Change styling rule to omit blank lines before closing brackets

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2022-12-14 09:29:19 +09:00
parent 0e5f532b2b
commit 0ac9e41da2
321 changed files with 5 additions and 565 deletions

View File

@ -33,5 +33,4 @@ final class AccessibleStepper: NSStepper {
// (macOS 11, 2021)

View File

@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import AppKit
treatsConsecutiveWhitespaceAsSingle: self.treatsConsecutiveWhitespaceAsSingle,
encoding: .init(rawValue: UInt(self.encoding)))
@ -98,5 +97,4 @@ import AppKit
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.assign(to: &self.$selectionCount)

View File

@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ struct AdvancedCharacterCounterView: View {
return (selectionCount > 0) ? selectionCount : self.counter.entireCount
@ -114,5 +113,4 @@ struct AdvancedCharacterCounterView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
AdvancedCharacterCounterView(counter: .init(textView: .init())) { }

View File

@ -39,5 +39,4 @@ extension HorizontalAlignment {

View File

@ -50,5 +50,4 @@ final class AntialiasingTextField: NSTextField {

View File

@ -455,5 +455,4 @@ final class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
return true

View File

@ -723,7 +723,6 @@ final class AppearancePaneController: NSViewController, NSMenuItemValidation, NS
self.themeTableView?.selectRowIndexes([row], byExtendingSelection: false)
@ -814,5 +813,4 @@ extension AppearancePaneController: NSFontChanging {
fontField.font = font.withSize(min(size, maxDisplaySize))
fontField.disablesAntialiasing = !shouldAntiailias

View File

@ -75,5 +75,4 @@ final class AppleScript: Script, AppleEventReceivable {
throw ScriptError.standardError(error.localizedDescription)

View File

@ -42,5 +42,4 @@ extension Int {
return digits

View File

@ -68,5 +68,4 @@ final class Atomic<T> {

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ final class BidiScrollView: NSScrollView {
self.contentView.frame.origin.x = scrollerThickness
@ -89,5 +88,4 @@ extension NSEdgeInsets: Equatable {
lhs.right == rhs.right &&
lhs.bottom == rhs.bottom

View File

@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ final class BidiScroller: NSScroller {
flip.scaleX(by: -1, yBy: 1)
@ -149,5 +148,4 @@ private extension NSBorderType {
@unknown default: return 0

View File

@ -61,5 +61,4 @@ extension Bundle {
// -> Pre-release versions contain non-digit letter.
self.shortVersion.range(of: "[^0-9.]", options: .regularExpression) != nil

View File

@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ final class CenteringTextFieldCell: NSTextFieldCell {
self.attributedStringValue.draw(in: self.titleRect(forBounds: cellFrame))

View File

@ -66,5 +66,4 @@ struct CharacterCountOptionsSheetView: View {

View File

@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ final class CharacterField: NSTextField {

View File

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ private extension Unicode.Scalar {
return nil
@ -118,7 +117,6 @@ struct CharacterInfo {
(self.character.unicodeScalars.count == 2 &&
self.character.unicodeScalars.last?.variantDescription != nil)
@ -129,5 +127,4 @@ extension CharacterInfo: CustomStringConvertible {

View File

@ -70,16 +70,15 @@ struct CharacterInspectorView: View {
private struct ScalarDetailView: View {
let scalar: Unicode.Scalar
var showsCodePoint = true
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ private struct ScalarDetailView: View {
@ -146,7 +144,6 @@ private struct CharacterView: NSViewRepresentable {
nsView.stringValue = ?? String(
nsView.textColor = ( != nil) ? .tertiaryLabelColor : .labelColor

View File

@ -49,5 +49,4 @@ extension Collection {
return try self.binarySearchedFirstIndex(in: nextRange, where: predicate)

View File

@ -56,5 +56,4 @@ extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Index == Int {
self.insert(element, at: index)

View File

@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ extension MutableCollection where Self: RandomAccessCollection<String> {
self.sort { compare($0[keyPath: keyPath], $1[keyPath: keyPath]) == .orderedAscending }
@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ extension Sequence<String> {
return self.sorted { compare($0[keyPath: keyPath], $1[keyPath: keyPath]) == .orderedAscending }
@ -127,5 +125,4 @@ extension Collection<String> {
.map { baseName + " " + String($0) }
.first { !self.contains($0) }!

