Add "Apple Modified NFD" normalization (#445)

This commit is contained in:
1024jp 2015-10-06 18:27:16 +02:00
parent 5bb332cb3c
commit d0042e3a2d
15 changed files with 335 additions and 237 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ develop
### Additions/Changes
- Add new normalization form “Apple Modified NFD” to the Unicode normalization action in Utility menu (Thanks to doraTeX!)
- cf. <> (in Japanese)
- It is also added to the AppleScript terms.
- Update “JSON” syntax style:
- Add “geojson” to extension list.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="" version="3.0" toolsVersion="8191" systemVersion="14F27" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES">
<document type="" version="3.0" toolsVersion="8191" systemVersion="15A284" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none" useAutolayout="YES">
<deployment identifier="macosx"/>
<plugIn identifier="" version="8191"/>
@ -849,6 +849,11 @@
<action selector="normalizeUnicodeWithNFKCCF:" target="-1" id="LyD-Xf-gVC"/>
<menuItem title="Apple Modified NFD" tag="4" id="NU7-EI-1Ct">
<action selector="normalizeUnicodeWithAppleModifiedNFD:" target="-1" id="Xwe-I5-MAZ"/>

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
<enumerator name="NFKC" code="cNkc"/>
<enumerator name="NFKD" code="cNkd"/>
<enumerator name="NFKC Casefold" code="cNcf"/>
<enumerator name="Apple Modified NFD" code="cNfa"/>
<enumeration name="character width type" code="rWct">

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CEUNFType) {
CENFKC = 'cNkc',
CENFKD = 'cNkd',
CENFKCCF = 'cNcf',
CEAppleModifiedNFD = 'cNfa',

View File

@ -353,6 +353,9 @@
[textView normalizeUnicodeWithNFKCCF:command];
case CEAppleModifiedNFD:
[textView normalizeUnicodeWithAppleModifiedNFD:command];

View File

@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
- (IBAction)normalizeUnicodeWithNFKD:(nullable id)sender;
- (IBAction)normalizeUnicodeWithNFKC:(nullable id)sender;
- (IBAction)normalizeUnicodeWithNFKCCF:(nullable id)sender;
- (IBAction)normalizeUnicodeWithAppleModifiedNFD:(nullable id)sender;
- (IBAction)editColorCode:(nullable id)sender;

View File

@ -925,7 +925,8 @@ static NSPoint kTextContainerOrigin;
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithNFC:)) ||
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithNFKD:)) ||
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithNFKC:)) ||
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithNFKCCF:)))
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithNFKCCF:)) ||
([menuItem action] == @selector(normalizeUnicodeWithAppleModifiedNFD:)))
return ([self selectedRange].length > 0);
@ -2269,6 +2270,18 @@ static NSPoint kTextContainerOrigin;
// ------------------------------------------------------
/// Unicode normalization (Apple Modified NFD)
- (IBAction)normalizeUnicodeWithAppleModifiedNFD:(nullable id)sender
// ------------------------------------------------------
[self transformSelectionWithActionName:NSLocalizedString( @"Apple Modified NFD", @"name of an Uniocode normalization type")
operationHandler:^NSString *(NSString *substring)
return [substring decomposedStringWithHFSPlusMapping];
// ------------------------------------------------------
/// tell selected string to color code panel

View File

@ -32,4 +32,8 @@
/// return normalized string using NFKC_Casefold
- (nonnull NSString *)precomposedStringWithCompatibilityMappingWithCasefold;
/// return normalized string using HFS+, a.k.a. Apple Modified NFD
- (nonnull NSString *)decomposedStringWithHFSPlusMapping;

View File

@ -85,4 +85,21 @@
return result;
// ------------------------------------------------------
/// A string made by normalizing the receivers contents using the normalization form adopted by HFS+, a.k.a. Apple Modified NFD
- (nonnull NSString *)decomposedStringWithHFSPlusMapping
// ------------------------------------------------------
CFStringRef sourceStr = (__bridge CFStringRef)self;
CFIndex length = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(sourceStr);
char *destStr = (char *)malloc(length);
Boolean success = CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(sourceStr, destStr, length);
NSString *result = success ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:destStr] : self;
return result;

View File

@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
"NFKD" = "NFKD";
"NFKC" = "NFKC";
"NFKC Casefold" = "NFKC Casefold";
"Apple Modified NFD" = "Apple Modifizierte NFD";
"Inspect Character" = "Zeichen-Info einblenden";
// Menu items

