Improve guidance of sample scripts

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2014-11-22 02:23:40 +01:00
parent 57502c6f50
commit c5fec360a0
42 changed files with 68 additions and 255 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ changelog
- Update “R” syntax style:
- Add file name `.Rprofile` to file mapping.
- Update documents for scripting with AppleScript.
- Rename some sample scripts that had Japanese file names to English.
- Update sample scripts.
- Remove syntax style for “eRuby”.

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<li>Add file name <code>.Rprofile</code> to file mapping.</li>
<li>Update documents for scripting with AppleScript.</li>
<li>Rename some sample scripts that had Japanese file names to English.</li>
<li>Update sample scripts.</li>
<li>Remove syntax style for “eRuby”.</li>

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<li>ファイル名 <code>.Rprofile</code> をファイル関連付けに追加</li>
<li>ドキュメント「AppleScript でのスクリプト作成」を更新</li>
<li>“eRuby” シンタックス定義を削除</li>

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Input Current Time.applescript
Sample Script for CotEditor
Insert current time stamp to the insertion point.
This script was based on the following article (2005-10-09)
modified by 1024jp on 2014-11-22
property format : "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
tell application "CotEditor"
if not (exists front document) then return
tell front document
set contents of selection to (do shell script "date " & quoted form of ("+" & format))
end tell
end tell

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Mac OS X 10.5+ &
(* written by nakamuxu. 2008.01.05 *)
(* modified by 1024jp. 2014-10-11 *)
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
tell front document
set oldRange to range of selection as list
set len to item 2 of oldRange
if len > 0 then
set copyStr to contents of selection
set loc to item 1 of oldRange
set range of selection to {loc + len, 0}
set contents of selection to copyStr
end if
end tell
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Mac OS X 10.5+ &
(* written by nakamuxu. 2008.01.05 *)
(* modified by 1024jp. 2014-10-11 *)
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
tell front document
set oldRange to range of selection as list
set len to item 2 of oldRange
if len > 0 then
set copyStr to contents of selection
set loc to item 1 of oldRange
set range of selection to {loc, 0}
set contents of selection to copyStr
end if
end tell
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
(* written by nakamuxu. 2005.03.14 *)
property beginStr : "<!-- "
property endStr : " -->"
property preMargin : 0
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set {loc, len} to range of selection of front document
if (len = 0) then
set newStr to beginStr & endStr
if (preMargin = 0) then
set numOfMove to count of character of beginStr
set numOfMove to preMargin
end if
else if (len > 0) then
set curStr to contents of selection of front document
set newStr to beginStr & curStr & endStr
if (preMargin = 0) then
set numOfMove to count of character of newStr
set numOfMove to preMargin
end if
end if
set contents of selection of front document to newStr
set range of selection of front document to {loc + numOfMove, 0}
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
(* written by 1024jp. 2014-10-11 *)
Open in Safari.applescript
Sample Script for CotEditor
Open the frontmost document in Safari.
modified by 1024jp on 2014-11-22
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set theFile to file of front document
if theFile exists then
tell application "Safari"
open theFile
end tell
end if
end if
end tell
set theFile to file of front document
-- do nothing if the frontmost document has not been saved.
if not theFile exists then return
tell application "Safari"
open theFile
end tell
end tell

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set (contents of selection of front document) to (do shell script "date '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' | sed 's/00$/:00/'")
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\b\fs32 \cf0 About AppleScript Template Files
\f1\b0\fs24 \
\cf0 2005.04.14\
\cf0 \
\f0\b \cf0 tmp_1.applescript
\f1\b0 \
Replaces the selection of the frontmost window with a user-defined string, then selects the inserted string.\
\f0\b tmp_2.applescript
\f1\b0 \
Replaces the selection of the frontmost window with a user-defined string, then places the caret right after the inserted string.\
\f0\b tmp_3.applescript
\f1\b0 \
Wraps the selection of the frontmost window with two user-defined strings, then places the caret right after the inserted strings. If no selection is made, places the caret between the two strings.\

