mirror of
synced 2024-11-05 04:44:12 +03:00
Merge pull request #967 from scolsen/unit-members
Allow Unit to be used as a member type in deftypes
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,23 +77,45 @@ templatesForMembers _ _ _ _ _ = error "Shouldn't reach this case (invalid type d
-- | Generate the templates for a single member in a deftype declaration.
templatesForSingleMember :: TypeEnv -> Env -> [String] -> Ty -> (XObj, XObj) -> [((String, Binder), [XObj])]
templatesForSingleMember typeEnv env insidePath p@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) _) (nameXObj, typeXObj) =
let Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
in [instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] (RefTy t (VarTy "q")) StaticLifetimeTy) (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t) ("gets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) (FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy) (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericMutatingSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy) (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` in place.")
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [t] t (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName))
("updates the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` using a function `f`.")
case t of
-- Unit member types are special since we do not represent them in emitted c.
-- Instead, members of type Unit are executed for their side effects and silently omitted
-- from the produced C structs.
UnitTy ->
binders (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
_ ->
binders (FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q")] (RefTy t (VarTy "q")) StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, t] p StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [RefTy p (VarTy "q"), t] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(FuncTy [p, RefTy (FuncTy [t] t (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] p StaticLifetimeTy)
where Just t = xobjToTy typeXObj
memberName = getName nameXObj
binders getterSig setterSig mutatorSig updaterSig =
[instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath memberName) getterSig (templateGetter (mangle memberName) t) ("gets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName)) setterSig (templateSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "`.")
, if isTypeGeneric t
then (templateGenericMutatingSetter insidePath p t memberName, [])
else instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("set-" ++ memberName ++ "!")) mutatorSig (templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env (mangle memberName) t) ("sets the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` in place.")
,instanceBinderWithDeps (SymPath insidePath ("update-" ++ memberName))
(templateUpdater (mangle memberName) t)
("updates the `" ++ memberName ++ "` property of a `" ++ typeName ++ "` using a function `f`.")
-- | The template for getters of a deftype.
templateGetter :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateGetter member UnitTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q")] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($(Ref p) p)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const $ toTemplate ("$DECL { return; }\n"))
(const [])
templateGetter member memberTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "t") StaticLifetimeTy)
@ -108,6 +130,13 @@ templateGetter member memberTy =
-- | The template for setters of a concrete deftype.
templateSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName UnitTy =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", VarTy "t"] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate "$DECL { return p; }\n"))
(const [])
templateSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
@ -149,6 +178,13 @@ templateGenericSetter pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typ
-- | The template for mutating setters of a deftype.
templateMutatingSetter :: TypeEnv -> Env -> String -> Ty -> Template
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName UnitTy =
(FuncTy [RefTy (VarTy "p") (VarTy "q"), VarTy "t"] UnitTy StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "void $NAME($p* pRef)"))
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate "$DECL { return; }\n"))
(const [])
templateMutatingSetter typeEnv env memberName memberTy =
let callToDelete = memberRefDeletion typeEnv env (memberName, memberTy)
in Template
@ -185,8 +221,16 @@ templateGenericMutatingSetter pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNa
-- | The template for updater functions of a deftype.
-- | (allows changing a variable by passing an transformation function).
templateUpdater :: String -> Template
templateUpdater member =
templateUpdater :: String -> Ty -> Template
templateUpdater member UnitTy =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", RefTy (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda *updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
-- Execution of the action passed as an argument is handled in Emit.hs.