View File

@ -1,36 +1,51 @@
\readonlydoc1\cocoascreenfonts1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;\f2\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;
\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;\f4\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier-Bold;}
\f0\b\fs32 \cf0 Using AppleScript with CotEditor
\b0\fs24 \
\cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 The terminology change on CotEditor 2.2.2:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
Unicode normalization\ulnone \
A new value `
\f1 Apple Modified NFD
\f0 ` was added to the \'91normalize unicode\'92 command.\
\cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 The terminology change on CotEditor 2.2.0:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
Unicode normalization\ulnone \
A new value `
\f1 NFCK Casefold
\f0 ` was added to the \'91normalize unicode\'92 command.\
\cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 The terminology change on CotEditor 2.1.0:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
\cf0 \ul \
Tab width\ulnone \
A new property `
\f1 tab width
@ -38,11 +53,11 @@ A new property `
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 The terminology change on CotEditor 2.0.1:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
Comment handling\ulnone \
New commands `
@ -53,11 +68,11 @@ New commands `
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 The terminology change on CotEditor 2.0.0:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
Unicode normalization\ulnone \
The command `
@ -102,7 +117,7 @@ The internal code for `
\b compiled
\b0 AppleScripts (.scpt) which were written previously might need some update for this change.\
\b \cf0 How to fix
\b0 :\
@ -121,7 +136,7 @@ This issue doesn\'92t occur with plain-text AppleScript (.applescript). \
\b The terminology change on CotEditor 1.5.0:
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
Window Transparency\ulnone \
According to the changing of the mechanism to make window transparent on CotEditor 1.5, the terms about window opacity for AppleScripting was also changed. The
@ -147,25 +162,25 @@ Please note that, \ul there is no backward
In version 0.6, the initial release of CotEditor, if you didn't specify the \'91selection\'92 object, the frontmost window's contents will be selected (example 1). But it was actually didn't work correctly and therefore deprecated. This method was kept valid however to maintain backwards compatibility.\
On CotEditor 1.5, it is formally removed. Specify the target as below (example 2), when you get the \'91selection\'92 object.\
\i \cf0 example 1.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf2 tell application "CotEditor"\
contents of selection
\f4\b \ul \ulc2 of front document
\f3\b0 \ulnone \
end tell
\f0 \cf2 \
\f0 \
\cf0 \
\i \cf0 example 2.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf2 tell application "CotEditor"\
@ -176,20 +191,20 @@ end tell
end tell
\f3\b0 \ulnone \
end tell
\f0 \cf2 \
\f0 \
\cf0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\fs28 \cf0 \ul \ulc0 Class\
\fs24 \cf0 \ulnone \
\b \cf0 Application
\b0 = The CotEditor application.\
@ -213,11 +228,11 @@ end tell
tab width = The width of a tab character in space equivalents. (int) \cf3 new on CotEditor 2.1\cf0 \
wrap lines = Whether to wrap lines or not. (boolean)\
coloring style = The syntax coloring style name of the document. (Unicode text)\
\cf4 transparency = The transparency of Window or TextView. (real, from \'910.2\'92 to \'911.0\'92) \cf5 Deprecated on CotEditor 1.5\cf4 \
alpha only textView = Whether the transparency setting affects only the TextView or not. (boolean) \cf5 Deprecated on CotEditor 1.5\cf0 \
\b \cf0 Selection-object
\b0 = The current selection.\
@ -225,20 +240,20 @@ end tell
range = The range of characters in the selection. The format is "\{location, length\}".\
line range = The range of lines in the selection. The format is "\{location, length\}". (\'91length\'92 can be omitted, one line will be selected even if it were \'910\'92 or \'911\'92)\
\i \cf0 example code:
\i0 \
\f3 \cf2 contents of selection of document 1
\f0 \cf0 \
Returns the selected string in the frontmost document.\
\i \cf0 # The \'91selection\'92 property doesn't work by itself. Use this property with others such as \'91contents.\'92
\i0 \
\f3 \cf6 set contents of selection of front document to "Apple"
\f0 \cf0 \
@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ end tell
\f3 \cf7 set range of selection\cf6 of front document\cf7 to \{-15,-1\}
\f0 \cf0 \
Select from the 15th last character to the last but one (no scrolling).\
\i \cf0 # When \'91location\'92 is a negative value, the selection range starts from the \'91location\'92-th last character.\
When \'91length\'92 is a positive value, the selection range becomes the \'91length\'92 characters starting from \'91location.\'92 If \'91length\'92 is larger than the number of the rest characters in the document, the range will be from \'91location\'92 to the end.\
@ -270,11 +285,11 @@ When \'91length\'92 is a negative value, the selection range ends at the \'91len
\fs28 \cf0 \ul Command
\fs24 (properties surrounded by [ ] are options)\ulnone \
\b \cf0 \
@ -295,21 +310,21 @@ find
\b backwards
\b0 (boolean)] = Perform backwards search or not.\
return value = boolean\
\i \cf0 # The search starts from the current selection (caret position).\
For example, when not using the \'91wrap\'92 or \'91backwards\'92 options and when there are no matching string after the current selection, then false is returned.\
# The regular expression search cannot search backwards. If both options were specified at the same time, \'91RE\'92 takes precedence and \'91backwards\'92 is ignored.\
\i0 \cf0 \
\f3 \cf7 find front document for "Apple" with ignore case
\f0 \cf0 \
Searches \'93Apple\'94 with ignoring case, starting from the current selection to the end of the frontmost document, and returns the result.\
\b \cf0 \
@ -336,32 +351,32 @@ replace
\b backwards
\b0 (boolean)] = Perform backwards search or not.\
return value = int\
\i \cf0 # As in the case of the \'91find\'92 command, the search starts from the current selection (caret position). Use the \'91all\'92 option for searching the whole document.\
# After replacing the whole document using the \'91all\'92 option, the caret moves to the head of the document. If there were no matching string, the caret doesn't move.\
# The regular expression search cannot search backwards. If both options were specified at the same time, the \'91backwards\'92 option is ignored.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 replace front document for "Apple" to "Orange" with all and ignore case
\f0 \cf0 \
Searches \'93Apple\'94 with ignoring case in the frontmost document, replaces the matching strings with \'93Orange\'94 and returns the number of replacements.\
\b \cf0 \
scroll to caret
\b0 = Scrolls the window so that the caret or the selection can be seen.\
\f3 \cf7 scroll to caret front document
\f0 \cf0 \
Scrolls the frontmost window so that the caret or the selection can be seen.\
\b \cf0 \
@ -374,14 +389,14 @@ convert
\b0 (boolean) = Whether to allow \'93lossy\'94 conversion (might result in loss of character that couldn't be converted) or not.\
return value = boolean\
\f3 \cf7 convert front document to "Unicode (UTF-8)" without lossy
\f0 \cf0 \
Converts the character encoding of the frontmost window to UTF-8, returns the result.\
\b \cf0 reinterpret
\b0 = Reinterpret the document with the specified encoding.\
@ -389,20 +404,20 @@ return value = boolean\
\b as
\b0 (Unicode text) = The encoding for reinterpreting.\
return value = boolean\
\i \cf0 # Returns false if the file has never been saved.\
# Changes that are not yet saved will be lost.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 reinterpret front document as "Japanese (EUC)"
\f0 \cf0 \
Reinterprets the document with EUC-JP, returns the result.\
\b \cf0 shift left
\b0 = Shifts the current line left.\
@ -410,33 +425,33 @@ return value = boolean\
\b shift right
\b0 = Shifts the current line right.\
\f3 \cf7 shift right selection of front document
\f0 \cf0 \
Shifts the line where the selection/caret is positioned right.\
\b \cf0 comment out
\b0 = Append comment delimiters to selected text if possible.\
\b uncomment
\b0 = Remove comment delimiters from selected text if possible.\
\i \cf0 # These commands do nothing if not possible for example in cases where no delimiters are set in the current syntax style or no comment delimiters to remove are available.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 comment out selection of front document
\f0 \cf0 \
Comment out the selected text.\
\b \cf0 string
\b0 = Returns the string in the specified range regardless of the current selection.\
@ -444,81 +459,81 @@ return value = boolean\
\b in
\b0 (list) = The range.\
return value = Unicode text\
\i \cf0 # Returns an empty string if the specified range was invalid.\
# This command does not change the specified range.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 string front document in \{0, 10\}
\f0 \cf0 \
Returns the first ten letters of the document.\
\b \cf0 change case
\b0 = Uppercases/Lowercases/Capitalizes words.\
to upper/lower/capitalized\
\i \cf0 # Works only for \'91selection\'92 objects.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 change case selection of front document to upper
\f0 \cf0 \
Uppercases alphabetic words in the selection.\
\b \cf0 change roman width
\b0 = Converts between halfwidth and full-width characters.\
to half/full\
\i \cf0 # Works only for \'91selection\'92 objects.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 change roman width selection of front document to full
\f0 \cf0 \
Converts ascii characters in the selection to their full-width equivalents.\
\b \cf0 change kana
\b0 = Converts between Japanese Hiragana and Katakana.\
to hiragana/katakana\
\i \cf0 # Works only for \'91selection\'92 objects.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 change kana selection of front document to katakana
\f0 \cf0 \
Converts Hiragana in the selection to Katakana.\
\b \cf0 normalize unicode
\b0 = Performs Unicode normalization.\
to NFKC/NFD/NFC/NFKD/NFKD Casefold/Apple Modified NFD\
\i \cf0 # Works only for \'91selection\'92 objects.
\i0 \
\f3 \cf7 normalize unicode selection of front document to NFC
\f0 \cf0 \

