mirror of https://github.com/coot/free-category.git synced 2024-09-11 14:17:30 +03:00

Removed CatL

Other presentations have better performance, not need to explode the
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Szamotulski 2019-09-02 22:33:18 +02:00
parent d58d6b30f1
commit 6786025a6f
3 changed files with 7 additions and 148 deletions

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@ -83,29 +83,6 @@ main = defaultMain
(fromListM (arrCat . Add) ints)
, bgroup "CatL"
[ bench "right right" $
(\c -> foldCatL interpret c 0)
(fromListR (arrCatL . Add) ints)
, bench "right left" $
(\c -> foldCatL interpret c 0)
(fromListRL (arrCatL . Add) ints)
, bench "left left" $
(\c -> foldCatL interpret c 0)
(fromListL (arrCatL . Add) ints)
, bench "left right" $
(\c -> foldCatL interpret c 0)
(fromListLR (arrCatL . Add) ints)
, bench "alternate" $
(\c -> foldCatL interpret c 0)
(fromListM (arrCatL . Add) ints)
, bgroup "ListTr"
[ bench "right right" $

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@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ module Control.Category.Free
, arrCat
, foldCat
-- * Free category
, CatL (IdL)
, arrCatL
, mapCatL
, foldCatL
-- * Free category (CPS style)
, C (..)
, toC
@ -79,6 +73,11 @@ import Control.Category.Free.Internal
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- Free categories based on real time queues; Ideas after E.Kmett's guanxi
-- project.
-- | Optimised version of a free category.
-- @('.')@ has @O\(1\)@ complexity, folding is @O\(n\)@ where @n@ is the number
@ -220,108 +219,6 @@ instance FreeAlgebra2 Cat where
codom2 = proof
forget2 = proof
-- Free categories based on real time queues; Ideas after E.Kmett's guanxi
-- project.
-- | Category for which morphism composition has @O\(1\)@ complexity and fold
-- is linear in the number of transitions.
-- It has a good behaviour for morhisms build with 'foldl' (right to left).
data CatL (f :: k -> k -> *) a b where
IdL :: CatL f a a
CatL :: forall f a b c.
f b c
-> Queue (CatL f) a b
-> CatL f a c
-- | Smart constructor for embeding spanning transitions into 'Cat', the same
-- as @'liftFree2' \@'Cat'@. It is like 'arr' for 'Arrows'.
arrCatL :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) a b.
f a b
-> CatL f a b
arrCatL fab = CatL fab emptyQ
{-# INLINE arrCatL #-}
-- | Smart constructor 'mapCatL' for morphisms of @'Cat' f@ category.
mapCatL :: forall (f :: k -> k -> *) a b c.
f b c
-> CatL f a b
-> CatL f a c
mapCatL fbc cab = arrCatL fbc . cab
-- | Right fold of 'Cat' into a category, the same as @'foldNatFree2' \@'Cat'@.
-- /complexity/: @O\(n\) where @n@ is number of transition embedded in 'Cat'.
foldCatL :: forall f c a b.
Category c
=> (forall x y. f x y -> c x y)
-> CatL f a b
-> c a b
foldCatL _nat IdL = id
foldCatL nat (CatL tr q) =
case q of
NilQ -> nat tr
ConsQ IdL q' -> nat tr . foldNatQ (foldCatL nat) q'
ConsQ c q' -> nat tr . foldCatL nat c . foldNatQ (foldCatL nat) q'
{-# INLINE foldCatL #-}
-- | /complexity/ of composition @('.')@: @O\(1\)@ (worst case)
instance Category (CatL f) where
id = IdL
CatL f q . h = CatL f (q `snoc` h)
IdL . f = f
{-# INLINE (.) #-}
type instance AlgebraType0 CatL f = ()
type instance AlgebraType CatL c = Category c
-- | /complexity/ of 'foldNatFree2': @O\(n\)@ where @n@ is number of
-- transitions embeded in 'Cat'.
instance FreeAlgebra2 CatL where
liftFree2 = arrCatL
foldNatFree2 = foldCatL
codom2 = proof
forget2 = proof
instance Arrow f => Arrow (CatL f) where
arr = arrCatL . arr
{-# INLINE arr #-}
CatL tr q *** CatL tr' q' = CatL (tr *** tr') (zipWithQ (***) q q')
CatL tr q *** IdL = CatL (tr *** arr id) (zipWithQ (***) q NilQ)
IdL *** CatL tr' q' = CatL (arr id *** tr') (zipWithQ (***) NilQ q')
IdL *** IdL = CatL (arr id *** arr id) NilQ
{-# INLINE (***) #-}
instance ArrowZero f => ArrowZero (CatL f) where
zeroArrow = arrCatL zeroArrow
instance ArrowChoice f => ArrowChoice (CatL f) where
CatL fxb cax +++ CatL fyb cay
= CatL (fxb +++ fyb) (zipWithQ (+++) cax cay)
CatL fxb cax +++ IdL = CatL (fxb +++ arr id) (zipWithQ (+++) cax NilQ)
IdL +++ (CatL fxb cax) = CatL (arr id +++ fxb) (zipWithQ (+++) NilQ cax)
IdL +++ IdL = IdL
{-# INLINE (+++) #-}
instance Semigroup (CatL f o o) where
f <> g = f . g
instance Monoid (CatL f o o) where
mempty = IdL
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
mappend = (<>)
-- CPS style free categories

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ tests :: TestTree
tests =
testGroup "Control.Category.Free"
[ testProperty "Cat" prop_Cat
, testProperty "CatL" prop_CatL
, testProperty "C" prop_C
@ -185,9 +184,9 @@ instance Arbitrary ArbListTr where
-- test 'Cat', 'CatL' and 'C' treating 'ListTr' as a model to compare to.
-- test 'Cat' and 'C' treating 'ListTr' as a model to compare to.
prop_Cat, prop_CatL, prop_C
prop_Cat, prop_C
:: Blind ArbListTr -> Bool
@ -205,20 +204,6 @@ prop_Cat (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SNatural _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_CatL (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInt _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @CatL listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_CatL (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInteger _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @CatL listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_CatL (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SNatural _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @CatL listTr) 0
foldNatFree2 interpretTr listTr 0
prop_C (Blind (ArbListTr listTr SInt _)) =
foldNatFree2 interpretTr (hoistFreeH2 @_ @C listTr) 0