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Carp Patterns

This doc captures some common programming patterns in Carp.


You may occasionally want to compute the result of running two different ownership-taking functions on a non-ref argument from an enclosing scope. Consider the following function:

(defn needs-ref-let [x]
  (Pair.init (inc x) (dec x)))

Carp will complain about this function since inc and dec both take-ownership of the non-ref argument, x -- this is nice since it ensures we don't somehow mutate the memory associated with x -- if we did, we would get unpredictable results, especially in multi-threaded contexts in which inc and dec may try to access x simultaneously.

But you may still want to compute both inc and dec on the single x value! For these cases, it's useful to introduce a variable bound to a Ref to x:

(defn needs-ref-let [x]
  (let [x* &x]
    (Pair.init (inc @x*) (dec @x*))))

x*, which is just a reference to the x argument, allows you to flexibly copy x at will throughout the function body. Of course, the second copy here is actually unnecessary, since once we've copied x once, we're free to use x itself again, since there's no longer threat of bad mutations or races between inc and dec:

(defn needs-ref-let [x]
  (let [x* &x]
    (Pair.init (inc @x*) (dec x))))