Get it working again

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2021-04-02 22:14:08 +01:00
parent bd2d852166
commit 057bff8b9b

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type Context = [(Type, Type)]
-- | A reified 'Query' value.
data Query :: Context -> Type -> Type -> Type where
Values :: (Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i, Ord o)
Values :: (Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i, Eq o)
=> [Expr env i o] -> Query env i o
Union :: Rel8.EqTable i
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ data Query :: Context -> Type -> Type -> Type where
Distinct :: (Rel8.EqTable i)
=> TypedQuery env i o -> Query env i o
Bind :: (Show y, Ord y)
Bind :: (Show y, Eq y)
=> TypedQuery env x y -> TypedQuery ('(x, y) ': env) i o -> Query env i o
ReturnTable :: ()
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ data TypedQuery env i o = TypedQuery
data ATypedQuery :: Context -> Type where
ATypedQuery :: (Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Ord o, Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i)
ATypedQuery :: (Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Eq o, Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i)
=> TypedQuery env i o
-> ATypedQuery env
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ deriving stock instance Show (ATypedQuery env)
-- | Extend a query with a new 'Bind'. The new 'Bind' has access to an updated
-- environment with the result of any previous binds.
bindQuery :: (Functor m, Show y, Ord y)
bindQuery :: (Functor m, Show y, Eq y)
=> Environment env
-> TypedQuery env x y
-> (forall env'. Environment env' -> m (TypedQuery env' i o))
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ compileExpr env = \case
data ATTable :: Type where
ATTable :: (Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i, Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Ord o)
ATTable :: (Rel8.Table Rel8.Expr i, Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Eq o)
=> Ty i o -> ATTable
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ deriving stock instance Show ATTable
data ATEqTable :: Type where
ATEqTable :: (Rel8.EqTable i, Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Ord o)
ATEqTable :: (Rel8.EqTable i, Show o, Rel8.Serializable i o, Eq o)
=> Ty i o -> ATEqTable
@ -896,12 +896,12 @@ genTEqTable = Gen.recursive Gen.choice nonrecursive recursive
data ATExpr :: Type where
ATExpr :: (Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBType a, Ord a)
ATExpr :: (Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBType a, Eq a)
=> Ty (Rel8.Expr a) a -> ATExpr
data ATEqExpr :: Type where
ATEqExpr :: (Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBEq a, Ord a)
ATEqExpr :: (Show a, Rel8.Sql Rel8.DBEq a, Eq a)
=> Ty (Rel8.Expr a) a -> ATEqExpr
@ -920,35 +920,34 @@ genTEqExpr = choice
data ATDBType :: Type where
ATDBType :: (Rel8.DBType a, Show a, Ord a) => TDBType a -> ATDBType
ATDBType :: (Rel8.DBType a, Show a, Eq a) => TDBType a -> ATDBType
data ATDBEq :: Type where
ATDBEq :: (Rel8.DBEq a, Show a, Ord a) => TDBType a -> ATDBEq
ATDBEq :: (Rel8.DBEq a, Show a, Eq a) => TDBType a -> ATDBEq
data TDBType :: Type -> Type where
TBool :: TDBType Bool
TChar :: TDBType Char
TInt16 :: TDBType Int16
TInt32 :: TDBType Int32
TInt64 :: TDBType Int64
TFloat :: TDBType Float
TDouble :: TDBType Double
TScientific :: TDBType Scientific
TUTCTime :: TDBType UTCTime
TDay :: TDBType Day
TLocalTime :: TDBType LocalTime
TTimeOfDay :: TDBType TimeOfDay
TDiffTime :: TDBType DiffTime
TNominalDiffTime :: TDBType DiffTime
TText :: TDBType StrictText.Text
TLazyText :: TDBType LazyText.Text
TCIText :: TDBType (CI StrictText.Text)
TCILazyText :: TDBType (CI LazyText.Text)
TByteString :: TDBType StrictByteString.ByteString
TLazyByteString :: TDBType LazyByteString.ByteString
TBool :: TDBType Bool
TChar :: TDBType Char
TInt16 :: TDBType Int16
TInt32 :: TDBType Int32
TInt64 :: TDBType Int64
TFloat :: TDBType Float
TDouble :: TDBType Double
TScientific :: TDBType Scientific
TUTCTime :: TDBType UTCTime
TDay :: TDBType Day
TLocalTime :: TDBType LocalTime
TTimeOfDay :: TDBType TimeOfDay
TCalendarDiffTime :: TDBType CalendarDiffTime
TText :: TDBType StrictText.Text
TLazyText :: TDBType LazyText.Text
TCIText :: TDBType (CI StrictText.Text)
