Simplify the implementation

* Do not use a seperate traversal of dirs, instead just call addToWatch
* Keep rel path of subdir in the map instead of keeping absolute path
* Keep the same default for recursive watch on Windows/Linux
* Use watchTreesWith to implement watchPathsWith using recursive flag

Refactor, add some todos for test code
This commit is contained in:
Harendra Kumar 2020-11-15 13:04:23 +00:00
parent f00008b321
commit b85002bddb
4 changed files with 233 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
, setAllEvents
-- ** Watch APIs
-- XXX watchPaths is redundant now because we can use watchTrees with
-- setRecursiveMode False. Perhaps we can use a common "watch" API.
, watchPathsWith
, watchPaths
, watchTreesWith
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
, removeFromWatch
-- * Handling Events
, Event
, Event(..)
, getRoot
, getRelPath
, getCookie
@ -142,19 +144,17 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
-- * Debugging
, showEvent
, showEventShort
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), complement)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.IntMap.Lazy (IntMap)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Foreign.C.Error (throwErrnoIfMinus1)
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (mkHandleFromFD)
import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser (Parser)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign.Types (Array(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (Handle, hClose, IOMode(ReadMode))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar)
@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as U
data Config = Config
{ watchRec :: Bool
, createFlags :: Word32
, createFlags :: Word32
@ -229,56 +228,19 @@ setFlag mask status cfg@Config{..} =
-- Utilities
splitPath :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m [FilePath]
splitPath pat xs = S.toList
$ S.splitOnSeq (A.fromList pat) (FL.toList) (S.fromList xs)
pathDiff :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m FilePath
pathDiff pat xs = do
splits <- splitPath pat xs
let j = case length splits of
0 -> ""
_ -> last splits
t = case length j of
0 -> ""
_ -> tail j
return t
dirListing :: String -> SerialT IO (Either String String)
dirListing s = do
S.filter dirFilter
$ S.iterateMapLeftsWith S.ahead listDir (S.yield $ (Left s))
dirFilter x =
case x of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
listDir dir =
Dir.toEither dir -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
& (bimap prefix prefix) -- SerialT IO (Either String String)
prefix x = dir ++ "/" ++ x
toPathList :: String -> IO [String]
toPathList root = do
S.toList $ toStr $ dirListing root
toStr x =
case x of
Left d -> d
Right d -> d
-- XXX we really do not know the path encoding, all we know is that it is "/"
-- separated bytes. So these may fail or convert the path in an unexpected
-- manner. We should ultimately remove all usage of these.
toUtf8 :: MonadIO m => String -> m (Array Word8)
toUtf8 = A.fromStream . U.encodeUtf8 . S.fromList
-- | Set watch event on directory recursively.
utf8ToString :: Array Word8 -> String
utf8ToString = runIdentity . S.toList . U.decodeUtf8' . A.toStream
-- | Watch the whole directory tree recursively instead of watching just one
-- level of directory.
-- /default: Off/
@ -571,14 +533,23 @@ defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
setWhenExists AddIfExists
$ setAllEvents On
$ Config {watchRec = False, createFlags = 0}
$ Config {watchRec = True, createFlags = 0}
-- Open an event stream
-- | A handle for a watch.
data Watch = Watch Handle (IORef (IntMap (Array Word8, Array Word8)))
data Watch =
Handle -- File handle for the watch
(IntMap -- Key is the watch descriptor
( Array Word8 -- Absolute path of the watch root
, Array Word8 -- Path of subdir relative to watch root
-- Instead of using the watch descriptor we can provide APIs that use the path
-- itself to identify the watch. That will require us to maintain a map from wd
@ -615,15 +586,13 @@ createWatch = do
True -- use non-blocking IO
Nothing -- TextEncoding (binary)
emptyMapRef <- newIORef Map.empty
emptyMapRef <- newIORef Map.empty
return $ Watch h emptyMapRef
foreign import ccall unsafe
"sys/inotify.h inotify_add_watch" c_inotify_add_watch
:: CInt -> CString -> CUInt -> IO CInt
utf8ToString :: Array Word8 -> String
utf8ToString = runIdentity . S.toList . U.decodeUtf8' . A.toStream
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
-- | Turn an existing Handle into a file descriptor. This function throws an
@ -643,72 +612,105 @@ handleToFd h = case h of
InappropriateType "handleToFd" msg Nothing Nothing
-- | Given a 'Config' and a @path@ supplied as a UTF-8 encoded byte array, add
-- the path to the list of paths being monitored by the given watch 'Handle'.
