Erik Svedäng 0b98637624 cleanup
2016-06-10 15:41:11 +02:00

5.2 KiB

Generic structs

  • unload all concretized structs when the parent struct is redefined

The Big 'ref' debacle - alternatives:

  1. Allow ref:ed value types to be coerced into non-ref:ed types
  2. A deref function that can remove the ref from primitive types
  3. A 'map-primitive' that can map a function that takes non-refs as argument since it's annying to not be able to use functions like 'itos' directly with 'map-copy' (it requires a fn of type &a -> b)

Compiler Big Features

  • Bake generic structs in global variables
  • Live Reloading (requires threads and bytecode interpreter)
  • Windows support
  • Linux support
  • Special handling of POD structs (stack allocated, referenced by pointer)
  • Compile match statements (should it be a macro?)
  • Compile modules (when they exist in the dynamic runtime...)
  • Compile dictionaries (requires hashing function)
  • Lambdas
  • get / set special forms?


  • handle array literals
  • handle (list ...)
  • inline 'do'
  • inline 'let'

Compiler Small Features

  • Shorter names for concrete versions of generic functions
  • All types should have capital first letter?
  • Be able to save concretized struct types for type checking etc

Compiler Correctness

  • Structs sent to mutating "pure" lenses will modify global vars in place
  • Sending a global variable to a function that takes ownership of it will lead to disaster
  • Variables/functions named the same thing as a struct can override the dylib generated for the struct group.
  • Compiler doesn't catch when a let-binding refers to a variable that's defined later (in the same let binding)
  • Avoid problems with name shadowing when freeing a local variable (is this possible? disallow shadowing instead?)
  • Complete type constraints for binops, check for "numeric" types (use a union type of some sort?). Or turn binops into normal funcs?

Compiler efficiency / beauty

  • Avoid creating unique typevars for multiple calls with the same types to a generic function?
  • Use 'sicp unifier' instead of the current mess
  • Use 'generic-name' when concretizing generic primops
  • Rewrite a bunch of functions in the compiler passes using pipe operator and update-in
  • Speed up some passes by mutating a single variable instead of copying immutable versions around
  • Use the new key-is-true function instead of has-key? in lots of places

Dynamic Runtime Big Features

  • Macro splicing
  • Modules
  • A Set-type with reader syntax #{}
  • Instantiate generic functions like '=' for primitive types when calling them


  • Name
  • List of imported modules (with the name used for importation)
  • List of opened modules
  • Environment (with all the bindings)

Dynamic Runtime Small Features

  • Delete content of global var when resetting from repl
  • Be able to mark symbols/modules as "frozen" (with meta data) so that they can't be overriden by user
  • Better error handling and input validation for primops, clean up the C error/assertion macros
  • ONLY allow [] in parameter list for function definitions
  • Use size_t where approperiate
  • Make the reader warn when the text to read is too big (repl.c)
  • Resetting a global variable pointing to an array can be fooled by using wrong kind of array (anything goes at the moment)

Dynamic Runtime Optimization


  • Don't allow sending compiled functions of wrong type to ffi functions (check their types with 'signature')
  • assert-eq shows wrong result when the assertion fails? (in ffi situations, the wrong type is produced and compared to something else)

Sanity checks

  • Ensure correctness of GC (run at every step)
  • Don't leak values returned from calling ffi functions at the repl (but how..?)
  • Profile the evaluator

Lisp Core Libs

  • 'import' function that searches paths for carp files
  • shuffle (for lists)
  • Conversions between a list of pairs and dictionaries
  • 'for' macro with multiple bindings (i, j, etc...)


  • Compile keywords?
  • Add void constraints for (do ...) statements ?
  • Add proper no-op :node for () ?
  • Polymorphic math operators?
  • Matching/destructuring in let statements and function arguments too?
  • Reading of dotted pairs?
  • Not possible to write an 'eat-void' function: (register-builtin "eat_void" '(:void) :void), need a proper unit type for that
  • :when clauses in match?
  • Use a more generalized method for generating 'str' function when inspecting ptr:s at the REPL (some kind of "hook" system)
  • Ownership tracking to enable returning refs from functions (it's forbidden at the moment)
  • Reorder arguments to "set"/"update"-lens to make them less problematic for borrow checking (the main structure is given away to the first argument) ?
  • Use modules to solve problem of using same name for members in different structs?
  • Create a carp_bool type with defined size


  • Built in tutorial for the language
  • Built in manual


  • Unloading of function/dylib doesn't work after another function has linked to it during its compilation.
  • Variable shadowing doesn't work properly when referencing itself
  • Size of bool is undefined
  • Must mark global variables on windows as __declspec(dllimport) when using them and __declspec(dllexport) when providing for others