This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2020-01-24 10:28:25 +00:00
parent 064001d67b
commit 3890b86bda
6 changed files with 550 additions and 715 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Rel8.MaybeTable ( HoldsUnderMaybe, MaybeTable(..), toMaybe ) where
module Rel8.MaybeTable where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Proxy
@ -27,73 +27,72 @@ outer join fails to match any rows, this is essentialy @Nothing@, and if the
outer join does match rows, this is like @Just@.
data MaybeTable f t where
data MaybeTable t where
:: Context t ~ Null f
=> { -- | Check if this @MaybeTable@ is null. In other words, check if an outer
:: { -- | Check if this @MaybeTable@ is null. In other words, check if an outer
-- join matched any rows.
isNullTable :: Column f Bool
, maybeTable :: t
isNullTable :: Column ( Context t ) Bool
, maybeTable :: MapContext Null t
-> MaybeTable f t
-> MaybeTable t
data MaybeTableField ( f :: * -> * ) t a where
MaybeTableIsNull :: MaybeTableField f t Bool
MaybeTableField :: Field t a -> MaybeTableField f t ( Maybe a )
-- data MaybeTableField ( f :: * -> * ) t a where
-- MaybeTableIsNull :: MaybeTableField f t Bool
-- MaybeTableField :: Field t a -> MaybeTableField f t ( Maybe a )
instance ( f ~ u, g ~ v, Compatible t ( Null f ) s ( Null g ) ) => Compatible ( MaybeTable f t ) u ( MaybeTable g s ) v where
transferField MaybeTableIsNull = MaybeTableIsNull
transferField ( MaybeTableField f ) = MaybeTableField ( transferField f )
-- instance ( f ~ u, g ~ v, Compatible t ( Null f ) s ( Null g ) ) => Compatible ( MaybeTable f t ) u ( MaybeTable g s ) v where
-- transferField MaybeTableIsNull = MaybeTableIsNull
-- transferField ( MaybeTableField f ) = MaybeTableField ( transferField f )
class c ( Maybe x ) => HoldsUnderMaybe c x
-- class c ( Maybe x ) => HoldsUnderMaybe c x
instance c ( Maybe x ) => HoldsUnderMaybe c x
-- instance c ( Maybe x ) => HoldsUnderMaybe c x
instance ( ConstrainTable t ( HoldsUnderMaybe Unconstrained ), Context t ~ Null f, Table t ) => Table ( MaybeTable f t ) where
type Field ( MaybeTable f t ) =
MaybeTableField f t
-- instance ( ConstrainTable t ( HoldsUnderMaybe Unconstrained ), Context t ~ Null f, Table t ) => Table ( MaybeTable f t ) where
-- type Field ( MaybeTable f t ) =
-- MaybeTableField f t
type ConstrainTable ( MaybeTable f t ) c =
( c Bool, ConstrainTable t ( HoldsUnderMaybe c ) )
-- type ConstrainTable ( MaybeTable f t ) c =
-- ( c Bool, ConstrainTable t ( HoldsUnderMaybe c ) )
type Context ( MaybeTable f t ) =
-- type Context ( MaybeTable f t ) =
-- f
field MaybeTable{ isNullTable, maybeTable } = \case
MaybeTableIsNull ->
MkC isNullTable
-- field MaybeTable{ isNullTable, maybeTable } = \case
-- MaybeTableIsNull ->
-- MkC isNullTable
MaybeTableField i ->
castC ( field maybeTable i )
-- MaybeTableField i ->
-- castC ( field maybeTable i )
:: forall proxy c m
. ( Applicative m, ConstrainTable ( MaybeTable f t ) c )
=> proxy c
-> ( forall x. c x => Field ( MaybeTable f t ) x -> m ( C f x ) )
-> m ( MaybeTable f t )
tabulateMCP _ f =
<$> do toColumn <$> f MaybeTableIsNull
<*> tabulateMCP
( Proxy @( HoldsUnderMaybe c ) )
( fmap castC . f . MaybeTableField )
-- tabulateMCP
-- :: forall proxy c m
-- . ( Applicative m, ConstrainTable ( MaybeTable f t ) c )
-- => proxy c
-- -> ( forall x. c x => Field ( MaybeTable f t ) x -> m ( C f x ) )
-- -> m ( MaybeTable f t )
-- tabulateMCP _ f =
-- MaybeTable
-- <$> do toColumn <$> f MaybeTableIsNull
-- <*> tabulateMCP
-- ( Proxy @( HoldsUnderMaybe c ) )
-- ( fmap castC . f . MaybeTableField )
-- | If you '' a @MaybeTable@, you'll get back a @MaybeTable@
-- as a result. However, this structure is awkward to use in ordinary Haskell,
-- as it's a normal record where all of the fields are wrapped in 'Nothing'.
-- 'toMaybe' lets you transform a @MaybeTable@ into a normal @Maybe@ value.
:: ( CompatibleTables null notNull
, Compatible notNull Identity null ( Null Identity )
=> MaybeTable Identity null -> Maybe notNull
toMaybe MaybeTable{ isNullTable, maybeTable }
| isNullTable = Nothing
| otherwise = traverseTable sequenceC maybeTable
-- -- | If you '' a @MaybeTable@, you'll get back a @MaybeTable@
-- -- as a result. However, this structure is awkward to use in ordinary Haskell,
-- -- as it's a normal record where all of the fields are wrapped in 'Nothing'.
-- -- 'toMaybe' lets you transform a @MaybeTable@ into a normal @Maybe@ value.
-- toMaybe
-- :: ( CompatibleTables null notNull
-- , Compatible notNull Identity null ( Null Identity )
-- )
-- => MaybeTable Identity null -> Maybe notNull
-- toMaybe MaybeTable{ isNullTable, maybeTable }
-- | isNullTable = Nothing
-- | otherwise = traverseTable sequenceC maybeTable

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@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ instance MonadQuery m => MonadQuery ( Nest m ) where
toOpaleye m
-- | Exists checks if a query returns at least one row.
-- @exists q@ is the same as the SQL expression @EXISTS ( q )@
exists :: MonadQuery m => m a -> m ( Expr m Bool )
exists query =
liftOpaleye ( lit True <$ Opaleye.restrictExists ( toOpaleye query ) )
-- -- | Exists checks if a query returns at least one row.
-- --
-- -- @exists q@ is the same as the SQL expression @EXISTS ( q )@
-- exists :: MonadQuery m => m a -> m ( Expr m Bool )
-- exists query =
-- liftOpaleye ( lit True <$ Opaleye.restrictExists ( toOpaleye query ) )
-- | Select each row from a table definition.
