2017-12-14 22:48:19 +01:00

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<!-- This presentation is made to be run in the Deckset app. -->
# Introduction to Carp
# Slogan
> Carp is a statically typed Lisp without a GC
> for high performance applications.
# Motivation
## (why make a language, apart from the fun)
* Lisp is great
* Most lisps are garbage collected, won't work well for games, etc.
* But I want to make games!
# Preliminary use cases
1. Games
2. Audio and video generation
# Main ideas of Carp
* Static type system (subset of ML)
* No garbage collection (a la Rust)
* Lisp (Clojure) syntax
* A helpful and interactive programming environment
# Workflow
* REPL = project
* (load <file>) and (reload)
* (build) and (run)
* GHCI-style shortcuts, i.e. ":rbx"
* A build system
# The prompt
## 鲮
# Language basics
1. Functions, values & types
2. Memory management
3. Modules
4. Defining data types
5. Array processing
# [fit] 1. Functions, values & types
# Defining things
(defn circle-area [r] (* pi (* r r))
(defn id [x] x)
(def gravity 9.8)
# Type inference
(defn circle-area [r] (* pi (* r r)) : (λ [Float] Float)
(defn id [x] x) : (λ [a] a)
(def gravity 9.8) : Double
# [fit] Getting the type of a function (at the REPL)
鲮 (type println)
=> IO.println : (λ [(Ref String)] ())
# [fit] Enforcing types using the 'the' special form
An idea stolen from Idris.
(defn id-for-strings-only [x]
(the String x))
# [fit] Holes can help you figure out the type of an expression
鲮 (+ 1.0f ?w00t)
=> ?w00t : Float
# 2. Memory management
# [fit] Values are deleted at the end of the scope
(let [s (get-line)]
(println "OK")
get-line : (λ [] String)
# [fit] Unless they are sent to another function or returned
(let [s (get-line)]
(validate-string s))
(let [s (get-line)]
validate-string : (λ [String] Bool)
# [fit] That means that passing a value repeateadly is forbidden
(let [s (get-line)]
(do (validate s)
(validate s)
(validate s)))
=> Using a given-away value 's'
# [fit] To temporarily borrow a value, use 'ref'
(let [s (get-line)]
(do (println (ref s))
(println (ref s))
(println (ref s))))
s : String
println : (λ [(Ref String)] ())
# [fit] Another name for 'ref' is '&'
A reader macro.
(let [s (get-line)]
(do (println &s)
(println &s)
(println &s)))
# [fit] String literals have the type (Ref String)
(println "Hi!")
# [fit] Functions are not allowed to return Ref:s
Would lead to dangling pointers.
(defn invalid []
(let [s (get-line)]
<delete s here>))
invalid : (λ [] (Ref String))
# Sometimes you need a copy
The 'copy' functions take Ref:s and return non-Ref:s.
(defn name []
(copy "John McCarthy"))
name : (λ [] String)
String.copy : (λ [(Ref String)] String)
# Syntactic sugar for 'copy' is '@'
(defn name []
@"John McCarthy")
# 3. Modules
# Purpose
- Allow sharing of names
- Clarify which function or value that is used in the code
# Defining and using a module
(defmodule Goods
(defn cost [] (random-between 100 200))
(def amount 75600))
(defn total-cost []
(* (Goods.cost) Goods.amount))
# Not tied to files
;; stuff.carp
(defmodule A
(defn f [] ...)
(defn g [] ...))
(defmodule B
(defn f [] ...)
(defn g [] ...)
(defn h [] ...))
# Open to extension
(defmodule A
(defn f [] ...))
(defmodule A
(defn g [] ...))
# [fit] To avoid qualifying the module name: 'use'
(use Int)
(defn twice [x] (+ x x))
twice : (λ [Int] Int)
# Multiple modules can contain a function with the same name
<!-- The type checker tries to figure out the correct one to use based on other types. -->
(use Int)
(use Double)
(use Float)
(defn inc [x] (+ x 1))
1 : Int
inc : (λ [Int] Int)
'+' resolves to 'Int.+'
# The Expression Problem
(defmodule Ur
(defn f [x]
(foo x)))
(defmodule A
(defn foo [x]
(+ x 1)))
(defmodule B
(defn foo [x]
(+ x 1.0f)))
(defn tester []
(Ur.f 42))
# Interfaces to the rescue
(definterface foo (λ [a] a))
(defmodule Ur
(defn f [x]
(foo x)))
(defmodule A
(defn foo [x]
(+ x 1)))
(defmodule B
(defn foo [x]
(+ x 1.0f)))
(defn tester []
(Ur.f 42))
# Some built-in interfaces
copy : (λ [&a] a)
str : (λ [a] String)
= : (λ [a, a] Bool)
# Inspecting modules at the REPL
鲮 (type Double)
Double : Module = {
* : (λ [Double Double] Double)
+ : (λ [Double Double] Double)
- : (λ [Double Double] Double)
/ : (λ [Double Double] Double)
cos : (λ [Double] Double)
from-int : (λ [Int] Double)
sin : (λ [Double] Double)
str : (λ [Double] String)
to-int : (λ [Double] Int)
pi : Double
# 4. Defining data types
# Structs
(deftype Point
[x Int
y Int])
# [fit] Defining a struct will create a module with the same name
(deftype Point
[x Int
y Int])
Point : Module = {
init : (λ [Int Int] Point)
new : (λ [Int Int] (Ptr Point))
copy : (λ [(Ref Point)] Point)
delete : (λ [Point] ())
str : (λ [(Ref Point)] String)
x : (λ [(Ref Point)] Int)
y : (λ [(Ref Point)] Int)
set-x : (λ [Point Int] Point)
set-y : (λ [Point Int] Point)
update-x : (λ [Point (λ [Int] Int)] Point)
update-y : (λ [Point (λ [Int] Int)] Point)
# Allows structs to share member names
(deftype Vec2
[x Int
y Int])
(deftype Vec3
[x Int
y Int
z Int])
(let [v (Vec2.init 11 35)]
(Vec2.x &v))
(let [v (Vec3.init 300 400 500)]
(Vec3.set-y v 0))
# Possible extensions to the type system
* Tagged unions
* Generic data types
# 5. Array processing
# Creating arrays
[1 2 3 4 5]
# [fit] Arrays can also be generated using various functions
Array.range : (λ [t t t] (Array t))
Array.repeat : (λ [Int (λ [] t)] (Array t))
Array.replicate : (λ [Int (Ref t)] (Array t))
Yes, the 't' in 'range' is too general.
# Mapping functions over arrays is useful
# Transforming from one type to another
Will allocate new memory and leave the old data as-is.
(let [xs [1 2 3 4 5]]
(copy-map Int.str &xs))
copy-map : (λ [(λ [&a] b), &(Array a)] (Array b))
# When mapping from one type to itself, the copying is unnecessary
(let [xs [1 2 3 4 5]]
(endo-map square xs))
Ownership of 'xs' is passed to the 'endo-map' function, which will mutate the array and return it.
# Behind the scenes
# Written in Haskell
Language files blank comment code
Haskell 23 607 330 4350
SUM: 23 607 330 4350