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
\readonlydoc1{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuPro-W3;\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;
\f3\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;\f4\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier-Bold;}
\f0\fs34 \cf0 CotEditor
\f1 \'82\'cc
@ -14,39 +14,51 @@
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.2.0 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.2.2 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 Unicode\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'89\'bb\ulnone \
normalize unicode \'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68\'82\'c9\'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'ad
\f2 Apple Modified NFD
\f1 \'82\'aa\'92\'c7\'89\'c1\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.2.0 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 Unicode\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'89\'bb\ulnone \
normalize unicode \'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68\'82\'c9\'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'ad
\f2 NFCK Casefold
\f1 \'82\'aa\'92\'c7\'89\'c1\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42\
\cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.1.0 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \'83\'5e\'83\'75\'95\'9d\'82\'cc\'91\'80\'8d\'ec\ulnone \
\ul \'83\'5e\'83\'75\'95\'9d\'82\'cc\'91\'80\'8d\'ec\ulnone \
document \'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'c9\'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'ad
\f2 tab width
\f1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'aa\'92\'c7\'89\'c1\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42\
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.0.1 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\ul \'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'83\'41\'83\'45\'83\'67\'82\'c6\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'89\'f0\'8f\'9c\ulnone \
@ -58,10 +70,10 @@ selection \'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'c9\'90\'56\'82\'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.0.0 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\ul Unicode\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'89\'bb\ulnone \
@ -72,12 +84,12 @@ CotEditor 1.x \'82\'c5\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68
\f1 \'82\'c9\'89\'fc\'96\'bc\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42\'8b\'40\'94\'5c\'82\'c6\'83\'70\'83\'89\'83\'81\'81\'5b\'83\'5e\'82\'c9\'95\'cf\'8d\'58\'82\'cd\'82\'a0\'82\'e8\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\'81\'42\
\ul \'82\'b1\'82\'cc\'8c\'8f\'82\'c9\'8a\'d6\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'82\'cd\'8c\'e3\'95\'fb\'8c\'dd\'8a\'b7\'90\'ab\'82\'cd\'82\'a0\'82\'e8\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\ulnone \'82\'cc\'82\'c5\'82\'b2\'97\'b9\'8f\'b3\'82\'ad\'82\'be\'82\'b3\'82\'a2\'81\'42\
\f2 \cf0 \ul path
\f1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'cc\'94\'70\'8e\'7e
\b \ulnone \
\b0 \cf0 document \'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'cc\'83\'74\'83\'40\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'83\'70\'83\'58\'82\'f0\'93\'be\'82\'e9\'82\'bd\'82\'df\'82\'cc
\f2 path
@ -92,12 +104,12 @@ CotEditor 1.x \'82\'c5\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68
\f2 file
\f1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'f0\'89\'42\'82\'b5\'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'82\'c6\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'93\'c6\'8e\'a9\'82\'c9 document \'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'c9\'95\'74\'97\'5e\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'82\'aa\'81\'41\'82\'b1\'82\'cc\'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'cd\'8f\'ab\'97\'88\'97\'5c\'8d\'90\'82\'c8\'82\'ad\'8d\'ed\'8f\'9c\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'e9\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'90\'ab\'82\'aa\'82\'a0\'82\'e8\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\f2 \cf0 \ul range
\f1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'cc\'93\'e0\'95\'94\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68\'82\'cc\'95\'cf\'8d\'58
\b \ulnone \
\b0 \cf0 selection \'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'aa\'8e\'9d\'82\'c2
\f2 range
@ -109,7 +121,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x \'82\'c5\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68
\f2 range
\f1 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'70\'83\'65\'83\'42\'82\'f0\'8c\'a9\'82\'c2\'82\'af\'82\'e7\'82\'ea\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'90\'ab\'82\'aa\'8d\'82\'82\'a2\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\b \cf0 \'8f\'43\'90\'b3\'95\'fb\'96\'40
\b0 :\
@ -127,7 +139,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x \'82\'c5\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b CotEditor 1.5.0 \'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'89\'fc\'92\'f9\'81\'46\
\b0 \cf0 \
\ul \'83\'45\'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'68\'83\'45\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78\ulnone \
@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ CotEditor \'82\'cc\'8d\'c5\'8f\'89\'82\'cc\'83\'c0\'94\'c50.6\'82\'c5\'82\'cd\'8
\'82\'b1\'82\'cc\'8e\'64\'97\'6c\'82\'cd CotEditor 1.5 \'82\'c5\'90\'b3\'8e\'ae\'82\'c9\'94\'70\'8e\'7e\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'8a\'d6\'98\'41\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68\'82\'e0\'8d\'ed\'8f\'9c\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42\'8d\'c5\'91\'4f\'96\'ca\'83\'68\'83\'4c\'83\'85\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'82\'cc selection \'82\'f0\'93\'be\'82\'e9\'82\'bd\'82\'df\'82\'c9\'82\'cd\'97\'e12\'82\'cc\'82\'e6\'82\'a4\'82\'c9\'82\'bb\'82\'ea\'82\'f0\'96\'be\'8e\'a6\'82\'b5\'89\'ba\'82\'b3\'82\'a2\'81\'42\
\f3 \cf2 tell application "CotEditor"\
contents of selection
@ -179,11 +191,11 @@ end tell
\fs28 \cf0 \ul \ulc0 \'83\'4e\'83\'89\'83\'58
\fs24 \ulnone \
\b \cf0 Application
\b0 = CotEditor \'83\'41\'83\'76\'83\'8a\'83\'50\'81\'5b\'83\'56\'83\'87\'83\'93\
@ -207,11 +219,11 @@ end tell
tab width = \'83\'58\'83\'79\'81\'5b\'83\'58\'95\'9d\'8a\'b7\'8e\'5a\'82\'cc\'83\'5e\'83\'75\'95\'9d\'81\'69int\'8c\'5e\'81\'6a\cf3 CotEditor 2.1\'82\'c5\'92\'c7\'89\'c1\cf0 \