View File

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Equatable {
self.removeFirst(self.count - maximum)
@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ extension Collection {
self.indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
@ -120,7 +117,6 @@ extension Dictionary {
get { self[key.rawValue] }
set { self[key.rawValue] = newValue }
@ -137,7 +133,6 @@ extension Sequence {
self.sorted { $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath] }
@ -150,7 +145,6 @@ extension MutableCollection where Self: RandomAccessCollection {
self.sort { $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath] }
@ -209,5 +203,4 @@ extension Sequence {
return (count == number) ? .equal : .less

View File

@ -184,5 +184,4 @@ final class ColorCodePanelController: NSViewController, NSWindowDelegate {
get { ColorCodeType(rawValue: UserDefaults.standard[.colorCodeType]) ?? .hex }
set { UserDefaults.standard[.colorCodeType] = newValue.rawValue }

View File

@ -32,5 +32,4 @@ extension Publisher { { _ in () }.eraseToAnyPublisher()

View File

@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ final class CommandLineToolManager {
// link destination is unreachable
return .invalidTarget
@ -112,5 +111,4 @@ extension CommandLineToolManager.Status {
return "The current 'cot' symbolic link may target an invalid path.".localized

View File

@ -42,5 +42,4 @@ extension Comparable {
self = self.clamped(to: range)

View File

@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ final class Console {
(self.panelController.contentViewController as? ConsoleViewController)?.append(log: log)
@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ final class ConsolePanelController: NSWindowController {
self.windowFrameAutosaveName = "Console"
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@ final class ConsoleViewController: NSViewController {
textView.string = "" textView, notification: .valueChanged)
@ -195,5 +192,4 @@ extension ConsoleViewController {

View File

@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ struct CustomSurroundStringView: View {
@ -132,5 +131,4 @@ struct CustomSurroundStringView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
CustomSurroundStringView(pair: nil) { _ in }

View File

@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ struct CustomTabWidthView: View {
@ -108,5 +107,4 @@ struct CustomTabWidthView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
CustomTabWidthView(tabWidth: 4) { _ in }

View File

@ -112,5 +112,4 @@ final class Debouncer {
self.currentWorkItem = nil

View File

@ -36,5 +36,4 @@ extension DefaultInitializable {
self = Self(rawValue: rawValue ?? Self.defaultValue.rawValue) ?? Self.defaultValue

View File

@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ class DefaultKeys: RawRepresentable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {

View File

@ -180,5 +180,4 @@ extension DefaultKeys {
static let suppressesInconsistentLineEndingAlert = DefaultKey<Bool>("suppressesInconsistentLineEndingAlert")
static let lastVersion = DefaultKey<String?>("lastVersion")

View File

@ -121,5 +121,4 @@ extension DefaultSettings {

View File

@ -186,5 +186,4 @@ struct DefaultSettings {
private init() { }

View File

@ -85,5 +85,4 @@ final class DefinitionTableViewDelegate: NSObject, NSTableViewDelegate {
(view.objectValue as AnyObject?)?.setValue(NSNumber(value: isChecked), forKey: identifier.rawValue)

View File

@ -54,5 +54,4 @@ struct DelegateContext {
function(delegate, selector, caller, flag, self.contextInfo)

View File

@ -34,5 +34,4 @@ final class DetachablePopoverViewController: NSViewController, NSPopoverDelegate

View File

@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ final class DisableableTextField: NSTextField {
self.textColor = isEnabled ? .controlTextColor : .disabledControlTextColor

View File

@ -50,5 +50,4 @@ extension DispatchQueue {
return try DispatchQueue.main.sync(execute: work)

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ private enum OSALineEnding: FourCharCode {
self = .ps
@ -478,7 +477,6 @@ extension Document {
viewController[keyPath: keyPath] = value
@ -505,7 +503,6 @@ private extension NSString.CompareOptions {
@ -548,5 +545,4 @@ private extension NSString {
return foundRange

