translated subtopic about Docker

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cheatsnake 2022-12-22 20:18:21 +03:00
parent 262686e42f
commit f3c7ad3049

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@ -1773,10 +1773,60 @@ When developing server applications, different API formats can be used, dependin
- ### Docker
[Docker](<>) a special program that allows you to run isolated sandboxes (containers) with different preinstalled environments (be it a specific operating system, a database, etc.). [Containerization]( technology, that Docker provides is similar to virtual machines, but unlike virtual machines, containers use the host OS kernel, which requires far fewer resources.
- Docker image
> A special fixed template that contains a description of the environment to run the application (OS, source code, libraries, environment variables, configuration files, etc.). The images can be downloaded from [official site]( and used to create your own.
- Docker container
> An isolated environment created from an image. It is essentially a running process on a computer which internally contains the environment described in the image.
- Console commands
docker pull [image_name] # Download the image
docker images # List of available images
docker run [image_id] # Running a container based on the selected image
# Some flags for the run command:
-d # Starting with a return to the console
--name [name] # Name the container
--rm # Remove the container after stopping
-p [local_port][port_iside_container] # Port forwarding
docker build [path_to_Dockerfile] # Creating an image based on a Dockerfile
docker ps # List of running containers
docker ps -a # List of all containers
docker stop [id/container_name] # Stop the container
docker start [id/container_name] # Start an existing container
docker attach [id/container_name] # Connect to the container console
docker logs [id/container_name] # Output the container logs
docker rm [id/container_name] # Delete container
docker container prune # Delete all containers
docker rmi [image_id] # Delete image
- Instructions for Dockerfile
> Dockerfile is a file with a set of instructions and arguments for creating images.
FROM [image_name] # Setting a base image
WORKDIR [path] # Setting the root directory inside the container
COPY [path_relative_Dockefile] [path_in_container] # Copying files
ADD [path] [path] # Similar to the command above
RUN [command] # A command that runs only when the image is initialized
CMD ["command"] # The command that runs every time you start the container
ENV KEY="VALUE" # Setting Environment Variables
ARG KEY=VALUE # Setting variables to pass to Docker during image building
ENTRYPOINT ["command"] # The command that runs when the container is running
EXPOSE port/protocol # Indicates the need to open a port
VOLUME ["path"] # Creates a mount point for working with persistent storage
- Docker-compose
> A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows you to define the services that make up your application in a single file, and then start and stop all of the services with a single command. In a sense, it is a Dockerfile on maximal.
<summary>🔗 <b>References</b></summary>
1. 📺 [**Learn Docker in 7 Easy Steps - Full Beginner's Tutorial** YouTube](
2. 📺 [**Docker Crash Course Tutorial (playlist)** YouTube](
3. 📄 [**The Ultimate Docker Cheat Sheet**](
4. 📺 [**Docker Compose Tutorial** YouTube](
5. 📺 [**Docker networking everything you need to know** YouTube](
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