wrap lines = \'83\'89\'83\'62\'83\'76\'82\'b5\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'e9\'82\'a9\'82\'c7\'82\'a4\'82\'a9\'81\'69boolean\'8c\'5e\'81\'6a\
coloring style = \'83\'56\'83\'93\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'83\'58\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'81\'5b\'83\'8a\'83\'93\'83\'4f\'83\'58\'83\'5e\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'81\'69Unicode text\'8c\'5e\'81\'6a\
\cf4 transparency = \'83\'45\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'68\'83\'45\'82\'dc\'82\'bd\'82\'cd\'83\'65\'83\'4c\'83\'58\'83\'67\'83\'72\'83\'85\'81\'5b\'82\'cc\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78\'81\'69real\'8c\'5e\'81\'410.2 \'82\'a9\'82\'e7 1.0 \'82\'cc\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'81\'6a\cf5 CotEditor 1.5\'82\'c5\'94\'70\'8e\'7e\cf4 \
alpha only textView = \'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78\'82\'f0\'90\'dd\'92\'e8\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'cd\'83\'65\'83\'4c\'83\'58\'83\'67\'83\'72\'83\'85\'81\'5b\'82\'be\'82\'af\'82\'a9\'82\'c7\'82\'a4\'82\'a9\'81\'69boolean\'8c\'5e\'81\'6a\cf5 CotEditor 1.5\'82\'c5\'94\'70\'8e\'7e\cf0 \
\b \cf0 Selection-object
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'95\'94\'95\'aa\'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\
@ -220,7 +232,7 @@ end tell
line range = \'8d\'73\'92\'50\'88\'ca\'82\'c5\'82\'cc\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'81\'69\{location, length\} \'82\'cc\'8c\'5e\'81\'41length \'8f\'c8\'97\'aa\'89\'c2\'81\'42\'82\'dc\'82\'bd\'81\'41length \'82\'cd\'81\'750\'81\'76\'82\'c5\'82\'e0\'81\'751\'81\'76\'82\'c5\'82\'e0\'81\'411\'8d\'73\'82\'f0\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\'81\'6a\
\f3 \cf2 contents of selection of document 1
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -254,11 +266,11 @@ length \'82\'aa\'95\'89\'82\'c5\'82\'a0\'82\'e9\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'81\'41\'8e\'77\
\fs28 \cf0 \ul \'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68
\fs24 \'81\'69[]\'82\'c5\'88\'cd\'82\'dc\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'82\'e0\'82\'cc\'82\'cd\'83\'49\'83\'76\'83\'56\'83\'87\'83\'93\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\'81\'6a\ulnone \
\b \cf0 \
@ -283,13 +295,13 @@ find
\'97\'e1\'82\'a6\'82\'ce\'81\'41\'81\'75wrap\'81\'76\'82\'e2\'81\'75backwards\'81\'76\'82\'aa\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'c8\'82\'a9\'82\'c1\'82\'bd\'82\'c6\'82\'ab\'81\'41\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'88\'c8\'8d\'7e\'82\'c9\'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'aa\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'c9\'82\'cd false \'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
# RE\'81\'69\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'95\'5c\'8c\'bb\'8c\'9f\'8d\'f5\'81\'6a\'82\'cc\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd\'81\'41backwards\'81\'69\'8c\'e3\'95\'fb\'82\'a9\'82\'e7\'82\'cc\'8c\'9f\'8d\'f5\'81\'6a\'82\'aa\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\'81\'42\'93\'af\'8e\'9e\'82\'c9\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd RE \'82\'aa\'97\'44\'90\'e6\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'81\'41backwards \'82\'cd\'96\'b3\'8e\'8b\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\f3 \cf2 find front document for "Apple" with ignore case
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 \
@ -320,25 +332,25 @@ replace
# all \'83\'49\'83\'76\'83\'56\'83\'87\'83\'93\'82\'f0\'95\'74\'82\'af\'82\'c4\'95\'b6\'8f\'91\'91\'53\'91\'cc\'82\'f0\'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'82\'c9\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'92\'75\'8a\'b7\'82\'aa\'8d\'73\'82\'ed\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'81\'41\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'8c\'e3\'82\'cc\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'81\'69\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'81\'6a\'82\'cd\'95\'b6\'8f\'91\'82\'cc\'90\'e6\'93\'aa\'82\'c9\'82\'c8\'82\'e8\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\'82\'bd\'82\'be\'82\'b5\'81\'41\'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'aa\'8c\'a9\'82\'c2\'82\'a9\'82\'e7\'82\'c8\'82\'a9\'82\'c1\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'81\'69\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'81\'6a\'82\'cd\'95\'cf\'8d\'58\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\'81\'42\
# RE\'81\'69\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'95\'5c\'8c\'bb\'8c\'9f\'8d\'f5\'81\'6a\'82\'cc\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd\'81\'41backwards\'81\'69\'8c\'e3\'95\'fb\'82\'a9\'82\'e7\'82\'cc\'8c\'9f\'8d\'f5\'81\'6a\'82\'aa\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\'81\'42\'93\'af\'8e\'9e\'82\'c9\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd RE \'82\'aa\'97\'44\'90\'e6\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'81\'41backwards \'82\'cd\'96\'b3\'8e\'8b\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\
\f3 \cf2 replace front document for "Apple" to "Orange" with all and ignore case
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 \
scroll to caret
\b0 = \'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'8c\'83\'62\'83\'67\'82\'dc\'82\'bd\'82\'cd\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'82\'aa\'8c\'a9\'82\'a6\'82\'e9\'82\'e6\'82\'a4\'82\'c9\'83\'58\'83\'4e\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'8b\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
\f3 \cf2 scroll to caret front document
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 \
@ -351,14 +363,14 @@ convert
\b0 (boolean) = \'83\'47\'83\'93\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'66\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'4f\'93\'4b\'97\'70\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'c1\'82\'c4\'88\'ea\'95\'94\'82\'cc\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'aa\'8e\'b8\'82\'ed\'82\'ea\'82\'c4\'82\'e0\'82\'a2\'82\'a2\'82\'a9\'82\'c7\'82\'a4\'82\'a9\
\'95\'d4\'82\'e8\'92\'6c = boolean\'8c\'5e\
\f3 \cf2 convert front document to "Unicode (UTF-8)" without lossy
\f1 \cf0 \