-- Returns a "watch descriptor" which is used as an idenitfier in the events
-- generated for this particular path and also to remove the path from this
-- watch.
-- | Add a trailing "/" at the end of the path if there is none. Do not add a
-- "/" if the path is empty.
ensureTrailingSlash :: Array Word8 -> Array Word8
ensureTrailingSlash path =
if A.length path /= 0
let mx = A.readIndex path (A.length path - 1)
in case mx of
Nothing -> error "ensureTrailingSlash: Bug: Invalid index"
Just x ->
if x /= fromIntegral (ord '/')
then path <> A.fromCString# "/"#
else path
else path
-- | @addToWatch cfg watch root subpath@ adds @subpath@ to the list of paths
-- being monitored under @root@ via the watch handle @watch@. @root@ must be
-- an absolute path and @subpath@ must be relative to @root@.
-- /Internal/
addToWatchExecutor ::
-> Watch
-> Array Word8
-> Array Word8
-> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatchExecutor cfg@Config{..} (Watch handle wdMap) pathArr root = do
addToWatch :: Config -> Watch -> Array Word8 -> Array Word8 -> IO ()
addToWatch cfg@Config{..} watch@(Watch handle wdMap) root0 path0 = do
-- XXX do not add if the path is already added
-- XXX if the watch is added by the scan and not via an event we can
-- generate a create event assuming that the create may have been lost. We
-- can also mark in the map that this entry was added by the scan. So if an
-- actual create event later comes and tries to add this again then we can
-- ignore that and drop the create event to avoid duplicate create, because
-- we have already emitted it.
-- When a directory is added by the scan we should also emit create events
-- for files that may have got added to the dir. However, such create
-- events may get duplicated because of a race between the scan generated
-- versus real events.
-- Or we may distinguish between scan generated events and real events so
-- that the application can assume that other events may been lost and
-- handle it. For example, if it is a dir create the application can read
-- the dir to scan the files in it.
let root = ensureTrailingSlash root0
path = ensureTrailingSlash path0
absPath = root <> path
fd <- handleToFd handle
wd <- A.asCString pathArr $ \pathPtr ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("addToWatch " ++ utf8ToString pathArr) $
c_inotify_add_watch (fdFD fd) pathPtr (CUInt createFlags)
km <- readIORef wdMap
let k = (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) (root, pathArr) km)
writeIORef wdMap k
return $ (cfg, Watch handle wdMap)
addToWatch :: Config -> Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatch cfg@Config{..} (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
fd <- handleToFd handle
wd <- A.asCString path $ \pathPtr ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("addToWatch " ++ utf8ToString path) $
-- XXX we need to tolerate an error where we are adding a watch for a
-- non-existing file because the file may have got deleted by the time we
-- added the watch. Perhaps we can have a flag in config for this and keep
-- the default value to tolerate the error.
-- XXX The file may have even got deleted and then recreated which we will
-- never get to know, document this.
wd <- A.asCString absPath $ \pathPtr ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("addToWatch: " ++ utf8ToString absPath) $
c_inotify_add_watch (fdFD fd) pathPtr (CUInt createFlags)
km <- readIORef wdMap
let k = (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) (path, path) km)
writeIORef wdMap k
return $ (cfg, Watch handle wdMap)
addToWatchRec :: Config -> Watch -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Config, Watch)
addToWatchRec cfg watch path origRoot= do
subdirs <- toPathList path
pathArrList <- mapM toUtf8 subdirs
rootArr <- toUtf8 origRoot
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) pathArr -> addToWatchExecutor cfg1 w1 pathArr rootArr)
(cfg, watch) pathArrList
-- We add the parent first so that we start getting events for any new
-- creates and add the new subdirectories on creates while we are adding
-- the children.
modifyIORef wdMap (Map.insert (fromIntegral wd) (root, path))
-- Now add the children. If we missed any creates while we were adding the
-- parent, this will make sure they are added too.