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ each_forAll schema =
unpackspec :: Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
unpackspec =
$ Opaleye.PackMap \f -> traverseTable ( traverseC ( traversePrimExpr f ) )
$ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
traverseTable @Id ( traverseC ( traversePrimExpr f ) )
writer :: Opaleye.Writer () row
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ each_forAll schema =
view =
( mapTable
@( From m )
( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
( tableColumns schema )
@ -120,26 +122,31 @@ each_forAll schema =
:: ( MonadQuery m
, Promote m outer outer'
, Compatible outer ( Expr m ) nullOuter ( Null ( Expr m ) )
, Table nullOuter
, Compatible nullOuter ( Null ( Expr m ) ) outer ( Expr m )
, Recontextualise outer Null
, ConstrainTable ( MapContext Null outer ) Unconstrained
, Context ( MapContext Null outer ) ~ Null ( Expr m )
, MapContext Demote outer' ~ outer
, Recontextualise outer' Demote
=> Nest m outer'
-> ( outer -> Expr m Bool )
-> m ( MaybeTable ( Expr m ) nullOuter )
-> m ( MaybeTable outer )
leftJoin = leftJoin_forAll
:: forall outer nullOuter outer' m
:: forall outer outer' nullOuter m
. ( MonadQuery m
, Promote m outer outer'
, Compatible outer ( Expr m ) nullOuter ( Null ( Expr m ) )
, Table nullOuter
, Compatible nullOuter ( Null ( Expr m ) ) outer ( Expr m )
, ConstrainTable ( MapContext Null outer ) Unconstrained
, Recontextualise outer Null
, MapContext Null outer ~ nullOuter
, Context nullOuter ~ Null ( Context outer )
, MapContext Demote outer' ~ outer
, Recontextualise outer' Demote
=> Nest m outer'
-> ( outer -> Expr m Bool )
-> m ( MaybeTable ( Expr m ) nullOuter )
-> m ( MaybeTable outer )
leftJoin_forAll joinTable condition =
liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.QueryArr \( (), left, t ) ->
@ -161,8 +168,10 @@ leftJoin_forAll joinTable condition =
in ( MaybeTable
{ isNullTable = tag
, maybeTable = mapTable ( mapC liftNull ) renamed
{ isNullTable =
, maybeTable =
mapTable @Null recontextualiseColumn renamed
, Opaleye.Join
@ -183,93 +192,93 @@ leftJoin_forAll joinTable condition =
f ( toPrimExpr tag )
outer <-
traverseTable @Demote
( traverseC ( fmap demote . traversePrimExpr f ) )
return ( fromPrimExpr tag', outer )
-- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type.
-- @union a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION b@.
:: ( MonadQuery m, Promote m a a' )
=> Nest m a' -> Nest m a' -> m a
union = union_forAll
-- -- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type.
-- --
-- -- @union a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION b@.
-- union
-- :: ( MonadQuery m, Promote m a a' )
-- => Nest m a' -> Nest m a' -> m a
-- union = union_forAll
:: forall a' a m
. ( MonadQuery m
, Promote m a a'
=> Nest m a' -> Nest m a' -> m a
union_forAll l r =
( Opaleye.unionExplicit
( toOpaleye ( mapTable ( mapC demote ) <$> l ) )
( toOpaleye ( mapTable ( mapC demote ) <$> r ) )
-- union_forAll
-- :: forall a' a m
-- . ( MonadQuery m
-- , Promote m a a'
-- )
-- => Nest m a' -> Nest m a' -> m a
-- union_forAll l r =
-- liftOpaleye
-- ( Opaleye.unionExplicit
-- binaryspec
-- ( toOpaleye ( mapTable ( mapC demote ) <$> l ) )
-- ( toOpaleye ( mapTable ( mapC demote ) <$> r ) )
-- )
-- where
binaryspec :: Opaleye.Binaryspec a a
binaryspec =
Opaleye.Binaryspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ( a, b ) ->
( zipCWithM \x y -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( toPrimExpr x, toPrimExpr y ) )
-- binaryspec :: Opaleye.Binaryspec a a
-- binaryspec =
-- Opaleye.Binaryspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ( a, b ) ->
-- zipTablesWithM
-- ( zipCWithM \x y -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( toPrimExpr x, toPrimExpr y ) )
-- a
-- b
-- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates.
-- @distinct q@ is equivalent to the SQL statement @SELECT DISTINCT q@
distinct :: ( MonadQuery m, a `IsTableIn` m ) => m a -> m a
distinct = distinct_forAll
-- -- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates.
-- --
-- -- @distinct q@ is equivalent to the SQL statement @SELECT DISTINCT q@
-- distinct :: ( MonadQuery m, a `IsTableIn` m ) => m a -> m a
-- distinct = distinct_forAll
:: forall a m
. ( MonadQuery m, a `IsTableIn` m )
=> m a -> m a
distinct_forAll query =
liftOpaleye ( Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec ( toOpaleye query ) )
-- distinct_forAll
-- :: forall a m
-- . ( MonadQuery m, a `IsTableIn` m )
-- => m a -> m a
-- distinct_forAll query =
-- liftOpaleye ( Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec ( toOpaleye query ) )
-- where
distinctspec :: Opaleye.Distinctspec a a
distinctspec =
Opaleye.Distinctspec $ Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f a ->
( traverseC \x -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( Nothing, toPrimExpr x ) )
-- distinctspec :: Opaleye.Distinctspec a a
-- distinctspec =
-- Opaleye.Distinctspec $ Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f a ->
-- traverseTable
-- ( traverseC \x -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( Nothing, toPrimExpr x ) )
-- a
-- | @limit n@ select at most @n@ rows from a query.
-- @limit n@ is equivalent to the SQL @LIMIT n@.
limit :: MonadQuery m => Natural -> m a -> m a
limit n query =
( Opaleye.limit
( fromIntegral n )
( toOpaleye query )
-- -- | @limit n@ select at most @n@ rows from a query.
-- --
-- -- @limit n@ is equivalent to the SQL @LIMIT n@.
-- limit :: MonadQuery m => Natural -> m a -> m a
-- limit n query =
-- liftOpaleye
-- ( Opaleye.limit
-- ( fromIntegral n )
-- ( toOpaleye query )
-- )
-- | @offset n@ drops the first @n@ rows from a query.
-- @offset n@ is equivalent to the SQL @OFFSET n@.
offset :: MonadQuery m => Natural -> m a -> m a
offset n query =
( Opaleye.offset
( fromIntegral n )
( toOpaleye query )
-- -- | @offset n@ drops the first @n@ rows from a query.