UTF-8 \'82\'c9\'95\'cf\'8a\'b7\'82\'b5\'81\'41\'95\'cf\'8a\'b7\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'bd\'82\'a9\'82\'c7\'82\'a4\'82\'a9\'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b7\
\b \cf0 reinterpret
\b0 = \'95\'b6\'8f\'91\'82\'f0\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'83\'47\'83\'93\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'66\'83\'42\'83\'93\'83\'4f\'82\'c5\'83\'74\'83\'40\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'93\'e0\'97\'65\'82\'f0\'8d\'c4\'89\'f0\'8e\'df\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
@ -369,14 +381,14 @@ convert
# \'83\'74\'83\'40\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'82\'bb\'82\'cc\'82\'e0\'82\'cc\'82\'aa\'96\'a2\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'82\'cc\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd\'81\'41false \'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\
# \'83\'74\'83\'40\'83\'43\'83\'8b\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'95\'cf\'8d\'58\'95\'94\'95\'aa\'82\'cd\'8e\'b8\'82\'ed\'82\'ea\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\
\f3 \cf2 reinterpret front document as "Japanese (EUC)"
\f1 \cf0 \
EUC \'82\'c5\'89\'f0\'8e\'df\'82\'b5\'92\'bc\'82\'b5\'81\'41\'89\'f0\'8e\'df\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'bd\'82\'a9\'82\'c7\'82\'a4\'82\'a9\'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b7\
\b \cf0 shift left
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'82\'cc\'82\'a0\'82\'e9\'8d\'73\'82\'f0\'8d\'b6\'82\'c9\'83\'56\'83\'74\'83\'67\
@ -384,14 +396,14 @@ convert
\b shift right
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'88\'ca\'92\'75\'82\'cc\'82\'a0\'82\'e9\'8d\'73\'82\'f0\'89\'45\'82\'c9\'83\'56\'83\'74\'83\'67\
\f3 \cf2 shift right selection of front document
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 comment out
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'c9\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'82\'f0\'82\'c2\'82\'af\'82\'c4\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'89\'bb\
@ -400,14 +412,14 @@ convert
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'cc\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'82\'f0\'8e\'e6\'82\'e8\'8b\'8e\'82\'e8\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'89\'f0\'8f\'9c\
# \'8c\'bb\'8d\'dd\'82\'cc\'83\'56\'83\'93\'83\'5e\'83\'62\'83\'4e\'83\'58\'82\'c9\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'82\'aa\'90\'dd\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'c4\'82\'a2\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'81\'41\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'c9\'83\'52\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67\'8b\'4c\'8d\'86\'82\'aa\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'82\'c8\'82\'c7\'81\'41\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68\'82\'aa\'8e\'c0\'8d\'73\'82\'c5\'82\'ab\'82\'c8\'82\'a2\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'cd\'82\'c8\'82\'c9\'82\'e0\'8d\'73\'82\'a2\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\'81\'42\
\f3 \cf2 comment out selection of front document
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 string
\b0 = \'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'c9\'8a\'d6\'8c\'57\'82\'c8\'82\'ad\'81\'41\'95\'b6\'8f\'91\'92\'86\'82\'cc\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'cc\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b7\
@ -418,63 +430,63 @@ convert
# \'96\'b3\'8c\'f8\'82\'c8\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'f0\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'8f\'ea\'8d\'87\'82\'c8\'82\'c7\'82\'cd\'81\'41\'8b\'f3\'82\'cc\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'97\'f1\'82\'f0\'95\'d4\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\
# \'82\'b1\'82\'cc\'83\'52\'83\'7d\'83\'93\'83\'68\'82\'cd\'8e\'77\'92\'e8\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'91\'49\'91\'f0\'94\'cd\'88\'cd\'82\'f0\'95\'cf\'8d\'58\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b9\'82\'f1\
\f3 \cf2 string front document in \{0, 10\}
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 change case
\b0 = \'91\'e5\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'81\'5e\'8f\'ac\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'81\'5e\'83\'4c\'83\'83\'83\'73\'83\'5e\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59\'81\'69\'92\'50\'8c\'ea\'82\'cc\'83\'41\'83\'5e\'83\'7d\'82\'be\'82\'af\'91\'e5\'95\'b6\'8e\'9a\'81\'6a\'82\'c9\'92\'75\'82\'ab\'8a\'b7\'82\'a6\'82\'e9\
to upper / lower / capitalized\
# \'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'82\'c9\'8f\'6f\'97\'88\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'cdselection\'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'be\'82\'af\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\
\f3 \cf2 change case selection of front document to upper
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 change roman width
\b0 = \'94\'bc\'8a\'70\'81\'5e\'91\'53\'8a\'70\'82\'f0\'95\'cf\'8a\'b7\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
to half/full\
# \'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'82\'c9\'8f\'6f\'97\'88\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'cdselection\'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'be\'82\'af\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\
\f3 \cf2 change roman width selection of front document to full
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 change kana
\b0 = \'82\'d0\'82\'e7\'82\'aa\'82\'c8\'81\'5e\'83\'4a\'83\'5e\'83\'4a\'83\'69\'82\'f0\'95\'cf\'8a\'b7\'82\'b7\'82\'e9\
to hiragana/katakana\
# \'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'82\'c9\'8f\'6f\'97\'88\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'cdselection\'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'be\'82\'af\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\
\f3 \cf2 change kana selection of front document to katakana
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 normalize unicode
\b0 = \'83\'86\'83\'6a\'83\'52\'81\'5b\'83\'68\'90\'b3\'8b\'4b\'89\'bb\'82\'f0\'8d\'73\'82\'a4\
to NFKC/NFD/NFC/NFKD/NFKC Casefold/Apple Modified NFD\
# \'91\'ce\'8f\'db\'82\'c9\'8f\'6f\'97\'88\'82\'e9\'82\'cc\'82\'cdselection\'83\'49\'83\'75\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'be\'82\'af\'82\'c5\'82\'b7\
\f3 \cf2 normalize unicode selection of front document to NFC
\f1 \cf0 \

