Some more

This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-03-02 17:58:38 +00:00
parent 84afca03ea
commit 7391c34d4c
2 changed files with 114 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -143,7 +143,9 @@ import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON, ToJSON, Value, parseJSON, toJSON )
import Data.Aeson.Types ( parseEither )
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( ZipList(..), liftA2 )
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( ZipList(..), liftA2, (<|>) )
import qualified Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
@ -1082,6 +1084,7 @@ instance Table Expr a => Table Expr (MaybeTable a) where
fromColumns (HMaybeTable x y) = MaybeTable x (fromColumns y)
-- | Perform case analysis on a 'MaybeTable'. Like 'maybe'.
:: Table Expr b
=> b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable a -> b
@ -1089,6 +1092,7 @@ maybeTable def f MaybeTable{ nullTag, table } =
ifThenElse_ (null_ (lit False) id nullTag) (f table) def
-- | The null table. Like 'Nothing'.
noTable :: forall a. Table Expr a => MaybeTable a
noTable = MaybeTable (lit Nothing) $ fromColumns $ htabulate f
@ -1703,12 +1707,29 @@ where_ x =
((), Opaleye.restrict (toPrimExpr x) left, t)
-- | Filter out 'MaybeTable's, returning only the tables that are not-null.
-- This operation can be used to "undo" the effect of 'optional', which
-- operationally is like turning a @LEFT JOIN@ back into a full @JOIN@.
catMaybeTable :: MaybeTable a -> Query a
catMaybeTable MaybeTable{ nullTag, table } = do
where_ $ not_ $ isNull nullTag
return table
-- | Construct a query that returns the given input list of rows. This is like
-- folding a list of 'return' statements under 'union', but uses the SQL
-- @VALUES@ expression for efficiency.
-- Typically @values@ will be used with 'lit':
-- @
-- example :: Query Bool
-- example = values [ lit True, lit False ]
-- @
-- When selected, 'example' will produce a query that returns two rows - one
-- for @True@ and one for @False@.
values :: forall expr f. (Table Expr expr, Foldable f) => f expr -> Query expr
values = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList
@ -1728,6 +1749,18 @@ values = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList
DatabaseType{ typeName } = typeInformation @a
-- | @filter f x@ will be a zero-row query when @f x@ is @False@, and will
-- return @x@ unchanged when @f x@ is @True@. This is similar to
-- 'Control.Monad.guard', but as the predicate is separate from the argument,
-- it is easy to use in a pipeline of 'Query' transformations.
-- @
-- data User f = User { ... , userIsDeleted :: Column f Bool }
-- userSchema :: TableSchema (User ColumnSchema)
-- notDeletedUsers :: User Expr -> Query (User Expr)
-- notDeletedUsers = filter (not_ . userIsDeleted) =<< each userSchema
-- @
filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a
filter f a = do
where_ $ f a
@ -1804,16 +1837,32 @@ data Dict c a where
Dict :: c a => Dict c a
aggregate :: forall a. AggregateTable a => Query a -> Query a
aggregate = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator) . toOpaleye
-- | Aggregate all rows in a 'Query'.
-- This function is like 'Data.Foldable.fold', in that the rows in the 'Query'
-- will be combined according to their 'AggregateTable' instance (which in turn
-- is like 'Monoid').
aggregate :: AggregateTable a => Query a -> Query a
aggregate = fmap (maybeTable aggUnit id) . optional . liftOpaleye . Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator) . toOpaleye
-- | Like 'aggregate', but also lets you supply a transformation function from
-- @a@ into an 'AggregateTable'. This is function is no more than just
-- @aggregate . fmap f@, but we provide this function for similarity with
-- 'Data.Foldable.foldMap'.
aggregateMap :: AggregateTable b => (a -> b) -> Query a -> Query b
aggregateMap f = aggregate . fmap f
-- | Convert a query to a 'String' containing the query as a @SELECT@
-- statement.
showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String
showQuery = fold . selectQuery
class Table Expr a => AggregateTable a where
aggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator a a
aggUnit :: a
instance Table f a => Table f (Sum a) where
@ -1845,9 +1894,13 @@ instance (Table Expr a, HConstrainTable (Columns a) DBSum) => AggregateTable (Su
MkC $ g f expr
-- | An @Array a@ is an array expression of zero or more @a@s. Note that this
-- is distinct from a @Query a@, which is zero or more /rows/ of @a@s.