View File

@ -1248,7 +1248,6 @@ final class Document: NSDocument, AdditionalDocumentPreparing, EncodingHolder {
@ -1283,7 +1282,6 @@ private enum ReinterpretationError: LocalizedError {
return "The file may have been saved using a different text encoding, or it may not be a text file.".localized
@ -1372,5 +1370,4 @@ private struct EncodingError: LocalizedError, RecoverableError {
windowContentController?.showSidebarPane(index: .warnings)

View File

@ -111,5 +111,4 @@ final class DocumentAnalyzer {
self.result = result

View File

@ -346,7 +346,6 @@ final class DocumentController: NSDocumentController {
context.perform(from: self, flag: didCloseAll)
@ -402,5 +401,4 @@ private struct DocumentReadError: LocalizedError, RecoverableError {
(recoveryOptionIndex == 0)

View File

@ -155,5 +155,4 @@ struct DocumentFile {
return (string, encoding)

View File

@ -173,5 +173,4 @@ final class DocumentInspectorViewController: NSViewController {
.store(in: &self.documentObservers)

View File

@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ extension DocumentViewController: NSTouchBarDelegate {
@ -168,7 +167,6 @@ extension DocumentViewController: TouchBarItemValidations {
return true

View File

@ -962,7 +962,6 @@ final class DocumentViewController: NSSplitViewController, ThemeHolder, NSToolba
return self.splitViewController?.focusedChild

View File

@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ final class DocumentWindow: NSWindow {
titlebarView.wantsLayer = !self.isOpaque
titlebarView.layer?.backgroundColor = self.isOpaque ? nil : NSColor.windowBackgroundColor.cgColor(for: self.effectiveAppearance)
@ -209,5 +208,4 @@ extension DocumentWindow {
return super.validateMenuItem(menuItem)

View File

@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ final class DocumentWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
popUpButton.item(at: 1)?.tag = deletedTag
@ -614,7 +613,6 @@ extension DocumentWindowController: NSToolbarDelegate {
return NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier)
@ -629,7 +627,6 @@ extension DocumentWindowController: NSToolbarItemValidation {
return item.action == nil
@ -639,5 +636,4 @@ extension NSDocument: NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItemDelegate {

View File

@ -61,5 +61,4 @@ final class DotView: NSView {

View File

@ -103,5 +103,4 @@ final class DraggableArrayController: NSArrayController, NSTableViewDataSource {
return true

View File

@ -155,5 +155,4 @@ final class DraggableHostingView<Content>: NSHostingView<Content> where Content:
self.frame.origin.y.clamp(to: self.margin...maxY)

View File

@ -70,5 +70,4 @@ final class EditPaneController: NSViewController {
UserDefaults.standard[.completesSyntaxWords] ||

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ extension EditorCountResult.Count {
return "\(self.entire?.formatted() ?? "-") (\(self.selected.formatted()))"
@ -169,5 +168,4 @@ final actor EditorCounter {
return result

View File

@ -61,5 +61,4 @@ extension EditorTextView: ColorCodeReceiver {
self.selectedRange = NSRange(location: range.location, length: colorCode.length)

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ extension EditorTextView: Commenting {
@ -218,7 +217,6 @@ extension Commenting {
return false
@ -280,7 +278,6 @@ extension NSRange {
return NSRange(location: location, length: length)
@ -376,5 +373,4 @@ extension String {
return delimiterRanges.isEmpty ? nil : delimiterRanges

View File

@ -626,7 +626,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
self.addSelectedColumn(affinity: .upstream)
@ -728,7 +727,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
self.replace(with: replacementStrings, ranges: replacementRanges, selectedRanges: selectedRanges)
@ -769,5 +767,4 @@ private extension NSAttributedString {
return isForward ? trimmedRange.lowerBound : trimmedRange.upperBound

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ extension EditorTextView: Indenting {
self.convertIndentation(style: .tab)
@ -210,5 +209,4 @@ extension Indenting {
self.replace(with: replacementStrings, ranges: replacementRanges, selectedRanges: nil,
actionName: "Convert Indentation".localized)

View File

@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
self.replace(with: newString, range: lineRange, selectedRange: lineRange,
actionName: "Sort Lines".localized)
@ -446,5 +445,4 @@ extension String {
return EditingInfo(strings: [newString], ranges: [lineRange], selectedRanges: [lineRange])