View File

@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
"NFKD" = "NFKD";
"NFKC" = "NFKC";
"NFKC Casefold" = "NFKC Casefold";
"Apple Modified NFD" = "Apple Modified NFD";
"Inspect Character" = "文字情報を表示";
// Menu items

View File

@ -1,33 +1,58 @@
\readonlydoc1{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset134 STHeitiSC-Light;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;
\f3\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;\f4\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;\f5\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier-Bold;
\f0\b\fs32 \cf0 \'d4\'da
\f1 CotEditor
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'ca\'b9\'d3\'c3
\f1 AppleScript
\b0\fs24 \
\cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.2.2
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
\f0 \'b9\'e9\'d2\'bb\'bb\'af
\f1 \ulnone \
\f0 \cf0 \'ce\'aa
\f1 \'91normalize unicode\'92
\f0 \'c3\'fc\'c1\'ee\'cc\'ed\'bc\'d3\'c1\'cb
\f1 `
\f2 Apple Modified NFD
\f1 `
\f0 \'b8\'f6\'d0\'c2\'b5\'c4\'d6\'b5
\f1 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.2.0
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
\f0 \'b9\'e9\'d2\'bb\'bb\'af
\f1 \ulnone \
\f0 \'ce\'aa
\f0 \cf0 \'ce\'aa
\f1 \'91normalize unicode\'92
\f0 \'c3\'fc\'c1\'ee\'cc\'ed\'bc\'d3\'c1\'cb
\f1 `
@ -35,24 +60,22 @@ Unicode
\f1 `
\f0 \'b8\'f6\'d0\'c2\'b5\'c4\'d6\'b5
\f3 \
\f1 \cf0 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.1.0
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \ulc0 \
\cf0 \ul \
\f0 \'bf\'ed\'b6\'c8
\f1 \ulnone \
\f0 \cf0 \'ce\'aa
\f1 \'91document\'92
@ -64,20 +87,20 @@ Tab
\f1 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.0.1
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
\f0 \'c3\'fc\'c1\'ee\'b4\'a6\'c0\'ed
\f0 \cf0 \'c3\'fc\'c1\'ee\'b4\'a6\'c0\'ed
\f1 \ulnone \
\f0 \cf0 \'ce\'aa
\f0 \'ce\'aa
\f1 \'91selection\'92
\f0 \'b6\'d4\'cf\'f3\'cc\'ed\'bc\'d3\'c1\'cb
\f1 `
@ -91,13 +114,13 @@ Tab
\f1 \
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 2.0.0
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
\f0 \'b9\'e9\'d2\'bb\'bb\'af
@ -115,11 +138,11 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f1 `
\f0 \'a1\'a3\'b7\'bd\'b7\'a8\'ba\'cd\'b2\'ce\'ca\'fd\'ba\'cd\'d2\'d4\'c7\'b0\'d2\'bb\'d1\'f9\'a1\'a3
\f1 \
\f0 \cf0 \'c7\'eb\'d7\'a2\'d2\'e2\'a3\'ac\'b6\'d4\'d3\'da\'d5\'e2\'b8\'f6\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af\ul \'c3\'bb\'d3\'d0\'cc\'e1\'b9\'a9\'ba\'f3\'cf\'f2\'bc\'e6\'c8\'dd\ulnone \'a1\'a3
\f3 \
\f1 \cf0 \ul \
@ -169,7 +192,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f0 \'b6\'d4\'cf\'f3
\f3 \'81\'42
\f1 \
\f0 \cf0 \'ce\'aa\'c1\'cb
\f3 \'92\'f1\'8b\'9f\'8d\'40\'8c\'fc\'8c\'93\'97\'65\'90\'ab\'81\'43
@ -204,9 +227,9 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f1 `
\f3 \'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'97\'4c\'89\'c2\'94\'5c\'8d\'dd\'96\'a2\'97\'88\'94\'ed\'95\'73\'89\'c1\'92\'ca\'8d\'90\'92\'6e\'88\'da\'8f\'9c\'81\'42
\f1 \
\cf0 \ul \
\f3 \cf0 \'8d\'58\'90\'56
\f1 `
@ -215,9 +238,8 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f3 \'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'93\'49\'93\'e0\'95\'94\'91\'e3
\f0 \'c2\'eb
\f1 \ulnone \
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'b6\'96\'7b
\f3 \'95\'b6\'96\'7b
\f0 \'d1\'a1\'d4\'f1\'b6\'d4\'cf\'f3
\f3 \'93\'49
\f1 `
@ -254,7 +276,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f3 \'89\'bb\'81\'42
\f1 \
\f3\b \cf0 \'94\'40\'89\'bd\'8f\'43\uc0\u22797
\f1\b0 :\
@ -288,7 +310,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f3 \'81\'42
\f1 \
\f0 \cf0 \'d5\'e2\'b8\'f6\'ce\'ca\'cc\'e2
\f3 \'95\'73\'89\'ef
@ -301,21 +323,20 @@ CotEditor 1.x
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\b \cf0 CotEditor 1.5.0
\f0 \'d6\'d0\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
\f1 :
\b0 \
\cf0 \ul \
\f3 \cf0 \'e2\'78\'8c\'fb\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78
\f1 \ulnone \
\f3 \cf0 \'90\'8f\'92\'85
\f3 \'90\'8f\'92\'85
\f1 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \'92\'86\'e2\'78\'8c\'fb\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'8a\'f7\'90\'a7\'93\'49
\f0 \'b1\'e4\'bb\'af
@ -348,7 +369,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 )\
\f0 \cf0 \'cf\'d6\'d4\'da
\f3 \'94\'ed
@ -369,7 +390,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f3 \'93\'9e
\f1 \'911.0\'92)\
\f3 \cf0 \'88\'f6
\f0 \'ce\'aa
@ -396,7 +417,7 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f0 \'b1\'e4
\f3 \'81\'42\'90\'b3\'94\'40\'91\'4f\'8f\'71\'81\'431.0 \'91\'e3\'95\'5c\'8a\'ae\'91\'53\'95\'73\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'81\'42
\f1 \
\f0 \cf0 \'c7\'eb
\f3 \'92\'8d\'88\'d3\'81\'43
@ -406,16 +427,15 @@ CotEditor 1.x
\f3 \ul \'96\'76\'97\'4c\'92\'f1\'8b\'9f\'8d\'40\'8c\'fc\'8c\'93\'97\'65\'90\'ab\ulnone \'81\'42