-- --
-- -- @offset n@ is equivalent to the SQL @OFFSET n@.
-- offset :: MonadQuery m => Natural -> m a -> m a
-- offset n query =
-- liftOpaleye
-- ( Opaleye.offset
-- ( fromIntegral n )
-- ( toOpaleye query )
-- )
-- | Drop any rows that don't match a predicate.
@ -281,27 +290,27 @@ where_ x =
( (), Opaleye.restrict ( toPrimExpr x ) left, t )
:: forall a nullA b nullB m
. ( Compatible nullA ( Null ( Expr m ) ) a ( Expr m )
, Compatible b ( Expr m ) nullB ( Null ( Expr m ) )
, Table a, Table b, Context a ~ Context b
, Table nullA, Table nullB, Context nullA ~ Context nullB
, MonadQuery m
=> ( nullA -> nullB ) -> m a -> m b
filterMap f q = do
x <-
-- filterMap
-- :: forall a nullA b nullB m
-- . ( Compatible nullA ( Null ( Expr m ) ) a ( Expr m )
-- , Compatible b ( Expr m ) nullB ( Null ( Expr m ) )
-- , Table a, Table b, Context a ~ Context b
-- , Table nullA, Table nullB, Context nullA ~ Context nullB
-- , MonadQuery m
-- )
-- => ( nullA -> nullB ) -> m a -> m b
-- filterMap f q = do
-- x <-
-- q
y =
f ( mapTable ( mapC liftNull ) x )
-- let
-- y =
-- f ( mapTable ( mapC liftNull ) x )
allNotNull :: [ Expr m Bool ]
allNotNull =
getConst ( traverseTable @nullB ( traverseC ( \expr -> Const [ isNull expr ] ) ) y )
-- allNotNull :: [ Expr m Bool ]
-- allNotNull =
-- getConst ( traverseTable @nullB ( traverseC ( \expr -> Const [ isNull expr ] ) ) y )
where_ ( and_ allNotNull )
-- where_ ( and_ allNotNull )
return ( mapTable ( mapC retype ) y )
-- return ( mapTable ( mapC retype ) y )

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Rel8.Query where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int
import Data.String ( fromString )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ instance MonadQuery Query where
-- | Run a @SELECT@ query, returning all rows.
:: ( Compatible row ( Expr Query ) row ( Expr Query ), FromRow row haskell, MonadIO m )
:: ( FromRow row haskell, MonadIO m, Recontextualise row Id )
=> Connection -> Query row -> m [ haskell ]
select = select_forAll
:: forall row haskell m
. ( Compatible row ( Expr Query ) row ( Expr Query ), FromRow row haskell, MonadIO m )
. ( FromRow row haskell, MonadIO m, Recontextualise row Id )
=> Connection -> Query row -> m [ haskell ]
select_forAll conn query =
@ -83,10 +84,9 @@ select_forAll conn query =
( liftIO . Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.queryWith_ ( queryParser query ) conn . fromString )
( selectQuery query )
:: FromRow sql haskell
:: ( FromRow sql haskell, Recontextualise sql Id )
=> Query sql
-> Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.RowParser haskell
queryParser ( Query q ) =
@ -100,153 +100,155 @@ queryParser ( Query q ) =
:: forall row haskell
. ( Compatible row ( Expr Query ) row ( Expr Query ), FromRow row haskell )
. ( FromRow row haskell, Recontextualise row Id )
=> Opaleye.FromFields row haskell
queryRunner =
Opaleye.QueryRunner ( void unpackspec ) rowParser ( const True )
unpackspec :: ( Context row ~ Expr Query, Table row ) => Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
:: ( Table row, Context row ~ Expr Query, Recontextualise row Id )
=> Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
unpackspec =
Opaleye.Unpackspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
traverseTable ( traverseC ( traversePrimExpr f ) )
traverseTable @Id ( traverseC ( traversePrimExpr f ) )
-- | Run an @INSERT@ statement
insert :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Insert result -> m result
insert connection Insert{ into, values, onConflict, returning } =
( Opaleye.runInsert_
( toOpaleyeInsert into values returning )
-- -- | Run an @INSERT@ statement
-- insert :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Insert result -> m result
-- insert connection Insert{ into, values, onConflict, returning } =
-- liftIO
-- ( Opaleye.runInsert_
-- connection
-- ( toOpaleyeInsert into values returning )
-- )
-- where
:: forall schema result value
. ( Context value ~ Expr Query
, CompatibleTables schema value
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
=> TableSchema schema
-> [ value ]
-> Returning schema result
-> Opaleye.Insert result
toOpaleyeInsert into_ iRows returning_ =
{ iTable = ddlTable into_ ( writer into_ )
, iRows
, iReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
, iOnConflict
-- toOpaleyeInsert
-- :: forall schema result value
-- . ( Context value ~ Expr Query
-- , CompatibleTables schema value
-- , Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
-- )
-- => TableSchema schema
-- -> [ value ]
-- -> Returning schema result
-- -> Opaleye.Insert result
-- toOpaleyeInsert into_ iRows returning_ =
-- Opaleye.Insert
-- { iTable = ddlTable into_ ( writer into_ )
-- , iRows
-- , iReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
-- , iOnConflict
-- }
-- where
iOnConflict :: Maybe Opaleye.OnConflict
iOnConflict =
case onConflict of
DoNothing ->
Just Opaleye.DoNothing
-- iOnConflict :: Maybe Opaleye.OnConflict
-- iOnConflict =
-- case onConflict of
-- DoNothing ->
-- Just Opaleye.DoNothing
Abort ->
-- Abort ->
-- Nothing
:: forall value schema
. ( CompatibleTables schema value
, Context value ~ Expr Query
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
=> TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema
writer into_ =
:: forall f list
. ( Functor list, Applicative f )
=> ( ( list Opaleye.PrimExpr, String ) -> f () )
-> list value
-> f ()
go f xs =
( traverseTableWithIndexC
( \i ->
traverseC \c@ColumnSchema{ columnName } ->
c <$ f ( toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip field ( transferField i ) <$> xs, columnName )
( tableColumns into_ )
-- writer
-- :: forall value schema
-- . ( CompatibleTables schema value
-- , Context value ~ Expr Query
-- , Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
-- )
-- => TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema
-- writer into_ =
-- let
-- go
-- :: forall f list
-- . ( Functor list, Applicative f )
-- => ( ( list Opaleye.PrimExpr, String ) -> f () )
-- -> list value
-- -> f ()
-- go f xs =
-- void
-- ( traverseTableWithIndexC
-- @Unconstrained
-- @schema
-- @schema
-- ( \i ->
-- traverseC \c@ColumnSchema{ columnName } ->
-- c <$ f ( toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip field ( transferField i ) <$> xs, columnName )
-- )
-- ( tableColumns into_ )
-- )
Opaleye.Writer ( Opaleye.PackMap go )
-- in
-- Opaleye.Writer ( Opaleye.PackMap go )
opaleyeReturning :: Returning schema result -> Opaleye.Returning schema result
opaleyeReturning returning =
case returning of
NumberOfRowsInserted ->
-- opaleyeReturning :: Returning schema result -> Opaleye.Returning schema result
-- opaleyeReturning returning =
-- case returning of
-- NumberOfRowsInserted ->
-- Opaleye.Count
Projection f ->
( f . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) ) )
-- Projection f ->
-- Opaleye.ReturningExplicit
-- queryRunner
-- ( f . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) ) )
ddlTable :: TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema -> Opaleye.Table value schema
ddlTable schema writer_ =
toOpaleyeTable schema writer_ ( Opaleye.View ( tableColumns schema ) )
-- ddlTable :: TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema -> Opaleye.Table value schema
-- ddlTable schema writer_ =
-- toOpaleyeTable schema writer_ ( Opaleye.View ( tableColumns schema ) )
-- | The constituent parts of a SQL @INSERT@ statement.