-- XXX Ensure that we generate events that we may have missed while we were
-- adding the dirs.
-- XXX toDirs currently uses paths as String, we need to convert it
-- to "/" separated by byte arrays.
when watchRec $ do
S.mapM_ (\p -> addToWatch cfg watch root (path <> p))
$ S.mapM toUtf8
$ Dir.toDirs $ utf8ToString absPath
foreign import ccall unsafe
"sys/inotify.h inotify_rm_watch" c_inotify_rm_watch
:: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-- | Remove a path from a 'Watch', if a path was moved after adding you need to
-- need to provide the original path which was used to add the Watch.
-- | Remove an absolute root path from a 'Watch', if a path was moved after
-- adding you need to provide the original path which was used to add the
-- Watch.
-- /Internal/
removeFromWatch :: Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO Watch
removeFromWatch :: Watch -> Array Word8 -> IO ()
removeFromWatch (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
fd <- handleToFd handle
km <- readIORef wdMap
wdMap1 <- foldlM (step fd) Map.empty (Map.toList km)
writeIORef wdMap wdMap1
return $ Watch handle wdMap
step fd newMap (wd, v) = do
if (fst v) == path
then do
let err = "removeFromWatch " ++ show (utf8ToString path)
let err = "removeFromWatch: " ++ show (utf8ToString path)
rm = c_inotify_rm_watch (fdFD fd) (fromIntegral wd)
void $ throwErrnoIfMinus1 err rm
return newMap
@ -720,32 +722,18 @@ removeFromWatch (Watch handle wdMap) path = do
-- /Internal/
openWatch ::
-> NonEmpty (Array Word8)
-> IO (Config, Watch)
openWatch :: Config -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> IO Watch
openWatch cfg paths = do
let pathList = NonEmpty.toList paths
w <- createWatch
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) path -> addToWatch cfg1 w1 path)
(cfg, w) pathList
openWatchRec ::
-> NonEmpty (Array Word8)
-> IO (Config, Watch)
openWatchRec cfg paths = do
let pathList = map utf8ToString $ NonEmpty.toList paths
w <- createWatch
foldlM (\(cfg1, w1) path -> addToWatchRec cfg1 w1 path path)
(cfg, w) pathList
mapM_ (\p -> addToWatch cfg w p (A.fromList [])) $ NonEmpty.toList paths
return w
-- | Close a 'Watch' handle.
-- /Internal/
closeWatch :: (Config, Watch) -> IO ()
closeWatch (_, Watch h _) = hClose h
closeWatch :: Watch -> IO ()
closeWatch (Watch h _) = hClose h
-- Raw events read from the watch file handle
@ -788,8 +776,6 @@ readOneEvent cfg wt@(Watch _ wdMap) = do
-- XXX need the "initial" in parsers to return a step type so that "take 0"
-- can return without an input. otherwise if pathLen is 0 we will keep
-- waiting to read one more char before we return this event.
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("Flag1 = " ++ show eflags)
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("pathLen = " ++ show pathLen)
path <-
if pathLen /= 0
then do
@ -798,30 +784,33 @@ readOneEvent cfg wt@(Watch _ wdMap) = do
-- takeP
pth <- PR.sliceSepByMax (== 0) pathLen (A.writeN pathLen)
let remaining = pathLen - A.length pth - 1
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("remaining = " ++ show remaining)
when (remaining /= 0) $ PR.takeEQ remaining FL.drain
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("takeEQ = " ++ show remaining)
return pth
else return $ A.fromList []
-- PR.yieldM $ print ("Flag2 = " ++ show eflags)
xm <- PR.yieldM $ readIORef wdMap
let base = case Map.lookup (fromIntegral ewd) xm of
Just path1 -> path1
Nothing -> (path, path)
let xpath = utf8ToString (snd base) </> utf8ToString path
_ <- if eflags .&. iN_CREATE /= 0 && eflags .&. iN_ISDIR /= 0
processEvent cfg wt xpath (utf8ToString $ fst base)
else return (cfg, wt)
rm2 <- PR.yieldM $ readIORef wdMap
pdiff <- PR.yieldM $ pathDiff (utf8ToString $ fst base) xpath
relPath <- PR.yieldM $ toUtf8 (pdiff)
wdm <- PR.yieldM $ readIORef wdMap
let (root, sub) =
case Map.lookup (fromIntegral ewd) wdm of
Just pair -> pair
Nothing ->
error $ "readOneEvent: "
<> "Unknown watch descriptor: "
<> show ewd
let -- "sub" is guaranteed to have a trailing "/"
sub1 = sub <> path
-- Check for "ISDIR" first because it is less likely
isDirCreate = eflags .&. iN_ISDIR /= 0 && eflags .&. iN_CREATE /= 0
when (watchRec cfg && isDirCreate)
$ PR.yieldM $ addToWatch cfg wt root sub1
-- What if a large dir tree gets moved in to our hierarchy? Do we get a
-- single event for the top level dir in this case?