\f1 \
\f0 \cf0 \ul \'d3\'a6
\f0 \ul \'d3\'a6
\f3 \'97\'70\'93\'49\'92\'bc\'90\'da
\f0 \'d1\'a1
\f3 \'92\'86
\f0 \'b6\'d4
\f3 \'8f\'db
\f1 \ulnone \
\f3 \cf0 \'8d\'dd
\f1 CotEditor
@ -458,22 +478,22 @@ CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \'97\'e1
\f1\i 1.
\i0 \
\f4 \cf2 tell application "CotEditor"\
contents of selection
\f5\b \ul \ulc2 of front document
\f4\b0 \ulnone \
end tell
\f1 \cf2 \
\f1 \
\cf0 \
\f3 \cf0 \'97\'e1
\f1\i 2.
\i0 \
\f4 \cf2 tell application "CotEditor"\
@ -484,21 +504,21 @@ end tell
end tell
\f4\b0 \ulnone \
end tell
\f1 \cf2 \
\f1 \
\cf0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\f3\fs28 \cf0 \ul \ulc0 \uc0\u31867
\f1 \
\fs24 \cf0 \ulnone \
\b \cf0 Application
\b0 = CotEditor
@ -522,7 +542,7 @@ end tell
\f1 \'910.2\'92
\f3 \'93\'9e
\f1 \'911.0\'92) \cf3 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \'90\'56\'ed\'81
\f3 \cf3 \'90\'56\'ed\'81
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -572,7 +592,7 @@ end tell
\f3 \'93\'9e
\f1 \'9110.0\'92)\
tab width = The width of a tab character in space equivalents. (int) \cf3 CotEditor 2.1
\f3 \'90\'56\'ed\'81
\f3 \cf3 \'90\'56\'ed\'81
\f1 \cf0 \
wrap lines =
\f3 \'90\'a5\'94\'db
@ -585,28 +605,28 @@ end tell
\f0 \'b7\'e7
\f3 \'8a\'69\'96\'bc\'8e\'9a
\f1 (Unicode text)\
\cf4 transparency =
\f3 \'e2\'78\'8c\'fb\'88\'bd\'95\'b6\'96\'7b
\f3 \cf4 \'e2\'78\'8c\'fb\'88\'bd\'95\'b6\'96\'7b
\f0 \'ca\'d3\'cd\'bc
\f3 \'93\'49\'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78
\f1 (real,
\f3 \'98\'b8
\f1 \'910.2\'92
\f3 \'93\'9e
\f1 \'911.0\'92) \cf5 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \'92\'86\'9c\'50\'97\'70
\f1 \cf4 (real,
\f3 \cf4 \'98\'b8
\f1 \cf4 \'910.2\'92
\f3 \cf4 \'93\'9e
\f1 \cf4 \'911.0\'92) \cf5 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \cf5 \'92\'86\'9c\'50\'97\'70
\f1 \cf4 \
alpha only textView =
\f3 \'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78
\f3 \cf4 \'93\'a7\'96\'be\'93\'78
\f0 \'c9\'e8\'b6\'a8
\f3 \'90\'a5\'94\'db\'89\'65\uc0\u21709 \'95\'b6\'96\'7b
\f0 \'ca\'d3\'cd\'bc
\f1 (boolean) \cf5 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \'92\'86\'9c\'50\'97\'70
\f1 \cf4 (boolean) \cf5 CotEditor 1.5
\f3 \cf5 \'92\'86\'9c\'50\'97\'70
\f1 \cf0 \
\b \cf0 Selection-object
\b0 =
@ -642,13 +662,13 @@ end tell
\f3 \'92\'86
\f1 )\
\f3 \cf0 \'8e\'a6\'97\'e1\'91\'e3
\f0 \'c2\'eb
\f1\i :
\i0 \
\f4 \cf2 contents of selection of document 1
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -657,7 +677,7 @@ end tell
\f0 \'d1\'a1
\f3 \'92\'86\'8e\'9a\'95\'84\'8b\'f8
\f1 \
\i \cf0 # \'91selection\'92
\f3\i0 \'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'95\'73\'94\'5c
@ -667,7 +687,7 @@ end tell
\f0\i0 \'d5\'e2\'d1\'f9\'b5\'c4
\f3 \'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'88\'ea\'93\'af\'8e\'67\'97\'70
\f1 \
\f4 \cf6 set contents of selection of front document to "Apple"
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -716,7 +736,7 @@ end tell
\f3 \'95\'73\uc0\u28378
\f0 \'b6\'af
\f1 ).\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'93\'96
@ -727,7 +747,7 @@ end tell
\f0 \'d1\'a1\'d4\'f1\'b7\'b6\'ce\'a7\'bd\'ab\'b4\'d3\'ce\'c4\'b5\'b5\'c4\'a9\'ce\'bb\'b5\'b9\'ca\'fd\'ca\'fd\'d6\'b5\'b8\'f6\'d7\'d6\'b7\'fb\'bf\'aa\'ca\'bc
\f3 \'81\'42
\f1\i \
\f3\i0 \cf0 \'93\'96
\f1\i \'91length\'92
@ -810,14 +830,14 @@ end tell
\f3\fs28 \cf0 \ul \'96\'bd\'97\'df
\f1\fs24 ( [ ]
\f3 \'92\'86\'93\'49\'91\'ae\'90\'ab\'90\'a5\'89\'c2
\f0 \'d1\'a1\'cf\'ee
\f1 )\ulnone \
\b \cf0 \
@ -856,12 +876,12 @@ find
\f3 \'8b\'74\'8c\'fc
\f0 \'b2\'e9\'d5\'d2
\f1 \
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'d4\'89\'f1
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 = boolean\
\i \cf0 #
\f0\i0 \'b2\'e9
@ -871,7 +891,7 @@ find
\f0 \'b1\'ea\'b4\'a6
\f3 ) \uc0\u24320 \'8e\'6e
\f1\i .\
\f0\i0 \cf0 \'be\'d9\'b8\'f6\'c0\'fd\'d7\'d3
\f3 \'81\'43\'93\'96\'96\'76\'97\'4c\'8e\'67\'97\'70
@ -902,10 +922,10 @@ find
\f0 \'ca\'b1
\f3 \'81\'43\'8d\'40\'8e\'d2\'8f\'ab\'94\'ed\'8d\'9a\'97\'aa\'81\'42
\f1\i \
\i0 \cf0 \
\f4 \cf7 find front document for "Apple" with ignore case
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -919,7 +939,7 @@ find
\f3 \'89\'ca\'81\'42
\f1 \
\b \cf0 \
@ -976,12 +996,12 @@ replace
\b0 (boolean)] =
\f0 \'ca\'c7\'b7\'f1\'bd\'f8\'d0\'d0\'c4\'e6\'cf\'f2\'b2\'e9\'d5\'d2
\f1 \
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'d4\'89\'f1
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 = int\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'98\'61
@ -1042,7 +1062,7 @@ replace
\f3 \'81\'43\'8d\'40\'8e\'d2\'8f\'ab\'94\'ed\'8d\'9a\'97\'aa\'81\'42
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 replace front document for "Apple" to "Orange" with all and ignore case