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f1\fnil\fcharset78 HiraKakuPro-W6;\f2\fnil\fcharset78 HiraKakuPro-W3;
\f3\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
\f0\b\fs30 \cf0 AppleScript
\f1 \'83\'65\'83\'93\'83\'76\'83\'8c\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'83\'74\'83\'40\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'82\'c9\'82\'c2\'82\'a2\'82\'c4
\f2\b0\fs24 \
\cf0 2005.04.14\
\cf0 \
\f0\b \cf0 tmp_1.applescript
\f3\b0 \
\f2 \cf0 \'8d\'c5\'91\'4f\'96\'ca\'82\'cc\'83\'45\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'68\'83\'45\'82\'cc\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'f0\'90\'dd\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'c5\'92\'75\'82\'ab\'8a\'b7\'82\'a6\'81\'41\'92\'75\'82\'ab\'8a\'b7\'82\'a6\'82\'bd\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'f0\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'8f\'f3\'91\'d4\'82\'c9\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\f0\b \cf0 tmp_2.applescript
\f3\b0 \
\f2 \cf0 \'8d\'c5\'91\'4f\'96\'ca\'82\'cc\'83\'45\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'68\'83\'45\'82\'cc\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'f0\'90\'dd\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'c5\'92\'75\'82\'ab\'8a\'b7\'82\'a6\'81\'41\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'82\'f0\'92\'75\'82\'ab\'8a\'b7\'82\'a6\'82\'e7\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'cc\'92\'bc\'8c\'e3\'82\'c9\'88\'da\'93\'ae\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\f0\b \cf0 tmp_3.applescript
\f3\b0 \
\f2 \cf0 \'8d\'c5\'91\'4f\'96\'ca\'82\'cc\'83\'45\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'68\'83\'45\'82\'cc\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'f0\'90\'dd\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'82\'d3\'82\'bd\'82\'c2\'82\'cc\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'c5\'88\'cd\'82\'dd\'81\'41\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'82\'f0\'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'a2\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'cc\'92\'bc\'8c\'e3\'82\'c9\'88\'da\'93\'ae\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'aa\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'82\'c6\'82\'ab\'82\'cd\'81\'41\'82\'d3\'82\'bd\'82\'c2\'82\'cc\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'cc\'8a\'d4\'82\'c9\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'82\'f0\'88\'da\'93\'ae\'82\'b3\'82\'b9\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
property newStr
(* written by nakamuxu. 2005.04.14 *)
property newStr : "TEMPLATE"
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set contents of selection of front document to newStr
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
property newStr
(* written by nakamuxu. 2005.04.14 *)
property newStr : "TEMPLATE"
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set {loc, len} to range of selection of front document
set numOfMove to count of character of newStr
set contents of selection of front document to newStr
set range of selection of front document to {loc + numOfMove, 0}
end if
end tell

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
property beginStr endStr
property preMargin 0 preMargin
(* written by nakamuxu. 2005.04.14 *)
property beginStr : "<h1>"
property endStr : "</h1>"
property preMargin : 0
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
set {loc, len} to range of selection of front document
if (len = 0) then
set newStr to beginStr & endStr
if (preMargin = 0) then
set numOfMove to count of character of beginStr
set numOfMove to preMargin
end if
else if (len > 0) then
set curStr to contents of selection of front document
set newStr to beginStr & curStr & endStr
if (preMargin = 0) then
set numOfMove to count of character of newStr
set numOfMove to preMargin
end if
end if
set contents of selection of front document to newStr
set range of selection of front document to {loc + numOfMove, 0}
end if
end tell

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Ruby Scripts
written by yosito for CotEditor.

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 BitstreamVeraSansMono-Roman;}
\f0\b\fs26 \cf0 Ruby scripts
\b0\fs24 \
written by
\f1 yosito for CotEditor.\

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Sample Shell Script for CotEditor
# %%%{CotEditorXInput=Selection}%%%
# %%%{CotEditorXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%
INPUT=`cat -`
echo "<h1>${INPUT}</h1>"
echo "<h1>${INPUT}</h1>"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Sample Perl Script for CotEditor
# %%%{CotEditorXInput=Selection}%%%
# %%%{CotEditorXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%
$INPUT=`cat -`;
$INPUT =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
print $INPUT;
print $INPUT;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
#! /usr/bin/php -q
# Sample PHP Script for CotEditor
# %%%{CotEditorXInput=Selection}%%%
# %%%{CotEditorXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%
@ -13,4 +16,4 @@ do {
$OUTPUT = mb_convert_kana($INPUT, "R", "UTF-8");
fwrite(STDOUT, $OUTPUT);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# xx)pre.rb
# Sample Ruby Script for CotEditor
# %%%{CotEditorXInput=Selection}%%%
# %%%{CotEditorXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ print <<PRETAG

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Sample Python Script for CotEditor
# %%%{CotEditorXInput=Selection}%%%
# %%%{CotEditorXOutput=ReplaceSelection}%%%