-core flag)
(system-include "limits.h")
(system-include "carp_stdbool.h")
(load "Interfaces.carp")
(load "Bool.carp")
(load "Pointer.carp")

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// This is a comment
void boo();
char hoo();
// This is also a comment
int foo(int x);
float goo(double x, double y);
// some people use too much whitespace
float weird ( double x , double y ) ;
// Struct types
vector2 middle(vector2 p1, vector2 p2);
// Pointers are also useful to parse
void gah(int *x);
void dah(int *x, float* y);
char *blah(int *x, float* y);
vector2 *more(vector3* in);
GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, const char* title, GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWwindow* share);
// TODO:
GLFWAPI void glfwPollEvents(void);
// C Macros
#define K_BLAH 12345
#define K_BLAX 0x123
#define K_GLAH 12345
// C function-like macros
#define X(a, b) a + b
#define Y(a, b) {\
foo(a, b);\
#define Z(a, b) "hi"

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
(Project.config "print-ast" true)
; (deftype JSON
; (Str [String])
; (Num [Double])
; (Arr [(Array JSON)])
; (Obj [(Map String JSON)]))
;; Refs in structs
;; (deftype (Aha a) [x a])
;; (def b (Aha.init "bleh"))
;; Refs in sumtypes
;;(def x (Maybe.Just "Heya"))
;; (defn f []
;; (match x
;; (Maybe.Just a) a
;; (Maybe.Nothing) 0))
;; Adding pre-existing functions to interface when it's defined
;; (defmodule Foo
;; (defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; ;; 'foo' will match this interface that is defined AFTER foo
;; (definterface tripoli (λ [Int Int Int] Bool))
;; ;; This should still be added, obviously
;; (defmodule Goo
;; (defn tripoli [x y z] (Int.= 0 (+ x (+ y z)))))
;; Issue #681
;; (deftype (X a) [member a])
;; (deftype (Y a) [x (X a)])
;; (defmodule Y
;; (defn foo [y]
;; (set-x! y (X.init 1))))
;; (defn main []
;; (let [y (Y.init (X.init 10))]
;; ( &y)))
;; Nesting match
;; (use Maybe)
;; (defn main []
;; (let [s (Just (Just (Just @"Oh, but hello.")))]
;; (match s
;; (Just (Just (Just x))) (println* "It's just just just '" &x "'")
;; (Just (Just (Nothing))) (IO.println "It's just just nothing.")
;; (Just (Nothing)) (IO.println "It's just nothing.")
;; (Nothing) (IO.println "Didn't match."))))
;; Match on refs
(use Maybe)
(defn main []
(let [s (Just @"Yo")]
(match-ref &s
(Just x) (IO.println x)
(Nothing) (IO.println "nada"))))
(defn f []
(let [s (Just @"Yo")]
(match s
(Just x) (IO.println &x)
(Nothing) (IO.println "nada"))))
(defn deep [x]
(match-ref x
(Nothing) (IO.println "nothing")
(Just (Nothing)) (IO.println "just nothing")
(Just (Just x)) (IO.println x)))

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
(load "Test.carp")
(use Test)
(use Int)
(use String)
(defn main []
(with-test test
(assert-equal test 1 2 "1 == 2")
(assert-true test (Int.> (Array.length &[1 2 3]) 1) "len([1 2 3]) == 1")
(assert-not-equal test "hi" "bye" "hi != bye")
(print-test-results test)))

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ else
./scripts/ ./docs/core/generate_core_docs.carp
mkdir -p "$fullPath"
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ cp -r "./docs/" "$fullPath/docs/"
echo "Copying"
cp -r "./" "$fullPath/"
echo "Copying img..."
cp -r "./img/" "$fullPath/img/"
cp -r "./resources/" "$fullPath/resources/"
echo "Copying examples..."
cp -r "./examples/" "$fullPath/examples/"

View File

@ -22,11 +22,13 @@ Get-ChildItem -Filter test/*.carp | ForEach-Object -Process {
# TODO Add test for empty project (with and without core)
# TODO Add tests for error messages
# Just make sure these compile
exitOnError { stack exec carp "--" ./examples/mutual_recursion.carp -b }
exitOnError { stack exec carp "--" ./examples/guessing.carp -b }
exitOnError { stack exec carp "--" ./examples/guessing_game.carp -b }
exitOnError { stack exec carp "--" ./examples/no_core.carp --no-core --no-profile -b }
exitOnError { stack exec carp "--" ./examples/check_malloc.carp -b }

View File

@ -11,19 +11,21 @@ fi
echo "Build and run some examples"
./test/ ./examples/basics.carp
./test/ ./examples/functor.carp
./test/ ./examples/external_struct.carp
./test/ ./examples/updating.carp
./test/ ./examples/sorting.carp
./test/ ./examples/globals.carp
./test/ ./examples/generic_structs.carp
./test/ ./examples/setting_variables.carp
./test/ ./examples/function_members.carp
./test/ ./examples/maps.carp
./test/ ./examples/lambdas.carp
./test/ ./examples/sumtypes.carp
echo "Build and run some tests that print (check their output)"
./test/ ./test/produces-output/basics.carp
./test/ ./test/produces-output/function_members.carp
./test/ ./test/produces-output/globals.carp
./test/ ./test/produces-output/lambdas.carp
./test/ ./test/produces-output/setting_variables.carp
echo "Actual tests (using the test suite)"
for f in ./test/*.carp; do
echo $f
@ -37,11 +39,17 @@ for f in ./test-for-errors/*.carp; do
./test/ $f
echo "Make sure the benchmarks compile."
for f in ./bench/*.carp; do
echo $f
./scripts/ -b $f
echo "Compile-only examples"
examples/mutual_recursion.carp \
examples/guessing.carp \
examples/check_malloc.carp \
examples/guessing_game.carp \
examples/unicode.carp \
@ -50,6 +58,7 @@ for e in $compileOnlyExamples ; do
./scripts/ $e -b
# Make sure a no-core build works
echo ./examples/no_core.carp
./scripts/ ./examples/no_core.carp --no-core --no-profile -b
@ -57,13 +66,13 @@ echo ./examples/no_core.carp
if [ ${NO_SDL} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Compile-only SDL examples"
for e in $compileOnlySdlExamples ; do
echo $e