data Insert :: * -> * where
:: Selects Query schema value
=> { into :: TableSchema schema
-- ^ Which table to insert into.
, values :: [ value ]
-- ^ The rows to insert.
, onConflict :: OnConflict
-- ^ What to do if the inserted rows conflict with data already in the
-- table.
, returning :: Returning schema result
-- ^ What information to return on completion.
-> Insert result
-- -- | The constituent parts of a SQL @INSERT@ statement.
-- data Insert :: * -> * where
-- Insert
-- :: Selects Query schema value
-- => { into :: TableSchema schema
-- -- ^ Which table to insert into.
-- , values :: [ value ]
-- -- ^ The rows to insert.
-- , onConflict :: OnConflict
-- -- ^ What to do if the inserted rows conflict with data already in the
-- -- table.
-- , returning :: Returning schema result
-- -- ^ What information to return on completion.
-- }
-- -> Insert result
-- | @Returning@ describes what information to return when an @INSERT@
-- statement completes.
data Returning schema a where
-- | Just return the number of rows inserted.
NumberOfRowsInserted :: Returning schema Int64
-- -- | @Returning@ describes what information to return when an @INSERT@
-- -- statement completes.
-- data Returning schema a where
-- -- | Just return the number of rows inserted.
-- NumberOfRowsInserted :: Returning schema Int64
-- | Return a projection of the rows inserted. This can be useful if your
-- insert statement increments sequences by using default values.
-- >>> :t insert Insert{ returning = Projection fooId }
-- IO [ FooId ]
:: ( Selects Query schema row
, Context row ~ Context projection
, FromRow projection a
=> ( row -> projection )
-> Returning schema [ a ]
-- -- | Return a projection of the rows inserted. This can be useful if your
-- -- insert statement increments sequences by using default values.
-- --
-- -- >>> :t insert Insert{ returning = Projection fooId }
-- -- IO [ FooId ]
-- Projection
-- :: ( Selects Query schema row
-- , Context row ~ Context projection
-- , FromRow projection a
-- )
-- => ( row -> projection )
-- -> Returning schema [ a ]
data OnConflict
= Abort
| DoNothing
-- data OnConflict
-- = Abort
-- | DoNothing
:: forall a
. ( Context a ~ Expr Query, Table a )
. ( Table a, Context a ~ Expr Query, Recontextualise a Id )
=> Query a -> Maybe String
selectQuery ( Query opaleye ) =
@ -263,70 +265,70 @@ selectQuery ( Query opaleye ) =
delete :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Delete from returning -> m returning
delete c Delete{ from, deleteWhere, returning } =
liftIO ( Opaleye.runDelete_ c ( go from deleteWhere returning ) )
-- delete :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Delete from returning -> m returning
-- delete c Delete{ from, deleteWhere, returning } =
-- liftIO ( Opaleye.runDelete_ c ( go from deleteWhere returning ) )
-- where
:: forall schema r row
. ( CompatibleTables row schema, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema, Context row ~ Expr Query )
=> TableSchema schema
-> ( row -> Expr Query Bool )
-> Returning schema r
-> Opaleye.Delete r
go schema deleteWhere_ returning_ =
{ dTable = ddlTable schema ( Opaleye.Writer ( pure () ) )
, dWhere = Opaleye.Column . toPrimExpr . deleteWhere_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
, dReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
-- go
-- :: forall schema r row
-- . ( CompatibleTables row schema, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema, Context row ~ Expr Query )
-- => TableSchema schema
-- -> ( row -> Expr Query Bool )
-- -> Returning schema r
-- -> Opaleye.Delete r
-- go schema deleteWhere_ returning_ =
-- Opaleye.Delete
-- { dTable = ddlTable schema ( Opaleye.Writer ( pure () ) )
-- , dWhere = Opaleye.Column . toPrimExpr . deleteWhere_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
-- , dReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
-- }
data Delete from return where
:: Selects Query from row
=> { from :: TableSchema from
, deleteWhere :: row -> Expr Query Bool
, returning :: Returning from return
-> Delete from return
-- data Delete from return where
-- Delete
-- :: Selects Query from row
-- => { from :: TableSchema from
-- , deleteWhere :: row -> Expr Query Bool
-- , returning :: Returning from return
-- }
-- -> Delete from return
update :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Update target returning -> m returning
update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
liftIO ( Opaleye.runUpdate_ connection ( go target set updateWhere returning ) )
-- update :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Update target returning -> m returning
-- update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
-- liftIO ( Opaleye.runUpdate_ connection ( go target set updateWhere returning ) )
-- where
:: forall returning target row
. ( CompatibleTables row target
, CompatibleTables target row
, Context target ~ ColumnSchema
, Context row ~ Expr Query
=> TableSchema target
-> ( row -> row )
-> ( row -> Expr Query Bool )
-> Returning target returning
-> Opaleye.Update returning
go target_ set_ updateWhere_ returning_ =
{ uTable = ddlTable target_ ( writer target_ )
, uReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
, uWhere = Opaleye.Column . toPrimExpr . updateWhere_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
, uUpdateWith = set_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
-- go
-- :: forall returning target row
-- . ( CompatibleTables row target
-- , CompatibleTables target row
-- , Context target ~ ColumnSchema
-- , Context row ~ Expr Query
-- )
-- => TableSchema target
-- -> ( row -> row )
-- -> ( row -> Expr Query Bool )
-- -> Returning target returning
-- -> Opaleye.Update returning
-- go target_ set_ updateWhere_ returning_ =
-- Opaleye.Update
-- { uTable = ddlTable target_ ( writer target_ )
-- , uReturning = opaleyeReturning returning_
-- , uWhere = Opaleye.Column . toPrimExpr . updateWhere_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
-- , uUpdateWith = set_ . mapTable ( mapC ( column . columnName ) )
-- }
data Update target returning where
:: Selects Query target row
=> { target :: TableSchema target
, set :: row -> row
, updateWhere :: row -> Expr Query Bool