View File

@ -121,5 +121,4 @@ extension EditorTextView {
self.font = font

View File

@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
@ -99,5 +98,4 @@ extension NSTextView {
return self.replace(with: replacementStrings, ranges: selectedRanges, selectedRanges: newSelectedRanges)

View File

@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
return super.touchBar(touchBar, makeItemForIdentifier: identifier)
@ -110,7 +109,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
self.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: candidate)
@ -129,5 +127,4 @@ extension EditorTextViewController {
return candidates

View File

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: allowedCharacters) ?? $0
@ -236,7 +235,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
.replacingOccurrences(of: "[]", with: "'", options: .regularExpression)
@ -276,5 +274,4 @@ private extension NSTextView {

View File

@ -1645,7 +1645,6 @@ final class EditorTextView: NSTextView, Themable, CurrentLineHighlighting, Multi
@ -1801,7 +1800,6 @@ extension EditorTextView {
@ -1880,5 +1878,4 @@ extension EditorTextView {
// treat `.` and `:` as word delimiter
return (self.string as NSString).rangeOfCharacter(until: CharacterSet(charactersIn: ".:"), at: location, range: proposedWordRange)

View File

@ -314,7 +314,6 @@ final class EditorTextViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate {
@ -340,7 +339,6 @@ extension EditorTextViewController: NSUserInterfaceValidations {
return true
@ -354,7 +352,6 @@ extension EditorTextViewController: NSFontChanging {
[.collection, .face, .size]
@ -367,5 +364,4 @@ private extension MultiCursorEditing {
!self.hasMultipleInsertions && (self.string as NSString).substring(with: self.selectedRange).compareCount(with: 1) == .equal

View File

@ -203,5 +203,4 @@ final class EditorViewController: NSSplitViewController {
self.textViewItem?.viewController as? EditorTextViewController

View File

@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ struct EncodingListView: View {
self.encodingItems.removeAll { $0.isSeparator && self.selectedItems.contains($ }
@ -211,7 +210,6 @@ private struct EncodingView: View {
CFStringConvertEncodingToIANACharSetName(self.encoding) as String? ?? ""
@ -230,5 +228,4 @@ struct EncodingListView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

View File

@ -145,5 +145,4 @@ final class EncodingManager {
UserDefaults.standard[.encodingList] = { CFStringEncoding(exactly: $0) ?? kCFStringEncodingInvalidId }

View File

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ struct FileDropItem {
? true
: self.extensions.contains { $0.lowercased() == pathExtension?.lowercased() }
@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ extension FileDropItem {
.compactMapValues { $0 }
@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ extension FileDropItem {
return "(If the dropped file is an image) image height."
@ -210,5 +207,4 @@ extension FileDropItem {
return dropText

View File

@ -251,5 +251,4 @@ final class FileDropPaneController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTex

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ struct FileEncoding: Equatable {
? String(localized: "\(localizedName) with BOM", comment: "Unicode (UTF-8) with BOM")
: localizedName
@ -57,5 +56,4 @@ extension FileEncoding {
(self.withUTF8BOM ? -1 : 1) * Int(self.encoding.rawValue)

View File

@ -38,5 +38,4 @@ extension FileManager {
return url

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ struct FilePermissions {
self.user.humanReadable + + self.others.humanReadable
@ -82,5 +81,4 @@ extension FilePermissions: CustomStringConvertible {

View File

@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ final class FilePermissionsFormatter: Formatter {

View File

@ -105,5 +105,4 @@ final class FilterField: NSSearchField {
buttonCell.image = self.stringValue.isEmpty ? self.image : self.filteringImage

View File

@ -84,5 +84,4 @@ final class FindPanelButtonViewController: NSViewController {
assertionFailure("Number of the find button segments must be 2.")