TCILazyText :: TDBType (CI LazyText.Text)
TByteString :: TDBType StrictByteString.ByteString
TLazyByteString :: TDBType LazyByteString.ByteString
deriving stock instance Show (TDBType a)
@ -957,36 +956,35 @@ deriving stock instance Show (TDBType a)
eqDBType :: TDBType a -> TDBType b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
eqDBType x y =
case (x, y) of
(TBool, TBool) -> Just Refl
(TChar, TChar) -> Just Refl
(TInt16, TInt16) -> Just Refl
(TInt32, TInt32) -> Just Refl
(TInt64, TInt64) -> Just Refl
(TFloat, TFloat) -> Just Refl
(TDouble, TDouble) -> Just Refl
(TScientific, TScientific) -> Just Refl
(TUTCTime, TUTCTime) -> Just Refl
(TDay, TDay) -> Just Refl
(TLocalTime, TLocalTime) -> Just Refl
(TTimeOfDay, TTimeOfDay) -> Just Refl
(TDiffTime, TDiffTime) -> Just Refl
(TNominalDiffTime, TNominalDiffTime) -> Just Refl
(TText, TText) -> Just Refl
(TLazyText, TLazyText) -> Just Refl
(TCIText, TCIText) -> Just Refl
(TCILazyText, TCILazyText) -> Just Refl
(TByteString, TByteString) -> Just Refl
(TLazyByteString, TLazyByteString) -> Just Refl
(TUUID, TUUID) -> Just Refl
_ -> Nothing
(TBool, TBool) -> Just Refl
(TChar, TChar) -> Just Refl
(TInt16, TInt16) -> Just Refl
(TInt32, TInt32) -> Just Refl
(TInt64, TInt64) -> Just Refl
(TFloat, TFloat) -> Just Refl
(TDouble, TDouble) -> Just Refl
(TScientific, TScientific) -> Just Refl
(TUTCTime, TUTCTime) -> Just Refl
(TDay, TDay) -> Just Refl
(TLocalTime, TLocalTime) -> Just Refl
(TTimeOfDay, TTimeOfDay) -> Just Refl
(TCalendarDiffTime, TCalendarDiffTime) -> Just Refl
(TText, TText) -> Just Refl
(TLazyText, TLazyText) -> Just Refl
(TCIText, TCIText) -> Just Refl
(TCILazyText, TCILazyText) -> Just Refl
(TByteString, TByteString) -> Just Refl
(TLazyByteString, TLazyByteString) -> Just Refl
(TUUID, TUUID) -> Just Refl
_ -> Nothing
genTDBType :: Gen ATDBType
genTDBType = Gen.element
[ ATDBType TBool, ATDBType TChar, ATDBType TInt16, ATDBType TInt32
, ATDBType TInt64, ATDBType TFloat, ATDBType TDouble, ATDBType TScientific
, ATDBType TUTCTime, ATDBType TDay, ATDBType TLocalTime, ATDBType TDiffTime
, ATDBType TNominalDiffTime, ATDBType TText, ATDBType TLazyText
, ATDBType TUTCTime, ATDBType TDay, ATDBType TLocalTime
, ATDBType TCalendarDiffTime, ATDBType TText, ATDBType TLazyText
, ATDBType TCIText, ATDBType TCILazyText, ATDBType TByteString
, ATDBType TLazyByteString, ATDBType TUUID
@ -996,10 +994,9 @@ genTDBEq :: Gen ATDBEq
genTDBEq = Gen.element
[ ATDBEq TBool, ATDBEq TChar, ATDBEq TInt16, ATDBEq TInt32
, ATDBEq TInt64, ATDBEq TFloat, ATDBEq TDouble, ATDBEq TScientific
, ATDBEq TUTCTime, ATDBEq TDay, ATDBEq TLocalTime, ATDBEq TDiffTime
, ATDBEq TNominalDiffTime, ATDBEq TText, ATDBEq TLazyText
, ATDBEq TCIText, ATDBEq TCILazyText, ATDBEq TByteString
, ATDBEq TLazyByteString, ATDBEq TUUID
, ATDBEq TUTCTime, ATDBEq TDay, ATDBEq TLocalTime, ATDBEq TCalendarDiffTime
, ATDBEq TText, ATDBEq TLazyText, ATDBEq TCIText, ATDBEq TCILazyText
, ATDBEq TByteString, ATDBEq TLazyByteString, ATDBEq TUUID
@ -1036,11 +1033,10 @@ genLiteral = \case
<*> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 59)
<*> do fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 60)
TDiffTime -> do
fromIntegral <$> Gen.integral (Range.linearBounded @Int32)
TNominalDiffTime ->
fromIntegral <$> Gen.integral (Range.linearBounded @Int32)
TCalendarDiffTime -> do
<$> do fromIntegral <$> Gen.integral (Range.linearBounded @Int32)
<*> do fromIntegral <$> Gen.integral (Range.linearBounded @Int32)
TText -> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 512) (genLiteral TChar)
TLazyText -> LazyText.fromStrict <$> genLiteral TText
@ -1061,28 +1057,18 @@ genLiteral = \case
main :: IO ()
main =
newIORef (0 :: Int) >>= \ref ->
defaultMain $
withResource startTestDatabase stopTestDatabase \getTestDatabase ->
withResource (connect getTestDatabase) release \getC ->
testProperty "Random queries" $ property do
liftIO $ readIORef ref >>= print
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (+1)
ATypedQuery q <- forAll (genTypedQuery Empty)
liftIO $ putStrLn "Y"
let q' = compileQuery NoResults q
annotate $ Rel8.showQuery q'
liftIO $ print (length (Rel8.showQuery q'))
liftIO $ putStrLn "Z"
test do
c <- liftIO getC
res <- evalIO $ c q'
liftIO $ print (length (show res))
-- diff res Set.member (evalQuery NoEvalResults q)
return ()