, returning :: Returning target returning
-> Update target returning
-- data Update target returning where
-- Update
-- :: Selects Query target row
-- => { target :: TableSchema target
-- , set :: row -> row
-- , updateWhere :: row -> Expr Query Bool
-- , returning :: Returning target returning
-- }
-- -> Update target returning

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
module Rel8.SimpleConstraints where
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.ColumnSchema
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.Nest
@ -22,8 +23,11 @@ import Rel8.Table
( Context row ~ Expr m
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
, CompatibleTables row schema
, CompatibleTables schema row
, MapContext ( From m ) schema ~ row
, Recontextualise schema ( From m )
, Recontextualise row Id
-- , CompatibleTables row schema
-- , CompatibleTables schema row
) => Selects m schema row
@ -31,8 +35,12 @@ instance
{-# overlapping #-}
( Context row ~ Expr m
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
, CompatibleTables row schema
, CompatibleTables schema row
, MapContext ( From m ) schema ~ row
, Recontextualise schema ( From m )
, Table row
, Recontextualise row Id
-- , CompatibleTables row schema
-- , CompatibleTables schema row
) => Selects m schema row
@ -42,8 +50,12 @@ data Hidden ( a :: k )
( Context row ~ Expr m
, Context ( Hidden () ) ~ ColumnSchema
, CompatibleTables row ( Hidden () )
, CompatibleTables ( Hidden () ) row
, MapContext ( From m ) ( Hidden () ) ~ row
, Recontextualise ( Hidden () ) ( From m )
, Table row
, Recontextualise row Id
-- , CompatibleTables row ( Hidden () )
-- , CompatibleTables ( Hidden () ) row
) => Selects m ( Hidden () ) row
@ -60,9 +72,9 @@ class
-- but exist at different levels of scope. In particular, @Promote m a b@ says
-- @b@ is the same expression as @a@, where the scope has been increased by one.
( CompatibleTables a b
, Context a ~ Expr m
( Context a ~ Expr m
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m )
-- , CompatibleTables a b
, Table a
, Table b
) => Promote m a b where
@ -70,16 +82,18 @@ class
{-# overlapping #-}
( CompatibleTables a b
, Context a ~ Expr m
( Context a ~ Expr m
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m )
-- , CompatibleTables a b
, Table a
, Table b
) => Promote m a b where
( CompatibleTables ( Hidden () ) b
, Context ( Hidden () ) ~ Expr m
( Context ( Hidden () ) ~ Expr m
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m )
, Table ( Hidden () )
, Table b
-- , CompatibleTables ( Hidden () ) b
) => Promote m ( Hidden () ) b where

View File

@ -24,37 +24,37 @@ behind the scenes, and is safely exported if you want to use it in your own
work, or if you want to understand further how Rel8 works.
module Rel8.Table
( -- * Tables of kind @*@
, mapTable
, mapTableC
, traverseTable
, traverseTableC
, traverseTableWithIndexC
, zipTablesWithM
, zipTablesWithMC
module Rel8.Table where
-- ( -- * Tables of kind @*@
-- Table(..)
-- , mapTable
-- , mapTableC
-- , traverseTable
-- , traverseTableC
-- , traverseTableWithIndexC
-- , zipTablesWithM
-- , zipTablesWithMC
-- ** Sub-tables
, ConstrainedTable
, Unconstrained
-- -- ** Sub-tables
-- , ConstrainedTable
-- , Unconstrained
-- ** Relationships Between Tables
, CompatibleTables
, Compatible(..)
-- -- ** Relationships Between Tables
-- , CompatibleTables
-- , Compatible(..)
-- * Higher-kinded tables
, HigherKindedTable
-- -- * Higher-kinded tables
-- , HigherKindedTable
-- * Columns
, Column
, C( MkC )
, mapC
, traverseC
, traverseCC
, zipCWithM
, zipCWithMC
) where
-- -- * Columns
-- , Column
-- , C( MkC )
-- , mapC
-- , traverseC
-- , traverseCC
-- , zipCWithM
-- , zipCWithMC
-- ) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Kind
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ instance Table HaskellPackage where
class ( Compatible t ( Context t ) t ( Context t ), ConstrainTable t Unconstrained ) => Table ( t :: Type ) where
class ( ConstrainTable t Unconstrained, MapContext Id t ~ t ) => Table ( t :: Type ) where
-- | The @Field@ type is a type where each value corresponds to a distinct
-- field in the table. It describes not just the field itself, but also the
-- type of values stored there.
@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ class ( Compatible t ( Context t ) t ( Context t ), ConstrainTable t Unconstrain
-- This associated type family lets us extract that functor.
type Context t :: Type -> Type
-- | Ensure a constraint holds over all field types in the table.
type ConstrainTable t ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
-- | Give the tag of field in the table, look at the contents of that field.
field :: t -> Field t x -> C ( Context t ) x
@ -164,131 +167,155 @@ class ( Compatible t ( Context t ) t ( Context t ), ConstrainTable t Unconstrain
-> ( forall x. c x => Field t x -> f ( C ( Context t ) x ) )
-> f t
-- | Ensure a constraint holds over all field types in the table.
type ConstrainTable t ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
class ( Table t, Table ( MapContext f t ) ) => Recontextualise ( t :: Type ) ( f :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type -> Type ) where
type MapContext f t :: Type
fieldMapping :: Field ( MapContext f t ) x -> Field t x
reverseFieldMapping :: Field t x -> Field ( MapContext f t ) x
-- | A type class synonym for all tables that can be constrained by a given
-- class.
class ( ConstrainTable t c, Table t ) => ConstrainedTable t c where
instance ( ConstrainTable t c, Table t ) => ConstrainedTable t c where
class ContextMap ( f :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type -> Type ) ( context :: Type -> Type ) where
recontextualiseColumn :: C context x -> C ( f context ) x
-- | Witness that two tables are compatible with each other. The notion of
-- compatible is explained in 'Compatible'.
class ( Table a, Table b, Compatible a ( Context a ) b ( Context b ) ) => CompatibleTables a b
instance ( Table a, Table b, Compatible a ( Context a ) b ( Context b ) ) => CompatibleTables a b
-- instance Table t => Recontextualise t Id where
-- type MapContext Id t = t
-- | This type class witnesses that two tables are "compatible" with each over.
