Erik Svedäng 3717a774c2 Tweaks.
2017-10-13 16:48:09 +02:00

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Introduction to Carp


Carp is a statically typed Lisp without a GC for high performance applications.


(why make a language, apart from the fun)

  • Lisp is great
  • Most lisps are garbage collected, won't work well for games, etc.
  • But I want to make games!

Preliminary use cases

  1. Games
  2. Audio and video generation

Main ideas of Carp

  • Static type system
  • No garbage collection (a la Rust)
  • Lisp (Clojure) syntax
  • A helpful and interactive programming environment


  • REPL = project
  • (load ) and (reload)
  • (build) and (run)
  • GHCI-style shortcuts, i.e. ":rbx"
  • A build system

The prompt

Language basics

  1. Functions, values & types
  2. Memory management
  3. Modules
  4. Defining data types
  5. Array processing

[fit] 1. Functions, values & types

Defining things

(defn circle-area [r] (* π (* r r))

(defn id [x] x)

(def gravity 9.8)

Type inference

(defn circle-area [r] (* π (* r r)) : (λ [Float] Float)

(defn id [x] x) : (λ [a] a)

(def gravity 9.8) : Double

[fit] Getting the type of a function (at the REPL)

鲮 (type println)

=> IO.println : (λ [(Ref String)] ())

[fit] Enforcing types using the 'the' special form

An idea stolen from Idris.

(defn id-for-strings-only [x]
  (the String x))

[fit] Holes can help you figure out the type of an expression

鲮 (+ 1.0f ?w00t)

=> ?w00t : Float

2. Memory management

[fit] Values are deleted at the end of the scope

(let [s (get-line)]
  (println "OK")
get-line : (λ [] String)

[fit] Unless they are sent to another function or returned

(let [s (get-line)]
  (validate-string s))
(let [s (get-line)]
validate-string : (λ [String] Bool)

[fit] That means that passing a value repeateadly is forbidden

(let [s (get-line)]
  (do (validate s)
      (validate s)
      (validate s)))
=> Using a given-away value 's'

[fit] To temporarily borrow a value, use 'ref'

(let [s (get-line)]
  (do (println (ref s))
      (println (ref s))
      (println (ref s))))
s : String
println : (λ [(Ref String)] ())

[fit] Another name for 'ref' is '&'

A reader macro.

(let [s (get-line)]
  (do (println &s)
      (println &s)
      (println &s)))

[fit] String literals have the type (Ref String)

(println "Hi!")

[fit] Functions are not allowed to return Ref:s

Would lead to dangling pointers.

(defn invalid []
  (let [s (get-line)]
    <delete s here>))

invalid : (λ [] (Ref String))

Sometimes you need a copy

The 'copy' functions take Ref:s and return non-Ref:s.

(defn name []
  (copy "John McCarthy"))
name : (λ [] String)
String.copy : (λ [(Ref String)] String)

Syntactic sugar for 'copy' is '@'

(defn name []
  @"John McCarthy")

3. Modules


  • Allow sharing of names
  • Clarify which function or value that is used in the code

Defining and using a module

(defmodule Goods
  (defn cost [] (random-between 100 200))
  (def amount 75600))

(defn total-cost []
  (* (Goods.cost) Goods.amount))

Not tied to files

;; stuff.carp

(defmodule A
  (defn f [] ...)
  (defn g [] ...))
(defmodule B
  (defn f [] ...)
  (defn g [] ...)
  (defn h [] ...))

Open to extension

(defmodule A
  (defn f [] ...))
(defmodule A
  (defn g [] ...))

[fit] To avoid qualifying the module name: 'use'

(use Int)

(defn twice [x] (+ x x))

twice : (λ [Int] Int)

Multiple modules can contain a function with the same name

(use Int)
(use Double)
(use Float)

(defn inc [x] (+ x 1))

1 : Int
inc : (λ [Int] Int)

'+' resolves to 'Int.+'

Not a replacement for type classes

(use Int)
(use Double)
(use Float)

(defn confused-twice [x] (+ x x))

Inspecting modules at the REPL

鲮 (type Double)

Double : Module = {
    * : (λ [Double Double] Double)
    + : (λ [Double Double] Double)
    - : (λ [Double Double] Double)
    / : (λ [Double Double] Double)
    cos : (λ [Double] Double)
    from-int : (λ [Int] Double)
    sin : (λ [Double] Double)
    str : (λ [Double] String)
    to-int : (λ [Double] Int)
    π : Double

4. Defining data types


(deftype Point
  [x Int
   y Int])

[fit] Defining a struct will create a module with the same name

(deftype Point
  [x Int
   y Int])
Point : Module = {
    init : (λ [Int Int] Point)
    new : (λ [Int Int] (Ptr Point))
    copy : (λ [(Ref Point)] Point)
    delete : (λ [Point] ())
    str : (λ [(Ref Point)] String)
    x : (λ [(Ref Point)] Int)
    y : (λ [(Ref Point)] Int)
    set-x : (λ [Point Int] Point)
    set-y : (λ [Point Int] Point)
    update-x : (λ [Point (λ [Int] Int)] Point)
    update-y : (λ [Point (λ [Int] Int)] Point)

Allows structs to share member names

(deftype Vec2
  [x Int
   y Int])

(deftype Vec3
  [x Int
   y Int
   z Int])
(let [v (Vec2.init 11 35)]
  (Vec2.x &v))

(let [v (Vec3.init 300 400 500)]
  (Vec3.set-y v 0))

Possible extensions to the type system

  • Tagged unions
  • Generic data types

5. Array processing

Creating arrays

[1 2 3 4 5]

[fit] Arrays can also be generated using various functions

Array.range : (λ [t t t] (Array t))
Array.repeat : (λ [Int (λ [] t)] (Array t))
Array.replicate : (λ [Int (Ref t)] (Array t))

Yes, the 't' in 'range' is too general.

Mapping functions over arrays is useful

Transforming from one type to another

Will allocate new memory and leave the old data as-is.

(let [xs [1 2 3 4 5]]
  (transform Int.str &xs))
transform : (λ [(λ [a] b) (Ref (Array a))] (Array b)) ;; This type might be buggy!!!

When mapping from one type to itself, the copying is unnecessary

(let [xs [1 2 3 4 5]]
  (map square xs))

Ownership of 'xs' is passed to the map function, which will mutate the array and return it.

Behind the scenes

Written in Haskell

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Haskell                         23            607            330           4350
SUM:                            23            607            330           4350