Add "Complete" action to menu

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2016-10-07 03:07:17 +09:00
parent 8632cd1394
commit 241b8b9b4d
20 changed files with 71 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -5,9 +5,15 @@ Change Log
### Improvements
- Add “Complete” action to “Edit” menu.
- On macOS Sierra, the default shortcut for completion action was changed to `⌥⎋`.
### Fixes
- Fix an issue where text completion list did occasionally not displayed.
- Fix an issue where text completion list didn't occasionally display.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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@ -234,19 +234,8 @@
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@ -341,20 +330,29 @@
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@ -365,6 +363,7 @@
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@ -380,11 +379,11 @@
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View File

@ -200,6 +200,15 @@
<action selector="delete:" target="Ady-hI-5gd" id="Ftk-bU-BQH"/>
<menuItem title="Complete" id="Qa9-dA-CF1">
<string key="keyEquivalent" base64-UTF8="YES">
<modifierMask key="keyEquivalentModifierMask" option="YES"/>
<action selector="complete:" target="Ady-hI-5gd" id="xdV-uV-Chm"/>
<menuItem title="Select All" keyEquivalent="a" id="172">
<action selector="selectAll:" target="Ady-hI-5gd" id="Rho-pS-oPz"/>

View File

@ -22,7 +22,10 @@
<p>To complete words, follow the instruction below:</p>
<li>Type the first few letters of a word.</li>
<li>Press F5 or ESC.</li>
<li>Select “Complete” action in “Edit” menu, or press:<ul>
<li>Opt + Esc <small>(on macOS Sierra and later)</small></li>
<li>F5 or ESC <small>(on OS X El Capitan an earlier)</small></li>
<li>Choose the word you want to input from the pop-up list.</li>

View File

@ -22,7 +22,12 @@
<li>F5 または ESC キーを押下します。</li>
<li>macOS Sierra では Opt + ESC, El Capitan 以下では F5 または ESC キーを押下します。</li>
<li>Opt + Esc <small>(macOS Sierra 以降)</small></li>
<li>F5 または ESC <small>(OS X El Capitan 未満)</small></li>

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ final class EditPaneController: NSViewController {
// MARK: Private Properties
private dynamic var completionHintMessage = ""
private dynamic var isValidCompletion = true
@ -73,14 +73,11 @@ final class EditPaneController: NSViewController {
/// update hint for word completion
private func updateCompletionHintMessage() {
if !Defaults[.completesDocumentWords] &&
!Defaults[.completesSyntaxWords] &&
self.completionHintMessage = "⚠️ " + NSLocalizedString("Select at least one item to enable completion.", comment: "")
} else {
self.completionHintMessage = String(format: NSLocalizedString("Completion can be performed manually with: %@ or %@", comment: ""), "Esc", "⌘.")
self.isValidCompletion = (
Defaults[.completesDocumentWords] ||
Defaults[.completesSyntaxWords] ||

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ final class MenuKeyBindingManager: KeyBindingManager {
let shortcut = self.shortcut(for: action, defaults: false)
guard shortcut.modifierMask.contains(.command) else { return .none }
guard !shortcut.keyEquivalent.isEmpty, !shortcut.modifierMask.isEmpty else { return .none }
return shortcut
@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ final class MenuKeyBindingManager: KeyBindingManager {
let shortcut = self.shortcut(for: action)
// apply only if keyEquivalent exists and the Command key is included
guard shortcut.modifierMask.contains(.command) else { return }
// apply only if both keyEquivalent and modifierMask exist
guard !shortcut.keyEquivalent.isEmpty, !shortcut.modifierMask.isEmpty else { return }
menuItem.keyEquivalent = shortcut.keyEquivalent
menuItem.keyEquivalentModifierMask = shortcut.modifierMask

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ struct Shortcut: Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
0x08: "", // = Backspace, (delete backword)
0x03: "", // = Enter
0x31: "", // = Backtab
0x33: "", // = Escape
0x1b: "", // = Escape
// cast key from Int to UnicodeScalar

View File

@ -87,3 +87,6 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Suggest completions while typing"; ObjectID = "J1B-wA-rdr"; */
"J1B-wA-rdr.title" = "Während der Texteingabe Vervollständigungen vorschlagen";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "⚠️ Select at least one item to enable completion."; ObjectID = "dmb-pc-4M5"; */
"dmb-pc-4M5.title" = "⚠️ Wählen Sie mindestens ein Element, um die Vervollständigung zu aktivieren.";