(const (toTemplate ("$DECL { " ++ templateCodeForCallingLambda "(*updater)" (FuncTy [] UnitTy (VarTy "fq")) [] ++ "; return p;}\n")))
(\(FuncTy [_, RefTy t@(FuncTy fArgTys fRetTy _) _] _ _) ->
[defineFunctionTypeAlias t, defineFunctionTypeAlias (FuncTy (lambdaEnvTy : fArgTys) fRetTy StaticLifetimeTy)])
templateUpdater member _ =
(FuncTy [VarTy "p", RefTy (FuncTy [VarTy "t"] (VarTy "t") (VarTy "fq")) (VarTy "q")] (VarTy "p") StaticLifetimeTy)
(const (toTemplate "$p $NAME($p p, Lambda *updater)")) -- "Lambda" used to be: $(Fn [t] t)
@ -211,7 +255,8 @@ binderForInit insidePath structTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) _) [XObj (
-- | Generate a list of types from a deftype declaration.
initArgListTypes :: [XObj] -> [Ty]
initArgListTypes xobjs = map (\(_, x) -> fromJust (xobjToTy x)) (pairwise xobjs)
initArgListTypes xobjs =
(map (fromJust . xobjToTy . snd) (pairwise xobjs))
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a concrete deftype.
concreteInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> [XObj] -> Template
@ -222,9 +267,13 @@ concreteInit allocationMode originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName)
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg (unitless memberPairs)) ++ ")"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
in (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName correctedMembers))
(\FuncTy{} -> [])
where unitless = filter (notUnit . snd)
-- | The template for the 'init' and 'new' functions for a generic deftype.
genericInit :: AllocationMode -> [String] -> Ty -> [XObj] -> (String, Binder)
@ -241,8 +290,11 @@ genericInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameT
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
memberPairs = memberXObjsToPairs correctedMembers
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg memberPairs) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (map memberArg (filter (notUnit . snd) memberPairs)) ++ ")"))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedMembers = replaceGenericTypeSymbolsOnMembers mappings membersXObjs
in (tokensForInit allocationMode typeName correctedMembers))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (show err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
@ -253,14 +305,21 @@ tokensForInit :: AllocationMode -> String -> [XObj] -> [Token]
tokensForInit allocationMode typeName membersXObjs =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
StackAlloc -> case unitless of
-- if this is truly a memberless struct, init it to 0;
-- This can happen, e.g. in cases where *all* members of the struct are of type Unit.
-- Since we do not generate members for Unit types.
[] -> " $p instance = {};"
_ -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, assignments membersXObjs
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
where assignments [] = " instance.__dummy = 0;"
assignments xobjs = joinLines $ memberAssignment allocationMode . fst <$> memberXObjsToPairs xobjs
where assignments [] = " instance.__dummy = 0;"
assignments xobjs = go $ unitless
where go [] = ""
go xobjs = joinLines $ memberAssignment allocationMode . fst <$> xobjs
unitless = filter (notUnit . snd) (memberXObjsToPairs membersXObjs)
-- | Creates the C code for an arg to the init function.
-- | i.e. "(deftype A [x Int])" will generate "int x" which
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM_)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Char (ord)
@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
-- This requires a bunch of extra machinery though, so this will do for now...
[var ++ periodOrArrow ++ "_tag == " ++ tagName caseTy (removeSuffix caseName)] ++
concat (zipWith (\c i -> tagCondition (var ++ periodOrArrow ++ "u." ++ removeSuffix caseName ++ ".member" ++ show i) "." (forceTy c) c) caseMatchers [0..])
where notUnitX (XObj _ _ (Just UnitTy)) = False
notUnitX _ = True
tagCondition _ _ _ x =
--error ("tagCondition fell through: " ++ show x)
@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
MatchRef -> ("->", "&")
appendToSrc ("if(" ++ joinWith " && " (tagCondition exprVar (fst refModifications) (removeOuterRefTyIfMatchRef exprTy) caseLhs) ++ ") {\n")
appendToSrc (addIndent indent' ++ tyToCLambdaFix exprTy ++ " " ++ tempVarToAvoidClash ++ " = " ++ exprVar ++ ";\n")
zipWithM_ (emitCaseMatcher refModifications (removeSuffix caseName)) caseMatchers [0..]
zipWithM_ (emitCaseMatcher refModifications (removeSuffix caseName)) (filter (notUnit . forceTy) caseMatchers) [0..]
