
This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-03-04 13:08:54 +00:00
parent 972061f6f1
commit a1ee92d09d

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@ -1558,9 +1558,10 @@ data Returning schema a where
-> Returning schema [a]
-- | @OnConflict@ allows you to add an @ON CONFLICT@ clause to an @INSERT@ statement.
data OnConflict
= Abort
| DoNothing
= Abort -- ^ @ON CONFLICT ABORT@
selectQuery :: forall a . Table Expr a => Query a -> Maybe String
@ -1571,6 +1572,7 @@ selectQuery (Query opaleye) = showSqlForPostgresExplicit
(x, y, z) -> Opaleye.formatAndShowSQL (x , Rel8.Optimize.optimize (Opaleye.optimize y) , z)
-- | Run a @DELETE@ statement.
delete :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Delete from returning -> m returning
delete c Delete{ from = deleteFrom, deleteWhere, returning } =
liftIO $ Opaleye.runDelete_ c $ go deleteFrom deleteWhere returning
@ -1596,16 +1598,21 @@ delete c Delete{ from = deleteFrom, deleteWhere, returning } =
-- | The constituent parts of a @DELETE@ statement.
data Delete from return where
:: Selects from row
=> { from :: TableSchema from
-- ^ Which table to delete from.
, deleteWhere :: row -> Expr Bool
-- ^ Which rows should be selected for deletion.
, returning :: Returning from return
-- ^ What to return from the @DELETE@ statement.
-> Delete from return
-- | Run an @UPDATE@ statement.
update :: MonadIO m => Connection -> Update target returning -> m returning
update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
liftIO $ Opaleye.runUpdate_ connection (go target set updateWhere returning)
@ -1639,13 +1646,18 @@ update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
-- | The constituent parts of an @UPDATE@ statement.
data Update target returning where
:: Selects target row
=> { target :: TableSchema target
-- ^ Which table to update.
, set :: row -> row
-- ^ How to update each selected row.
, updateWhere :: row -> Expr Bool
-- ^ Which rows to select for update.
, returning :: Returning target returning
-- ^ What to return from the @UPDATE@ statement.
-> Update target returning