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1059,7 +1079,7 @@ replace
\f3 \'90\'b6\'93\'49\'8e\'9f\'90\'94\'81\'42
\f1 \
\b \cf0 \
scroll to caret
@ -1071,7 +1091,7 @@ scroll to caret
\f3 \'81\'42
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 scroll to caret front document
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1083,7 +1103,7 @@ scroll to caret
\f3 \'81\'42
\f1 \
\b \cf0 \
@ -1115,13 +1135,13 @@ convert
\f3 \'90\'a5\'94\'db\'94\'ed\'88\'f2
\f0 \'d0\'ed\'bd\'f8\'d0\'d0
\f1 )\
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'d4\'89\'f1
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 = boolean\
\f4 \cf7 convert front document to "Unicode (UTF-8)" without lossy
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1135,7 +1155,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 reinterpret
\b0 =
@ -1151,12 +1171,12 @@ convert
\f3 \'97\'76\'8f\'64\'90\'56\'89\'f0
\f0 \'ca\'cd\'b5\'c4\'b1\'e0\'c2\'eb
\f1 \
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'d4\'89\'f1
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 = boolean\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'94\'40\'89\'ca\'95\'b6\'8c\'8f\'98\'b8\'96\'a2\'94\'ed\'95\'db\'91\'b6\'81\'43\'95\'d4\'89\'f1
@ -1169,7 +1189,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'8e\'b8
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 reinterpret front document as "Japanese (EUC)"
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1185,7 +1205,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 shift left
\b0 =
@ -1197,7 +1217,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'89\'45\'88\'da\'93\'96\'91\'4f\'8d\'73
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 shift right selection of front document
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1212,7 +1232,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 comment out
\b0 =
@ -1229,7 +1249,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'95\'b6\'96\'7b\'93\'49\'92\'8d
\f0 \'ca\'cd\'b1\'ea\'bc\'c7
\f1 \
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'94\'40\'89\'ca\'8b\'f6\'93\'9e\'96\'76\'97\'4c\'8d\'dd
@ -1243,7 +1263,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'98\'a2\'96\'bd\'97\'df\'8f\'ab\'8f\'59\uc0\u20040 \'93\'73\'95\'73\'98\'f4\'81\'42
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 comment out selection of front document
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1254,7 +1274,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 string
\b0 =
@ -1270,12 +1290,12 @@ convert
\f3 \'e4\'97
\f0 \'ce\'a7
\f1 \
\f3 \cf0 \'95\'d4\'89\'f1
\f0 \'d6\'b5
\f1 = Unicode text\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'94\'40\'89\'ca\'e4\'97
@ -1290,7 +1310,7 @@ convert
\f0 \'ce\'a7
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 string front document in \{0, 10\}
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1299,7 +1319,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 change case
\b0 =
@ -1313,7 +1333,7 @@ convert
\f3 to
\f1 upper/lower/capitalized\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'91\'fc
@ -1323,7 +1343,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'97\'4c\'9d\'c1
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 change case selection of front document to upper
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1334,7 +1354,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 change roman width
\b0 =
@ -1342,7 +1362,7 @@ convert
\f0 \'bc\'e4\'d7\'aa\'bb\'bb
\f1 \
to half/full\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'91\'fc
@ -1352,7 +1372,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'97\'4c\'9d\'c1
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 change roman width selection of front document to full
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1366,7 +1386,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 change kana
\b0 =
@ -1376,7 +1396,7 @@ convert
\f0 \'bc\'e4\'d7\'aa\'bb\'bb
\f1 \
to hiragana/katakana\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'91\'fc
@ -1386,7 +1406,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'97\'4c\'9d\'c1
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 change kana selection of front document to katakana
\f1 \cf0 \
@ -1399,7 +1419,7 @@ convert
\f1 \
\b \cf0 normalize unicode
\b0 =
@ -1409,8 +1429,8 @@ convert
\f0 \'b9\'e9\'d2\'bb\'bb\'af
\f3 \'91\'80\'8d\'ec\'81\'42
\f1 \
to NFKC/NFD/NFC/NFKD/NFKD Casefold/Apple Modified NFD\
\i \cf0 #
\f3\i0 \'91\'fc
@ -1420,7 +1440,7 @@ convert
\f3 \'97\'4c\'9d\'c1
\f1 \
\f4 \cf7 normalize unicode selection of front document to NFC
\f1 \cf0 \

View File

@ -179,6 +179,7 @@
"NFKD" = "NFKD";
"NFKC" = "NFKC";
"NFKC Casefold" = "NFKC Casefold";
"Apple Modified NFD" = "Apple Modified NFD";
"Inspect Character" = "显示字符";
// Menu items