appendToSrc (addIndent indent' ++ "// Case expr:\n")
emitCaseEnd caseLhsInfo caseExpr
emitCase exprVar isFirst (XObj (Sym firstPath _) caseLhsInfo _, caseExpr) =
@ -604,11 +606,15 @@ toC toCMode (Binder meta root) = emitterSrc (execState (visit startingIndent roo
createArgList :: Int -> Bool -> [XObj] -> State EmitterState String
createArgList indent unwrapLambdas args =
do argStrings <- mapM (visit indent) args
do argStrings <- mapM (visit indent) (filter (notUnit . forceTy) args)
let argTypes = map forceTy args
return $ intercalate ", " $ if unwrapLambdas
then zipWith unwrapLambda argStrings argTypes
else argStrings
unitless = filter notUnit argTypes
-- Run side effects
sideEffects = mapM (visit indent) (filter (not . notUnit . forceTy) args) >>= return . intercalate ";\n"
unwrapped = joinWithComma $ if unwrapLambdas
then zipWith unwrapLambda argStrings unitless
else argStrings
sideEffects >> return unwrapped
unwrapLambda :: String -> Ty -> String
unwrapLambda variableName ty =
@ -716,7 +722,7 @@ defStructToDeclaration structTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) path rest =
typedefCaseToMemberDecl :: XObj -> State EmitterState [()]
-- ANSI C doesn't allow empty structs, insert a dummy member to keep the compiler happy.
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr []) _ _) = sequence $ pure $ appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "char __dummy;\n")
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent) (pairwise members)
typedefCaseToMemberDecl (XObj (Arr members) _ _) = mapM (memberToDecl indent) (filter (notUnit . fromJust . xobjToTy . snd) (pairwise members))
typedefCaseToMemberDecl _ = error "Invalid case in typedef."
-- Note: the names of types are not namespaced
@ -746,7 +752,7 @@ defSumtypeToDeclaration sumTy@(StructTy typeName typeVariables) path rest =
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "// " ++ caseName ++ "\n")
emitSumtypeCase indent xobj@(XObj (Lst [XObj (Sym (SymPath [] caseName) _) _ _, XObj (Arr memberTys) _ _]) _ _) =
do appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "struct {\n")
let members = zipWith (\anonName tyXObj -> (anonName, tyXObj)) anonMemberSymbols memberTys
let members = zipWith (\anonName tyXObj -> (anonName, tyXObj)) anonMemberSymbols (filter (notUnit . fromJust . xobjToTy) memberTys)
mapM_ (memberToDecl (indent + indentAmount)) members
appendToSrc (addIndent indent ++ "} " ++ caseName ++ ";\n")
emitSumtypeCase indent xobj@(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] caseName) _) _ _) =
@ -766,8 +772,10 @@ defaliasToDeclaration :: Ty -> SymPath -> String
defaliasToDeclaration t path =
case t of
(FuncTy argTys retTy _) -> "typedef " ++ tyToCLambdaFix retTy ++ "(*" ++ pathToC path ++ ")(" ++
intercalate ", " (map tyToCLambdaFix argTys) ++ ");\n"
intercalate ", " (map fixer argTys) ++ ");\n"
_ -> "typedef " ++ tyToC t ++ " " ++ pathToC path ++ ";\n"
where fixer UnitTy = "void*"
fixer x = tyToCLambdaFix x
toDeclaration :: Binder -> String
toDeclaration (Binder meta xobj@(XObj (Lst xobjs) _ t)) =
@ -811,12 +819,12 @@ toDeclaration (Binder meta xobj@(XObj (Lst xobjs) _ t)) =
toDeclaration _ = error "Missing case."
paramListToC :: [XObj] -> String
paramListToC xobjs = intercalate ", " (map getParam (filter notUnit xobjs))
paramListToC xobjs = if null $ joinWithComma (map getParam xobjs)
then ""
else joinWithComma (map getParam (filter (notUnit . forceTy) xobjs))
where getParam :: XObj -> String
getParam (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ name) _) _ (Just t)) = tyToCLambdaFix t ++ " " ++ mangle name
getParam invalid = error (show (InvalidParameter invalid))
notUnit (XObj _ _ (Just UnitTy)) = False
notUnit _ = True
projectIncludesToC :: Project -> String
projectIncludesToC proj = intercalate "\n" (map includerToC includes) ++ "\n\n"
@ -586,6 +586,7 @@ incrementEnvNestLevel env = let current = envFunctionNestingLevel env
-- | Converts an S-expression to one of the Carp types.