return $ Event
{ eventWd = (fromIntegral ewd)
, eventFlags = eflags
, eventCookie = cookie
, eventRelPath = relPath
, eventMap = rm2
, eventRelPath = sub1
, eventMap = wdm
@ -834,21 +823,8 @@ readOneEvent cfg wt@(Watch _ wdMap) = do
pathLen :: Word32 <- peekByteOff ptr (len + 8)
return (ewd, eflags, cookie, fromIntegral pathLen)
processEvent ::
-> Watch
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Parser IO Word8 (Config, Watch)
processEvent cfg1@Config{..} wt1 xpath root = do
if watchRec
PR.yieldM $ addToWatchRec cfg1 wt1 xpath root
PR.yieldM $ return (cfg1, wt1)
watchToStream :: (Config, Watch) -> SerialT IO Event
watchToStream (cfg, wt@(Watch handle _)) = do
watchToStream :: Config -> Watch -> SerialT IO Event
watchToStream cfg wt@(Watch handle _) = do
-- Do not use too small a buffer. As per inotify man page:
-- The behavior when the buffer given to read(2) is too small to return
@ -879,12 +855,7 @@ watchToStream (cfg, wt@(Watch handle _)) = do
watchPathsWith ::
(Config -> Config) -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchPathsWith f paths = S.bracket before after watchToStream
before = liftIO $ openWatch (f defaultConfig) paths
after = liftIO . closeWatch
watchPathsWith f = watchTreesWith (f . setRecursiveMode False)
-- | Like 'watchPathsWith' but uses the 'defaultConfig' options.
@ -897,22 +868,40 @@ watchPathsWith f paths = S.bracket before after watchToStream
watchPaths :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchPaths = watchPathsWith id
-- XXX We should not go across the mount points of network file systems or file
-- systems that are known to not generate any events.
-- | Start monitoring a list of file system paths for file system events with
-- the supplied configuration operation over the 'defaultConfig'. The
-- paths could be files or directories. When the path is a directory, the
-- whole directory tree under it is watched recursively. Monitoring starts from
-- the current time onwards.
-- Note that recrusive watch on a large directory tree could be expensive. When
-- starting a watch, the whole tree must be read and watches are started on
-- each directory in the tree. The initial time to start the watch as well as
-- the memory required is proportional to the number of directories in the
-- tree.
-- When new directories are created under the tree they are added to the watch
-- on receiving the directory create event. However, the creation of a dir and
-- adding a watch for it is not atomic. The implementation takes care of this
-- and makes sure that watches are added for all directories. However, In the
-- mean time, the directory may have received more events which may get lost.
-- Handling of any such lost events is yet to be implemented.
-- See the Linux __inotify__ man page for more details.
-- /Internal/
watchTreesWith ::
(Config -> Config) -> NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event
watchTreesWith f paths = S.bracket before after watchToStream
watchTreesWith f paths = S.bracket before after (watchToStream cfg)
before = liftIO
$ openWatchRec (f $ setRecursiveMode True defaultConfig) paths
cfg = f defaultConfig
before = liftIO $ openWatch cfg paths
after = liftIO . closeWatch
-- | Like 'watchTreesWith' but uses the 'defaultConfig' options.