View File

@ -308,13 +308,6 @@
"Stylesheet Keywords" = "CSS-Schlüsselwörter";
/* MARK: CEPreferencesWindowController */
// Hint message for the completion list
"Completion can be performed manually with: %@ or %@" = "Vervollständigung manuell durchführen mit: %@ oder %@";
"Select at least one item to enable completion." = "Wählen Sie mindestens ein Element, um die Vervollständigung zu aktivieren.";
// Genearal pane
// Autosave setting update alert
"The change will be applied first at the next launch." = "Die Änderung wird erst beim nächsten Start angewendet.";

View File

@ -129,6 +129,8 @@
"171.title" = "Einsetzen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "164"; */
"164.title" = "Löschen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Complete"; ObjectID = "Qa9-dA-CF1"; */
"Qa9-dA-CF1.title" = "Vervollständigen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "172"; */
"172.title" = "Alles auswählen";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select Line"; ObjectID = "Cwp-ys-LJc"; */

View File

@ -88,3 +88,6 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Suggest completions while typing"; ObjectID = "J1B-wA-rdr"; */
"J1B-wA-rdr.title" = "Suggerisci completamento durante linserimento";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "⚠️ Select at least one item to enable completion."; ObjectID = "dmb-pc-4M5"; */
"dmb-pc-4M5.title" = "⚠️ Selezionare almeno un elemento per azionare il completamento.";

View File

@ -309,13 +309,6 @@
"Stylesheet Keywords" = "Parole chiave CSS";
/* MARK: CEPreferencesWindowController */
// Hint message for the completion list
"Completion can be performed manually with: %@ or %@" = "Il completamento si può effettuare a mano con %@ oppure %@";
"Select at least one item to enable completion." = "Selezionare almeno un elemento per azionare il completamento.";
// Genearal pane
// Autosave setting update alert
"The change will be applied first at the next launch." = "La modifica verrà applicata al prossimo avvio.";

View File

@ -130,6 +130,8 @@
"171.title" = "Incolla";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "164"; */
"164.title" = "Elimina";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Complete"; ObjectID = "Qa9-dA-CF1"; */
"Qa9-dA-CF1.title" = "Completa";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "172"; */
"172.title" = "Seleziona tutto";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select Line"; ObjectID = "Cwp-ys-LJc"; */

View File

@ -87,3 +87,6 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Suggest completions while typing"; ObjectID = "J1B-wA-rdr"; */
"J1B-wA-rdr.title" = "入力中に補完候補を表示";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "⚠️ Select at least one item to enable completion."; ObjectID = "dmb-pc-4M5"; */
"dmb-pc-4M5.title" = "⚠️ 入力補完を有効にするためには1つ以上の項目を選択する必要があります。";

View File

@ -310,13 +310,6 @@
"Stylesheet Keywords" = "スタイルシートキーワード";
/* MARK: CEPreferencesWindowController */
// Hint message for the completion list
"Completion can be performed manually with: %@ or %@" = "入力補完候補リストの表示: %@ もしくは %@";
"Select at least one item to enable completion." = "入力補完を有効にするためには1つ以上の項目を選択する必要があります。";
// Genearal pane
// Autosave setting update alert
"The change will be applied first at the next launch." = "この変更は次回アプリケーション起動時に適用されます。";

View File

@ -129,6 +129,8 @@
"171.title" = "ペースト";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "164"; */
"164.title" = "削除";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Complete"; ObjectID = "Qa9-dA-CF1"; */
"Qa9-dA-CF1.title" = "単語入力補完";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "172"; */
"172.title" = "すべてを選択";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select Line"; ObjectID = "Cwp-ys-LJc"; */

View File

@ -88,3 +88,6 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Suggest completions while typing"; ObjectID = "J1B-wA-rdr"; */
"J1B-wA-rdr.title" = "忽略字符串中的制表符和换行符";
/* Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "⚠️ Select at least one item to enable completion."; ObjectID = "dmb-pc-4M5"; */
"dmb-pc-4M5.title" = "⚠️ 至少选择一个条目来激活补全。";

View File

@ -307,13 +307,6 @@
"Stylesheet Keywords" = "样式表关键字";
/* MARK: CEPreferencesWindowController */
// Hint message for the completion list
"Completion can be performed manually with: %@ or %@" = "补全可以通过 %@ 或 %@ 手动完成";
"Select at least one item to enable completion." = "至少选择一个条目来激活补全。";
// Genearal pane
// Autosave setting update alert
"The change will be applied first at the next launch." = "变更将在下次启动时生效。";

View File

@ -131,6 +131,8 @@
"171.title" = "粘贴";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Delete"; ObjectID = "164"; */
"164.title" = "删除";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Complete"; ObjectID = "Qa9-dA-CF1"; */
"Qa9-dA-CF1.title" = "联想";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select All"; ObjectID = "172"; */
"172.title" = "全选";
/* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Select Line"; ObjectID = "Cwp-ys-LJc"; */