xobjToTy :: XObj -> Maybe Ty
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Unit") _) _ _) = Just UnitTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Int") _) _ _) = Just IntTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Float") _) _ _) = Just FloatTy
xobjToTy (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "Double") _) _ _) = Just DoubleTy
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ concreteCaseInit allocationMode insidePath structTy sumtypeCase =
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures structTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames correctedTys) ++ ")"))
in (toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames (filter notUnit correctedTys)) ++ ")"))
(const (tokensForCaseInit allocationMode structTy sumtypeCase))
(\FuncTy{} -> [])
@ -90,26 +90,28 @@ genericCaseInit allocationMode pathStrings originalStructTy sumtypeCase =
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames correctedTys) ++ ")")
in toTemplate $ "$p $NAME(" ++ joinWithComma (zipWith (curry memberArg) anonMemberNames (filter notUnit correctedTys)) ++ ")")
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
tokensForCaseInit allocationMode concreteStructTy sumtypeCase)
let mappings = unifySignatures originalStructTy concreteStructTy
correctedTys = map (replaceTyVars mappings) (caseTys sumtypeCase)
in tokensForCaseInit allocationMode concreteStructTy (sumtypeCase {caseTys = correctedTys}))
(\(FuncTy _ concreteStructTy _) ->
case concretizeType typeEnv concreteStructTy of
Left err -> error (show err ++ ". This error should not crash the compiler - change return type to Either here.")
Right ok -> ok)
tokensForCaseInit :: AllocationMode -> Ty -> SumtypeCase -> [Token]
tokensForCaseInit allocationMode sumTy@(StructTy (ConcreteNameTy typeName) typeVariables) sumtypeCase =
toTemplate $ unlines [ "$DECL {"
, case allocationMode of
StackAlloc -> " $p instance;"
HeapAlloc -> " $p instance = CARP_MALLOC(sizeof(" ++ typeName ++ "));"
, joinLines $ caseMemberAssignment allocationMode correctedName . fst <$> zip anonMemberNames (caseTys sumtypeCase)
, joinLines $ caseMemberAssignment allocationMode correctedName . fst <$> unitless
, " instance._tag = " ++ tagName sumTy correctedName ++ ";"
, " return instance;"
, "}"]
where correctedName = caseName sumtypeCase
unitless = zip anonMemberNames $ filter notUnit (caseTys sumtypeCase)
caseMemberAssignment :: AllocationMode -> String -> String -> String
caseMemberAssignment allocationMode caseName memberName =
@ -194,9 +196,10 @@ tokensForStr typeEnv env typeName cases concreteStructTy =
, " return buffer;"
, "}"]
namesFromCase :: SumtypeCase -> Ty -> (String, [Ty], String)
namesFromCase theCase concreteStructTy =
let name = caseName theCase
in (name, caseTys theCase, tagName concreteStructTy name)
in (name, caseTys theCase {caseTys = (filter notUnit (caseTys theCase))}, tagName concreteStructTy name)
strCase :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Ty -> SumtypeCase -> String
strCase typeEnv env concreteStructTy@(StructTy _ typeVariables) theCase =
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Types ( TypeMappings
, consPath
, Kind
, tyToKind
, notUnit
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -260,3 +261,7 @@ isFullyGenericType _ = False
-- | The type of environments sent to Lambdas (used in emitted C code)
lambdaEnvTy :: Ty
lambdaEnvTy = StructTy (ConcreteNameTy "LambdaEnv") []
notUnit :: Ty -> Bool
notUnit UnitTy = False
notUnit _ = True
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ okXObjForType typeEnv typeVariables xobj =
canBeUsedAsMemberType :: TypeEnv -> [Ty] -> Ty -> XObj -> Either TypeError ()
canBeUsedAsMemberType typeEnv typeVariables t xobj =
case t of
UnitTy -> return ()
IntTy -> return ()
FloatTy -> return ()
DoubleTy -> return ()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user