@ -928,12 +917,13 @@ watchTrees = watchTreesWith id
-- Examine event stream
-- | Get the watch descriptor corresponding to the 'Event'. A watch descriptor
-- identifies which of the paths being monitored has generated this event.
-- | Get the watch root corresponding to the 'Event'.
-- Note that if a path was moved after adding to the watch, this will give the
-- original path and not the new path after moving.
-- TBD: we can possibly update the watch root on a move self event.
-- /Internal/
getRoot :: Event -> Array Word8
@ -1188,12 +1178,6 @@ isDir = getFlag iN_ISDIR
-- Debugging
showEventShort :: Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event{..} = (utf8ToString $ getRelPath ev)
++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
++ showev isDir "Dir"
where showev f str = if f ev then "_" ++ str else ""
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation.
showEvent :: Event -> String
@ -1232,4 +1216,4 @@ showEvent ev@Event{..} =
#warning "Disabling module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux. Does not support kernels older than 2.6.36."
module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux () where

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows
-- ** Default configuration
, Event
, Event (..)
, Toggle (..)
, setFlag
, defaultConfig
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ module Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows
-- * Debugging
, showEvent
, showEventShort
@ -540,9 +539,6 @@ isOverflow Event{..} = totalBytes == 0
-- Debugging
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a short representation for unit test.
showEventShort :: Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event{..} = getRelPath ev ++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a String representation.
showEvent :: Event -> String

View File

@ -207,11 +207,6 @@ flag use-c-malloc
manual: True
default: False
flag manual-tests
description: Builds tests that are to be run manually
manual: True
default: False
-- Common stanzas
@ -329,8 +324,8 @@ common test-dependencies
, transformers >= 0.4 && < 0.6
, QuickCheck >= 2.13 && < 2.15
, directory >= 1.2.2 && < 1.4
, filepath >= 1.4.1
, temporary >= 1.3
, filepath >= 1.4.1 && < 1.5
, temporary >= 1.3 && < 1.4
-- Compilation for coverage builds on CI machines takes too long without -O0
-- XXX we should use coverage flag for that, -O0 may take too long to run tests
@ -389,7 +384,6 @@ library
if os(linux)
exposed-modules: Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Linux
build-depends: unix >= 2.7.2, filepath >= 1.4.1
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -741,7 +735,7 @@ test-suite FileSystem.Event
import: test-options
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Streamly/Test/FileSystem/Event.hs
hs-source-dirs: test
hs-source-dirs: test
default-language: Haskell2010
if os(darwin)
buildable: False
buildable: False

View File

@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
-- |
-- Module : Streamly.Test.FileSystem.Event
-- Copyright : (c) 2020 Composewell Technologies
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
, removeFile
, removeDirectory
, removePathForcibly
, renameDirectory
, renamePath
import System.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing
, removeFile
, removeDirectory
, removePathForcibly
, renameDirectory
, renamePath
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering, stdout)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import Streamly.Prelude (SerialT)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Array.Storable.Foreign (Array)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
@ -39,6 +51,7 @@ import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Event.Windows as Event
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Unicode.Stream as U
-- Utilities
@ -50,15 +63,13 @@ utf8ToString :: Array Word8 -> String
utf8ToString = runIdentity . S.toList . U.decodeUtf8' . Array.toStream
watchPaths :: NonEmpty (Array Word8) -> SerialT IO Event.Event
watchPaths = Event.watchTrees
timeout :: IO String
timeout = threadDelay 5000000 >> return "Timeout"
fseventDir :: String
fseventDir = "fsevent_dir"
-- XXX Make the getRelPath type same on windows and other platforms
eventPredicate :: Event.Event -> Bool
eventPredicate ev =
#if defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
@ -72,6 +83,9 @@ eventPredicate ev =
-- Event lists to be matched with
-- XXX Use a tuple (path, flags) instead of a string with flags
#if defined(CABAL_OS_WINDOWS)
singleDirCreateEvents :: [String]
@ -145,6 +159,10 @@ renameFileNestedDirEvents =
, "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\FileRenamed.txt_5"
-- | Convert an 'Event' record to a short representation for unit test.