-- Compatible in the sense of Rel8 means:
-- * Both tables use the same context functor.
-- * Both tables have isomorphic fields selectors.
class ( Context a ~ f, Context b ~ g ) => Compatible a ( f :: Type -> Type ) b ( g :: Type -> Type ) | a -> f, b -> g, f b g -> a where
-- | Witness the isomorphism between field selectors.
transferField :: Field a x -> Field b x
-- instance Table t => Recontextualise t Structure where
-- type MapContext Structure t = Spine t
-- data SpineField t a = SpineField { fromSpineField :: Field t a }
-- instance Table t => Table ( Spine t ) where
-- type ConstrainTable ( Spine t ) c =
-- ConstrainTable t c
-- type Field ( Spine t ) =
-- SpineField t
-- instance Table t => Table ( Identity t ) where
-- type Context ( Identity t ) =
-- Id ( Context t )
-- type ConstrainTable ( Identity t ) Unconstrained =
-- ConstrainTable t Unconstrained
-- | Effectfully map a table from one context to another.
:: forall c t t' f g m
. ( Applicative m, Table t, Compatible t' f t g, ConstrainedTable t' c )
:: forall c f t t' m
. ( Applicative m
, ConstrainTable t' c
, MapContext f t ~ t'
, Recontextualise t f
, Table t
, Table t'
=> ( forall x. c x => Field t x -> C ( Context t ) x -> m ( C ( Context t' ) x ) )
-> t
-> m t'
traverseTableWithIndexC f t =
tabulateMCP ( Proxy @c ) \index ->
f ( transferField index ) ( field t ( transferField index ) )
f ( fieldMapping @_ @f index ) ( field t ( fieldMapping @_ @f index ) )
data TupleField a b x where
Element1 :: Field a x -> TupleField a b x
Element2 :: Field b x -> TupleField a b x
-- data TupleField a b x where
-- Element1 :: Field a x -> TupleField a b x
-- Element2 :: Field b x -> TupleField a b x
-- | The product of two tables is also a table, provided that they share the
-- same 'Context'.
instance ( Context a ~ Context b, Table a, Table b ) => Table ( a, b ) where
type Context ( a, b ) =
Context a
-- -- | The product of two tables is also a table, provided that they share the
-- -- same 'Context'.
-- instance ( Context a ~ Context b, Table a, Table b ) => Table ( a, b ) where
-- type Context ( a, b ) =
-- Context a
type ConstrainTable ( a, b ) c =
( ConstrainTable a c, ConstrainTable b c )
-- type ConstrainTable ( a, b ) c =
-- ( ConstrainTable a c, ConstrainTable b c )
type Field ( a, b ) = TupleField a b
-- type Field ( a, b ) = TupleField a b
field ( a, b ) = \case
Element1 f -> field a f
Element2 f -> field b f
-- field ( a, b ) = \case
-- Element1 f -> field a f
-- Element2 f -> field b f
tabulateMCP proxy f =
(,) <$> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . Element1 )
<*> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . Element2 )
-- tabulateMCP proxy f =
-- (,) <$> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . Element1 )
-- <*> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . Element2 )
instance ( Context x ~ Context y, Context a ~ Context b, Compatible a f x g, Compatible b f y g ) => Compatible ( a, b ) f ( x, y ) g where
transferField = \case
Element1 i -> Element1 ( transferField i )
Element2 i -> Element2 ( transferField i )
-- instance ( Context x ~ Context y, Context a ~ Context b, Compatible a f x g, Compatible b f y g ) => Compatible ( a, b ) f ( x, y ) g where
-- transferField = \case
-- Element1 i -> Element1 ( transferField i )
-- Element2 i -> Element2 ( transferField i )
data SumField a x where
SumField :: Field a x -> SumField a x
-- data SumField a x where
-- SumField :: Field a x -> SumField a x
instance Table a => Table ( Sum a ) where
type ConstrainTable ( Sum a ) c =
ConstrainTable a c
-- instance Table a => Table ( Sum a ) where
-- type ConstrainTable ( Sum a ) c =
-- ConstrainTable a c
type Context ( Sum a ) =
Context a
-- type Context ( Sum a ) =
-- Context a
type Field ( Sum a ) = SumField a
-- type Field ( Sum a ) = SumField a
field ( Sum a ) ( SumField i ) =
field a i
-- field ( Sum a ) ( SumField i ) =
-- field a i
tabulateMCP proxy f =
Sum <$> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . SumField )
-- tabulateMCP proxy f =
-- Sum <$> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . SumField )
instance Compatible a f b g => Compatible ( Sum a ) f ( Sum b ) g where
transferField ( SumField x ) =
SumField ( transferField x )
-- instance Compatible a f b g => Compatible ( Sum a ) f ( Sum b ) g where
-- transferField ( SumField x ) =
-- SumField ( transferField x )
-- | Map a 'Table' from one type to another. The table types must be compatible,
-- see 'Compatible' for what that means.
:: forall t' t
. CompatibleTables t' t
:: forall f t' t
. ( MapContext f t ~ t'
, ConstrainTable t' Unconstrained
, Recontextualise t f
, Table t
, Table t'
=> ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t' ) x ) -> t -> t'
mapTable f =
runIdentity . traverseTable ( Identity . f )
runIdentity . traverseTable @f ( Identity . f )
-- | Map a 'Table' from one type to another, where all columns in the table are
-- subject to a constraint. The table types must be compatible, see 'Compatible'
-- for what that means.
:: forall c t' t
. ( ConstrainedTable t' c, CompatibleTables t' t )
:: forall c f t' t
. ( ConstrainTable t' c, MapContext f t ~ t', Recontextualise t f )
=> ( forall x. c x => C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t' ) x ) -> t -> t'
mapTableC f =
runIdentity . traverseTableC @c ( Identity . f )
runIdentity . traverseTableC @f @c ( Identity . f )
-- | Effectfully traverse all fields in a 'Table', potentially producing another
-- @Table@.