View File

@ -220,7 +220,6 @@ final class FindPanelContentViewController: NSSplitViewController, TextFinderDel
self.resultSplitViewItem?.isCollapsed = true
self.splitView.needsDisplay = true

View File

@ -50,5 +50,4 @@ final class FindPanelController: NSWindowController {

View File

@ -316,5 +316,4 @@ final class FindPanelFieldViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate {
// add extra scroll margin to the right side of the textView, so that entire input can be read
textView.enclosingScrollView?.contentView.contentInsets.right = textField.frame.width

View File

@ -115,5 +115,4 @@ final class FindPanelLayoutManager: NSLayoutManager, NSLayoutManagerDelegate, In

View File

@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ final class FindPanelResultViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDataSour range)
@ -219,5 +218,4 @@ extension FindPanelResultViewController {
UserDefaults.standard.restore(key: .findResultViewFontSize)

View File

@ -36,5 +36,4 @@ final class FindPanelSplitView: NSSplitView {
super.drawDivider(in: rect)

View File

@ -62,5 +62,4 @@ final class FindPanelTextClipView: NSClipView {
frame.size.width -= self.leadingPadding + self.trailingPadding

View File

@ -166,5 +166,4 @@ class FindPanelTextView: NSTextView {

View File

@ -56,5 +56,4 @@ final class FindProgress: ObservableObject {
return Double(self.completedUnit) / Double(self.scope.count)

View File

@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ struct FindProgressView: View {
self.description = self.unit.format(self.progress)
@ -161,5 +160,4 @@ struct FindProgressView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
FindProgressView("Label", unit: .find, progress: .init(scope: 0..<100))

View File

@ -33,5 +33,4 @@ final class FlippedClipView: NSClipView {

View File

@ -629,5 +629,4 @@ final class FormatPaneController: NSViewController, NSMenuItemValidation, NSTabl

View File

@ -34,5 +34,4 @@ extension FourCharCode: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
self = value.utf16.reduce(0) { (code, character) in (code << 8) + FourCharCode(character) }

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ extension FuzzyRange {
? String(self.location)
: String(self.location) + ":" + String(self.length)
@ -162,7 +161,6 @@ extension String {
return lineRange.location + rangeInLine.location
@ -182,5 +180,4 @@ enum FuzzyLocationError: Error {
return "The column number \(column) is out of the range."

View File

@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ final class GeneralPaneController: NSViewController {
self.cltPathField?.isHidden = !status.installed
self.cltPathField?.stringValue = String(localized: "installed at \(CommandLineToolManager.shared.linkURL.path)")
@ -181,5 +180,4 @@ final class UpdatesViewController: NSViewController {

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ extension CGPoint: Scalable {
CGPoint(x: scale * self.x, y: scale * self.y)
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ extension CGSize: Scalable {
CGSize(width: scale * self.width, height: scale * self.height)
@ -59,7 +57,6 @@ extension CGRect: Scalable {
CGRect(x: scale * self.origin.x, y: scale * self.origin.y, width: scale * self.width, height: scale * self.height)
@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ extension CGPoint {
self.offsetBy(dx: size.width, dy: size.height)
@ -137,5 +133,4 @@ extension CGRect {
self.insetBy(dx: size.width, dy: size.height)

View File

@ -89,15 +89,14 @@ struct GoToLineView: View {
/// Submit the current input.
private func submit() {
let lineRange = FuzzyRange(string: self.value),
else { return NSSound.beep() }
@ -110,5 +109,4 @@ struct GoToLineView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
GoToLineView(lineRange: FuzzyRange(location: 1, length: 1)) { _ in true }

View File

@ -74,5 +74,4 @@ private extension HUDView.Symbol {
return "arrow.triangle.capsulepath"

View File

@ -56,5 +56,4 @@ final class HeadingMenuItem: NSMenuItem {
.foregroundColor: NSColor.disabledControlTextColor,

View File

@ -44,5 +44,4 @@ struct HelpButton: NSViewRepresentable {
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSButton, context: Context) { }

View File

@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ extension HighlightDefinition {
@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ private struct BeginEndStringExtractor: HighlightExtractable {
return ranges
@ -126,7 +124,6 @@ private struct RegularExpressionExtractor: HighlightExtractable {
try self.regex.cancellableMatches(in: string, options: [.withTransparentBounds, .withoutAnchoringBounds], range: range)
@ -160,5 +157,4 @@ private struct BeginEndRegularExpressionExtractor: HighlightExtractable {
return beginRange.union(endRange)

View File

@ -212,5 +212,4 @@ struct HighlightParser {
.flatMap { (type, ranges) in { ItemRange(item: type, range: $0) } }

View File

@ -49,5 +49,4 @@ final class ImageRadioButton: NSButton {
+ NSAttributedString(string: " ")
+ self.attributedTitle

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More