showEventShort :: Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event{..} = getRelPath ev ++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
singleDirCreateEvents :: [String]
@ -222,11 +240,37 @@ renameFileNestedDirEvents =
[ "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileCreated.txt_64"
, "dir1/dir2/dir3/FileRenamed.txt_128"
removeTrailingSlash :: Array Word8 -> Array Word8
removeTrailingSlash path =
if Array.length path == 0
then path
let mx = Array.readIndex path (Array.length path - 1)
in case mx of
Nothing -> error "removeTrailingSlash: Bug: Invalid index"
Just x ->
if x == fromIntegral (ord '/')
-- XXX need array slicing
then unsafePerformIO
$ Array.fromStreamN (Array.length path - 1)
$ Array.toStream path
else path
showEventShort :: Event.Event -> String
showEventShort ev@Event.Event{..} =
(utf8ToString $ removeTrailingSlash $ Event.getRelPath ev)
++ "_" ++ show eventFlags
++ showev Event.isDir "Dir"
where showev f str = if f ev then "_" ++ str else ""
-- Event Watcher
checkEvents :: FilePath -> MVar () -> [String] -> IO String
checkEvents rootPath m matchList = do
let args = [rootPath]
@ -234,20 +278,25 @@ checkEvents rootPath m matchList = do
putStrLn ("Watch started !!!! on Path " ++ rootPath)
events <- S.parse (PR.takeWhile eventPredicate FL.toList)
$ S.before (putMVar m ())
$ watchPaths (NonEmpty.fromList paths)
let eventStr = map Event.showEventShort events
putStrLn $ show (eventStr)
$ Event.watchTrees (NonEmpty.fromList paths)
let eventStr = map showEventShort events
let baseSet = Set.fromList matchList
resultSet = Set.fromList eventStr
if (baseSet `Set.isSubsetOf` resultSet)
return "PASS"
else do
putStrLn $ "baseSet " ++ show matchList
putStrLn $ "resultSet " ++ show eventStr
return "Mismatch"
-- FS Event Generators
-- XXX Factor out common code from all these functions. The specific operation
-- can be passed to a common function.
fsOpsCreateSingleDir :: FilePath -> MVar () -> IO ()
fsOpsCreateSingleDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
@ -319,7 +368,7 @@ fsOpsRemoveFileInRootDir fp m = do
takeMVar m
let tpath = (fp </> "FileCreated.txt")
putStrLn ("Remove a File on " ++ fp)
threadDelay 200000
threadDelay 200000
>> removeFile tpath
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
@ -366,7 +415,6 @@ fsOpsRenameFileInNestedDir fp m = do
>> threadDelay 200000
>> createDirectoryIfMissing True (fp </> "EOTask")
checker :: S.IsStream t =>
FilePath -> MVar () -> [String] -> t IO String
checker rootPath synch matchList =
@ -383,6 +431,10 @@ driverInit = do
-- Test Drivers
-- XXX Factor out common code from all these. Pass a specific fsops function to
-- a common functions.
driverCreateSingleDir :: IO String
driverCreateSingleDir = do
sync <- driverInit
@ -553,6 +605,10 @@ driverRenameFileInNestedDir = do
-- Test Cases
-- XXX These can either be directly inlined instead of creating a wrapper
-- function or the wrapper could be common passing the function being checked.
testCreateSingleDir :: Expectation
testCreateSingleDir = driverCreateSingleDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
@ -592,6 +648,7 @@ testRenameFileInNestedDir = driverRenameFileInNestedDir `shouldReturn` "PASS"
-- Main
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
prop "Create a single directory" testCreateSingleDir
@ -605,4 +662,4 @@ main = hspec $ do
prop "Rename a file in root Dir" testRenameFileInRootDir
prop "Create a file in a nested Dir" testCreateFileInNestedDir
prop "Remove a file in a nested Dir" testRemoveFileInNestedDir
prop "Rename a file in a nested Dir" testRenameFileInNestedDir
prop "Rename a file in a nested Dir" testRenameFileInNestedDir