:: forall t' t f
. ( Applicative f, Table t', CompatibleTables t' t )
=> ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> f ( C ( Context t' ) x ) )
:: forall f t' t m
. ( Applicative m, MapContext f t ~ t', Recontextualise t f, ConstrainTable t' Unconstrained, Table t', Table t )
=> ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> m ( C ( Context t' ) x ) )
-> t
-> f t'
-> m t'
traverseTable f =
traverseTableWithIndexC @Unconstrained ( const f )
traverseTableWithIndexC @Unconstrained @f ( const f )
-- | Effectfully traverse all fields in a 'Table', provided that all fields
@ -299,263 +326,36 @@ traverseTable f =
-- >>> traverseTableC @Read ( traverseC readMaybe ) MyTable{ fieldA = "True" }
-- Just MyTable{ fieldA = True }
:: forall c m t t'
. ( Applicative m, ConstrainedTable t' c, CompatibleTables t' t )
:: forall f c m t t'
. ( Applicative m, MapContext f t ~ t', ConstrainTable t' c, Recontextualise t f )
=> ( forall x. c x => C ( Context t ) x -> m ( C ( Context t' ) x ) )
-> t
-> m t'
traverseTableC f =
traverseTableWithIndexC @c ( const f )
traverseTableWithIndexC @c @f ( const f )
:: forall t t' t'' m
. ( Applicative m
, Table t''
, CompatibleTables t'' t
, CompatibleTables t'' t'
=> ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t' ) x -> m ( C ( Context t'' ) x ) )
-> t -> t' -> m t''
zipTablesWithM f t t' =
tabulateMCP @t'' ( Proxy @Unconstrained ) \index ->
f ( field t ( transferField index ) )
( field t' ( transferField index ) )
-- zipTablesWithM
-- :: forall t t' t'' m
-- . ( Applicative m
-- , Table t''
-- , CompatibleTables t'' t
-- , CompatibleTables t'' t'
-- )
-- => ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t' ) x -> m ( C ( Context t'' ) x ) )
-- -> t -> t' -> m t''
-- zipTablesWithM f t t' =
-- tabulateMCP @t'' ( Proxy @Unconstrained ) \index ->
-- f ( field t ( transferField index ) )
-- ( field t' ( transferField index ) )
:: forall c t'' t t' m
. ( ConstrainTable t'' c
, CompatibleTables t'' t
, CompatibleTables t'' t'
, Applicative m
:: forall c t m
. ( Applicative m, ConstrainTable t c, Table t
=> ( forall x. c x => C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t' ) x -> m ( C ( Context t'' ) x ) )
-> t -> t' -> m t''
=> ( forall x. c x => C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t ) x -> m ( C ( Context t ) x ) )
-> t -> t -> m t
zipTablesWithMC f t t' =
tabulateMCP @t'' ( Proxy @c) \index ->
f ( field t ( transferField index ) ) ( field t' ( transferField index ) )
data GenericField t a where
GenericField :: GHField t ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) a -> GenericField t a
{-| Higher-kinded data types.
Higher-kinded data types are data types of the pattern:
data MyType f =
MyType { field1 :: Column f T1 OR HK1 f
, field2 :: Column f T2 OR HK2 f
, ...
, fieldN :: Column f Tn OR HKn f
where @Tn@ is any Haskell type, and @HKn@ is any higher-kinded type.
That is, higher-kinded data are records where all fields in the record
are all either of the type @Column f T@ (for any @T@), or are themselves
higher-kinded data:
data Nested f =
Nested { nested1 :: MyType f
, nested2 :: MyType f
The @HigherKindedTable@ type class is used to give us a special mapping
operation that lets us change the type parameter @f@.
[Supplying @HigherKindedTable@ instances]
This type class should be derived generically for all table types in your
project. To do this, enable the @DeriveAnyType@ and @DeriveGeneric@ language
\{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-\}
import qualified GHC.Generics
data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
deriving ( GHC.Generics.Generic, HigherKindedTable )
class HigherKindedTable ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) where
-- | Like 'Field', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HField t = ( field :: Type -> Type ) | field -> t
type HField t =
GenericField t
-- | Like 'Constraintable', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HConstrainTable t ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
type HConstrainTable t f c =
GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) c
-- | Like 'field', but for higher-kinded tables.
hfield :: t f -> HField t x -> C f x
default hfield
:: forall f x
. ( Generic ( t f )
, HField t ~ GenericField t
, GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t Spine ) )
=> t f -> HField t x -> C f x
hfield x ( GenericField i ) =
ghfield @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t Spine ) ) ( from x ) i
-- | Like 'tabulateMCP', but for higher-kinded tables.
:: ( Applicative m, HConstrainTable t f c )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f )
default htabulate
:: forall f m c proxy
. ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) c, Generic ( t f )
, GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t Spine ) )
, HField t ~ GenericField t
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f )
htabulate proxy f =
fmap to ( ghtabulate @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t Spine ) ) proxy ( f . GenericField ) )
data TableHField t ( f :: Type -> Type ) x where
F :: HField t x -> TableHField t f x
-- | Any 'HigherKindedTable' is also a 'Table'.