-- Construct @Array@s with 'arrayAgg'.
newtype Array a = Array a
-- | Inject a single element into an 'Array'.
arrayAgg :: a -> Array a
arrayAgg = Array
@ -1860,22 +1913,39 @@ instance Table f a => Table f (Array a) where
instance Serializable a b => Serializable (Array a) (Seq b) where
rowParser inject = fmap (fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (pgArrayFieldParser fieldParser) x y
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (arrayOrElement fieldParser) x y
pgArrayToZipList :: forall x. PGArray x -> ZipList x
pgArrayToZipList (PGArray a) = ZipList a
-- An Array will only be selected as an array type if it's been passed
-- through aggregate. We don't guarantee that - for example, we want to
-- allow `select c $ pure $ arrayAgg x`. In this case, we allow parsing
-- as a single element and lift that back into 'PGArray'.
arrayOrElement :: forall x. Typeable x => FieldParser x -> FieldParser (PGArray x)
arrayOrElement fieldParser x y = PGArray . pure <$> fieldParser x y <|> pgArrayFieldParser fieldParser x y
lit xs = Array $ fromColumns $ htabulate f
exprs :: [Columns a Expr]
exprs = toList $ toColumns . lit <$> xs
f :: forall x. HField (Columns a) x -> C Expr x
f i = MkC $ fromPrimExpr $ Opaleye.ArrayExpr $ toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i <$> exprs
f i = case hfield (hdicts @(Columns a) @DBType) i of
MkC Dict ->
MkC $ fromPrimExpr $
Opaleye.CastExpr arrayTy $
Opaleye.ArrayExpr $ toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i <$> exprs
arrayTy = typeName (typeInformation @x) <> "[]"
instance Table Expr a => AggregateTable (Array a) where
-- | Aggregate multiple @a@s into a arrays. This aggregation thus allows you to
-- associate one row with multiple other rows.
instance (Table Expr a, Serializable a (ResultType a)) => AggregateTable (Array a) where
aggUnit = lit mempty
aggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap go
go :: forall f. Applicative f => (((Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct), Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> f Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> Array a -> f (Array a))

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection, connectPostgreSQL, close, withTr
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ ( sql )
import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as TmpPostgres
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Hedgehog ( property, (===), forAll, cover, diff, evalM, PropertyT, TestT, test, Gen )
import Hedgehog ( property, (===), forAll, cover, diff, evalM, PropertyT, TestT, test, Gen, annotate )
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import qualified Rel8
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ tests =
, testUpdate getTestDatabase
, testDelete getTestDatabase
, testSelectNestedPairs getTestDatabase
, testSelectUnaggregatedArray getTestDatabase
, testSelectArray getTestDatabase
, testAggregateArrayLit getTestDatabase
@ -679,3 +682,37 @@ testSelectNestedPairs = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT nested pairs" \transact
Rel8.values $ map Rel8.lit rows
sort selected === sort rows
testSelectUnaggregatedArray :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectUnaggregatedArray = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT Arrays (without aggregation)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection do
Rel8.arrayAgg <$> Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
sort selected === sort (pure <$> rows)
testSelectArray :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectArray = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT Arrays (with aggregation)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection $ Rel8.aggregate do
Rel8.arrayAgg <$> Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
selected === [foldMap pure rows]
testAggregateArrayLit :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testAggregateArrayLit = databasePropertyTest "Can use aggregate with a literal array" \transaction -> evalM do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
annotate $ Rel8.showQuery $ Rel8.aggregate $ pure (Rel8.lit (foldMap pure rows) :: Rel8.Array (Rel8.Expr Bool))
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection $ Rel8.aggregate $ pure (Rel8.lit (foldMap pure rows) :: Rel8.Array (Rel8.Expr Bool))
selected === [foldMap pure rows]