instance ( ConstrainTable ( t f ) Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t ) => Table ( t f ) where
type Field ( t f ) =
TableHField t f
type Context ( t f ) =
type ConstrainTable ( t f ) c =
HConstrainTable t f c
tabulateMCP proxy f =
htabulate proxy \x -> f ( F x )
field x ( F i ) =
hfield x i
instance ( HConstrainTable t' g Unconstrained, HConstrainTable t' f Unconstrained, HConstrainTable t f Unconstrained, t ~ t', f ~ f', g ~ g' ) => Compatible ( t f ) f' ( t' g ) g' where
transferField ( F x ) =
F x
class GHigherKindedTable ( rep :: Type -> Type ) ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( repIdentity :: Type -> Type ) where
data GHField t repIdentity :: Type -> Type
type GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
ghfield :: rep a -> GHField t repIdentity x -> C f x
:: ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity c )
=> proxy c
-> ( forall x. c x => GHField t repIdentity x -> m ( C f x ) )
-> m ( rep a )
instance GHigherKindedTable x t f x' => GHigherKindedTable ( M1 i c x ) t f ( M1 i' c' x' ) where
data GHField t ( M1 i' c' x' ) a where
M1Field :: GHField t x' a -> GHField t ( M1 i' c' x' ) a
type GHConstrainTable ( M1 i c x ) ( M1 i' c' x' ) constraint =
GHConstrainTable x x' constraint
ghfield ( M1 a ) ( M1Field i ) =
ghfield a i
ghtabulate proxy f =
M1 <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . M1Field )
instance ( GHigherKindedTable x t f x', GHigherKindedTable y t f y' ) => GHigherKindedTable ( x :*: y ) t f ( x' :*: y' ) where
data GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a where
FieldL :: GHField t x' a -> GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a
FieldR :: GHField t y' a -> GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a
type GHConstrainTable ( x :*: y ) ( x' :*: y' ) constraint =
( GHConstrainTable x x' constraint, GHConstrainTable y y' constraint )
ghfield ( x :*: y ) = \case
FieldL i -> ghfield x i
FieldR i -> ghfield y i
ghtabulate proxy f =
(:*:) <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . FieldL )
<*> ghtabulate @y @t @f @y' proxy ( f . FieldR )
type family IsColumnApplication ( a :: Type ) :: Bool where
IsColumnApplication ( Spine a ) = 'True
IsColumnApplication _ = 'False
instance DispatchK1 ( IsColumnApplication c' ) f c c' => GHigherKindedTable ( K1 i c ) t f ( K1 i' c' ) where
data GHField t ( K1 i' c' ) a where
K1Field :: K1Field ( IsColumnApplication c' ) c' x -> GHField t ( K1 i' c' ) x
type GHConstrainTable ( K1 i c ) ( K1 i' c' ) constraint =
ConstrainK1 ( IsColumnApplication c' ) c c' constraint
ghfield ( K1 a ) ( K1Field i ) =
k1field @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' a i
ghtabulate proxy f =
K1 <$> k1tabulate @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' proxy ( f . K1Field )
class DispatchK1 ( isSpine :: Bool ) f a a' where
data K1Field isSpine a' :: Type -> Type
type ConstrainK1 isSpine a a' ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
k1field :: a -> K1Field isSpine a' x -> C f x
:: ( ConstrainK1 isSpine a a' c, Applicative m )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => K1Field isSpine a' x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m a
instance a ~ Column f b => DispatchK1 'True f a ( Spine b ) where
data K1Field 'True ( Spine b ) x where
K1True :: K1Field 'True ( Spine b ) b
type ConstrainK1 'True a ( Spine b ) c =
c b
k1field a K1True =
MkC a
k1tabulate _ f =
toColumn <$> f @b K1True
instance ( Context a ~ f, Table a, Compatible a' Spine a f, Compatible a f a' Spine ) => DispatchK1 'False f a a' where
data K1Field 'False a' x where
K1False :: Field a' x -> K1Field 'False a' x
type ConstrainK1 'False a a' c =
ConstrainTable a c
k1field a ( K1False i ) =
field a ( transferField i )
k1tabulate proxy f =
tabulateMCP proxy ( f . K1False . transferField )
data Spine a
tabulateMCP @t ( Proxy @c) \index ->
f ( field t index ) ( field t' index )

View File

@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language InstanceSigs #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@
module Rel8.Tests where
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection )
@ -54,6 +57,10 @@ allParts =
each parts
proj1 :: MonadQuery m => m ( Expr m Int32 )
proj1 = partId <$> allParts
partsEq :: MonadQuery m => m ( Expr m Bool )
partsEq = do
parts1 <- allParts
@ -67,7 +74,11 @@ select_allParts c =
select c allParts
-- TODO Can we make this infer?
proj2 :: Connection -> IO [ Int32 ]
proj2 c = map partId <$> select_allParts c
-- -- TODO Can we make this infer?
-- allParts_inferred =
-- each parts
@ -121,7 +132,7 @@ projectParts =
:: MonadQuery m
=> m ( Expr m Int32, MaybeTable ( Expr m ) ( ProjectPart ( Null ( Expr m ) ) ) )
=> m ( Expr m ( Maybe Int32) )
leftJoinTest = do
Part{ partId } <-
each parts
@ -130,7 +141,7 @@ leftJoinTest = do
leftJoin ( each projectParts ) \ProjectPart{ projectPartPartId } ->
projectPartPartId ==. partId
return ( partId, projectPart )
return ( projectPartPartId ( maybeTable projectPart ) )
data PartWithProject f =
@ -171,31 +182,31 @@ nestedTableEq = do
-- select partsWithProjects
:: MonadQuery m
=> m ( Expr m String, Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) )
partsAggregation = do
( \part -> GroupBy ( partName part ) ( Sum ( partId part ) ) )
-- partsAggregation
-- :: MonadQuery m
-- => m ( Expr m String, Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) )
-- partsAggregation = do
-- groupAndAggregate
-- ( \part -> GroupBy ( partName part ) ( Sum ( partId part ) ) )
-- allParts
-- -- illegalPartsAggregation1 :: MonadQuery m => m ( GroupBy ( Expr m String ) ( Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) ) )
-- -- illegalPartsAggregation1 = do
-- -- unreachable <- allParts
-- -- -- illegalPartsAggregation1 :: MonadQuery m => m ( GroupBy ( Expr m String ) ( Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) ) )
-- -- -- illegalPartsAggregation1 = do
-- -- -- unreachable <- allParts
-- -- groupAndAggregate
-- -- ( \part -> GroupBy ( partName unreachable ) ( Sum ( partId part ) ) )
-- -- allParts
-- -- -- groupAndAggregate
-- -- -- ( \part -> GroupBy ( partName unreachable ) ( Sum ( partId part ) ) )
-- -- -- allParts
-- -- illegalPartsAggregation2 :: MonadQuery m => m ( GroupBy ( Expr m String ) ( Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) ) )
-- -- illegalPartsAggregation2 = do
-- -- unreachable <- allParts
-- -- -- illegalPartsAggregation2 :: MonadQuery m => m ( GroupBy ( Expr m String ) ( Sum ( Expr m Int32 ) ) )
-- -- -- illegalPartsAggregation2 = do
-- -- -- unreachable <- allParts
-- -- groupAndAggregate
-- -- ( \part -> unreachable )
-- -- allParts
-- -- -- groupAndAggregate
-- -- -- ( \part -> unreachable )
-- -- -- allParts
data HasNull f =
@ -227,7 +238,7 @@ nullTest = do
:: MonadQuery m
=> m ( Expr m ( Maybe ( Maybe Int32 ) ), Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ) )
=> m ( Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ), Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ) )
nullTestLeftJoin = do
t1 <-
each hasNull
@ -241,7 +252,7 @@ nullTestLeftJoin = do
:: MonadQuery m
=> m ( Expr m ( Maybe ( Maybe Int32 ) ), Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ) )
=> m ( Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ), Expr m ( Maybe Int32 ) )
nullTestLeftJoinEasyEq = do
t1 <-
each hasNull
@ -253,6 +264,6 @@ nullTestLeftJoinEasyEq = do
return ( nullId ( maybeTable t2 ), notNullId ( maybeTable t2 ) )
filterMapTest :: MonadQuery m => m _
filterMapTest =
filterMap nullId ( each hasNull )
-- filterMapTest :: MonadQuery m => m _
-- filterMapTest =
-- filterMap nullId ( each hasNull )